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Changes to stats, growths, adding more stats, etc.

The Void

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Well, any of you have suggestions for how future FEs can deal with the stats that have been in past FEs? As well as new stats?

One idea I've read looking around is for attack speed and dodging to be seperate stats. With seperate growth rates I'm sure.

I've also seen the idea of FE using Shining Force's approach to growths.

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Last time stats got fucked around with, Weapon Level had a growth rate and Resistance didn't. That was like a decade and a half ago and things have evolved to be better. Needless to say, while AS and Evade formulas can still be tweaked with, making them stem from entirely seperate stats is unnecessary.

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I like the stats the way they are. If you want to diversify between evade and attack speed make AS focused more on speed and evade more on luck.

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I dunno, I think the stats are fine the way they are, I wouldn't really want any changes, however the AS in Awakening was grating... 5 for a double? groan

If anything 5 for doubling wasn't enough, considering the massive stat inflation the game went through (we went from stat caps includng bonuses averaging around 32 in RD to around 65 or so in Awakening). But whatever.

An idea I had for an FE-esque game I probably won't ever make was having an attack rate equal to 2*speed + skill. The idea being that even if you aren't as fast on your feet, if you're extremely proficient with a weapon then you might well be able to land more attacks than your foe. Having a higher attack rate would give you various benefits - you'd always attack twice but with lowered hit rate, which rises back to normal as your attack rate advantage increases. You might also attack first (a vantage with % activation based on attack rate difference - it'd always be somewhat low though) and if your rate is exceptionally high, you might attack three times (again, the rate would be fairly low).

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Well, I definitely have issues with the recent stat inflations.

With the insane growths these days, units get so powerful in just few levels, that they can't be touched anymore.

I find that highly problematic because it means that the stat threshold where strategy matters becomes narrower and instead revolves around stat munchkining.

The old games got that pretty right. Defense growth was always low. So units didn't just suddenly become immune to all damage.

Though, personally I would prefer to leave the Defense stats at base and instead inflate the HP stat. Except for specific classes whose whole point is that they are hard to damage, like armored knights.

It's fine if a unit manages to take like 10 times more damage then at base level. It's skin just shouldn't turn so hard that pointy sticks and sharp metal can't even scratch it. As long something can be hurt, it still allows a strategy to kill it.

Edited by BrightBow
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Chances of performing skills increases with skill cap, so if we keep high caps then we have skills be more prevalent, meaning the game gets more luck based.

Altering activation rates to 1/2 or 2/3 skill, 1/3 skill, and 1/6 skill as opposed to skill, 1/2 skill, and 1/4 skill should do the trick.

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Chances of performing skills increases with skill cap, so if we keep high caps then we have skills be more prevalent, meaning the game gets more luck based.

Altering activation rates to 1/2 or 2/3 skill, 1/3 skill, and 1/6 skill as opposed to skill, 1/2 skill, and 1/4 skill should do the trick.

Or just have them be manually activated with a charge-up time that's affected by your Skill stat.

And relatively fixed growth would help curb units snowballing out of control if coupled with proper EXP balancing.

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I think we should introduce a Charisma stat. Naturally, it will be completely useless and have no impact on gameplay.

Thieves, dancers and bards could get secret info in villages.

Or let's be trollish and have all enemy recruitments involve Charisma checks.

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