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Why do people like Cordelia?


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Because people like red hair.

Well, I can't speak for "people" but personally that's part of it. I also like her as a unit (stats and all) so I actually used her multiple times.

But yeah, I personally have a thing for certain shades of red hair. Not gingers, it's kind of on a hair-by-hair basis, but if I saw a girl with vibrant yet not fake-looking, long, scarlet hair and beautiful eyes walking down the street, and I were driving, I'd *probably* end up crashing while trying to get a good look.

It's not enough to call it a fetish though, sorry.

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I find her to be a favorable character because she is such a normal "above average" survivor character. She doesn't have a stupid gimmick like "OMG no one can see me" or "I'm just a ditz who can't bake".

Sure Cain has his survivor thing too but Cordelia's is expanded on a bit more, and her natural combat skills (OMG like she's a jock and let's all hate jocks for Havin natural talents) are not a far stretch from something that people in realty have.

Plus she's a Pegasus knight, and has an appealing character design I guess.

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I don't really like Cordelia. I'll probably will never have her as a "waifu". (I prefer Lissa more anyway)

Besides, I usually get RNG Screwed with her.

(I do like Severa more though)

Edited by Dying Blaze
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Because I like her empress arcana-like personality and she is very respectful even in battle. She resembles a queen in Shakespeare. What's there to not like about her other than not raising her kid right?

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Eh. Cordelia's survivor story is expanded more but it's done so poorly that Cain's story is far better.

Cain is forced to flee because he was told to deliver a father's last words to his son, a king's last order to his prince. This defines Cain and even with his few lines, you can feel his passion. He was supposed to protect his king but he was forced to flee.

“...Sire, I...I cannot bear this! Failing to protect His Majesty...then leaving my brothers to die, slinking away like some coward...This indignity is too much to bear! One day I will repay them in kind. I will avenge the fallen...I swear it!”
“Prince Marth...Tell them...I did not run...”

Even with his dying breath, he's thinking about that incident.

Meanwhile, Cordelia's companions are some random knights we've never seen. She's forced to flee because...

Peace, Cordelia. You did your duty. The sisters rightly prized your youth. You've many years yet to keep their legacy alive.

Because she's too perfect to let her die apparently.

So while Cordelia's story is expanded upon more, it's done so poorly that it comes off as a poor joke.

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Because she's too perfect to let her die apparently.

Strange. I viewed it as Cordelia being younger, and therefore a) doesn't have their experience to buy as much time (because perfection in skills does NOT equal perfect skills to use them in battle necessarily, especially when under ambush), b) has more time to train to become stronger (natural limits haven't been reached; also, this one is the most iffy), and c) has longer to devote to protecting Ylisse (which is exactly what's said). A recent show I watched had something very similar where an older commander bought time for the younger hero to run because the hero was younger and had a longer chance of killing the enemies. It's a strategy that they chose. There is also possibly the psychological factor of now wanting to see someone younger than them die (can't count the number of times I've seen this, but a most extreme version of this is a parent outliving a child).

I'm also known for looking too deep into some things, so... *shrug*

Edited by Kat
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because i'm perfect like cordelia so we connect very strongly u kno?

I'm confused as to what this is supposed to be a response to. It seems quite random.

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Now, this is mainly a question for all the Cordelia fans, but I have read most of her support conversations, and I honestly don't get it. I found her (among other things) very unrelatable and very annoying how the second half of the conversation is always blind praise for her. So please, explain to me why you like her.

First of all, Cordelia has a wonderful design. Her hair is a distinct red that no other characters can have. And her armor complements her hair very well, with red tones (dark red and pink). So her design is aesthetically pleasing.

She also is the more useful of the two gen 1 pegasus knights. She can have a strong daughter with galeforce, who is the most useful of the females in gen 2 aside from Lucina (and can be more useful than her). As a flier, she can be a very critical unit in moving in battle.

Beyond that, Cordelia has this wonderful ironic and sad nature to her character. The developers have likened her Catria from FE1 and FE3. Like Catria, she is in love with a would be ruler who is completely in love with someone else. And according to the hints from this game, they both lose out to another pegasus knight (Sumia for Cordelia and Caeda for Catria). But the supports in this game elaborate on the irony of her love.

As an unrequited love, she cannot marry Chrom. But the irony comes from the fact that she is considered perfect. She is the perfect woman and soldier to those in the army to everyone except for Chrom. The one person I would wager she would want to be perfect. She tries her hardest to be better than average, perhaps compensating for inability to be with Chrom. Even her name reflects that fact. The name Cordelia comes from the play "King Lear," in which the character at one point says "Love, and be silent." Which appears to be her choice for how she chooses to love Chrom. On a meta level, it's even more tragic since her concept makes her look much similar to Lucina. So possible, at some time during development, she was Lucina's mother.

So other than her usefulness or her strong progeny, your like towards to Cordelia probably reflects your attitude toward unrequited love, as its a defining part of her character. Which will probably be impacted if you have ever experienced it or been subject to it. And also your view with seeing that in fiction.

For me, unrequited love in fiction is wonderful to see if done right. Most love stories you see in film and television deal with true, successful love. Unrequited love stories are often depicted as melodramatic tales, when many experience it at one point in their life. But the important part of a good unrequited love story isn't the unrequited love story itself; it's what comes after. And when Cordelia finally let's go of Chrom (in her S conversations), she truly allows herself to fully be with someone else. And be fully happy. Because love isn't about perfection, it's about happiness.

Fittingly, this new love gives Cordelia something else. A point appears on the map, and she meets someone truly special. An ambivalent teenager, who only became possible when she let go of Chrom. The greatest gift of all.

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She also is the more useful of the two gen 1 pegasus knights. She can have a strong daughter with galeforce, who is the most useful of the females in gen 2 aside from Lucina (and can be more useful than her). As a flier, she can be a very critical unit in moving in battle.

Okay, the first one, I can take it because not everyone have that opinion

Now, for the bolded part....

What is this, May 2013?

Edited by JSND
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First of all, Cordelia has a wonderful design. Her hair is a distinct red that no other characters can have. And her armor complements her hair very well, with red tones (dark red and pink). So her design is aesthetically pleasing.

She also is the more useful of the two gen 1 pegasus knights. She can have a strong daughter with galeforce, who is the most useful of the females in gen 2 aside from Lucina (and can be more useful than her). As a flier, she can be a very critical unit in moving in battle.

Beyond that, Cordelia has this wonderful ironic and sad nature to her character. The developers have likened her Catria from FE1 and FE3. Like Catria, she is in love with a would be ruler who is completely in love with someone else. And according to the hints from this game, they both lose out to another pegasus knight (Sumia for Cordelia and Caeda for Catria). But the supports in this game elaborate on the irony of her love.

As an unrequited love, she cannot marry Chrom. But the irony comes from the fact that she is considered perfect. She is the perfect woman and soldier to those in the army to everyone except for Chrom. The one person I would wager she would want to be perfect. She tries her hardest to be better than average, perhaps compensating for inability to be with Chrom. Even her name reflects that fact. The name Cordelia comes from the play "King Lear," in which the character at one point says "Love, and be silent." Which appears to be her choice for how she chooses to love Chrom. On a meta level, it's even more tragic since her concept makes her look much similar to Lucina. So possible, at some time during development, she was Lucina's mother.

So other than her usefulness or her strong progeny, your like towards to Cordelia probably reflects your attitude toward unrequited love, as its a defining part of her character. Which will probably be impacted if you have ever experienced it or been subject to it. And also your view with seeing that in fiction.

For me, unrequited love in fiction is wonderful to see if done right. Most love stories you see in film and television deal with true, successful love. Unrequited love stories are often depicted as melodramatic tales, when many experience it at one point in their life. But the important part of a good unrequited love story isn't the unrequited love story itself; it's what comes after. And when Cordelia finally let's go of Chrom (in her S conversations), she truly allows herself to fully be with someone else. And be fully happy. Because love isn't about perfection, it's about happiness.

Fittingly, this new love gives Cordelia something else. A point appears on the map, and she meets someone truly special. An ambivalent teenager, who only became possible when she let go of Chrom. The greatest gift of all.

So.. to sum it up..

Cordelia is great because she's an ironic, sadistic Catria.

Not to mention her daughter. LOL, what a happy family.

Edited by Carter
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The Catria comparison does not work when Catria has like zero simmilarity with Cordelia

Including the part where PKL does not like her STR

The Catria comparison comes from the developer's own words, so I think it does work.

I'm not familiar with the May 2013 stuff, but I've always found Severa to be a useful unit.

So.. to sum it up..

Cordelia is great because she's an ironic, sadistic Catria.

Not to mention her daughter. LOL, what a happy family.

The difference is that Cordelia can get her happy ending. She gets the love of her life and daughter.

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Show don't tell

Catria's entire gimmick(if we can even call it that) resolves around being COMPLETELY AVERAGE

See the problem here?

Also people used to call Severa the best unit in the game beside Morgan

Funny how that lasted

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Show don't tell

Catria's entire gimmick(if we can even call it that) resolves around being COMPLETELY AVERAGE

See the problem here?

Also people used to call Severa the best unit in the game beside Morgan

Funny how that lasted

The part about Catria both me and developers are referencing is the unrequited love. Which matches up very clearly. I didn't mention that other stuff in relation to any perceived similarities.

So I don't see any problem.

I think most of the children generation can be useful regardless.

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The part about Catria both me and developers are referencing is the unrequited love. Which matches up very clearly. I didn't mention that other stuff in relation to any perceived similarities.

So I don't see any problem.

I think most of the children generation can be useful regardless.

I was commenting on the "Cordelia is based on Catria" which I always perceived as a total bullshit

Mostly because I saw a lot of players who goes "Is she the Fiora* of this game?" the exact moment she shows up

*who'se Survivor Stuff is much better developed

All of the childrens can be useful. Its the problem that Severa has no business being the best when Lucina exist.

Edited by JSND
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Getting back to the topic, I think Cordelia has a very strong design.

Her unrequited love, while annoying at times, has a compelling narrative to it that makes it satisfying to achieve an S conversation with her. It's a step above Catria's story, because with hers, there can be a more happy ending.

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Because she's pretty. god knows that no one would like her for who she actually is as a character (extremely specific exceptions may apply)

Actually, i think this is it. The Answer. Cordelia has an extremely striking design. Theres no denying shes nice looking with very feminine yet austere visage. Her expression is stoic and almost sophisticated but a little sad at the same time. Her long flowing red hair really stands out both in her OA and sprite. Shes even got adorable little hair decs that hint to her position in the army but also hint to a sweet side. The way she holds her lance is commanding and her armor is detailed. So going in, you think you are in for one really interesting character who is also very visually appealing. Even her name is striking and conjures up Shakespeare.

Therein lies the crime. Cordelia looks really cool and pretty. But shes just..boring. If her design was different, her appeal would be much less. If her design was more basic like Fiora's (FE7), people would yawn and move on. The fact that the army in-universe shills the hell out of Cordelia makes it worse because we dont see this so-called "amazing prowess" in a cutscene or when shes introduced. While she is a good unit, the hype doesnt live up.

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Actually, i think this is it. The Answer. Cordelia has an extremely striking design. Theres no denying shes nice looking with very feminine yet austere visage. Her expression is stoic and almost sophisticated but a little sad at the same time. Her long flowing red hair really stands out both in her OA and sprite. Shes even got adorable little hair decs that hint to her position in the army but also hint to a sweet side. The way she holds her lance is commanding and her armor is detailed. So going in, you think you are in for one really interesting character who is also very visually appealing. Even her name is striking and conjures up Shakespeare.

Therein lies the crime. Cordelia looks really cool and pretty. But shes just..boring. If her design was different, her appeal would be much less. If her design was more basic like Fiora's (FE7), people would yawn and move on. The fact that the army in-universe shills the hell out of Cordelia makes it worse because we dont see this so-called "amazing prowess" in a cutscene or when shes introduced. While she is a good unit, the hype doesnt live up.

But Fiora is hot

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