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Okay, so I'm going for another run myself and after some cursory reading it appears that a few pairings I thought were boss have now been superseded so I'm looking for a bit of advice really.

Chrom x Sumia: I'm seeing this is the main Chrom pairing although would appreciate knowing why, because I thought Lucina and Cynthia already came with what they needed out of the box

Donnel x Sully: This is so Kjelle can get Galeforce and as far as I'm aware is pretty locked in.

Gaius x Tharja: So Noire gets Galeforce, I'm going to be taking her down the Bride route so if Donnel is going to be better for that then I can do that.

Everyone else is pretty open but was thinking (compatability permitting);

Cordelia x ???: No clue here, although I'm determined for Severa to have red hair, so that rules out a few people I'd imagine. No clue who fits with her other than that.

Maribelle x Lon'qu: Again seeing this one a lot. I thought it might be because Lon'qu gives a good speed/skill boost.

Lissa x Vaike: Was thinking a balanced Owain, with Dread Fighter goodness

Olivia x Gregor: For a physical Inigo mainly

Ricken x Miriel: For a magical Laurent mainly

Cherche x Stahl: Stahl seems to be a bit of a boss father so would give everything Fire Emblem Batman needs.

Not sure who is left for my FeMU thinking about it, plus I have Nowi and Panne, with Libra, Henry, Ricken, Virion and Kellam still available as fathers.

Thanks in advance as I'm looking for the best children available.

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Okay, so I'm going for another run myself and after some cursory reading it appears that a few pairings I thought were boss have now been superseded so I'm looking for a bit of advice really.

Chrom x Sumia: I'm seeing this is the main Chrom pairing although would appreciate knowing why, because I thought Lucina and Cynthia already came with what they needed out of the box

Donnel x Sully: This is so Kjelle can get Galeforce and as far as I'm aware is pretty locked in.

Gaius x Tharja: So Noire gets Galeforce, I'm going to be taking her down the Bride route so if Donnel is going to be better for that then I can do that.

Everyone else is pretty open but was thinking (compatability permitting);

Cordelia x ???: No clue here, although I'm determined for Severa to have red hair, so that rules out a few people I'd imagine. No clue who fits with her other than that.

Maribelle x Lon'qu: Again seeing this one a lot. I thought it might be because Lon'qu gives a good speed/skill boost.

Lissa x Vaike: Was thinking a balanced Owain, with Dread Fighter goodness

Olivia x Gregor: For a physical Inigo mainly

Ricken x Miriel: For a magical Laurent mainly

Cherche x Stahl: Stahl seems to be a bit of a boss father so would give everything Fire Emblem Batman needs.

Not sure who is left for my FeMU thinking about it, plus I have Nowi and Panne, with Libra, Henry, Ricken, Virion and Kellam still available as fathers.

Thanks in advance as I'm looking for the best children available.

From what I understand, Chrom/Sumia makes the resulting children incredibly versatile, as well as getting Cynthia Aether. I'll let someone else address the other pairs you want.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, April 13, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, April 13, 2015 - No reason given

Welp, dammit...

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Well, regarding Byron's desires, its impossible to get Severa the same shade of red hair that she has in the official concept arts.

She can get colors that skirt the boundaries of red and brown from Gregor and Ricken, whereas Gaius gives her orange hair. A male Avatar can give her a red, but not the same color as Cordelia's. And you have a female Avatar anyways, if I recall correctly.

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Hello, I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I could not find it in the search option.

Anyway, I'm playing Lunatic+ for the first time on Casual and plan on doing the Future of Dispaire and Challenge maps with my Team (and maybe Apotheosis, but I have not bought it yet). I'm mostly sure for my pairings, I just want to know what you guys think about Frederick!-Noire and Kellam!-Severa.

I want to make Noire a Paladin and give her Luna, Carrier and Lifetaker. I have not decided on the two remaining skills, but I wil probably go with Defender and Dual Guard+. ( I do not have the DLC for Limitbreaker, but I will get it if I decide to do Apo) I know that she will only have around 40 Speed, but I will pair her up with Gregor!-Yarne-Berserker to compensate for that.

Severa will either be a Hero or a Dark Knight, and I want her to be the support for my Virion!-Morgan-Dreddfighter (my FeMu has Magic as her Asset and HP as her Flaw). The skills I want to give her are Luna or Sol, Lifetaker, Renewal and Dual Guard+.

Thanks in advance for any help! : ]

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Severa will either be a Hero or a Dark Knight, and I want her to be the support for my Virion!-Morgan-Dreddfighter (my FeMu has Magic as her Asset and HP as her Flaw). The skills I want to give her are Luna or Sol, Lifetaker, Renewal and Dual Guard+.

Thanks in advance for any help! : ]

For a Paladin Noire, Fred can be a good father, don't really know, never tried but for Severa, you should avoid Kellam if you want to make her a hero. Dark Knight doesn't sound to be a good class for her. If you want a magical severa, take Ricken. Also, choose between Lifetaker and Renewal but not both.

For a physical Severa, a Hero Severa, there are more better choices. I don't know which characters are still available in your party but if they are free, Lon'qu, Stahl,Vaike are greats but if you want Dual Guard +, the last two are the best choices IMO

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My commentaries in bold

Okay, so I'm going for another run myself and after some cursory reading it appears that a few pairings I thought were boss have now been superseded so I'm looking for a bit of advice really.

Chrom x Sumia: I'm seeing this is the main Chrom pairing although would appreciate knowing why, because I thought Lucina and Cynthia already came with what they needed out of the box

Is because ChromxSumia is the only one who gives 2 children with Aether + Galeforce Combo (and 3 for the people who marries MaMu with one of them), also Sumia is the only No-MU wife with proc (Luna) and Galeforce.

Donnel x Sully: This is so Kjelle can get Galeforce and as far as I'm aware is pretty locked in.

Gaius x Tharja: So Noire gets Galeforce, I'm going to be taking her down the Bride route so if Donnel is going to be better for that then I can do that.

You can use SullyxGaius and DonnelxTharja if you wish (both gives Galeforce). The thing is that Gaius is the best dad for both girls and Donnel's mods makes me cri (specially for Kjelle) so is your choice.

Everyone else is pretty open but was thinking (compatability permitting);

Cordelia x ???: No clue here, although I'm determined for Severa to have red hair, so that rules out a few people I'd imagine. No clue who fits with her other than that.

Well the most ""close"" to red are Ricken/Gregor. Ricken gives her mage(Tomefaire for Darkflier or be Sage), archer (Bowfaire for BK, be Sniper or Bride) and Cavalier (Luna and Paladin with her natural Lancefaire), meanwhile Gregor gives Axefaire/Warth(only by inheritance), Myrmidon (Assassin & Swordfaire) and Troub (Dual Support+) but she gonna be forced only to use Vengeance (is not bad but requieres some calcs beforehand).

Maribelle x Lon'qu: Again seeing this one a lot. I thought it might be because Lon'qu gives a good speed/skill boost. that is good.

Lissa x Vaike: Was thinking a balanced Owain, with Dread Fighter goodness

Even if vaike makes him blonde and a decent strenght mod, his only procs would be sol and astra, I better suggest Ricken, Stahl, Libra or Henry for that job, they give good mods and a good proc (luna or vengeance). Owain without father have all the faires for a dreadfighter.

Olivia x Gregor: For a physical Inigo mainly

The problem is that gregor literally gives nothing new to Inigo in terms of classes (is like Frederick!Kjelle)

Ricken x Miriel: For a magical Laurent mainly is good if Ricken is left at the end

Cherche x Stahl: Stahl seems to be a bit of a boss father so would give everything Fire Emblem Batman needs.

With that pair you can make Batman to a Warrior, Sniper or an Assassin with Bowfaire

Not sure who is left for my FeMU thinking about it, plus I have Nowi and Panne, with Libra, Henry, Ricken, Virion and Kellam still available as fathers.

Nowi can go everyone left except Kellam (really never do it, the support is bad, the speed mods is bad, you should feel bad for pair them), that also applies to Panne too.

Thanks in advance as I'm looking for the best children available.

Of course that I'm suggesting for postgame/Apo or higher difficulties where Sol stop to being broken & useful as it does in Normal/Hard difficulty.

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Stop being lazy and learn to quote properly, it's a pain to reply to comments like #4227.

also Sumia is the only No-MU wife with proc (Luna) and Galeforce.

Olivia's Astra?

Nowi can go everyone left except Kellam (really never do it, the support is bad, the speed mods is bad, you should feel bad for pair them), that also applies to Panne too.

If you want a pure tank, Kellam!Nah is really good.

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It's no lazyness, it would be alot of bubbles if I would quote each part where Byron would just read all at once, but you have reason that is kinda annoying 'quote' my comments since technically there nothing of text if you press the quote button, so fine.

Olivia's Astra?

on Olivia's case is because Astra is only worth if you are stacking it with Luna (which she don't have) and you are only going to use her just to dance, no to fight (the grind on her is just to give Inigo Galeforce only & to give decent stats for Lucina when she joins to the party).

If you want a pure tank, Kellam!Nah is really good.

If we talk on scenarios where tanking is viable (like Skirmishes), I prefer Frederick!Nah over Kellam!Nah (better support conv and Aegis, sure it lacks of Renewal but you just use elixir or a staff in the player's phase and done) and Vaike!Kjelle (or anyone who gives her Sol since he have Pavise/Aegis and Vantage by default).

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It's no lazyness, it would be alot of bubbles if I would quote each part where Byron would just read all at once

That's exactly what I'm asking you to do.

on Olivia's case is because Astra is only worth if you are stacking it with Luna.

They have no connection to each other. What you claim makes no sense from a scientific perspective. What is your evidence?

you are only going to use her just to dance, no to fight

That is a choice you make. Nobody is forced to do it like this.

the grind on her is just to give Inigo Galeforce only & to give decent stats for Lucina when she joins to the party.

You grind for Galeforce and base stats for Lucina just to make Olivia a dancer. That means Chrom has no S rank pair-up. Throw an easy 80% dual strike out the window? Very efficient, yes.

If we talk on scenarios where tanking is viable (like Skirmishes), I prefer Frederick!Nah over Kellam!Nah.


better support conv

Whether the support conversation is better or not is your own subjective judgement. What people say in their support conversation has absolutely zero impact on the game, just to let you know. Frederick!Nowi S rank with X and Kellam!Nowi S rank with X give the exact same stats, the same as all other S ranks do.


The only legit argument in the whole post.

sure it lacks of Renewal but you just use elixir or a staff in the player's phase and done

You have Aegis and use an Elixir every PP. You dance Frederick!Nah so she can move again.

I use Renewal and don't need to use an Elixir and thus spend a unit's turn. Thus my Olivia can fight alongside Chrom and use that easy 80% dual strike.

Which one seems objectively better?

Vaike!Kjelle (or anyone who gives her Sol since he have Pavise/Aegis and Vantage by default).

When did I ever mention Kjelle in my post, why are you suddenly talking of her? Since when does Vaike!Kjelle have anything to do with Kellam!Nah, or Frederick!Nah?

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That's fine, reddish brown is fine and ginger is also okay. I guess I'm just saying not the sewage colour hair that Stahl gives her haha.

Stahl!Severa's hair just can't catch a break. You are not alone in this complaint. We all know it's hideous. :P:

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Stahl!Severa's hair just can't catch a break. You are not alone in this complaint. We all know it's hideous. :P:

Ehhh, for me, I don't really mind Stahl's hair color, but Gaius? Hard for me to name a child who his hair color DOESN'T look bad on...

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Ehhh, for me, I don't really mind Stahl's hair color, but Gaius? Hard for me to name a child who his hair color DOESN'T look bad on...

Kjelle makes it look pretty good. Other than that I'm lost.

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Wow Relax dude, there is not need to be aggressive....

They have no connection to each other. What you claim makes no sense from a scientific perspective. What is your evidence?

My reason of why Astra is only worth with the addition of Luna is mostly for its activation rate (Skill/2) which is less reliable than Luna, which is Skill%, who is the double of activation & more reliable by that (well still have chances to no activate sadly, so Vengeance win in activation terms). So if there is the need of do more damage with the help of procs, is better decide between Luna (& stacking it with Astra/Ignis/Aether) or Vengeance than just Astra alone. There is not need of math to know that Astra + Luna have more chances to do damage than Astra alone.

That is a choice you make. Nobody is forced to do it like this.

You grind for Galeforce and base stats for Lucina just to make Olivia a dancer. That means Chrom has no S rank pair-up. Throw an easy 80% dual strike out the window? Very efficient, yes.

Sure, nobody is forced to keep Olivia as dancer but unfortunately she is the only dancer in the game (you can go without dancer but an extra turn is pretty good when it comes to staff support, etc). Well Dual Strike+ gives Chrom the posibility to pair him with an A support and have a S support's dual strike%, so you can pair him with A-rank Sumia/FeMu if you wish (sure that is not the same give 10% more to his wife than use the skill to patch the lack of S support).

Whether the support conversation is better or not is your own subjective judgement. What people say in their support conversation has absolutely zero impact on the game, just to let you know. Frederick!Nowi S rank with X and Kellam!Nowi S rank with X give the exact same stats, the same as all other S ranks do.

Yes is true that fact.

You have Aegis and use an Elixir every PP. You dance Frederick!Nah so she can move again.

I use Renewal and don't need to use an Elixir and thus spend a unit's turn. Thus my Olivia can fight alongside Chrom and use that easy 80% dual strike.

Which one seems objectively better?

That is clever provocation, but I'm not going to fell in that. Adding scenarios like that would easyly become this a very long disscussion (nothing relate to the thread) so let's leave it like that.

When did I ever mention Kjelle in my post, why are you suddenly talking of her? Since when does Vaike!Kjelle have anything to do with Kellam!Nah, or Frederick!Nah?

Well we started to talk about tanky units (sure starting point is clearly Kellam!Nah), Vaike!Kjelle is a tanky unit as Kellam/Frederick!Nah, I no see a problem if I mention her.

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Ok,I hope this time is the definitive one (in terms of the pairs at least, the skills is not a problem when are set the rest, no gonna mention them bar the ones that requieres All+2/Speed+2 Skills). On the MaMu one I took out Nah and bring back Vaike!Kjelle (she can get the 60 speed with All+2 & Hero/BK bonus and then give Henry to Gerome) since there is not other magical galeforce dude like Brady & she is not tolerable if is not Brady, Owain or Male Morgan her supports (well that part is personal but counts). Also changed Stahl!Owain to Assassin since his speed bonus are better than dread fighter (and good that is part of his original class tree & that Stahl gives a positive strenght point mod and Bowfaire).

FeMu File

Avatar!Lucina@GL Speed = 50 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 3 (Laurent) = 65
Lon’qu!Laurent@Sage Speed = 47 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 9 (Lucina) + 2 (Skills) = 70
Chrom!Morgan@GM Speed = 46 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Cynthia) = 66
Henry!Cynthia@DaF Speed = 46 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 7 (Morgan) = 65
Ricken!Owain@DrF Speed = 42 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Noire) = 62
Donnel!Noire@BK Speed = 42 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 6 (Owain) = 60
Virion!Brady@Sage Speed = 45 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 3 (Nah) = 60
Libra!Nah@Sage Speed = 41 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 3 (Brady) + 2 (Skills) = 58
Frederick!Inigo@Hero Speed = 42 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Severa) = 62
Stalh!Severa@BK Speed = 44 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Inigo) = 64
Gaius!Kjelle@General Speed = 40 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Vaike!Yarne@Berserker) = 60
Speed+/Def- FeMu@GM Speed = 44 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 9 (Chrom) = 65

MaMu File

Sumia!Lucina@GL Speed = 49 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 9 (Yarne) = 70
Virion!Yarne@Ass. Speed = 52 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 9 (Lucina) + 2 (Skills) = 75
Cordelia!Morgan@GM Speed = 47 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 3 (Ricken!Laurent) = 62
Vaike!Kjelle@General Speed = 39 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Inigo) + 2 (Skills) = 61
Libra!Inigo@Hero Speed = 43 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 3 (Kjelle) + 2 (Skills) = 60
Stahl!Owain@Ass. Speed = 47 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Severa) = 67
Avatar!Severa@Hero Speed = 49 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + ralies) + 9 (Owain) = 70
Gaius!Noire@BK Speed = 45 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 3 (Henry!Gerome) = 60
Lon’qu!Brady@Sage Speed = 46 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 8 (Cynthia) = 66
Chrom!Cynthia@DaF Speed = 47 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 3 (Brady) = 62
Sumia@DaF Speed = 45 (base + mods) + 12 (tonic + rallies) + 9 (Chrom) + 4 (Skills) = 70

Looks solid. You might want to consider throwing in a Sniper somewhere (60 Spd isn't as important on them) for Longbowing bosses, but other than that I think you should just make it and see how it works.

I really want to run Avatar!Nah, I feel like it's pretty much perfectly in-line with what the meta was back then. Nah gets Galeforce+Luna, both her and Morgan get some relatively crappy stats. Nah/Morgan will be supported by her father, I don't want to lose out on Lucina's free 100% DS and A rank support isn't ideal but is usable.

Well, +Skl Avatar can make a 100% DS build with Lucina A, but that still defeats the point. You'll want to think for a while about what asset/flaw you'll use though, Nowi's mods match up really poorly with Avatar's secondary asset boosts and it's harder to make the kids come out with good mods than it is to figure out what to do with Avatar. For the other pairings, I know Yarne often used to be used to soak up Kellam, since he gets a little Str from him, doesn't care about the Spd and +Hit didn't matter back then.

Sumia!Lucina x +Str -Def Avatar

Standard pairing last time I checked. It can do a few different things. To still be able to do a few different things, but different things, I could go with +Mag instead.

Sumia!Lucina!Morgan x Frederick!Inigo

Perhaps Paladin Morgan, like Faius!Kjelle but with better stats and procstack? This pair should also be pretty versatile. Armsthrift shenanigans are available here. Alternatively with +Mag, Morgan could go Wyvern Lord. She gets to 75 just as easily as with +Speed as long as she has a +3 pair up, but +Mag helps out Avatar more than +Speed does.

Chrom!Cynthia x Libra!Owain

Dark Flier x Sage. Could go physical if I wanted them to.

Gaius!Kjelle x Vaike!Gerome

Would probably default to Paladin x Hero, bit I imagine there are other options... For Kjelle at least. Gerome is pretty stuck. If I used Gregor!Gerome instead he would also have Assassin. Problem is Laurent migjt also like Gregor. Might be worth checking the DS numbers for a few different class pairs, but I haven't yet. I should also check to make sure the supports aren't horrifying.

Donnel!Noire x Gregor!Laurent

Noire being average is sacrificed to make Kjelle awesome. She does get AT though, and so does Laurent. With Gregor as his dad Laurent can be good at physical or magical attacks. Alternatively he could settle for Ricken to free up Gregor for Gerome.

Henry!Nah x Lon'qu!Brady

Nah becomes awesome. Brady gets some nice mods that perfectly complement Valkyrie pair up.

Virion!Severa x Stahl!Yarne

Wyvern Lord x Berserker.

If you want your team to do a number of different things, it's best to keep every one of those things in mind when pairing up the children. For example, your Sumia!Lucina!Morgan may be able to be a nice Paladin/Wyvern and Fred!Inigo has Berserker/Hero to support those, but you're missing her opportunity to make use of Valkyrie (which is effectively Morgan-F's personal class) since Inigo won't be running magic.

Chrom x Sumia: I'm seeing this is the main Chrom pairing although would appreciate knowing why, because I thought Lucina and Cynthia already came with what they needed out of the box

Cordelia x ???: No clue here, although I'm determined for Severa to have red hair, so that rules out a few people I'd imagine. No clue who fits with her other than that.

Lissa x Vaike: Was thinking a balanced Owain, with Dread Fighter goodness

Olivia x Gregor: For a physical Inigo mainly

Not sure who is left for my FeMU thinking about it, plus I have Nowi and Panne, with Libra, Henry, Ricken, Virion and Kellam still available as fathers.

Thanks in advance as I'm looking for the best children available.

Cordelia gets Virion (very very best) or Ricken (passable, but also reddish hair), Nowi gets Henry (best) or Ricken (more niche, but still good), Panne gets Virion (best) or Henry/Libra (good). Avatar depends on asset/flaw.

Cynthia doesn't come with Aether, and Lucina doesn't come with good Spd. Chrom x Sumia give both of them what they want (they have what they need, this is about what they want).

Lissa x Vaike is anything but balanced, Owain's mods will be the flattest in the game (nothing above +2, which is worse than some G1 units) and his skillset is incomplete. If you want a mixed Owain, use Stahl instead- his mods will be a little less wonky and his class set will be good enough to make up for anything they might lack (it's among the best in the game).

Gregor gives Inigo no new classes. He's probably his worst father behind Donnel (same, but worse mods)- I don't see Fred anywhere but he's a good unused option for Inigo.

They have no connection to each other. What you claim makes no sense from a scientific perspective. What is your evidence?

Whether the support conversation is better or not is your own subjective judgement. What people say in their support conversation has absolutely zero impact on the game, just to let you know. Frederick!Nowi S rank with X and Kellam!Nowi S rank with X give the exact same stats, the same as all other S ranks do.

OK folks, math time. I'm going to assume the unit in question has twice as much Atk as the foe has Def (this is a pretty reasonable assumption to make for Apo), and 80 Skl (not hard to reach with decent mods and a +Skl support).

Luna alone boosts damage for a single hit by 50%. It has an 80% activation rate, so running just Luna will put your average output at (.8*1.5)+(.2*1.0) =140% of normal. Chance of failure is 20%.

Astra alone boosts damage for a single hit by 150%. It only has a 40% activation rate, but running just it will still put your average damage output at (.4*2.5)+(.6*1.0) =160% of normal. Chance of failure is 60%.

Judging by averages alone, Astra is the superior skill. However, due to having less frequent and more powerful procs, the chance of getting the worst-case scenario is much greater than with Luna, making it a less safe option.

Adding both procs together gives you an Astra proc rate of 40%, a Luna proc rate of 48%, and a whiff rate of 12%. Average damage output is (.4*2.5)+(.48*1.5)+(.12*1) =184%.

Adding Luna to Astra improves your average damage by 34% of normal (22.66% of plain Astra's damage) and reduces your chances of failure to 20% of plain Astra's. Procstacking has been an extremely powerful combo that has stood the test of time for a good reason, and saying it makes no sense from a scientific perspective...

Support conversation quality does in fact matter, and it matters a lot. Why does it matter? Because the majority of the people who come here for help care about them. A pairing could be as good or bad as you like, if someone wants to/doesn't want to use it due to aesthetics, it's our job to work around that limitation rather than shove "good" pairings in their face and ask people to use them or be suboptimal. If I were just here to project my gameplay ideals onto others, I'd have gotten bored and left long ago.

And it can matter from a gameplay perspective, too. Know why some of Nah's sets are a thing? People wanted something other than Nah x Inigo (only physical Galeboy bar Morgan-M), and she had to adapt to support that. Now, as a result of being explored more thoroughly, she's far more versatile than she used to be, and is good for more than hogging Avatar/high Atk fathers, piling on a lot of +2 skills and sitting in the back all the time. But there would have been no reason or hurry to find those if everybody was content with their Nah x Inigo. People asking for stuff from outside the box is where most of the newer useful pairings have come from (Stahl!Owain is another example), and it's interesting to work on to boot. Honestly, when people come in and ask for "the best" with no strings attached, I usually just pull up a list of high-tier pairings and say pick-and-choose. Having a bit of aesthetic flavor adds flair and personality to a team, too (I've even got a bunch in my super-tight 100% DS team).

Anyway, please no fighting in this thread.

Stahl!Severa's hair just can't catch a break. You are not alone in this complaint. We all know it's hideous. :P:

Speaking of which, there are a handful of people in Kuroi's stream chat who are uninitiated to the horrors of her hair. You should drop in some time (unless you're already there by a different name and I'm missing you?) and help me awaken them to the realities of just how bad she really looks.

I've started a "pick my units and pairings" no grind no pair up HM run over at /r/fireemblem, yet I need to have an idea of how screwed up am I:





How screwed up am I?

Well, if it's a PMU then you should be ready to expect any amount of derping and weird pairs, but you can still make something out of those ones... Especially if your asset is Spd. What's your asset/flaw?

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Out of curiosity, is there a "reccomended" amount of pairs for postgame content?

I don't really want to use a lot of the cast for clearing it, and am more than happy to use some spotpass characters to pad out the ranks. I also notice most pairings are just kids, surely first gen units can do stuff too?

Edited by Irysa
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Whatever gives you ten attacks per turn (two double and two single Galepairs, for example) is a good number if you don't want to make a full team. Spotpass characters are primarily for being staffbots (which you can never have too many of. If you somehow get twice as many staffbots as you have combat pairs, you'll be able to do just about anything under the sun).

The reason parents aren't mentioned much is because Apo has a deployment cap of 20 and between 14 kids/Avatar, Chrom and his wife and two Rallybots, you're up to 18 units already. If you do want to use first gen units, there are a few who are notable for being 2nd gen tier: Chrom and Avatar (obviously), along with Sumia, Cordelia and (if she has a support) Aversa. Olivia is pretty good too. All of those have all the tools to perform fully in an optimized setting and won't let you down. Any males who have a Faire and a good support class will be pretty equally good at backing those girls up, too (leading well is harder than supporting well).

If you do want to make a smaller team, it's almost universally better to focus on versatility than high mods, as well- keep your team options as wide as possible to make up for having fewer units.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Well, if it's a PMU then you should be ready to expect any amount of derping and weird pairs, but you can still make something out of those ones... Especially if your asset is Spd. What's your asset/flaw?

I'm locked to only those and their children, which I also have to pair in specific ways (InigoxSevera, MorganxLaurent, LucinaxYarne). +LCK/-HP (also picked for me).

This is gonna be tough. First Second Seal is gonna go to Panne and first Master Seal is going to Miriel to get a Wyvern Rider and a healer...

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Well, then...

I'd really advise giving your first SS to Avatar (and going Merc -> Hero or DM -> DK). You get #1 after Cht.3 and #2 in Cht.8 (and also MS #1 in Cht.8). Panne will likely be hitting Lv.10 around the time the second one rolls around, so there's no reason to save the first one for her. Miriel as a Troubadour isn't the greatest thing ever (though it still is worth it if you get another from Anna)- I'd advise using the MS to get her to Sage if you want a healer.

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Whatever gives you ten attacks per turn (two double and two single Galepairs, for example) is a good number if you don't want to make a full team. Spotpass characters are primarily for being staffbots (which you can never have too many of. If you somehow get twice as many staffbots as you have combat pairs, you'll be able to do just about anything under the sun).

The reason parents aren't mentioned much is because Apo has a deployment cap of 20 and between 14 kids/Avatar, Chrom and his wife and two Rallybots, you're up to 18 units already. If you do want to use first gen units, there are a few who are notable for being 2nd gen tier: Chrom and Avatar (obviously), along with Sumia, Cordelia and (if she has a support) Aversa. Olivia is pretty good too. All of those have all the tools to perform fully in an optimized setting and won't let you down. Any males who have a Faire and a good support class will be pretty equally good at backing those girls up, too (leading well is harder than supporting well).

If you do want to make a smaller team, it's almost universally better to focus on versatility than high mods, as well- keep your team options as wide as possible to make up for having fewer units.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

What about just doing VV with spotpass characters? Surely they can suffice for that too if neccessary?

My current plan is to create a pure support family of Avatar(haven't picked an asset/flaw yet, doesn't really matter lol)xLibra and Morgan (probably unpaired). (I'm planning on doing a Lunatic run where I turn Avatar into a Cleric as soon as possible for maingame, haha) It's a huge waste I know, but I don't mind gimping myself as long as it's not like, super important or anything. I'd also be doing a lot of what are apparently suboptimal pairings/classes just for preference points. (GregorxCordelia, etc) If I can get away with doing crap like that in postgame then I'd definitely be going for it.

Edited by Irysa
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You can clear S.Apo with fixed supporting parents only (no Avatar/kids/Spotpass/Logbook) and only A supports. It's not possible to completely screw yourself out of the possibility of completion (though you can make it very hard on yourself).

Spotpass don't want to be VVing in Apo because without 100% DS you need like 140+ Atk and no Aegis+ on the foe for it to be safe. Otherwise you won't do enough damage to KO with Vantage, will get hit and die. They can do it outside of Apo, but it's kind of pointless on a lot of main DLC maps.

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