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I really hate this incredibly stupid bacon fad nonsense.


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I mean really, what's the big freaking deal? It's just some food, not some kind of god or way of life or any of that crap. I'm sick and tired of people making a big deal over how 'awesome' bacon is. And hating on people for not liking it by going, "You have no soul if you hate bacon," "Hating bacon is like hating America/breathing," "You must have made a typo by putting "hate" and "bacon" in the same sentence," "How is hating bacon even possible?" "What kind of sick, terrible person are you for hating bacon?" "I don't mean to be rude, but you suck," "There is something wrong with you," "How are you human?" "You are a communist if you don't like bacon," "Hating bacon has got to be a sin."

It just really ticks me off when people are like that. (End rant.)

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oh don't get me wrong i also love bacon

it's just nachos are the best thing possible

(i will not harbor any of my disciples badmouthing bacon, keep your opinions on the matter to yourselves)

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nachos with bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

the same can be said for vegetarian/vegan people about eating meat

some really go apeshit about it

Edited by Woodshooter
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nachos with bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

and bacon strips

Good idea.

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I mean really, what's the big freaking deal? It's just some food, not some kind of god or way of life or any of that crap. I'm sick and tired of people making a big deal over how 'awesome' bacon is. And hating on people for not liking it by going, "You have no soul if you hate bacon," "Hating bacon is like hating America/breathing," "You must have made a typo by putting "hate" and "bacon" in the same sentence," "How is hating bacon even possible?" "What kind of sick, terrible person are you for hating bacon?" "I don't mean to be rude, but you suck," "There is something wrong with you," "How are you human?" "You are a communist if you don't like bacon," "Hating bacon has got to be a sin."

It just really ticks me off when people are like that. (End rant.)

I hate bacon. Seriously, I do.

down with bacon

up with nachos

anybody who doesn't like nachos is literally satan

Me too, bacon isn't that good. I can thing of at least 30 kinds of meat that are better.

when the bacon lords rise and lead our world to a more enlightened state you shall be the first fools made an example of

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