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Serenes Forest as a social outlet


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I want to talk about using this website and the forums as a source of socialisation as well as exchanging and absorbing information.

Can you see any particular needs of yours satiated by visiting the forums?

For me personally, SF is the only community that sometimes discusses games I care about in a way and on a level that is relevant to my interests, even though the tier discussions are a thing of the past and if they were to come back in their old form I feel there wouldn't be a huge increase in knowledge and information about ways of playing the games but most likely just crowds of people trying to prove everyone they're right.

How does posting here compare socially to other places where you communicate?

I definitely miss the ability of seeing, smelling, touching people I talk to. I also cannot possibly get inebriated with any of you, which saddens me. :( However, the people that do get me drunk cannot be expected to share insights about LTCing and suchlike things.

Do you see yourself making/having made friends for years to come on these forums?

I've been using the internet actively for what seems like a half of my life and I can't help thinking that every single person to whom I felt somewhat emotionally attached just upped and disappeared, which questions if any bonds were made in the first place. In the world where the five senses are all integrated, there is less ambiguity as to who actually is your friend, and though people come and go all the same some of the people you care for do end up staying for good. I try to enjoy whoever is around while they're still there, but also begin to expect people to eventually leave based on past experiences. I guess I'm more interested in the content people produce rather than the small-talk that could ensue in that process (and outside of it), and try to offer some of my own.

So what about you?

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Can you see any particular needs of yours satiated by visiting the forums?

It's no secret that I prefer human interaction 1000x more than anything else. I hate IMing, texting, and talking on the telephone. I dislike Skype and Google Hangouts. I feel "eh" about forums.

The problems I have with the above is that it makes it absolutely impossible to have an authentic conversation. Much of human interaction involves tone and body language. One or both of these are absent in all forms stated above, sans video calls. Things like Skype are much better, but still, I feel forced and unnatural when I talk to people over the internet.

But, I like to talk about video games and random political topics every so often, so this place satisfies those needs.

How does posting here compare socially to other places where you communicate?

More personal than reddit, that's for sure. People recognize me and can associate me with a personality. I'm not completely anonymous here. I've probably got a few that dislike me, a few that like me, a few that don't care, and a few that have no idea who I am. I love that. Also, the people here don't suck, unlike MANY of the peeps over at GBATemp or r/atheism or something. Very refreshing.

I definitely miss the ability of seeing, smelling, touching people I talk to. I also cannot possibly get inebriated with any of you, which saddens me. :( However, the people that do get me drunk cannot be expected to share insights about LTCing and suchlike things.

Well, you could always go the depressing route and get drunk anyway so we can all laugh at you? Just kidding, of course.

I also miss my real life buds. They're great. But I also have my brothers, which is usually nice.

Do you see yourself making/having made friends for years to come on these forums?

People that I IM or PM on a regular basis? Nope. I'm very uncomfortable with it. There's definitely people that I'd love to actually meet here, though.

I've been using the internet actively for what seems like a half of my life and I can't help thinking that every single person to whom I felt somewhat emotionally attached just upped and disappeared, which questions if any bonds were made in the first place.

In my case, no, there was never any real connection on my end when I had Internet friends. Even if we had serious talks, I never felt connections with anyone.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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mm. i love some people here.

Finally! He admits it! In all honesty, I don't use SF as a replacement for socialising, just a means of talking to certain people.

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replacement for socialising, just a means of talking to certain people.

so in other words, socializing with people?

i don't think the intent of this topic was to imply that we come here instead of living a life on the outside.

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The problems I have with the above is that it makes it absolutely impossible to have an authentic conversation. Much of human interaction involves tone and body language. One or both of these are absent in all forms stated above, sans video calls. Things like Skype are much better, but still, I feel forced and unnatural when I talk to people over the internet.

it differs. i mean in my case, my appearance bothers me so much and i my body is literally never relaxed so i'm a confused jittery stuttering and insecure idiot the whole time i try to have a real convo. people have called me cute or handsome here and there, but...ehh i'm not.

Finally! He admits it! In all honesty, I don't use SF as a replacement for socialising, just a means of talking to certain people.

i said i love you already dammit. stop torturing me >:O

Edited by Boney
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See I prefer typing shit out 'cuz I'm awful at speaking to people

I'm bad enough with words as is but at least I can proofread on the fly when typing while if I speak out loud it doesn't come out well unless it's math or something and there's not even backspace or anything

But I have made friends here we've just largely moved over to skype now it's more convenient and shit

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It's more like a substition for socialization than real socialization for me. I guess it really is an outlet: I blab out whatever runs through my mind and then go on to the next topic. Kinda like speed-dating but without the dating aspect, or eye contact, or responses. I do have a dozen or two friends off SF, of course, but I don't see that much of them because I'm terrible at being outgoing and I'm kind of uncomfortable around some of them.

I don't mean to sound bitchy. It's all entertaining and fun, I just suspect anyone paying attention to it would think there is a problem. I'm just blabbing whatever runs through my mind.

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Some of you spend way too much time here.

Although it is possible to develop a serious relationship on the web. A guy named Liam from Bulbagarden got married to another forum member IRL! Is that possible here too? Maybe... though you are better off making meaningful friendships in the real world.

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I've made a few good friends here, a decent amount of friends, and lots of people I don't care about. Lots of people here irritate me in certain aspects and I get annoyed by how nerdy and asocial/socially awkward/attention seeking a lot of people can be. I barely post in the FE forums anymore. So no, I don't come here for social interaction because I don't like a rise in blood pressure.

But I love the friends I've made here, it makes it worth it.

Edited by Lord Raven
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it's VERY possible.

It happens rather regularly with large online communities.

Can you see any particular needs of yours satiated by visiting the forums?

Well, i mostly come here to talk about Fire Emblem, check out some sprites (and post mine when im actually arsed to make one), and for the funzies. ut chiefly, its about Fire Emblem. Unlike with other boards i frequent, this one is more centric to the real reason i came here in the first place. Fire Emblem. While i have been here for a number of years now, there are other places i tend to go to for actual social interaction. Its not like i dont WANT to get to know some members better, (i have in the past) its just theres this thing where im just more active in the FE boards in general. However, there are things i enjoy about this place outside the FE boards. Its hilariously quirky admin, some of the very strange in-jokes between members, the more relaxed attitude in discussing other games, and this forum's interesting dynamic when dealing with trolls or problem members. Its a lot of fun to watch.

How does posting here compare socially to other places where you communicate?

Well i am more detached from this community than the other i post at. The reason for this is hard to pinpoint but i think one of the reasons is because im considerably older than like, 99% of this forum's userbase. My other forum (Zelda Universe) has a more varied age range so there are some people closer to my age there. Like i said though, this place gets very entertaining at times, and super fun to talk about FE. I cant really discuss FE on the level that people here do. Since most members here have joined for that purpose, it makes sense. This isnt the worst community ive been (not in the least), but there is some drawbacks. I dont have the interest in anime as a great deal of members here do, so theres that.

Do you see yourself making/having made friends for years to come on these forums?

There are members that once posted here i deeply miss. Sadly, some of these guys dont post or arent active anymore. (i miss Wist!) I dont really have a lot of friends from this forum to be honest. Just a couple of people i poke once in a while. :P:

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I think I would be less disoriented here from the social perspective if people didn't change their displayed names every day. I can always tell who at least half a dozen of the constantly name-changing people are, but that's it.

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I think I would be less disoriented here from the social perspective if people didn't change their displayed names every day. I can always tell who at least half a dozen of the constantly name-changing people are, but that's it.

Theres a reason i keep some staples in my sig so people know without having to check my username history.

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Its a place for me to fool around and discuss games i like. Its also where i waste a lot of my free time. Waste because i do nothing in particular during said time, except lurk random topics i have no interest in. I also have made some friends here who I don't talk to much outside of the last to post wins. So it satiates my needs, yes.

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"Can you see any particular needs of yours satiated by visiting the forums?"

Sure. A lot of people 'round here aren't all that good to talk to about a lot of subjects I'm interested in, so this place makes for a good hangout. Also some dudes that I sometimes talk to on here, they're good fun.

"How does posting here compare socially to other places where you communicate?"

It's good for the most part...because for the most part, I'm really posting in the FE4 THREAD rather than anywhere else. I definitely prefer my grand kingdom and Saturday Skype Night, but the forums can be pretty cool too, sometimes.

"Do you see yourself making/having made friends for years to come on these forums?"

Yup, most all my friends on here have been friends with me for at least over a year. I care for them a lot, and I know for sure that at least a couple reciprocate my feelings. Sure would be nice to meet up though!

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I can't say what Serenes Forest means to me specifically, because honestly, it doesn't mean much; I don't have the emotional attachment to SF other than the fact that this is the place I sent my own members after FESS went down. But I CAN talk about FESS, and this has the bonus of hindsight.

I joined FESS almost ten years ago; it was months later that I became an admin, and in that time, for better or worse, I was the "face" of the community. In that time, I met so many of my friends - I don't differentiate between "online" and "offline", and over the years, "online" and "offline" blended together anyway - at that site, and among our younger members, I was informed over the years that I was a pseudo father figure of sorts (remember, I'm 33 now). Make of that what you will, but this online account with the Tate avatar had a person behind it that was able to impact many lives, and had a lot of other avatars affect his.

This, despite the fact that Fire Emblem discussion was never really one of my strengths. I know the games, but I'm not one to get into stat battles or fiction writing. Besides, that's what we had Eaichu and Twilkitri for.

FESS was easily the most singularly important community of my life, and I'm counting the "real life" ones - the sports teams I've played on, the groups I've been a part of, the fire department, VFW, etc. - in that as well. Its importance to my life is maybe seconded only by that of the Navy. I almost married a woman from that site, and before anyone snickers, I dated that woman - as an adult in my mid-20s - for almost seven years.

I laugh at people who say "it's just the internet". "Just the internet" affected my off the internet life more than anything I've ever been a part of, and the pros are a hundred times more numerous - and important - than the cons.

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lol FESS. i remember when superbus unfairly banned someone just because they accidentally insulted his wife or fiancee or something because there was an awkward drawing of her cosplaying as Lyn.

I almost married a woman from that site, and before anyone snickers

only a close-minded person would snicker

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I laugh at people who say "it's just the internet". "Just the internet" affected my off the internet life more than anything I've ever been a part of, and the pros are a hundred times more numerous - and important - than the cons.

I don't have that opinion per se, but I do lean towards it. It's all a question of what you let affect you, in my opinion. If you choose to be heavily involved in something, you will almost certainly be affected by it in one way or another. Likewise, if you choose not to care about something very much, there's little to no effect on the person.

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(remember, I'm 33 now)

That's crazy!

I guess it makes sense now, it's just hard to remember you as outside of your mid 20s. I had just turned 16 when the forum folded and I'm hitting 21 this coming November so it's very odd that it's been almost 5 years.

Edited by Lord Raven
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