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My Parents Just Gave Me a 1-Hour Lecture


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i was wondering...

anyone here ever shout back to the lecturing parents out of rage??

my friend did once and he was exiled out of the house because of that, and he didn't have regrets until now

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lol. My parents were pretty lenient when it came to grades. I did get incentives for performing well (I think it was a 15 dollar reward for each A and 10 for each B we got on our report card, and with six classes that adds up quickly) so I'd try to keep them up when I felt like it. My mom would always emphasize the importance of speaking English properly though; she didn't want us maining ebonics and whatnot.

i was wondering...

anyone here ever shout back to the lecturing parents out of rage??

my friend did once and he was exiled out of the house because of that, and he didn't have regrets until now

Not me. Generally my mom only pulled out the long lectures for reasonable things so I never really felt anger while being lectured (more boredom than anything else). Shouting at my mom would be a death sentence, so there's that too.

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i was wondering...

anyone here ever shout back to the lecturing parents out of rage??

my friend did once and he was exiled out of the house because of that, and he didn't have regrets until now

kicked out of the house for raising his voice at his parents? if they're that authoritarian, i don't blame him one bit.

to answer the question, yes. it's a very loud house i live in (friends don't like to come by), so if she starts yelling at me with lots of disrespectful words and body language, i tend to raise my voice too. my shouting back only started happening when i stopped being afraid of my mom though.

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i was wondering...

anyone here ever shout back to the lecturing parents out of rage??

my friend did once and he was exiled out of the house because of that, and he didn't have regrets until now

Well in high school I only have ever gotten a grade of B+ and up, but any B+ was enough to warrant a 1 hour lecture. Then college happened and...well, I've had a C+ now. IN CHEMISTRY. Ahem. But they've stopped lecturing about things like that. However, they seem to forget any 3.9 or 4.0 and are like....'2.9 YOU STUPID USELESS' ahem.

And YES I most definitely have! But see, my dad gets unreasonable when he's angry, so he says like...CRAZY things. Really crazy things. Regardless, I've definitely had it out with him a few times. I get sick of being treated that way

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I don't know your parents so I can't comment fully. But as a general rule if they're getting on your ass it's probably because they want you to realize your full potential. Trust me when I say that parents who get on your ass about homework are way better than parents who don't give a shit one way or the other.

That said just relax. You're a kid and you're about to enter a period of time that you'll probably cherish for the rest of your life. Take it all in stride I guess.

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I don't know your parents so I can't comment fully. But as a general rule if they're getting on your ass it's probably because they want you to realize your full potential. Trust me when I say that parents who get on your ass about homework are way better than parents who don't give a shit one way or the other.

That said just relax. You're a kid and you're about to enter a period of time that you'll probably cherish for the rest of your life. Take it all in stride I guess.

Esau said this very well.

My Parents only got on my case when I got lazy with my life, as long as I was doing my best on anything I was doing fine, but they have taught me some very valuable lessons via lectures and talks. Without them and the rest of my family I would be drifting still with no purpose.

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i was wondering...

anyone here ever shout back to the lecturing parents out of rage??

my friend did once and he was exiled out of the house because of that, and he didn't have regrets until now

I did, and it looks like a shitty Indonesian Soap Opera Tier drama(yes, Shitty. Indonesian. Soap. Opera. Think bout that for a second) where I can't actually fight back

Either its because I REALLY hold my mom in a high pedestal, my dad sucks, or I don't have the rights to fight back

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in the end, tough our parents did that for their children's sake... it's true that they also did it out of frustation sometimes...

like in my parents case, i accidently make a mistake "A", then after ten minute lecture, they suddenly remembered mistake "B" that happened a month ago and start talking about that too... then they start talking about future & stuffs..

.but sometimes, they even moan their own problems and said "if you don't want to make your already tired parents even more tired, then don't make mistakes!!" they even demand 100% perfection on my house disciplinary when they got bad mood... by 100% here, even one untidied comic, forgotten to turn off lights will led into an extra 15 minutes lecture...

a demanding parents sometimes is more cruel than ignorant parents.....but they say that's how correct parents are....

Edited by Pukuriripo
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i was wondering...

anyone here ever shout back to the lecturing parents out of rage??

my friend did once and he was exiled out of the house because of that, and he didn't have regrets until now

I've told my parents too "fuck off, I don't need you help [other shit, etc] FUCK OFF!" or something along those lines.

Mostly to my dad.

And, alot. **sweatdrop**

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Honestly those grades are pretty bad. I'd be miserable if I had your grades in college. Thankfully I don't even with all the graduate-level classes I take.

And your parents are Asian so it's honestly not surprising. I'm not being racist here or anything, but stereotypes can be true. Ex: Asians being anal (forcing their kids to become good students and go to med school), black people being good basketball players, black people having bigger penises than whites and others, and so on. There's a lot of stereotypes that are true. Your parents fit into that first stereotype.

There's a difference between being racist (thinking all Jews are trash) and believing that stereotypes are true (that a lot of Asian parents can be anal). There's also a difference between thinking every Asian parent is anal (this is not true) and most or a significant amount of Asian parents are anal (this is true).

Even Asians admit that this stereotype is true. Some woman called Amy Chua http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1594202842/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1594202842&linkCode=as2&tag=slatmaga-20'>wrote a book on it.

My suggestion to you is: take easier classes and study harder.

Edited by Celes
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i'm not ruling out the possibility that your parents' standards are unnecessarily high, but also try to understand how important it is to have neat math work. it is extremely important. you'll get to a point where people will refuse to look at your work or take it seriously (riddled with errors) if it's too messy.

well yeah my math work is neat but my parents expect my work to be just like their work

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Honestly those grades are pretty bad. I'd be miserable if I had your grades in college. Thankfully I don't even with all the graduate-level classes I take.

My suggestion to you is: take easier classes and study harder.

"miserable" with a 3-5-5 in college? lol

he's 13 and in 7th grade (or equivalent). he's fine.

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tbh my parents used to get on my case about not doing anything related to school while outside of it but that's stopped since i reached high school and my grades didn't drop off

they're pretty cool

grades don't really matter to me. you american people put way too much weight on that. your education system is weird. i guess the public schools are pretty good though?

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yeah, it's a bummer because they don't matter to me either.

public schools, generally, are pretty bad. especially in the sciences. rich neighborhoods are better off. ain't it funny that rich neighborhood's schools get more funding because they do better on standardized tests?

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i always had mediocre grades so i was always grounded. the thing is, though...even as a kid i was an atheist, so i would get grounded for sleeping through the LONG religious meetings anyway. no offense to any religious people, but my parents destroyed the former majority of my life with that stuff...

grades don't really matter to me. you american people put way too much weight on that. your education system is weird. i guess the public schools are pretty good though?

now i wonder what stoly's continent is...i'm gonna guess austrailia

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ain't it funny that rich neighborhood's schools get more funding because they do better on standardized tests?

Positive feedback loop.

now i wonder what stoly's continent is...i'm gonna guess austrailia

No, but you're close in terms of upside-down score.

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Yeah i've screamed at my parents; I started responding angrily when I was 15, and that's kinda because I got provoked and hit for nothing lol. Fast-forward two years and the number of scoldings/beatings I've got are reduced tremendously (I still get it though. meh) Now most of the times I'm calm but its sorta idiotic when you have both parents screaming at you miserably and you're not happy about it either. That and wild assumptions are pissing off too.

I think its because they've realized I can respond as badly as they dish it out. w00t

Esau: I dunno about you dude but I hated life as a 14/15 yr old.Right now as I see it it can only get better and better. 8)

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Honestly those grades are pretty bad.

I agree with the C+ being horrid, but I don't think B+ is bad.

Also, luckily, the B+ is now an A-.

Like, normally, as long as my grades are all B+ and above, I'm happy.

But I'm stressing out, because I have a map due tomorrow that for some reason, I DON'T HAVE IN MY BINDER, so, if i get a zero.....**weeps in corner**

I really don't want a C or C-....

i always had mediocre grades so i was always grounded. the thing is, though...even as a kid i was an atheist, so i would get grounded for sleeping through the LONG religious meetings anyway. no offense to any religious people, but my parents destroyed the former majority of my life with that stuff...

now i wonder what stoly's continent is...i'm gonna guess austrailia

Yeah, I'm an atheist too, and seriously, WHY THE 3 DAY RELIGIOUS FAMILY EVENT?

I've actually had interesting discussions with my uncle on whether or no God exists.

Edited by MasterKeeperâ„¢
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Esau: I dunno about you dude but I hated life as a 14/15 yr old.Right now as I see it it can only get better and better. 8)

That is what I am talking about. High school life. It gets better and better until you get what you want and then you realize that you never really wanted those things half as much as you thought you did.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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