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••!•• Would you prefer: Day 13+14


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FE13 and 8 is piss easy, but it do have some rought parts, the early game being somewhat rough in 13(if you did not simply Frederick MU all of them), and some of 8 chapters are pretty well designed

1 OTOH is Marth and the Cav Stomp and it can even be warped

.....on the other hand screw it. 13 is a total joke

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It's something between 8 aka murder everything with Seth and not give a shit, and 13's nobody takes damage ever in normal

9 does not make it simply because the lack of both turbo or skip enemy phase and makes it a lot more annoying to sit through

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and 13's nobody takes damage ever in normal

O RLY? Then how do you explain the trouble I had training up Gaius then (especially when the AI decides to have all its units gang up on him on one Enemy Phase)?

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O RLY? Then how do you explain the trouble I had training up Gaius then (especially when the AI decides to have all its units gang up on him on one Enemy Phase)?

I thought Gaius was the easiest to train thief in the series.
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Fe9 NM was the easiest fire emblem mode i've ever played . I can't imagine how easy its easy mode must be.

I had a level 12 Oscar in chapter 11. As a Paladin. I think I also had a promoted Soren, Boyd and a level 20 Ike, though Rhys was pretty much at base level.

Anyway I'm not exactly sure but I'd probably go for FE9's easy mode. I only went up to said chapter 11, but it's as if I could get EVERYONE to 20/20 without using random encounters or boss abuse. FE11's Normal would be close too.

FE13 Normal has some rougher parts later in the game that I doubt other easier games have.

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i never bothered beating anything past the validar chapter (deleted the file for a draft) but i recall literally nothing doing over 10 damage to anyone

this included validar vs unpaired kellam

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I remember constantly switching characters for supports on my run, so I guess I felt the difficulty spikes (arguably around chapter 16, then again in 21) a bit more. Basilio and Flavia were better than everyone in my team when I got them.

No grinding, no children (except Olivia!Lucina, which I barely used once she got an A with Chrom), mostly Second Seals over Master Seals...

Pretty much everything was intended though.

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Day 6:

Which game's Minor villians (I.E. not Nergal, but maybe Darin. Not Ashnard, but maybe Petrine) do you consider the most well written?

Using a VERY strict definition of the word "minor", I say Gomez

NO I THOUGHT OF THAT FIRST. FE5 is really underrated in this category, not only Gomes but the dragon knight in the chapter before (but not the ones after, fuck those guys except the recruitable ones), that dude with the Master Axe and Tornado in Tahra (if you somehow capture him and release him, he thanks you but "he must take responsibility for his actions" which is just sadface) and I'm sure there are more.

I really liked Linus and Lloyd when I first played FE7, although I don't think they're too incredible now. Limstella and Kishuna are pretty cool as well, oh can't forget Denning heheheh most well written FE character ever.

After that, Orson comes to mind, although I really wish they played him out more like Zeek in TRS, AKA having him be there for quite a few missions than just being a one mission standoff. Honestly, I just wish the FE8 campaign was a lot longer overall, it just feels incomplete to me.

And I'm too lazy to think of anyone else, so that's all you get.

Day 7: Which FE presents the easiest mode of difficulty?

FE12 Normal/Casual

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If three Tier-1 classes (and their promotion line) could be removed, which would you prefer to see removed and why?

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Bandits- For no earlygame bandit chapters.

Trainees (of all sorts)- Dunno if these guys qualify as Tier 1, but man are they chumps. No thank you.

Soldiers- Nephenee is cool, but besides in FE10 where they were rather annoying, all they are is scrubs who provide easy EXP. I could live without!

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Seeing how tons of classes worked differently back in the day, I don't think they can really be compared. So I guess I use the most recent game as base,

1. Bandits

I find them hardly indistinguishable from Axe Fighters and therefore kinda redundant. Maybe they would be still useful as an Enemy class or for special PCs. But the way they are now, they exist just as an excuse to climb the level ladder yet again to farm skills.

2. Mercenary

They are effectively the same as the Myrmidones. Just +1-2 in an attribute here and there. I don't think they are worth keeping.

3. Dark Mage

So they are effectively like Mages, except better in everything. Might as well buff the regular mages and give these guys the boot.

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