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You guys think fad threads are so hip and with it. But if they persist, threads like this are the result.

So next time your thinking of making a fad thread, ask you'reself; is it worth the risk?

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You answered your own question.

Multiplication... happens in the heat of the moment Mr. Aikihiko Flan.

That's how flan is produced.

So, I missed shipping.

I'm gonna kick someone in the face for that.

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Yeah, I revived the thread because Malebolganone linked it to me and I wanted to see it. Then I wanted to post. Because Malebolganone thought I was embarrassed, but I wasn't, so I posted in case others thought this was the case too. I wanted to let them know that it wasn't the case and I'm not offended or anything.

I did legitimately think Rey had a crush on me though, he always seemed to go after me the most and we did quarrel a lot. And I've seen crushes exhibited this way before. It's entirely realistic. But at the same time, I've unfortunately never been correct in guessing if a guy likes me... (almost. There was one time where I never actually found out if I was right or not)

So I apologize if I upset Annie. Honestly, I do. I had no intention of trying to steal Rey or anything. Hell, I didn't even know he had a girlfriend until this thread. ._.

Besides, if my heart were to belong to anyone on this forum, it's Malebolganone. He's a sweetie. <3

Edited by Anacybele
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Everyone is too obsessed with pairings.

Just worry about your own fucking love lives and no one else's.

The fact that the MU exists has made FE waifus and husbandos with "Die for our Ship" even worse.

I sometimes wish FE13 was never localized at all.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Can I ask a mod to lock this now? Even I can't fathom how this went this far this quickly.

I'm not inclined to unless any of the following request it: OP, Anacybele, Rey.

That's just my personal gut feel though, you may have luck with a different one.

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Everyone is too obsessed with pairings.

Just worry about your own fucking love lives and no one else's.

Fuck, even as SF's self-proclaimed shipping king (or at least one section's shipping king, anyway), even I'm disgusted by how this went.

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I'm not inclined to unless any of the following request it: OP, Anacybele, Rey.That's just my personal gut feel though, you may have luck with a different one.

I actually think it might be a good idea but let's just leave at it is to see if it dies for good this time, if it doesn't, any mod can feel in the right to lock it Edited by Tonton
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I leave for the day and the thread doubles in size?

The fuck did you people do?

This is what I was thinking at first because the last comment I saw was on November 1st, and there's like 112 new comments... Well this thread escalated quickly. Also I'm confused; I thought both of them didn't get along?

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We don't.

I'm just not the type to break the rules and attack people for no reason.

Oh okay. Still I was confused because the thread's like "They're getting married!" and I was like...I thought they didn't get along...I know it's a joke though, it just kind of seemed strange at first.

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Your definition of "liked" needs some work.

I'm just trying to take the joke in stride.

Annie nearly blew up because of Soul.

Now I'll have to look up his posts

So I apologize if I upset Annie. Honestly, I do. I had no intention of trying to steal Rey or anything. Hell, I didn't even know he had a girlfriend until this thread. ._.

He doesn't have a gf, he has a harem

Big difference

Oh okay. Still I was confused because the thread's like "They're getting married!" and I was like...I thought they didn't get along...I know it's a joke though, it just kind of seemed strange at first.

Two words

Hate sex

Edited by OldMan
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does that make fads a fad?

Possibly. How long can a fad last before it becomes a culture?

Two words

Hate sex

You can't say it like that! You have to quote that one post. Edited by Baldrick
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