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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

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  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Units from FE10 were converted to FE9 mechanics

which includes Meg being limitted to Swords/Lances, despite being a sword general, etc

Units already in FE9 aren't changed in any way

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I have always liked Imbue, let's keep that. I think having fortune is fine, the SP cost is ridiculous anyway.

Since corona is mastery I say we remove that, and I'm not sure with boon.

Hahah, Danved.

Also, Nolan, what a warrior.

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Sanaki has 0 Strength upon depromotion. 0

She can't even lift her own clothing

Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res   BaseSkl

Micaiah  32   10   29   22   21   40   12   30   (Sacrifice)
Edward   51   24   04   29   30   26   18   09   Wrath
Leonardo 40   23   07   30   23   29   18   22   Cancel
Nolan    49   26   08   28   27   25   21   17   Nihil
Laura    35   13   29   22   25   27   12   24   -
Aran     42   27   05   27   22   17   30   12   -
Meg      44   25   08   22   24   35   25   21   (Fortune)
Fiona    40   21   12   21   27   23   26   23   (Imbue)
Heather  48   23   10   29   30   40   22   20   -
Danved   47   21   10   26   26   25   20   15   -
Sigrun   34   18   13   23   24   29   20   23   -
Sanaki   24   00   30   20   21   32   05   26   Flare

Pelleas  36   15   28   24   26   17   16   23   Miracle

Oliver   39   14   27   18   15   26   12   29   (Corona)
Renning  46   20   13   23   21   23   15   16   Sol

All the magic users are absolute shit when brought over, Pelleas being the least shitty with his good speed and str to back it up, but he desperately needs at least 1, if not 2, Seraph Robes, and he doesn't bring that much to the table that Calill doesn't bring herself.

Danved isn't that bad statistically, and neither is Heather (100 base Avoid / 98 base Accuracy is damn neat). Aran and Meg are Generals that desperately need help with their HP, but free up Speedwings for the rest of the team.

I'm calculating out Laguz stats now, then I'll have Acc/Avo and all that up too in a few

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I haven't played through Part 4 of FE10 yet:

is Gareth considered a Royal? What about Kurthnaga? I think Caineghis and Skrimir are royals. Just trying to calculate everything

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Ok I can't exactly incorporate Nailah and Kurthnaga, as their weapon types are exclusive to their own game.

Nailah's "Great Fang" has identical stats to the Tiger's "Fang" in FE10, so I'm going to build it using FE9 mechanics as if she were a Tiger, and copy the stats from a Tiger's "Claw" for Nailah (and also, Kyza).

As for Kurthnaga's Black Breath....I dunno?

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Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%   Aff   BaseSkl
Micaiah  32   10   29   22   21   40   12   30   84   82   11   --   Dar   (Sacrifice)
Edward   51   24   04   29   30   26   18   09   84   86   29   --   Lig   Wrath
Leonardo 40   23   07   30   23   29   18   22   89   75   30   --   Wat   Cancel
Nolan    49   26   08   28   27   25   21   17   81   79   14   --   Ear   Nihil
Laura    35   13   29   22   25   27   12   24   71   77   11   --   Win   -
Aran     42   27   05   27   22   17   30   12   71   61   13   --   Thu   -
Meg      44   25   08   22   24   35   25   21   79   83   11   --   Hea   (Fortune)
Fiona    40   21   12   21   27   23   26   23   65   77   10   --   Ear   (Imbue)
Heather  48   23   10   29   30   40   22   20   98  100   14   --   Fir   -
Danved   47   21   10   26   26   25   20   15   77   77   13   --   Fir   -
Sigrun   34   18   13   23   24   29   20   23   75   77   11   --   Wat   -
Sanaki   24   00   30   20   21   32   05   26   72   74   10   --   Lig   Flare
Pelleas  36   15   28   24   26   17   16   23   65   69   12   --   Wat   Miracle
Oliver   39   14   27   18   15   26   12   29   62   56   09   --   Fir   (Corona)
Renning  46   20   13   23   21   23   15   16   69   65   11   --   Ear   Sol

Untransformed Laguz

Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%   Aff   BaseSkl
Vika     42   11   09   17   19   19   08   12   --   57   --   --   Win   -
Volug    54   12   02   14   15   18   10   06   --   48   --   --   Ear   (Howl)
Nailah   58   13   03   20   16   29   12   09   --   61   --   --   Win   Guard
Rafiel   36   01   09   02   08   36   04   17   --   52   --   --   Hea   Blessing
Naeluchi 52   09   04   08   17   22   09   10   --   56   --   --   Fir   Wrath
Leanne   34   00   09   03   09   39   04   17   --   57   --   --   Wat   Blessing
Kyza     57   11   03   11   12   15   11   05   --   39   --   --   Lig   -
Lyre     49   08   06   13   13   18   08   09   --   44   --   --   Thu   -
Skrimir  61   17   03   12   12   23   13   09   --   47   --   --   Fir   Resolve+Provoke
Gareth   72   18   04   07   06   13   17   06   --   25   --   --   Thu   -
Cainegh. 68   16   02   17   14   24   17   08   --   31   --   --   Ear   (Fortune)+Roar

Transformed Laguz

Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%   Aff   Atk  Hit   BaseSkl
Vika(T)  42   16   10   21   23   19   11   16   --   65   10   --   Win   23   151   -
Volug(T) 54   19   03   18   18   18   13   09   --   54   54   --   Ear   28   144   (Howl)
Nail.(T) 58   20   03   24   23   29   25   12   --   67   12   --   Win   29   167   Guard
Rafi.(T) 36   01   14   05   12   36   05   22   --   60   --   --   Hea   --   ---   Blessing
Nael.(T) 52   14   05   12   21   22   12   14   --   64   06   --   Fir   21   136   Wrath
Lean.(T) 34   00   14   06   13   39   05   22   --   65   --   --   Wat   ---  ---   Blessing
Kyza(T)  57   18   03   15   15   15   14   08   --   45   07   --   Lig   27   135   -
Lyre(T)  49   14   06   17   16   18   13   12   --   50   08   --   Thu   22   142   -
Skri.(T) 61   25   03   16   16   23   18   12   --   55   08   --   Fir   35   ---   Resolve+Provoke
Gare.(T) 72   28   04   13   09   13   21   11   --   31   06   --   Thu   38   129   -
Cain.(T) 68   24   02   21   18   24   22   11   --   39   10   --   Ear   34   161   (Fortune)+Roar
Kurthna. 55   15   07   08   10   21   15   15   --   41   --   --   Wat   
Kurt.(T) ???

Applied FE9 Weaponry to everyone, and worked Nailah in as a Tiger, since in Fe10, the Tiger's default weapon is identical to her Great Fang, statistically.

Because Nailah became incorporated using such mechanics, she's been designated as a Tiger, and thus, Volug has been designated as a Tiger. With the inclusion of Volug, Howl has yet to be addressed (and probably will just be dropped, as I expect most other FE10 exclusive skills will.

I have yet to include Demi-band stats, but they'll come later.

Still nothing exists on the Black Dragon specs, and Lehran has no growths, so I can't break him down into a class unit unless I just flat out demote him and reduce his stats and caps to that of a Bishop.

Support Availability for FE10->FE9 Characters

[Removed] Support Availability for FE10->FE9 Characters

Bond Availability for FE10->FE9 Characters (only appropriate for FE10 into FE9, so Ike+Ranulf isn't allowed)

Edited by Elieson
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I'd like to take a moment and explain why Nolan would be the most powerful an a usable addition:

1. Dat durability: 21 defense and 17 res is exceptional for a fighter and quite good overall. He's lower that Boyd on HP but give him one robe and he'll easily be on par with his GM counterpart in durability.

2. Offense: Nolan caps his skill and speed, the latter of which takes 2 wings from Boyd. While his strength is 26, he wields axes, which compensates. Besides, there are enough rings for him to cap. And without the wings, he avoids Boyd's tendency to put other Boyd's in resolve range.

3. Free Nihil

4. Earth affinity: +25 avoid minimum with 5 supports.

In conclusion, Nolan is the most broken and amazing thing ever in whatever he appears in. Or so my noobie observations indicate at least.

Idk hes probably not worth dem wings. Also Micaiah @ thani, slayer of armors. too bad her stats suck.

Micaiah always sucks!

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nobody is ever going to use them in their current iteration though.

I don't really like this idea though anyway so my opinion is pretty moot

Edited by General Horace
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Blame PKL for this, I'm just enabling him to build a team that I can beat him in.

I'm curious to see what Espinosa says when he comes back. Also, looking at the FE10 Laguz compared to Fe9 Laguz: Doubling stats seems like it's going to render a lot of FE9 laguz even more Worthless

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Blame PKL for this, I'm just enabling him to build a team that I can beat him in.

I'm curious to see what Espinosa says when he comes back. Also, looking at the FE10 Laguz compared to Fe9 Laguz: Doubling stats seems like it's going to render a lot of FE9 laguz even more Worthless

Better than 50 spd Naesala and everyone being unviable due to Spd caps though :P

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Aran/Nolan look like a pretty cool duo. Makalov finally has a reason not to use Parity! Fiona would be hilarious if we kept Imbue based on Mag rather than HP/10.

On the subject on that list, Ike certainly has some options.

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Oh speaking of, I've built a FE10->FE9 Mechs team. PKL if you can find a host, lemme know

Bearclaws, the thing is that we're trying to keep as much of this similar/identical to FE9 mechanics. This is Espi's project, and if we even do progress, it'll be creating a weird mishmosh of two games' skills.

Edited by Elieson
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Aran/Nolan look like a pretty cool duo. Makalov finally has a reason not to use Parity! Fiona would be hilarious if we kept Imbue based on Mag rather than HP/10.On the subject on that list, Ike certainly has some options.

Aran and Nolan are the greatest assets of the Dawn Brigade!

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