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FE10 Rout Draft 2

Ema Skye

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nvm, I meant the case where Eddie was unable to orko the two cats and had to kill one of them next phase, and thus, tank the incoming tiger. But then realized I was wrong >_>

ñAnyways the point is still there, what I think is that Edward can't be better than Nolan just because 1-4, specially since Nolan has a better 1-2 ranged combat and has a more consistent ability to ORKO lategame enemies. Eddie will, unfortunately, rely on adept/wrath/crts/astra to orko most enemies.

Also, Nolan's da DB boss

But in a draft, Eddie still beats nolan by 1 turn. Period.

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1-5 4(32)

Ed goes up the ledge and owns some enemies. Volug owns some enemies directly up of him and takes a
delicious mage fire hit in EP. Micaiah and Sothe head down through the desert. Sothe steals da Master Seal.
Micaiah gets exp from the mages. Eddie kills the boss and every 2 range enemy there with wind edge from above the ledge and then he goes up and wraths enemies in the northeast part of the desert. Volug killed 2 soldiers in the northwest. Sothe killed the priest and 2 soldier reinforcements. Volug got the myrmidons (holy shit that move) and the last enemies died like this:
Mage attacks Eddie and puts him in wrath range, gets blicked, a Javelin soldier attacks Ed, hits him somehow with like 30 hit but leaves him at 1 HP (dat ridiculious def blessing) and gets wrathed. An enemy attacked Jill and then dies to Tauro in Other Phase, routing in 4 turns. I then proceed to feed some kills to some of the guys and sacrifice with Miccy in the remaining turns. Would definetely have been 5 if I didn't have such a ridiculous Thwomp Ed.

Micaiah 8.05 HP 21 Str 3 Mag 13 Skl 13 Spd 10 Lck 15 Def 2 Res 11 Light C
Sothe 3.33 HP 35 Str 19 Mag 4 Skl 21 Spd 21 Lck 17 Def 16 Res 10 Knife S
Volug 15.09 base
Edward 16.14 HP 29 Str 15 Mag 1 Skl 20 Spd 19 Lck 14 Def 16 (wtf) Res 3 Sword A

1-6-1 4(36)

Gave 1 level of BEXP to Ed (HP str Spd) and sealed him

32 HP 17 Str 3 Mag 21 Skl 21 Spd 14 Lck 17 Def 5 Res

Also Miccy to .99

I had Ed take the Armor reinforcements (with the Iron Sword forge and the new Swordmaster str, he can cleanly ORKO them) and the Pegs, Wind Edge had 80 hit on the last 2 pegs but the Javelin peg attacks Ed first and his wind Edge broke and he used the Iron Sword forge for the other. Sothe with Adept and crit forges just stomped his way to the northwest. The last turn was a bit riggy due to the armors, not gonna lie. But meh.
Also my Micaiah didn't proc spd....again. Yay?

1-6-2 sucks

Edited by PKL
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What turn? 1-2?

1-4 because Nolan sucks there normally. Consider this, Quint:

Eddie starts at Level 4 with 12 base spd

Just from clearing his join chapter, you can get him 2 levels with a 60 spd growth in 5 turns.

He's Level 6 or very near it. Nolan comes next chapter with a 10 base spd, same growth as Eddie, but he's Level 9, so he gets less exp from kills. Eddie will be growing faster, with the same growth, while Nolan struggles to get 3 levels before 1-4, Eddie can get 5 levels easily, before then. Nolan would need the following:

4 levels:

that contain Str and Spd, with a 45 and 60 growth respectively. He can't equip Wrath, and he normally won't be able to ORKO any tigers. The 1-2 range argument doesn't even matter ever, because Eddie doesn't lose turns ever to Nolan. I've had the opportunity to use both of them. Both at times in equal skill levels of mine. I can safely say Eddie saves 1 more turn than Nolan that Nolan can never replicate unless you rig his str and spd.

Also, Eddie's 1-2 range is good, even, after Chapter 3-6 where you get a buyable Storm Sword, and then u get a Ragnell Tempest Blade for him. Also, Nolan's str sucks.

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Thing is both need to rig lv ups in order to achieve the 4 turn clear.

Nolan needs to rig str and sp lv ups to orko tigers; Edward needs to rig str and sp lv ups, needs to rig enemy hits and/or enemy dodges to trigger wrath and on top of that he needs to rig the crtkills, be it 60 or 80%s. Edward needs moar rig.

Storm Swords cost more than forged axes, and Nolan's str is fixed by t2 with bexp

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1-6-2 7(43)

Routing this map is awful. Managed to improve it a lot from the first clear, which was 9 turns. I optimized it by making sure Sothe had the right Knife at the right time and breaking knives proved to be crucial in saving the boss (oh god why do we have to make the boss survive rage). Sothe went left and then to the boss area, moved towards the ballista so he would die in EP ( the archer attacks without ballista if close enough) and then healed, and killed the 2 priests there in the following player phases. Eddie and Micaiah took the Fiona area. Micaiah proved crucial with Thani and Resolve (she could kill Mages while in resolve). For some reason, the fire mages chose to attack Micaiah over Edward when both were equipped with 1-2 range. Edward could cleanly ORKO enemies with Wind Edge. 2 enemies, the boss and the final priest were all that remained in Turn 7 Player Phase. So I had Sothe attack the priest (boss was hit before and left at 9 HP, good thing no adept proc'd) and Micaiah took down a Cavalier with Thani and Edward OHKO'd the remaining mage that didnt get resolved with Steel Sword. In EP 7, the boss attacked Sothe, missing and then dying. This map is literally the worst thing ever. I guess one could rig Cancel hits from the boss. But the boss has such bad hitrate on Sothe that it would suck. Next Rout plz make this rout everyone except the boss area. That way you can just lure the boss when youre done with Fiona's area. Seriously >_> At least it was all worth it, as Micaiah got a gr8 level.

Micaiah 10.91 HP 22 Str 3 Mag 14 Skl 15 Spd 11 Lck 17 Def 3 Res 13 Light C

Sothe 5.86 HP 36 Str 19 Mag 5 Skl 23 Spd 22 Lck 18 Def 16 Res 10 Knife S

Edward 2.03 HP 33 Str 18 Mag 3 Skl 22 Spd 22 Lck 15 Def 17 Res 6 Sword A

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1-7 7(50)

Edward to .99 and gave him Paragon. Sothe got Savior.

Edward went up to beat the Hand Axe Armor. Savior Sothe went through the stairs with Micaiah. Then Sothe dropped Micaiah in front of the armor near the cell. Tormod got to Sothe finally. The armor died to Sothe in EP and the longbow dude missed micaiah so no resolve. I then had Eddie kill the Longbow Archer. Micaiah goes through. Sothe recruits Tormod and Tormod attacks a ledge Mage. The following turn, I had Tormod weaken the boss so Micaiah can grab the kill with Thani...no spd rage. Edward kills the other ledge mage. Sothe attacks an armor that followed the tormod group but never got killed from a ledge and leaves it at 1 HP due to no adept. The armor dies in EP to Sothe, the remaining mage too. Eddie kills the soldier guarding the door and Tormod kills the 2 remaining archers by the boss. Is my TC 6 or 7 because it ended in EP but I seize in 7...anyway, Sothe got the Master Seal and seize.

Micaiah 11.69 HP 22 Str 3 Mag 15 Skl 15 Spd 11 Lck 18 Def 3 Res 14 Light C

Sothe 6.15 HP 37 Str 20 Mag 6 Skl 24 Spd 22 Lck 19 Def 16 Res 10 Knife S

Edward 4.65 HP 35 Str 19 Mag 3 Skl 23 Spd 23 Lck 16 Def 17 Res 6 Sword S

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Redid 1-7 and got 6 turns again. I forgot to save. Different stats though.

1-8 4(53)

This.freaking.chapter. Celerity Sothe does his thing in the east, i made sure I could reach critical tiles with Sothe. Tormod took the west bandits and then the south reinforcements. The Dracoknight was handled by Micaiah, who entered resolve with a random bandit and the Dracoknight's AI was manipulated by Nailah Volug and Vika in a way that would make him only be able to target Micaiah and no NPCs. Edward and Rafiel took the northwest portion of the map. What I hate the most of this chapter, is how the bandits just love to ignore you and keep moving towards the healer if you don't ORKO them on the way with Sothe. It's so dumb ugh.

Micaiah 12.67 HP 29* Str 3 Mag 16 Skl 16 Spd 12 Lck 18 Def 3 Res 14 Light C

Welp...I guess we'll find out if this Micaiah can do 1-8...

Apparently she can.

BEXP'd her to Level 20, she capped HP right away then got Mag, a random point of spd, capped skl and res and was left with no choice but to proc spd. OH YEAH

20.00 HP 30 Str 3 Mag 20 Skl 20 Spd 15 Lck 23 Def 4 Res 20 Light C

Here we go

1-9 5(58)

One try too! So easy with a best bio micaiah. BK took out the left fighter, Micaiah attacks myrmidon then gets hit by the myrm to resolve in EP. Then BK takes to the north. And Micaiah lands in a thicket, making her total avo 88 vs a 105 hit enemy. BK lands on the thicket near the javelin soldier. Micaiah moves up and lands in another ticket near 2 soldiers. Both soldiers had sub 20 hit on her. BK and Micaiah were done with enemies, making Jaroda and an Archer appear. Micaiah takes down the archer and jaroda dies in EP

Micaiah 20-- HP 30 Str 3 Mag 20 Skl 20 Spd 15 Lck 23 Def 4 Res 20 Light C

Sothe 7.15 HP 36 Str 20 Mag 5 Skl 25 Spd 23 Lck 19 Def 16 Res 11 Knife S

Tormod 5.58 base

Rafiel 12.20 lol

Edward 5.51 HP 36 Str 21 Mag 4 Skl 25 Spd 23 Lck 17 Def 18 Res 6 Sword SS

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Yeah. It's too bad Leaf Storm sucks vs Armors.

1-E 8(67)

Throne room was a bit of a PITA. But I managed. I finished in Turn 8 after realizing that the rout turn isn't the one that matters. I managed to have enough time to get the Speedwing and Unlock (lol i might sell this one). A speedwing comes in handy for my Micaiah!


Micaiah- get carried by Sothe and Thani shit in Throne room. Killed the meteor mage and provided Sothe with bonuses.

Sothe- did the majority of stuff.

BK- owned everything in his path.

Edward- owned everything in his path...except when he dropped to low bio and missed that 1 Wind Edge hit that didnt matter.

Tormod- took on reinforcements.

Rafiel- vigored shit.

Micaiah 20-- same as before

Sothe 9.96 HP 36 Str 22 Mag 5 Skl 26 Spd 24 Lck 21 Def 16 Res 11 Knife S (if youre wondering about his inflated level: he was given 2 BEXP levels prior to the chapter)

Tormod 6.71 HP 34 Str 14 Mag 18 Skl 16 Spd 21 Lck 15 Def 12 Res 14 Fire A Thunder B Wind C

Rafiel 12.80 lol

Edward 7.05 HP 37 Str 22 Mag 4 Skl 26 Spd 25 Lck 17 Def 19 Res 7 Sword SS


adept.png (equipped because she got sealed)






Those are the important things. The other 2 other items are filler i dont remember.

Edited by PKL
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it's 6 i think. it should be the turn that you finish routing that counts as the turn

Oh, so this is where PKL's question came from. This isn't my draft so you guys can do it differently if you want, but I'll explicate my original thoughts here:

The idea is that the map must be routed before clearing, not that routing is what clears it. I added the clauses for survive/defend maps for two reasons: 1, so that if someone couldn't rout it in time they wouldn't be screwed, and two, to give incentive to rout the map as per the draft theme and get different turn counts for different teams. If the rout becomes the turn count, then on seize maps (the only maps this would actually matter for) you can take all the extra time you want to kill reinforcements, find hidden items, open chests, etc.

And as a slight aside, stuff like Volug not being completely free in 1-5 and Haar being free in 2-E were strictly for the theme. Volug can actually help save turns in 1-5 now, so I didn't want him to be totally free, and with Haar's help and Elincia's healing, routing 2-E becomes more feasible (having actually done the map now, one more freebie might not be a bad idea).

Again, it's up to you guys if you want to make the moment of routing the official clear, but it's not the way the rules are currently written.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Alright, I'll count Part 1 as 68 turns then.

2-P 6(74)

Did some fancy luring of the boss in Turn 4 with Elincia so that Haar can reach him quicker when he arrives. Marcia was fed the boss. Elincia was my freebie.

Marcia 6.49 HP 35 Str 17 Mag 6 Skl 18 Spd 20 Lck 12 Def 16 Res 15 Sword C Lance B

2-1 seems like it will suck. My plan just looking at the map is like, rush to the Javelin village and then pick a god and pray.

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Alright, just unlocked Pelleas so now I'm ready to start this!

1-P 5 (5)

Miccy eats the Dracoshield and Edward gets the bosskill. Eddy got an hp, str, spd level up and Miccy got a mag, spd, def level up.

1-1 5 (10)

Nolan gets the hand axe village and takes out the western dudes and Eddy wrath!crits some fighters and the boss.

Micaiah 3.45 HP 16 Str 2 Mag 9 Skl 8 Spd 8 Lck 11 Def 5 Res 5

Nolan 9.93 Base

Edward 7.20 HP 21 Str 9 Mag 0 Skl 13 Spd 15 Lck 9 Def 5 Res 1

1-2 6 (16)

Essentially the same thing as PKL's strat, but my Edward had trouble dealing with some of the soldiers, so I had Sothe kill one in order to make it easier on him. Got all of the goods.

Micaiah 4.21 HP 16 Str 2 Mag 10 Skl 8 Spd 9 Lck 12 Def 5 Res 6

Nolan 11.28 HP 29 Str 14 Mag 1 Skl 12 Spd 12 Lck 9 Def 10 Res 5

Edward 8.37 HP 21 Str 10 Mag 0 Skl 14 Spd 15 Lck 10 Def 5 Res 1

Sothe 1.63 Base

Edited by Mar Mar
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2-1 seems like it will suck. My plan just looking at the map is like, rush to the Javelin village and then pick a god and pray.

Fuck that chapter. That is all. One of my least favorite chapters in the game, and in the series.

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Are you getting 1-1 mixed up with 1-2? We both have 5 turns of 1-1

Besides Miccy needing to dodge a hit from either a fighter or an archer and Eddy wrath criting the hand axe guy and the boss, it was pretty straightforward.

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1-3 8 (24)

Miccy, Sothe, Nolan, and Laura go down the left side of the map while Edward with the Wind Edge takes on the right side. My strategy was once again pretty identical to PKL's, but I recruited Aran on Turn 3 as he targeted Nolan w/ Steel Axe over Sothe. Those turn 7 reinforcements really suck >.>

Micaiah 6.09 HP 16 Str 3 Mag 11 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 14 Def 6 Res 8

Sothe 2.07 HP 36 Str 19 Mag 5 Skl 21 Spd 21 Lck 15 Def 14 Res 9

Nolan 12.42 HP 29 Str 15 Mag 1 Skl 13 Spd 13 Lck 9 Def 11 Res 5

Edward 9.77 HP 22 Str 10 Mag 0 Skl 14 Spd 16 Lck 11 Def 6 Res 1

Laura 1.22 Base

1-4 5 (29)

Gave Nolan a BEXP level (Str, Spd, Lck) so that he could double tigers right from the get-go. I also bought the Beastkiller and Hand Axe from the shop and forged an axe for Nolan (12 mt, 15 crit).

Turn 1 PP Sothe and Miccy break the wall and Nolan chokes a point and kills a tiger by the healing jar. EP two cats attack Nolan and he crits one with DA NOLANATOR. Turn 2 Miccy thani's an untransformed cat blocking the way and Sothe kills a tiger while Nolan heals and goes right into the range of 3 tigers. EP Agony suicides onto Sothe and the damaged cat suicides onto Miccy. Nolan dodges one tiger and kills 2 out of the 3. Turn 3 Miccy doubles back to help Nolan and Sothe moves left. Nolan goes to the spot where the Master Crown is and heals, but does not pick it up. EP the two remaining laguz on the left side of the map are taken out by Sothe and the injured tiger goes to the healing pot by Nolan. Turn 4 Miccy takes out the tiger by the healing pot, Nolan moves into Pain's range and Sothe picks up Beastfoe. EP Pain attacks Nolan and the untransformed cat by Pain moves along with him, and the reinforcements spawn. Turn 5 Miccy kills Pain and Nolan kills the untransformed cat, and EP Sothe takes out the reinforcements.

THWOMPcaiah 8.19 HP 17 Str 3 Mag 13 Skl 10 Spd 11 Lck 15 Def 8 Res 10

Sothe 3.25 HP 37 Str 19 Mag 5 Skl 21 Spd 22 Lck 16 Def 14 Res 9

Nolan 14.88 HP 29 Str 16 Mag 1 Skl 13 Spd 15 Lck 11 Def 11 Res 5

I feel like the Master Crown is probably important too :/ Sucks that Nolan didn't get it, probably should have rigged for that.

Also, in regards to Nolan 4 turning this map, it seems pretty shaky. Even my Nolan, who is incredibly blessed, would have to crit a cat and two tigers, plus Pain, in order to get the 4 turn. Then again, I do not know if what I did was even the correct way to go about 4 turning this map.

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