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Chrom x Sumia is the best Awakening couple


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Lol we keep continuing the acronym convo. We're like those two dudes sitting around talking nonchalantly while everyone else is chatting up a storm.

Best way to describe it, yeah. :D

I want to join in too...

Yay a new member!

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Nothing like ladies that know how to keep their calm in times of great crises right?

Keeping calm and carrying on. :D


Edited by Vashiane
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Welp, I tried. I guess I'm officially joining the lynch mob....

##Vote: This Thread

Gonna celebrate Inigo x Severa though for this month since it was the winner among my OTPs! They made it so far! :D

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I don't think Frederick is "in love" with Chrom, I think he's just over-obsessive with his job. lol And I don't think he realizes that some of his actions can be...misinterpreted. XD

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Well, this is one reason I find Frederick to be unintentionally hilarious. lol

I mean, begging to throw coins into a fountain to ensure a strong lord and vassal bond? Pulling weeds, picking up pebbles, and shooing birds? Dusting the tent? Putting up naked Chrom posters?! XD

And his seriousness makes me giggle too sometimes. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Wait...Chrom has the top two best supports? WAT.

I think it's just that everyone has really different opinions on what makes a "good support" that in the end, we all couldn't agree and mass vote on one. The votes were all really evenly scattered. Then people's favorite pairings started failing to make it past rounds, so people were just forced to vote for what they considered the next best thing, and so on. Which brings us to Chrom and Olivia and Sumia (Which are imo, pairings that are only a select few's strong favorites, but at the same time, a leftover pairing that most people consider okay I guess?)

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I think it's just that everyone has really different opinions on what makes a "good support" that in the end, we all couldn't agree and mass vote on one. The votes were all really evenly scattered. Then people's favorite pairings started failing to make it past rounds, so people were just forced to vote for what they considered the next best thing, and so on. Which brings us to Chrom and Olivia and Sumia (Which are imo, pairings that are only a select few's strong favorites, but at the same time, a leftover pairing that most people consider okay I guess?)

I agree with this. Once you get to the final rounds, its a matter of voting for the one you dislike least, not so much which one you like most.

(btw, your image signature is very appropriate. Coincidence or on purpose?)

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(btw, your image signature is very appropriate. Coincidence or on purpose?)

On purpose haha. Silver Lightning changed hers to show support for InigoxSevera, so I followed suit (Because I couldn't pick between Olivia and Sumia... But now I was forced to vote for one anyway u n u ;; )

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Scum voting Chrom/Liv to boot out Inigo/Severa...

##Lynch Errybody

Well that's certainly one theory, but I've got another one.

Scum voting out Inigo/Severa to gain the requisite votes to lynch the thread, given that multiple people said they would lynch the thread if Inigo/Severa died.

Wait...Chrom has the top two best supports? WAT.

Wait, we're judging based on supports?

I just think that Chrom x Olivia does cool things for Inigo, because blue hair and philandering prince.

Yeah. We're just kidding around xD

Wait we are?

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