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Would you mind sibling marriage?


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It depends on the context of the characters. I don't want to be able to marry any pair of siblings because really, most siblings don't want to sleep with their other siblings no matter how long you stick them together, but if these pair of siblings happen to actually be incestuous (like if the AC:B versions of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia were suddenly put in FE or something) then that's a special case. Certainly should not be the norm.

Then again I'm never really fond of marry everyone to everyone else to begin with from a writing/characterisation point of view.

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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If the option existed, I doubt I'd use it. Just out of personal preference. I mean, for historical purposes, I couldn't care less about cousins getting married because they used to do that quite often back then. Siblings toes the line a little TOO much for my tastes.

I mean, if IS wanted to included that, they can go for it. I'd probably try the pairing out once to test it but I doubt I'd use it more than that, personally.

I really don't care that much.

Edited by Vashiane
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It depends on the context of the characters. I don't want to be able to marry any pair of siblings because really, most siblings don't want to sleep with their other siblings no matter how long you stick them together, but if these pair of siblings happen to actually be incestuous (like if the AC:B versions of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia were suddenly put in FE or something) then that's a special case. Certainly should not be the norm.

Then again I'm never really fond of marry everyone to everyone else to begin with from a writing/characterisation point of view.

I agree, it should be on a character by character basis if its in character thats fine

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I'll preface this by saying that I'm one of those people who doesn't mind Lucina and Owain together in a romantic context. Nobility usually married their cousins and support-wise they're a good match. I wouldn't mind sibling marriage but I can't really see Lucina opting for it. In that same vein, Chrom/Lucina was shipped very heavily when Lucina was just Masked Marth and nobody knew they were related. So, there's some spark there, but I think it vanishes with the father/daughter reveal. As much as I don't mind incestuous siblings, parent/child crosses the line for me. Uncles or cousins is just fine, though, and I know that already puts me in an odd category removed from the general public.

I could see Morgan with his/her sibling, but it really does depend on who the other party involved would be. If there's no chemistry then there's no point.

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It'd be very awkward..

It's not like anyone marries their siblings in real life.

Why let it here?

You'd be surprised how often siblings "do it." I think the occurrence rate is 2%. I personally think it's a lot for something that's a big deal like incest.

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What difference would it make? That's chrom and Lissa . And if you are male MU and if you don't marry a second gen character, and if you marry someone with a child then Morgan and there sibling, if the sibling is male./Lucina and chrom! Morgan. Unless there were suddenly more siblings (yen'fay is dead he does not count.)

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You'd be surprised how often siblings "do it." I think the occurrence rate is 2%. I personally think it's a lot for something that's a big deal like incest.

I've heard jokes about people in "the south" being into it and I wonder how accurate that (unfortunate) stereotype is.

I don't want sibling marriage in FE and I suppose it's because incest is socially rejected, which I believe is due to the higher probability of genetic defects.

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I agree, it should be on a character by character basis if its in character thats fine

Agreed here and with Ezio, it really depends. Edited by Knight
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Character by character basis is my opinion too. Its been my personal belief that if two people really love and care about each other that way (healthy relationship on both sides, mind you), no one has the right to keep them apart, no matter what their gender and/or blood relation. They should probably be careful about having kids for their safety, but relationship-wise it shouldn't be discriminated against. On the other hand, as much as I accept cousin and sibling relations, squicky though they may be to some, parent/child are still the most squicky to me, since it'd have to be very situational to fly with me; I just prefer not to think about them.

Seeing as this is an in-game situation though, I don't really see the issue. You can just not pair them up if it bothers you. Or it can be ingrained into the plot like FE4. IMO, if its an option, I would hope it would be like any other romance with well written supports that match the characterization; it would suck if it was just presented as weird fanservice. Quality writing should be present in any kind of support.

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