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who is more evil?

who is more evil?  

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  1. 1. which one is the bigger bad guy?

    • Pelleas
    • Zelgius

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Zelgius is a pretty sad character, other than being a really weird and dangerous person that really loves fighting.

I'm pretty sure he wanted a serious fight with Greil, but got none since Greil was now too old to fight back properly and thus got trepassed by Alondite.

Anyway, if defeat=death, then he wanted to kill him anyway.

I think that... he agrees to Sephiran mostly out of love and despair: he had no one else to turn to, what does he do? Go with the person who says he understands him the most and accepts him for who he his.

Their relationship is a bit sick: Zelgius never questions Sephiran's doings, and his devotion is really extreme. I wonder what goes on in his mind... I'm truly thinking he's desperate for family and affection.

He's my one of my favorite villains but... he's a weirdo.


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Zelgius did warn Greil that if he tried to fight him with Urvan, he would probably die.

And he didn't know that Greil had crippled himself either. In fact, he was quite surprised at how easy it was to strike Greil: "Is that all there is? No challenge? No resistance?"

None of which makes him less evil than Pelleas, of course...

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There's no question. Pelleas is a victim. His actions were not his own. Zelgius is kind of a bastard. The only thing he did was be Ike's "final teacher" although brought upon by killing his father. So yeah, in short, Zelgius is just terrrrrrrrible.

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Zelgius did warn Greil that if he tried to fight him with Urvan, he would probably die.

And he didn't know that Greil had crippled himself either. In fact, he was quite surprised at how easy it was to strike Greil: "Is that all there is? No challenge? No resistance?"

None of which makes him less evil than Pelleas, of course...

This. Zelgius tried his best to make it a fair fight. I have little respect for pelleas, as he again, listened to izuka, and was responsible for daeins situation. Ultimately, pelleas wins, cuz he's a nazi to the Laguz.

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This. Zelgius tried his best to make it a fair fight. I have little respect for pelleas, as he again, listened to izuka, and was responsible for daeins situation. Ultimately, pelleas wins, cuz he's a nazi to the Laguz.

Zelgius did a pretty crappy job of making it a fair fight, as he acknowledges later on since Greil is intentionally crippled at that point. Also apparently Zelgius knows about the weapon triangle and had the advantage that way and still went. If his "best" was "oops I guess you're crippled and, well, if you insist on using Urvan, I'll just kill you super easily" then, um, how is he in charge of such a massive army and why is he handpicked by Sephiran? Meanwhile, Pelleas goes to war to save his people and, more importantly, dies for them. Not even charges onto the battlefield or anything - he just commits suicide via wimpy mage lord with a knife. I don't think you can call it being a nazi to the laguz when he treats himself the same way - disposable if it will save the people of Daein. That's simply put. I'm not going to type up an essay on this, but for all of Pelleas's faults he is inherently goodwilled while Zelgius is kind of sociopathic.

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especially considering Zelgius knew that Greil was far weaker then he used to be.

As said, he didn't, though. He only found out Greil had crippled himself when Ike told him in Nados Castle.

That said, Zelgius is still more evil. That's one thing that annoyed me about Zelgius being the BK. In FE9 the BK is straight up evil: he kills Greil, the only thing stopping him from killing Ike are Caineghis and then wanting to fight Ike in his prime, and threatens to "visit horrors" upon Mist, a fourteen year old girl. What the hell? Then in 10, the BK was just following his master's orders and only wanted to fight Greil to prove he was better, and the death may or may not have been an accident. He should have just stayed a nameless embodiment of everything Ike hated IMO.

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Should you really be in such a spoilerific thread then?

Well I've played the sequel so any major plot points have already been spoiled on me. This thread is also specifically geared towards Radiant Dawn instead of Path of Radiance since it's discussing a Radiant Dawn only character and a character who's actions were only revealed in Radiant Dawn.

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Ike's memory scene took place more than ten years before Path of Radiance, so Ike would have been 6 or 7 (and Mist 5 or 6) at that time...

I do think that Mist looked and sounded a bit younger than 5 or 6 in that particular scene, and Ike's voice was a bit deep for a 7-year-old... but then again, I had a tenor voice before puberty and a sub-bass voice after.

Anyway, when you put the pieces together, Mist had to be in her mid- to late-teens in PoR, since she definitely wasn't a baby when her mother was killed, and that was more than 10 years before PoR.

Anyway, I think that Zelgius' threats about what he would do to Mist sounded a lot more like a bluff in light of the fact (established in Ike's memory scene) that Zelgius knew all along that she had the Fire Emblem. There was no need to torture her for that information, and Zelgius knew it, even though Greil didn't.

Which makes me wonder why Zelgius never directly targeted Mist. Of course he knew about Nasir, but he had an opportunity to steal the Emblem before they boarded Nasir's ship, and he didn't exploit it...

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Why would Zelgius even mention Mist to Greil? As far as Greil is concerned this former student should have no idea he has a daughter. He had to threaten Ike to make it seem like he didn't know where the medallion was but knew all along for the same reason he knew of Mist's existence. The only thing he needed to do was convey the image of the guy who wanted the medallion by threatening Ike. He knows from the start who has the medallion. Mentioning Mist at all was pointless and from Greil's perspective probably seemed really suspicious. The whole scene really looks like it went under some later revisions. Though the fact that he references Mist despite not seeing her before then on screen makes me thing some of it was planned out.

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Which makes me wonder why Zelgius never directly targeted Mist. Of course he knew about Nasir, but he had an opportunity to steal the Emblem before they boarded Nasir's ship, and he didn't exploit it...

Well, from the Black Knights position, it makes sense that he stayed away from the mercenaries after killing Greil because he had to assume that Caineghis was still around.

It's reasonable that Zelgius thought that he couldn't risk going after the group during that time.

It helps that he has his duties as one of Begnion's finest generals. And he can't be anywhere. And he can't overuse his teleportation powder.

So it's also reasonable that he would neither know when the group left for Begnion or their exact location while they were vulnerable.

Until they caused a ruckus by attacking a prison camp. But afterwards he meet Sephiran who specifically told him to leave them alone.

And as you said, from there Nasir could have just taken the Fire Emblem without hurting Mist. Sephiran and Zelgius probably wouldn't resort to violence when they can avoid it. There was no need for them to rush he job anyway, since the Fire Emblem was equally affected by the war no matter it's location.

The only risks were that Ashnard might change his plans if he cannot pursue his attempt to free the Dark God using Galdrar or that it might find it's way into Reyson's hands. They were both pretty low risk, I say.

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