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LoH: Trails in the Sky SC Tease [Now Announced]

Crimson Red

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So for those who haven't seen (probably most everyone except me who stalks the XSEED twitter lol)


First, TiTS has a huge script. It's a JRPG with an absolutely huge script. It's also an amazing story RPG. SC is even bigger than FC (Second Chapter, First Chapter respectively).

SC was never localized due to A) having a huge script and B) meh sales of the first. But those who have played FC have been hoping for an SC release of some sort for a while. FC was originally localized for the PSP and it's not very reasonable to think a PSP game will be released at this stage in its life, but with Steam, it's possible SC could actually be localized.


XSEED just teased Trails in the Sky SC. Finally. T_T


Okay, what's this and the series of trolly images before it mean?




If this is real, it's the greatest thing that has happened on the scene of good-plot JRPG's since like... well, since FC. lol. At least in my opinion; I'm a fanboy and I know there are other great games, us fans are just enjoying the hope of seeing this game getting localized so don't be a debbie downer and talk about how it's overrated or some shit.

*spills hype all over*

*turns into rampaging internet fanboy in the mean time*

Edited by VincentASM
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I still have to get around to beating the first Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. I also promised myself I wouldn't play Ys vs Sora no Kiseki until I finished it~ XP

This is certainly fantastic news, we definitely need more Falcom love <3

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Well, all right I just learned today... specifically an hour ago, that Celceta was delayed til november... got pissed, learn about SC 5 mins ago... all is forgiven

Assuming this is completely legit... but it probably is

EDIT: It feels like i'm not displaying the right amount of hype...

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T_T The first is so good I got addicted and stayed up until 6-7AM like twice playing that game, I literally couldn't put it down lol

This coming from a guy who doesn't think plot is all that important in a good game and thinks most JRPGs are pretty bad ._.

Anyhow we MAY actually see a re-release of FC so perhaps that will be a better chance to finish it off. :O

EDIT: @Soledai yeah I found that out too but if this is coming out it actually makes sense Celceta would be delayed--XSEED is small, it's hard to push out so many things at once like that.

Furthermore XSEED commented in an interview somewhere that they might bring over more JRPGs to PC since the Ys games sold so well on Steam.

Aaaand someone from the team is actually leaving tomorrow so supposedly if such a game were to be announced, it would be today... and lo and behold we have some real evidence it might be SC.

I'm TRYING to keep my hopes down but it's REALLY hard... *body starts shaking with excitement* TAKE ME TO THE TRAILS IN THE SKY!!!

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I'm under the impression that if SC gets it's long awaited international release, it's either going to be Digital release(I.e. Vita or what have you) or Steam, my money is on steam though

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Anyhow we MAY actually see a re-release of FC so perhaps that will be a better chance to finish it off. :O

Nah, I'll just pop it in my PSP whenever I have a good amount of time to tear through the game. I did the same thing with Ys 7. I played it on and off for a while and then played it nonstop for a couple of days on break.

Dang, Falcom feels are so good... and who can forget the music?

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EDIT: @Soledai yeah I found that out too but if this is coming out it actually makes sense Celceta would be delayed--XSEED is small, it's hard to push out so many things at once like that.

True, I didn't even look at it that way, I'll take back getting irked if SC was why it got delayed

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I don't care how long it takes for them to do it, ME WANT!!!!

(I'll stop fangirling. . .for now. . .and this time, I'm buying it new)

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When it comes on Steam I am buying it for anyone who plays RPGs that hasn't played it and gets in contact with me until I go broke

my way of trying to help make sure localizations keep happening and we don't miss out on good games (I could mention several that weren't, not just this)


Oh yeah btw


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*signs in just for this*



I can play it without struggling through huge walls of Japanese text, yay~! ^^

Hm... but that leaves the question as to whether they'll localize The 3rd... or Zero... or Ao... or Sen... or Nayuta no Kiseki...


I think I'll just stick to studying Japanese and playing the un-localized versions instead of waiting years for XSEED to translate the games...

*shuffles off*

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Hm... but that leaves the question as to whether they'll localize The 3rd... or Zero... or Ao... or Sen... or Nayuta no Kiseki...

One step at a time : P

I was really starting to doubt that SC would be released, but it looks like all the right cards were played.

Well done... well done...

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One step at a time : P

I was really starting to doubt that SC would be released, but it looks like all the right cards were played.

Well done... well done...

It apparently wasn't going to happen at all. And then Carpe Fulgur happened.

As for later games, Spacedrake has said that it depends entirely on how well Second Chapter sells. So if you want the later games you had best buy Second Chapter.

Also: FC is being released on Steam, SC is being released both on Steam and PSN.

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I just bought the first chapter yesterday, because it was half - price.

Well, that's one more reason to play it.

Also :


Will it help if I buy it twice? :P:

Edited by TendaSlimeKnight Ikkar
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I'm buying FC again on my Vita, SC on my Vita, FC and SC on Steam at least once, and possibly more copies once I have money so I can convince other people to play and spread the word. At least that way if the next ones DON'T get localized, I can say I legitimately tried/threw as much money at XSEED and Falcom as I could lol

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I was kind of wondering if Carpe Fulgur would attempt TiTS.

I know SpaceDrake has been interested in the series for ages and I'm sure I saw his name in one of the XSEED Ys credits or something.

Plus the company was very sly with what projects they were planning next.

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I wouldn't know the difference between the groups. As long as the translation is more polished than the first LoH trilogy, and as long as it's released over here, I'm happy! I wonder if I can convince my mom to play the game. . .she likes the fact that it's really hard to kill people in this series. . .

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I wouldn't know the difference between the groups. As long as the translation is more polished than the first LoH trilogy, and as long as it's released over here, I'm happy! I wonder if I can convince my mom to play the game. . .she likes the fact that it's really hard to kill people in this series. . .

By the first trilogy, are you referring to Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch and etc.?

Pretty much anybody can do a more polished job than what happened to those games X D

And that definitely includes XSEED and Carpe Fulgur.

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