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Subliminal Messaging in SSB4 e3 Trailer topic:

Vicious Sal

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Great trailer, but I really wanted to see Chrom and Ike and Marth! There wasn't even mention of Fire Emblem being part of the game. I hope this doesn't mean FE is being cut completely from the series, especially after how well Awakening did! :(

Yeah, they'd be stupid to cut FE completely. But since there's an Awakening stage, they might as well confirm Chrom right now. But please keep Ike, pleeeease. And have him use his sexy as hell RD model! *picks a god and prays*

How come some people are talking as if Ike is getting cut for sure? Nothing has said he is or isn't. Speaking of which, I have a new theory about the SSB games that I'll make into a separate thread for discussion.

This is why I think there shouldn't ever be more than four FE reps. Marth and Ike would be the default ones and always stay while the other two slots would go to more recent lords like Chrom. Chrom would only make for three characters right now, but still.

Yet Awakening catered to Ike more than other lords barring Marth by giving him a descendant and a paralogue named after him. And his DLC map was the last and hardest of series 1. He's also described as the greatest hero of them all in the folklore in the game. Ike's got significance enough and the popularity to stay.

On another topic, I got an idea for another stage! A new one for Luigi. It's Treacherous Mansion from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon! It would be so awesome! Think about it, it could work like Castle Siege by switching to all the different rooms: the plant room, sandy room, icey room, etc. Would be sweet!

I thought the SSE was really fun! Though I agree that maze was annoying. I also liked how it showed just how epic and awesome Ike is! First showing up doing Aether and being the only character to successfully destroy a Subspace bomb! You the man, Ike! :D

Haha, would've been funny if that happened. XD

I only brought up my dream though, cause it was cool and because all of my past predictions of the future have actually been accurate, whether I'm only voicing them or they appear in a dream first. I'd make a pretty good fortune teller, methinks, but I'm not really that interested in such a thing. And besides that, there's a first time for everything, so there's still a chance my dream may be wrong and we'll still get PoR Ike's model. xP

Also, now that I think more about the dream, I recall seeing a white cape and a lot of blue hair. Chrom was definitely the mystery opponent.

Oh I hope my dream is accurate! I want to play as RD Ike so bad. He's my favorite Ike!

Dang, that sucks about Sakurai's shoulder. D: Good that he's not letting it hinder him in the least bit though! Aside from using a mouse that is...

And he looks so young too, it's surprising to hear that he's got an issue like tendonitis. I'm still praying that he makes RD Ike playable, but staying with PoR Ike would be A-okay with me since he's still Ike. <3

I've a feeling ROB might be cut since Wii Fit Trainer is in. We don't really need two hardware reps.

Ike needs to stay. FE deserves three reps now that its popularity got boosted thanks to Awakening. Marth, Ike, and Chrom are probably going to be in.

I didn't think ROB even really had a series. :/

We've already talked about Ike, so I won't go there again.

If no one's been cut so far, then that means Ike has a big chance to stay! I pray that he's still there when the games are finished. <3

Hey, if that's what needs to be done to keep Ike in, I'll accept it. No knight fears the slow, but steady road. :)

So, if people are guessing a pattern of revealed characters that will relate to which games and stuff are on the way and we'll get one (or maybe even two depending on the 2014 release date) a month, I'm gonna guess these things will happen.

New Super Luigi U (hard copy) - Luigi <3

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team - Peach/Bowser/both

Super Mario 3D World - None, I think all Mario characters would be shown by this time.

Pokemon X & Y - Mewtwo/Kalos Trainer/both

Europe's release of the Rogues & Redeemers 3 DLC for Awakening - Ike (if Ike is staying and will remain a default character, it would make sense to show him first out of the FE cast)

SMT x FE trailer - Marth/Chrom/both

The Wind Waker HD - Toon Link

A Link Between Worlds - Ganondorf/Zelda/both

DKC Tropical Freeze - Diddy Kong/King K. Rool/both

Yoshi's Island 3 - Yoshi

MGS 5 - Snake, if he's going to stick around

That new Sonic game coming - Sonic, if he's going to stick around

Mario Kart for Wii U - Daisy? :D

Everyone else's reveal time is up in the air. xP

...Oh. Europe is releasing this stuff in weird orders. xP

Well, Ike still has a chance of staying because Sakurai said he's not cutting anybody unless time forces him to.

I just want to see Ike so I can rest easy about him. He's one of my mains in Brawl (the other being Luigi and I'm not worried about him cause duh, he's friggin Luigi) and I'd really hate to see him go. ;_;

I also use Toon Link, but I wouldn't be THAT upset if he was cut, especially if he's replaced with Ghirahim or Vaati. ^^

The good thing about Ike though, is that he's a default in the roster right now, so if he's sticking around, he'll probably be the first FE character to be revealed! :D

I wouldn't mind if those rumors were true. Ike and Marth AND no boring Roy? Would totally make my day. And Stage Builder with lots of upgrades? YES!

What the heck is "Board the Platforms" though? I don't remember anything like that from Brawl. :/

Also, that screenshot. What. xP

I'd like a Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon stage confirmed next on the stage list. Still crossing my fingers for Treacherous Mansion. x3

As for a character, we don't have a single FE one on there yet. Show us Ike or Marth! :D

Yeah, that would be a slap in the face to those Ridley fans. :/

But that stage looks pretty cool! I might try it out when I get to play. ^^

I've also got my fingers crossed for Ike as the next character reveal. He was the default FE rep in Brawl and is a veteran now, so if he stays default and Marth stays unlockable, it would make sense to show the former first. Sakurai likes hiding the unlockables except in special cases (like Luigi), and I wouldn't be surprised if he's having trouble deciding on an Awakening rep (if any) so yeah.

I kinda agree on that. In terms of characters, anyway. They don't like Ike because he's muscley and stuff? That's just dumb, because one, he's not even all that muscley in PoR, and two, there's more to Ike than just his strength. xP

Yeah, I agree. Brawl's insane amount of unlockables was one thing that kept me playing it over and over. I wouldn't care if Luigi is unlockable or not though, what matters to me is that he's there. :3

Same with Ike. If he's pushed back to unlockable, I could deal with it, because at least he'd be playable at all.

I just hope it isn't insanely hard to unlock some people like it is in Melee. >_>

September's character is really up in the air, I think. No big Nintendo titles or anything are coming out in that month as far as I know. So I'm hoping for Ike and then a new Pokemon trainer for October (I'd actually want Keldeo even more, but with Mewtwo being considered and stuff, he'd be more likely to get revealed later). :)

Nothing relevant is being released in September as far as I know, so it's pretty up in the air. I've got my fingers crossed for RD Ike though. x3

Yeah, that's possible. But I'd like an FE rep shown already! We don't have one yet! Even if it's Chrom or Marth rather than Ike, I still want one. lol

But I want RD Ike so bad still. xP It'd be AWESOME if Ike's first appearance is a video of him Aethering somebody like in Brawl's SSE! That was epic. :D

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what would your moveset be?

I'd like a hat that spewed bunnies or something

maybe doves

I dunno I just really like magicians in fighting games

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Hmm I guess maybe I could be a magician who has a book/tome that cool things like manatees and potatoes come out of, that's so original btw.

My final smash would be stealing Ness's bat and hitting baseballs at the screen from a closer-up 3rd person view, kinda like Snake's final smash involves him shooting an RPG at the screen.

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Hmm I guess maybe I could be a magician who has a book/tome that cool things like manatees and potatoes come out of, that's so original btw.

My final smash would be stealing Ness's bat and hitting baseballs at the screen from a closer-up 3rd person view, kinda like Snake's final smash involves him shooting an RPG at the screen.

mine would be a confetti cannon

everyone that gets caught in the blast gets dazed and has all their movements reversed

all dat chaos oh em gee

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mine would be a confetti cannon

everyone that gets caught in the blast gets dazed and has all their movements reversed

all dat chaos oh em gee

That sounds like a blast (fuck puns) cool idea.

Edited by Static Shock
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I think FELucinaXYarne's bunny-overlord lovechild should be FE's only rep. Just imaging the drama and the shitstorm and all the delicious tears to be shed has made me moist

also there was this thing revealed from r/smashbros which is kind of amusing


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I think FELucinaXYarne's bunny-overlord lovechild should be FE's only rep. Just imaging the drama and the shitstorm and all the delicious tears to be shed has made me moist

also there was this thing revealed from r/smashbros which is kind of amusing


Even more lulz.
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