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Well thanks to the avatar and Vaike, Cordelia isn't always claiming Stahl. And a lot of the children don't actually need his unique combination of skills, or need Galeforce more. Meaning Yarne and Gerome are actually some of the best candidates to use him.

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Avatar has better business than going with Cordelia IMO

Vaike x Cordy might be needed if we want to make a high impact set up

You and I both wouldn't do AvatarxCordelia but people who come into the thread asking for help might insist on it. :P

Vaike!Severa is a one trick pony since she loses Vantage and only gets Axefaire+mods out of the arrangement, but she does her one trick really well. And if that's all you need her to do, Stahl really helps Gerome/Yarne maximize their support capabilities. I personally am not OK with Severa losing VV, but that is really the core advantage that Stahl provides.


Gives her access to sol, but pass counter in case you want it since she can go hero herself. As well as a chunk of str and skill.


Donnel can do almost the exact same thing, except he also gives her Galeforce. If he and Gaius are already taken I would approve of the pairing, but otherwise I just can't endorse skipping GF. Even supposing you're stuck with Vaike I would highly recommend Axefaire instead of Counter. You didn't even use it in your build, it's that useless... speaking of which I also dislike Luna+Sol together since Luna is now only firing <25% of the time.

Also, Frederick!Inigo is virtually the exact same unit but with Galeforce and Aggressor (and LOLCounter). If you really need a tank unit, you could use him or Nah.

Edit: Just noticed the mods are different enough to make a point about them. V!Kjelle has +4 speed over F!Inigo, which could definitely make a noticeable difference. But if you're using either child as a tank, IMO you're just doing it wrong so in the long run I'm not sure it actually matters.

Edited by Meteor
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Well, wrt to that build since it was mostly a tank I would have taken off luna over sol. But even conflicting procs I.got.enough sol for tanking and enough lunas to kill most if not all enemies in lunatic endgame.

But for + who would you reccomend in Kjelles place? I really liked how she turned out (ill admit I wasnt going for what happened initially, I just had sully/vaike paired and went from there) but if another kid does it better i might try that. Cant involve MU (m) or tharja

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You don't even necessarily need someone to replace Kjelle, but Donnel as a father means she gets Galeforce access for when you don't need her to be tanking.

Alternately, Vaike!Nah is a really solid tank and she doesn't have much else to do.

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The problem with Vaike!Kjelle is the sad fact that Donnel!Kjelle is a better tank by proxy thanks to having Galeforce

And if you are saying that Galeforce does not help tanking, then you are very mistaken

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The main appeal of Vaike!Kjelle in my opinion is that she's the fastest Kjelle who inherits Mercenary, not including Avatar. +4 speed pretty much means that as a General, nothing can double her. Ever. Most of the time though, I'd just stick with Donnel!Kjelle for a few reasons.

The problem that comes up is that Vaike!Kjelle squanders Knight inheritance, which might be desired by some other kids, namely Severa and Nah. Gaius!Kjelle (and Gregor!Kjelle I guess) does the same thing with Myrmidon, a class that is also desired by most of the kids, and isn't gender-locked like Vaike's is.

Also, the placement of Donnel. He's good in theory but in practice he's only really good for Merc + Pegasus. The latter is gender-locked and the former is in surprisingly low demand. The only other kid who might want him would be Noire, who in my opinion just turns out to be an inferior Cynthia with Donnel. That, and his negative speed mod is just as problematic for her if she goes Sorcerer. (although speed doesn't really matter in the long run since you can hit literally any number you need to with the right pair up) Donnel!Kjelle also has a good host of alternative classes to use in case General doesn't pan out, namely Paladin, Hero and Dark Flier, all of which can get around Donnel's lower speed and can get good offense/defense depending.

Edited by HeoandReo
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Who would be the next best father for Severa?

After Stahl.

Depends on what you're looking for.

For VV Dark Flier, probably Lon'qu!Severa. Gregor!Severa gives her the option to VV on a pony, but is wasteful. Gaius is outright worse than Lon'qu.

For someone to abuse Galeforce+Luna, Vaike gives her really attractive mods for her to be a Hero. Ricken makes her into a second Sumia/Cynthia.

Frederick makes her into a gimmick Sorcerer.

Edited by Canto
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Vaike!Kjelle is only good if you insist on Noire getting both AT and GF. And even then you could just do Gaius!Kjelle and Vaike!Nah.

Vaike doesn't give GF, if you want a dad who gives both you're looking at either Donnel or Avatar.

EDIT: hah I'm stupid, carry on.

I prefer Frederick/Cordelia than Stahl/Cordelia.

Elaborate, please.

Edited by Euklyd
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Vaike doesn't give GF, if you want a dad who gives both you're looking at either Donnel or Avatar.

He's saying to do Vaike!Kjelle so you can do Donnel!Noire, who gets Galeforce/Armsthrift.

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He's saying to do Vaike!Kjelle so you can do Donnel!Noire, who gets Galeforce/Armsthrift.

Oh hah. Yeah I get it. Oops.

wow I even read Duck's post like, 3 times over to make sure I wasn't missing anything

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Who would be the next best father for Severa?

After Stahl.

Lon'qu/Gaius/Gregor all give her Myrmidon, but the latter two are usually needed elsewhere, and Lon'qu stacks up her skill and speed substantially so he's probably the best option of the three.

Frederick ties with Stahl for strongest non-Avatar Great Knight father, and Severa can run stuff like Pavise/Aegis to go with her Mercenary class set. Ricken/Kellam also gives Great Knight and Sage access, so she can do whatever Cynthia does.

Vaike doesn't give Vantage, but he does give Great Knight, so you can do Galeforce/Luna with other stuff like Axefaire as a Hero.

Virion's the comedy option, giving her all breakers in case she wants to do that and some extra things like Sage and Sniper. (Although Fred and Lon'qu give her all breakers too)

Overall, I'd go with Lon'qu, Vaike or Frederick if Stahl's out of the running.

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I actually agree tha Virion is underrated, because of Bowfaire along with Wyvern and Bow Knight access. Stahl already gives most of that, though.

For Yarne specifically, Stahl > Virion > Frederick

Fred has +4 str over Ricken which completely overrules Bowfaire (replace with AS+2), so the only thing Ricken can offer is Bow Knight itself (and Assassin/Paladin access is mostly the same thing).

Er, going over things one more time, I think Fred actually only has +3 over Ricken. And besides, the proposed build only seems to have +STR stuff on it, so...

Ricken!Yarne: Limit Breaker, STR+2, AS+2, Bowfaire, Aggressor- 50 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 5= 69 ATK + 10 on Player Phase

Frederick!Yarne: Limit Breaker, STR+2, AS+2, Aggressor, Lancebreaker(?)- 53 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 67 ATK + 10 on Player Phase

So uh, as a Warrior with Bows I think Ricken actually beats Fred slightly. On the other hand, Frederick!Yarne can get both STR+2 and Lancebreaker to fuck Anna over with. So...

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I never actually thought that this could be so complicated.. So.. Vaike, if I make Severa a hero would be the best choice?

Thanks y'all. I was going to do Stahl!Severa anyways, I just thought it was bad for her hair color, and was looking for replacements.

It looks like I'd rather take girl with brown pigtails, then Sailor Moon or Hatsune Miku.

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Er, going over things one more time, I think Fred actually only has +3 over Ricken. And besides, the proposed build only seems to have +STR stuff on it, so...

Ricken!Yarne: Limit Breaker, STR+2, AS+2, Bowfaire, Aggressor- 50 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 5= 69 ATK + 10 on Player Phase

Frederick!Yarne: Limit Breaker, STR+2, AS+2, Aggressor, Lancebreaker(?)- 53 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 67 ATK + 10 on Player Phase

So uh, as a Warrior with Bows I think Ricken actually beats Fred slightly. On the other hand, Frederick!Yarne can get both STR+2 and Lancebreaker to fuck Anna over with. So...

Yep wow, math fail on my part.

And again you are right. In my shortsightedness, I didn't consider the full build, only the number of skill slots needed to even the gap caused by Bowfaire. In my defense, passing Str+2 to Ricken!Yarne is probably not ideal from a flexibility standpoint. :P

I never actually thought that this could be so complicated.. So.. Vaike, if I make Severa a hero would be the best choice?

Yes, it's her only speedy class from that pairing that can utilize Axefaire.
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Elaborate, please.

Personally I'm judging by class sets. Frederick gives Severa the cavalier, knight, and wyvern rider class sets, while Stahl gives the cavalier, archer, and myrmidon class sets. Both are great, but Frederick gives Severa more options she can work with, since I doubt anyone would make Stahl!Severa a sniper.

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Lancefaire only



-2 spd mod


Sword-, Bow-, and Lancefaire

Vantage+Vengeance combo

Assassin class

Fred!Severa has approximately 1 good build that can take advantage of Lancefaire (Paladin). Stahl equips Assassin, Hero, and Bow Knight each with 1-2 faire skills to choose from, on top of Paladin access. Furthermore, any of those classes can substitute VV at any point, and they have a universal +2 spd mod compared to Frederick. Stahl!Severa's skillset is wide enough that she doesn't miss the breakers, preferring to leave that role to a more limited child (and Lon'qu!Severa could probably do it better anyway).

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