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Name censorship can suck balls.


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So I decided to try out Suikoden Tierkreis for the DS. Got to naming the main character. Sho'Nuff, Sho Nuff, Shonuff all prohibited word. Da fuck is this shit. Also no default name for main character so I tried Assassin prohibited word but it accepts PEENUS. I don't know if it is Konomi or Nintendo which is most likely the culprit but this shit is so lame. Decided not to play with the name censorship BS and it has shit dubbing which is another good reason to stay the fuck away from this game.

Started Dragon Quest IX again with the DQVC back online. I'm surprised the intro of DQ IX wasn't changed for the localization. After all the cucumber in the middle and the 2 slimes looks like a male genital.

Skip to 4:50 I can't be the only perverted person thinking this.

Done with my bitching for the day and back to gaming.

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To be fair, whenever users are given a prompt to name anything... I see the stupidest "creative" ones just to circumvent the censorship just because they think its hilarious.

I'm sorry, but my tastes aren't to that sense of "humor".


So in the rudest way possible:


Edited by shadowofchaos
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That cucumber appears to be a proud and skilled warrior, I wouldn't go slandering his name.

Anyway, I've always thought DQ had a bit of a weird, somewhat streak, I dunno if it comes from the art direction by Akira Toriyama or what. I still remember that in Dragon Quest VI, you'd talk to old men who wanted to become "Pattycake Princesses." There was also a character who proclaims that old men can't become pattycake princesses :(

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That pic always reminds me of the food pyramid. So it's like this person is calling her tastes sugar (inconsequential and relatively bad for your body, especially in quantities larger than negligible ones), and the other whoever's tastes = bread (basically essential to living and highly recommended/staples of one's diet)

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You're mad about a game just because you can't possibly come up with another name (and sort of because of dubbing...)

And you're mad about another game just because of your own sick mind during only one scene of the game??

.... Okaaaaaaaay?

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I thought this topic was about naming an actual person. If it were I would disagree, I've seen people with very strange names and they weren't happy about that.

Edited by Nobody
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I thought this topic was about naming an actual person. If it were I would disagree, I've seen people with very strange names and they weren't happy about that.



^Dweezil and Moon Unit!^

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I've seen worse (and he works for the police haha):


Yes, he's named Hitler Mussolini.

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The censorship doesn't just happen to those deliberately using dirty words.

For Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded's Avatar mode, I edited my profile quote to the fancy "Justice will prevail".

But the game displayed it as "??stice will prevail".

Which is kinda funny because unlike every other letter combination that is forbidden, "ju" only gets censored when used in the word justice.

The game is paranaoid, it's probably more likely to get a censored sentence then a working one. But maybe it's just the EU version which is so insane, since it has all the various languages to consider.

Also, according to Re:Coded, Mistress is a dirty word but not Master. Which explains while KH even refers to a lady like Aqua as Master Aqua.

Maleficient refers to herself as Mistress. But that's because she is evil, I guess.

Edited by BrightBow
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To be fair, whenever users are given a prompt to name anything... I see the stupidest "creative" ones just to circumvent the censorship just because they think its hilarious.

I'm sorry, but my tastes aren't to that sense of "humor".


So in the rudest way possible:


Is that a pic of Lyn pointing to her horrible Str growth?

You're mad about a game just because you can't possibly come up with another name (and sort of because of dubbing...)

And you're mad about another game just because of your own sick mind during only one scene of the game??

.... Okaaaaaaaay?

You got the first right. I have nothing against DQ IX, it is my favorite game series. I said I'm surprised Nintendo didn't censor the intro to DQ IX. After all Nintendo has always been like this even in the past. I remember when my friend bought Mortal Kombat for the SNES and they censored the blood.

what's a shonuff?

He is from the movie The Last Dragon 1985. I'm not surprised no one knows who Sho'Nuff is at SF, considering most people here probably wasn't even born in 85.

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Is that a pic of Lyn pointing to her horrible Str growth?

40% is not bad at all for the GBA fire emblems. It's the same as Kent, and much better than Guy's who is in the same class (well, kinda, her lord class is basically myrmidon).

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Meh censorship in general is just stupid as hell. The reason i really hate Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate online chat. I cant even say kill. Kill, in a freaking hunting game. What the hell.

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40% is not bad at all for the GBA fire emblems. It's the same as Kent, and much better than Guy's who is in the same class (well, kinda, her lord class is basically myrmidon).

Lyn had 15 str at 40/40 while Hector had 30 str.

Meh censorship in general is just stupid as hell. The reason i really hate Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate online chat. I cant even say kill. Kill, in a freaking hunting game. What the hell.

Glad someone agrees. Nintendo really goes overboard with this.

Lyn's hair is not that green *adjusts glasses*

I was expecting someone to say she doesn't have a ponytail.

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Lyn had 15 str at 40/40 while Hector had 30 str.

PEMN etc.

Glad someone agrees. Nintendo really goes overboard with this.

Then they have characters like Tharja

I was expecting someone to say she doesn't have a ponytail.

in my dreams i am the star lyn wears her hair however the fuck she wants

The dark turquoise thing is kind of required for Lyn to look like Lyn and not random green haired chick #132758, though.

Not that green haired chicks are necessarily irrelevant and random!



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