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Is arguing with women really that bad?


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Lately I've been noticing guys saying "one does not simply win an arguement with a woman", and this song reminded me of that as well. Also, it helps to note that arguing with my mother is complete and utter BS, but I thought it was just because she's my mother, and that parents seem to do that in general...?

Why is it that men say that? Why do they make it seem like women always have the need to be correct?

EDIT: I don't mean to sound sexist. It's an actual doubt of mine. I've never had a girlfriend or anything of that sort, so I'm guininely wondering what's up with that...

Edited by bearclaw95
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Loaded question much? I'm not going to answer, because this has the potential to go horribly wrong in a short amount of time.

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Because, whether we're right or not, women are irrational and still take it badly and WE become the bad guy in the situation. Apparently, the whole "I'm a lady, I should get special treatment" mindset, is etched in society and won't be changing any time soon.

EDIT: I mean this with the upmost respect, because I'm a gentleman and this is not directed to all women

Edited by Hero-King
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For stuff like this (which is bound to negative stereotypes that affect a significant portion of the population of this board), it is better NOT to post it. Instead, keep silent and make up your own mind. You don't need a constant barrage of answers from other people.

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yes because they can give you the silent treatment and wont have sex for a week or so

It's a case-by-case thing, some women can be overbearing and some don't mind it too much. Can be a joke sometimes, sometimes it isn't. Men aren't any different.

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For stuff like this (which is bound to negative stereotypes that affect a significant portion of the population of this board), it is better NOT to post it. Instead, keep silent and make up your own mind. You don't need a constant barrage of answers from other people.

Thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to remember that

EDIT: Wait that was for Bearclaw wasn't it?

Edited by Hero-King
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well, women are generally more wanted then men in my society; it's just true. they will or won't exploit this, depending on how manipulative an individual woman is. usually when people are talking about arguments in this context, there's a partnership involved. i think men might generally value things like cuddling more than women in a relationship, but i know little to nothing about that...i haven't seen nearly enough.

For stuff like this (which is bound to negative stereotypes that affect a significant portion of the population of this board), it is better NOT to post it. Instead, keep silent and make up your own mind. You don't need a constant barrage of answers from other people.

eclipse releases her inner grump =p

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Not only they are more wanted in society, but they themselves always wants to be the center of attention, well... Not the center of attention, but deep inside, What woman truly wants is a special kind of Attention/treatment from someone even tough they won't show it ouside...

And to argue with them means the opposite of what they want, so... Yeah, arguing just gonna make them hurt even more..

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Arguing with women can be quite tough indeed. These monsters are very likely to grow long, sharp claws, so you have to use your reflexes and punch them in the face repeatedly before things get out of control.

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Arguing with women can be quite tough indeed. These monsters are very likely to grow long, sharp claws, so you have to use your reflexes and punch them in the face repeatedly before things get out of control.

and then the legal authorities become involved, and therefore the men simply cannot win =p

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Arguing with women can be quite tough indeed. These monsters are very likely to grow long, sharp claws, so you have to use your reflexes and punch them in the face repeatedly before things get out of control.

Oh no but imagine their biggest weapon! They can tame you just like that, wrap their finger around you! All they need to do is expose a bit, whoa!

Scary indeed bro, scary indeed!

Tbf stupidness is there in both genders/sexes but the way its justified is different.

A woman would more likely pull the "I'm a woman, I'm supposed to be irrational and more emotional!"

A man would pull out the ego card and go "Hey I'm a guy I'm more rational"

Ofc this is if you went by stereotypes but it actually isn't THAT common from experience. tl;dr

Edited by Bluedoom
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From the my stand point there's three reasons why I don't argue with women, and probably never will:




Now the first reason is pretty simple, she'll hold out on sex. As awful as it sounds that is actually a huge punishment. The second reason is a bit different, but really who wants to eat alone? Also of note is that I'm an awful cook and nobody goes to a restaurant by themselves. The third reason is a personal philosophy. There is absolutely no need to argue with somebody important to you. It won't just hurt them it will also hurt you.

Now none of these apply to strangers. But why would you argue with a random stranger?

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Now the first reason is pretty simple, she'll hold out on sex. As awful as it sounds that is actually a huge punishment.

get a pillow or a doll. *shot*

The second reason is a bit different, but really who wants to eat alone? Also of note is that I'm an awful cook and nobody goes to a restaurant by themselves.

huh? not sure i get this one...do you usually eat without doing something else? i find it's best to watch something while eating. also, stop at a drive through or order pizza =p

ohh i want some pizza...

The third reason is a personal philosophy. There is absolutely no need to argue with somebody important to you. It won't just hurt them it will also hurt you.

eh...arguments kinda have to happen with people you care about. what kind of relationship are you in if you don't ever speak up in disagreement? relationships are quite possibly never all neutrals and positives.

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The fuck? This discussion's kinda misogynist. There are plenty of men that you'll never "win" an argument against, and some women who are completely capable of having rational discussions about those sorts of things. Women aren't stereotypes, they're people for Christ's sake.

P.S. If you're asking this question and your mother is the case study, you need to get out there and argue with some more women.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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I found that arguing with men is more stressful. When a woman lose the argument, she will do all sort of things to annoy us but a if that is a man...thing may go violent, very fast. It's harder for a man to throw away his pride and accept his defeat and some guys will just resort to muscle if the argument doesnt go their way.

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The fuck? This discussion's kinda misogynist. There are plenty of men that you'll never "win" an argument against, and some women who are completely capable of having rational discussions about those sorts of things. Women aren't stereotypes, they're people for Christ's sake.

somebody's missing the point o3o

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Wow, this is in general, so this is srs business!

At the end of the day it is a stereotype. Stereotypes are applied to a whole of a population and usually ends up being true about a small number of individuals in said population.

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"Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy"

That's why you don't argue with a woman you are in a relationship with. It's also why some women don't argue with the man in the relationship. One person has to just let the other one always be "right", and depending on the mindset of the two people it may be the woman or the man. Of course, there are exceptions where both are reasonable people that can accept they aren't always right and actually have discussions to discover "right", but honestly how often are there two reasonable people in a relationship?

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The fuck? This discussion's kinda misogynist. There are plenty of men that you'll never "win" an argument against, and some women who are completely capable of having rational discussions about those sorts of things. Women aren't stereotypes, they're people for Christ's sake.

P.S. If you're asking this question and your mother is the case study, you need to get out there and argue with some more women.

I said I didn't mean it that way, you know.

At the P.S: I also didn't expect my mother to be a "case study" for which I'd accuse other women for (though I sometimes would prefer to refain from a relationship because of that). I have no reason to argue with other women because I don't live with them, and I argue with my mother because she can be incredibly ilogical at times. It's like logic purposely doesn't work, it's just like she's only watching my mouth move and interprets things based on my expression (the same one I always have) and my apparent tone, which tends to struck her.

"Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy"

That's why you don't argue with a woman you are in a relationship with. It's also why some women don't argue with the man in the relationship. One person has to just let the other one always be "right", and depending on the mindset of the two people it may be the woman or the man. Of course, there are exceptions where both are reasonable people that can accept they aren't always right and actually have discussions to discover "right", but honestly how often are there two reasonable people in a relationship?

What if you purposely cede most of the time? Wouldn't woman dislike a man without a "backbone"?

Edited by bearclaw95
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What if you purposely cede most of the time? Wouldn't woman dislike a man without a "backbone"?

Which is what makes them illogical. Regardless of all the things you do, it's what you don't do that gets them edgy

Compromise and discussion when both parties are of sound mind the best way to go.

Yes.This would create the perfect relationship

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The roots of the notion are the expectations we've gotten from other people, stereotypes, and generalized bitterness.

somebody's missing the point o3o

I'm afraid you're also missing something central to the problem.

Whether or not a woman brings up in an argument that somebody shouldn't argue with her "because she is a woman," women didn't invent the notion that they're more wanted than men or that they're less rational. The're certainly not notions that help them overall, not given the accompanying stereotypes that they are (read: "should be") submissive. Somebody who does exploit those stereotypes in an argument in such a way is misguidedly trying to work with what little advantage they've been given. They're not getting ahead of anybody, and they're neither helping themselves nor other women, not in that particular argument and not in the bigger scheme of overcoming those stereotypes. It's the opposite of the kind of statement that would be supported by, say, a feminist.

When a couple becomes unable to discuss an impasse for fear of getting into an argument, specifically because of either person's gender, it hurts communication on both sides, and damages the relationship as a whole. It's dragging more bullshit that doesn't need to be involved into resolving a problem that could be much simpler.

If a man unquestioningly believes that he's obligated to literally "not argue with any woman, because nothing will come of it and everybody will jump on me for that alone," they've internalized a socially ingrained message that some great number of, or even all women, are both lesser (irrational/smaller-minded in comparison) and are against him (will have him castigated for disagreeing on something). It can feed into a downward loop of more of the same, where he'll get madder and madder at women in general and never actually express it, because the key to the stereotype is that he believes he'll be taken advantage of or jumped on for saying what's on his mind. It can become an assumption that's in the back of his mind during every encounter he has with a woman, whether it actually comes up or not.

It certainly doesn't feel to this guy like he has the social advantage over women, but this (type of) stereotype (and resentment) runs so deep and wide that women by-and-large have this strange problem where their plainly (and publicly) taking a strong stand can get a weird backlash to it.

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What if you purposely cede most of the time? Wouldn't woman dislike a man without a "backbone"?

It depends what you cede on. If she says the sky is blue because of fairy dust, don't correct her. Especially not in front of other people. If she says Harry Potter is better than LOTR, smile and nod. But if she does or says something stupid on the big things in life, that's when you stand up and if she cuts you off for it then she's probably not right for you. Fight on the big things but let the little things slide because if you are constantly informing her of her inadequacies you will be miserable as a result.

Compromise and discussion when both parties are of sound mind the best way to go.

Even with a friend of mine who claims to be more rational than most women and finds other women to be completely bonkers, it's still impossible to argue with her without pissing her off until you say "I was wrong you are right," so good luck with that. I completely agree that your way is the ideal, though.

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