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There's a wasp nest outside my front door, should I spray it with water?


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I'd advise having a screen door for protection, like someone mentioned earlier...but maybe if you can't get a strong enough jet through the screen door, just have the nozzle propping the door open? Blast a jet and then pull the nozzle back and slam the door? If you're quick you should be okay... :O

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Don't use fire, it only has x2 effectiveness. Get a big rock and go to town on the nest. Or rig up some sort of mini-catapult if you don't want to get stung.

Wasp hives are only bug-type, not both bug- and flying-type (x4 effectiveness), so I don't see how a large rock would be more effective than fire.

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Spray with rubbing alcohol.

Light a match and toss.


i'm amazed that it took literally one post for someone to come up with something dumber than 'headbutt the nest' and were actually serious

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If you want the wasps to drop dead, use a commercial wasp killer like Raid brand Flying Insect or Wasp and Hornet killer.

Edit: The best time to kill the nest is at dusk or nightfall, when the entire nest is resting for the night and will all be gathered in the one area that will become their grave. :evil:

Heh heh heh...

Like shooting fish in a barrel. It's low, but at least it gets the job done super effectively.

bees are bros, wasps are the devil incarnate



nah, spray it with fire

love the smell of napalm in the morning


Good one Integ. Good one.

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Smoking a nest is actually pretty effective, since it'll make the wasps leave so you can safely remove the nest without having to kill them. Setting fire to something attached to your house isn't, lol.


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i'm amazed that it took literally one post for someone to come up with something dumber than 'headbutt the nest' and were actually serious

1. Welp.

2. I'll just leave this here, since I'm not in the mood to rise to your attempts to instigate a flame war.


Oh and:

3.Next time I'll make sure to use acronym.


Obligatory, of course. Edited by Interest
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