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I know that Stahl would be a pretty good father for some of the kids, but what can i say, you can't fight your headcannon :D

And again, thanks for your answers Meteor, they were really helpfull :)

And maybe maaaybe one day I will make a male Avatar run for postgame where really optimsed pairs can be used ^^

Hey, it makes my job more interesting since I can't give you a canned answer. And you're welcome. :)

Which reminds me: one quick adjustment: I would do Kellam!Nah and either Ricken or Libra!Yarne instead. Yarne doesn't really care and Nah becomes a bit better.

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Hey, it makes my job more interesting since I can't give you a canned answer. And you're welcome. :)

Which reminds me: one quick adjustment: I would do Kellam!Nah and either Ricken or Libra!Yarne instead. Yarne doesn't really care and Nah becomes a bit better.

Yay ^^

Legendary defense!Nah here i come :D

And i will probably got with Libra as i liked their supports + i would feel really wierd pairing Ricken with Panne .__.

@ Carter:

Why not Gerome/Inigo :awesome:

just kidding, i have no idea :D

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Ahh.. my apologies.

[Dark Flier] Severa - +Mag Avatar

[Hero] Inigo - Chrom

[Wyvern Lord] Gerome - Gaius

Hmm tough call...For double Galeforce and a-flier-with-a-non-flier do InigoxSevera. Unless Inigo didn't get Galeforce and/or you have another pairing for him in mind then do GeromexSevera. But I'm no expert(Well not in this field) sooo...

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Hello all, as this is the pairing and rating thread, I thought I’d see if some crowdsourcing could help me in preparation for the apotheosis secret route. Below are the pairings I’d thought up along with justification. Feel free to tear them apart with criticism and or suggestions.

*As an aside, I blew through the normal apotheosis route yesterday with a sub optimal team and got Katarina, however looking at the secret route enemy stats, it looks like I’m going to have to plan for it.

**For the skills, I have removed almost all healing skills from the party, as it is my reasoning that given the offences of the opposing force, offence is far better that defence. Given that I’m not always guaranteed a kill, and damage is being prioritized, I decided to opt for faires and allow healing to be taken care of by fortifies. Any thoughts?

***All units have limit breaker unless otherwise shown (hence the only 4 visible skills)

Pair 1:

Main - FeMu!Lucina (Great Lord) : Luna, Aegis, Pavise, Galeforce

Support – Chrom (Bow Knight): Dual Attack+, Dual Guard +, Bowfaire, Aggressor

Lucina is a speedfreak – at 60 base speed, and with a speed pairup (plus a rally) she has no issues doubling even 70 speed enemies. However, the one issue is that she has pathetic strength. I have been considering giving her a faire, but have had a hard time deciding between sword and lance, and in the meantime have thrown of PavGis because of the general utility of the set. What do you think?

Chrom on the other hand has been set up as a pure support unit. While bow knight is terrible in normal gameplay, if offers a unique support niche – offering a speed and skill boost along with a movement increase. Plus the classes paper thin defences won’t be touched given the role as a support character. With aggressor and bowfaire, he can do some good damage with a brave bow on support, while dual guard+ & dual strike + are rather self explanatory.

Pair 2:

Main - Chrom!Morgan (Sorceror): Luna, Armsthrift, Aggressor, Galeforce

Support - Vaike!Nah (Manakete): Luna, Dual Guard +, Pavise, Armsthrift

I have had trouble figuring out what to do with morgan, since despite having fantastic speed and skill, he only has a flat 0 mod to magic, and a 1 to attack. I have made him a sorcerer simply because of the brokenness that is aggressor armsthrift Aversa’s Night. Any other potential roles for him? Plus I find the increased might of a forged waste makes up for the Sages slightly higher magic cap when considering the low might of Celica’s Gale.

Nowi I have left a manakete because of the insane stats, however I agree that this might not be best for her, given her lack of access to brave weapons. Thoughts? She so far has been quite reliable in support. The pavise is unnecessary, but was left there in case I needed to tank with her for some reason.

Pair 3:

Main - Stahl!Severa (Hero): Luna, Armsthrift, Dual Guard +, Galeforce

Support - Virion!Yarne (Beserker): Aggressor, Axefaire, Lucky 7, Lancebreaker

Severa is a beast – tearing through most opposition. Yarne provides the speed and strength needed to make her stellar (plus his brave axe 78 strength dual attacks help) he has lancebreaker in case I’m having trouble with Anna (and because I don’t have any other good support skills to give him.) Lucky seven provides a bit of extra hit to get going.

Pair 4:

Main - Fred!Cynthia (Paladin): Luna, Aegis, Pavise, Galeforce

Support - Kellam!Gerome (Assassin): Aggressor, Dual Guard +, Lucky 7, All Stats +2

Cynthia is another PavGis unit (mainly because Gerome is already packing Dual Guard +) I guess I could give her lancefaire and all stats +2 instead. What do you think?

Kellam!Gerome has awkward mods for an assassin, but works ok in support. Dual Guard is always nice, and he has 67 attack brave bow attacks. Any thoughts? His lack of decent faires is a bit of a hassle. I have considered making Cynthia a dark flier and Gerome a sage, but their mods are ok at best, and I have enough magical pairings already.

Pair 5:

Main - Gaius!Noire (Dark Flyer): Luna, Fili's Shield, Dual Guard +, Galeforce

Support - Lon'qu!Laurent (Sage): Aggressor, Tomefaire, Vengeance, Vantage

This noire is a brilliant Dark Flier (I’ve used her as such in all of my playthroughs) and is a force to be reckoned with with a sage pair up. I’ve toyed with replacing fili’s shield with all stats +2 but am not sure about it – thoughts?

Laurent is a blazing fast support sage with provides much needed firepower. I’ve kept him as a sage due to the pairup bonuses, but have considered running him as a sorcerer. VV combo wonderfully together in case I’m having trouble while on low hp. Ideas?

Pair 6:

Main - Ricken!Inigo (Sage): Aggressor, Armsthrift, Luna, Galeforce

Support - Donnel!Kjelle (Dark Flyer): Dual Guard +, Armsthrift, Luna, Galeforce

While counterintuitive, Ricken!Inigo is an incredible sage. Great magic, ok speed and luna, galeforce and armsthrift make him a force to be reckoned with. It’s counterintuitive but I find that he makes a better magic user that physical – he pales in comparison to Severa for example.

Kjelle I have begrudgingly made a dark flier, because ricken could use the bonuses. Ideas for her?

Pair 7:

Main - Henry!Brady (Sage): Aggressor, TomeFaire, Luna, Galeforce

Support - FeMu +Spd –Luk (Dark Flyer): Dual Guard +, Armsthrift, Ignis, Galeforce

I have paired Brady with my avatar to provide magical support. He can blow through enemies with 83 Magic Luna attacks.

I’ve thrown my Avatar here because I wasn’t sure where else to put her, and because her offence is mediocre. Plus Brady was out of magical pairings. Should I give her tomefaire instead of ignis? I think the proc consistently does more damage, but she’ll be in support most of the time methinks.

Pair 8:

Main - Gregor!Owain (Sage): Aggressor, Tomefaire, Armsthrift, Galeforce

Support - Lissa (Dark Flyer): Tomefaire, Dual Support+, All stats +2, Galeforce

Owain – another armsthrift sage. In game, I ran him as a wicked dread fighter, however I felt that for apotheosis, the extra magic speed and skill would be important. While gregor as a dad drops his magic slightly, 58 mag is still nothing to sniff at, and armsthrift provides great utility. I trained up Lissa to accompany him, as I couldn’t rustle up any other kids who would provide the support he needs.

Lissa has lacking skills, and isn’t amazing, but she gets the job done I guess. Any ideas for replacements?

Pair 9:

Main – Cordelia (Hero): Vengeance, Armsthrift, All Stats +2, Galeforce

Support - Sumia (Falcoknight): Dual Guard +, All stats +2, Luna, Galeforce

This pair is open to suggestions. Cordelia has been a consistently good unit for me so I threw her in, along with sumia for staff support. They work ok, but I’m open to recommendations.

Rally Bots:

Rally 1 – Palla (Falcoknight): Rally Spectrum, Rally Strength, Rally Magic, Rally Speed, Rally Heart

Rally 2 – Katarina (Falcoknight): Rally Spectrum, Rally Strength, Rally Magic, Rally Speed, Rally Heart

Both chosen because of rally strength access. I have prioritized offence over defence given that the enemies will be destroying units anyways unless dual guard procs.

Other Apotheosis Ready Units:

Emmeryn – (Sage): Tomefaire, All stats +2, Galeforce, Dual Support +

Aversa – (Dark Flyer): Vengeance, Shadowgift, Galeforce, Tomebreaker

Some of my other consistently reliable units. I removed them because it was hard to find good pair up partners for them, and my Avatar was already taken. Both have incredible offensive capability however.

What do you think? Any critiques or comments?

Thanks J

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If its for beating Apotheosis there are some things to note, and one tips that not many give

1: As a General Note, Dark Flier or Sage with Luna equipping Cellica Gale or Brave Wielder are, BY FAR the best kind of unit in that map.

2: Have a dedicated Rescue Staff. I can make an essay on how brutal Rescue Staff usage is, but that would be overkill


Yes, I am serious. You DON'T need a lot of combat unit. Its better to have like 4 Pairs to do the fight, 4 Rally Bot, and 8 Rescue Staff User. Rescue Staff is, simply put the most important thing in Apotheosis

4. In general the best skillset for Apotheosis is:

Luna, Galeforce, Faire, AS+2, LB

For maximum offense because defense is like.... useless for the most part

From your pairing here is an example set up

Sage!Brady + Dark Flier!Lucina

Brady: Luna, Tomefaire, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Agressor

Lucina: Luna, Tomefaire, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Dual Strike+

I noticed you did not use S support for Lucina, which is kinda wasteful since Lucina is one of the best unit in the game, and an optimization should be done for these kind of unit(Chrom should act as a Sniper for Chipping or act as an Item Carrier, something that he excels at)

This pairing is simple and to the point. Lucina and Brady hits like truck, have 100% chance to trigger Dual Strike for maximum consistency, and Luna make the reliable kills even easier to achieve.

Their role is to run around and kill stuff

Alternative can be done about this pairing, which is

Sage!Brady + Sage!Lucina

Brady: Luna, Tomefaire, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, All Stats+2

Lucina: Vengeance, Vantage, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Dual Strike+

This pair goal is to have reliable killing power while also having the ability to withstand enemy phase

Lucina will stay and Vantage Tank everything, while Brady still have the neccesary punch to punch holes and set up Lucina's Vantage action

Bow Knight!Chrom + Sage!Avatar

Avatar: Luna, Tomefaire, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Ignis

Chrom: Agressor, Bowfaire, Dual Strike+, AS+2, Limit Breaker

Chrom have no reason to be in front, so he runs a set that is full of damage enchancing skills

To picture how powerful Chrom's reliable dual strike is, while against a 70 Defense Dragonskin, Chrom's 83 ATK full Dual Strike does 24 Damage at full reliability(48 with Agressor), against Anna, Chrom does 56(76 with Agressor) Damage at full reliability, enough when helped by avatar's magic attack to break through.

Avatar runs a set up that is used by everyone with a twist. Avatar have access to Ignis, so she can run the Luna Ignis stack for an extremely reliable Luna or Ignis procs

Here is an alternative based on Vantage Tanking

Sage!Avatar: Vantage, Vengeance, Limit Breaker, Tomefaire, Galeforce

SNIP!Chrom: Agressor, Bowfaire, Dual Strike+, AS+2, Limit Breaker

Sniper Chrom is the most powerful class for him offensively when supporting a Magical wife. This set up premise runs on getting on a Vantage range and spam Vengeance, an easy task with proper set up of weapons

+SPD -LCK Avatar as a Sage with Tomefaire, Rally, Tonic and paired with Chrom have 86 ATK. With Vengeance after set up, that is enough to kill the majority of enemies in Apotheosis in a single blow, whereas the tougher ones can be Rescue Bombed

So far, we have 2 Vantage Tank

Kjelle and Inigo

Main - Ricken!Inigo (Sage): Aggressor, Armsthrift, Luna, Galeforce, Limit Break

Support - Donnel!Kjelle (Valkyrie): Limit Break, Armsthrift, Luna, Galeforce, DG+

Sage Ricken!Inigo have 44 Speed. Even with Dark Flier, your speed boost is NOT enough to double 75 SPD with full buff on. So, run Kjelle as a Valkyrie and let her to rock that Rescue Staff. You might thing I overhype the importance of Rescue Staff, but its really is that good

Noire and Laurent

Main - Gaius!Noire (Dark Flyer): Luna, AS+2, Move+1, Galeforce, Limit Breaker

Support - Lon'qu!Laurent (Sage): Aggressor, Tomefaire, Vengeance, Vantage

My proposed change is as follow:

1. Fili shield is useless. You should NOT get into a fight where an Archer can hit you. You have Rescue Staff.

2. Mov +1 is used for a more optimal Rescue Staff Spam.

Not much can be said. Laurent have 90% DS Rate with Full buff on, so Vantae Vengeance can be viable

Thats 8 Unit in


Using Dancer might sound silly, but having a unit in simmilar position doing stuff twice is amazing.

Useful if your AT less unit need to restock Cellica Gale

I notice that so far, the set up is Sage Cellica Fart spam, so lets use some twist around here

Severa + Yarne

Main - Stahl!Severa (Paladin): Luna, Lancefaire, AS+2, Galeforce

Support - Virion!Yarne (Beserker): Aggressor, Axefaire, Sword Breaker, Lancebreaker

This change is simple. I don't have a problem with using Hero and Armthrift, so fit it with your preference.

Severa + Lancefaire to deal higher physical damage. Yarne runs SB to ignore WTD

Cynthia + Gerome

Main - Fred!Cynthia (Paladin): Luna, Deliverer, AS+2, Galeforce

Support - Kellam!Gerome (Assassin): Aggressor, Dual Guard +, STR+2 , All Stats +2

Yet another "Full ofense go!" Change. Deliverer for more versatile reach

I should note that Gerome as a Sage with Full Forged Cellica Fart have 63 ATK, which is the second highest out of any Kellam!Gerome, behind Warrior!Gerome

Which bring us to an interesting potential change....


Main - Fred!Cynthia(Great Knight): Luna, AS+2, Galeforce, Deliverer

Support - Kellam!Gerome (Warrior): Aggressor, Dual Guard +, STR+2 , All Stats +2

Say hello to super overkill offense

Lets see how Cynthia faires(pun intended)

49 STR means Cynthia have 98 ATK with Warrior Pair Up, AS+2 Rally, Limit Breaker, and Tonic equipped with most Brave Weapon, complete with Full control over the weapon triangle

Gerome with 53 STR and that full offense set up have 94 ATK with full buff equipping Brave Bow. Agressor puts it at 104

Their Dual Strike Rate is at a solid 91%+ Range

Heres their offense per hit


98 ATK vs 64 Def DS = 17(34)

64 Def DS with Pavise+ = 8(16)

70 Def DS with Pavise+ = 7(14)

Anna(55 DEF DS) = 21(42 Damage)


DS 70 DEF = 17(34 with 1 DS proc, 68 with 2 DS Proc)

DS 64 Def = 20(40 Damage with 1 DS proc, 80 Damage with 2 DS Proc)

DS 55 DEF = 25(50 Damage with 1 DS proc, 100 Damage with 2 DS Proc)

Basically, Galeforce and kill shit dead, and kill them again until they are dead. This is a gimmick set up, but I think its "good enough"

Morgan and Nah

Considering the lack of overkill offensive power and whatnot, I suggest this fun set up, reminiscent of the above gimmick set up used by Gerome and Cynthia:

Warrior!Morgan: Agressor, Luna, Ignis, Galeforce, Limit Break

Hero!Nah: AS+2, Limit Break, Armthrift, Axefaire, Swordbreaker

Yeah im bored

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One thing I'm noticing in a lot of your parings is that many of them can't reach the 75 speed threshold. I would recommend trying to rework those pairs to avoid falling short. It's also nice if the unit hitting 75 has Galeforce (see: Laurent) but not strictly necessary.

Class selection could use a touch of work. I personally really like Bow Knights for their excellent pair-up bonuses, innate movement, and weapon selection. Assassin can also work if you need the speed cap/bonus to hit 75, but is otherwise inferior. On the magical side, I would not recommend anything other than Dark Flier for ladies, and Sage for guys (better pair up bonuses and caps than Sorcerer, and Celica's Gale works just fine).

As for skills, I would get rid of Aegis/Pavise everywhere, and remove proc skills from anyone who can't hit 75 and also lacks Galeforce. As for skills, priority is:

1. Galeforce

2. Luna

3. Aether

4. All Stats+2 (only applicable if used to hit 75 speed)

5. Aggressor

6. Xfaire/Deliverer/Armsthrift/Rightful King

As for specific advice:

* I'd strongly recommend switching Nah to Bow Knight or something that gives +spd.

* If you want to keep Cynthia as a Paladin, her skills should look like: LB, GF, Luna, All Stats+2 (hits 75 w/Assassin), Deliverer/Lancefaire

* Yarne should probably have Swordbreaker or Hit+20 instead of Lucky 7.

* I recommend Bow Knight!Lucina with LB, GF, Luna, Aether, RK or something similar. Great Lord is a very lackluster class.

I don't have time to get into more detail than that, but perhaps someone else can elaborate if you need more help.

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75 speed's only really useful if you want to double Anna and the Snipers. Even then I think those Snipers lack Counter so you should be safe going at them from 1-range.

As a general rule, I'd go for at least 1-2 units who can hit the mark to specifically deal with those threats, but the rest don't really matter. The most important benchmark to hit imo is 66 speed to avoid getting doubled by anything. (Pretty much everyone can hit that unless you're actively trying not to, so don't worry too much)

For your Cordelia/Sumia pair, I might suggest actually making them both Dark Fliers and having Sumia frontline. She already has Galeforce, Luna, Dual Guard and Tomefaire so she's basically ready for Apotheosis right out the gate. Kind of stuck on what I would have Cordelia do skill-wise, though.

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Yeah I realize 75 speed is not necessary, but it gives you options and it isn't THAT hard to shuffle people around to make it more available.

As for Cordy, maybe LB GF AT AS+2 Lancefaire/Vengeance. You could have her 1-range attack Counter enemies to buff Vengeance up.

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Not really pairings related, but while playing FE7, FE8, and FE9, I realized that the stat caps in this game are ludicrously high. Is there a reason for that?

I know it's not really a pairing question, but I figured it's stats, so what the hell. I had a pairing question earlier, but I completely forgot it (Damn Spanish class).

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1. Growth:

Look at this comparison:


HP 20 STR 7 SKL 8 SPD 8 LCK 6 DEF 7 RES 2

85 55 60 60 60 45 25


HP 19 STR 5 SKL 6 SPD 7 LCK 6 DEF 5 RES 0

75 50 50 55 35 40 40

Sully has both better bases and growth

The next factor is growth speed

In this game, you can reach 20/1 by chapter 10. You can reach 20/15 by chapter 13

Throw in Second Seal and you get the idea

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Im going to feel stupid for saying this but.....


Stahl > Virion > The rest

While the former is a high demand daddy, Virion is well known for being the single worst father in the game not Lon'qu

Reason why:

Warrior Virion!Yarne

51 STR

Full buffed = 73

Brave Bow = 95

Give Yarne this skillset: Limit Breaker, AS+2, Agressor, STR+2, and maybe any Breaker for lulz.... OR AXEFAIRE!

Yarne has 99 ATK

Heres the damage output that outright ignores WTD

No Agressor: 99 - 70(divided by 2) = 14 x 4 = 56

Agressor: 109 - 70(divided by 2) = 19 x 4 = 76

At 47 SKL, 65 with Full buff, and 67 with AS+2, Yarne contributes 16% Dual Strike rate

Sniper!Yarne have 44 STR which is not too shabby, giving off a 20% Dual Strike Rate, and sadly, 44 Agressorless damage, 64 with. Assassin(the only class where Bowfaire is even considered about because of its SPD Pair Up Bonus) does 40/60

That being said, this means Chrom unqestionably become Inigo's best father because of Bowfaire

O wait, screw Aegis and Pavise+

The sad thing is, I notice that out of everyone Brady is the only Male Child who does not have Archer or Warrior from the start.....

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Reason 1. Mind to remind me Ricken's str mod?

Reason 2. I just realized Ricken exist around 5 minutes after I typed that

And more food for thought:

1. Frederick does not give Bowfaire, but he has str+2 and +2 str mods, and a liberal access to Wyvern skills

2. Vaike have 3 mods, Virion have 0 mods. However, Vaike gives +5 total str compared to Virion 7

3. Stahl does not have liberal access Wyvern skills that Fred and Virion offers, but he have the best str at + 9 extra str

4. For the most part, Gerome can copy this capability. A vaike!Gerome have +9 bow str, but a Virion!Gerome have +11 bow str. Facing wtd, Vaike can reverse the situation into +16 Axe STR

I can go on discussing the same thing, but point is, Virion is hella underrated

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I actually agree tha Virion is underrated, because of Bowfaire along with Wyvern and Bow Knight access. Stahl already gives most of that, though.

For Yarne specifically, Stahl > Virion > Frederick

Fred has +4 str over Ricken which completely overrules Bowfaire (replace with AS+2), so the only thing Ricken can offer is Bow Knight itself (and Assassin/Paladin access is mostly the same thing).

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