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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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For those too blind to notice, Aran supports Tauroneo (Thunder <A> Thunder) for +3 Def +15 Avo. Just throwing that out there too.

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Hey, since support bonuses rounded up in FE10, what will we do about support bonuses?

fe9 mechanics

fe9 mechanics

fe9 mechanics

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On the topic of Corrosion:

Since you equip your next weapon if your current one breaks, then Corrosion isn't identical/superior to Guard.

Corrosion destroys the weapon, but doesn't negate the counter, as the unit who gets their weapon melted just picks up their next one in line (it negates the counter from that specific weapon though).

Guard prevents a counterattack from occurring at all, even if it were to be a double'd back counterattack (Brom attacking and activating Guard on Zihark would cause Zihark to be unable to retort, while activating Corrosion just destroys his current weapon, and Brom still gets doubled back)

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If Nailah is a Tiger, Volug should be whatever is under that. I was thinking Nailah would be Lion and Volug Tiger but I guess Tiger/Cat works.

He should just be below her since Wolf < Great Wolf .

Also Elieson, Sword Generals get Swords and Lances. Tauroneo and Gatrie are Lance Generals and get Lances and Axes while Brom as an Axe General gets Axes and Swords. They'd get the remaining weapon as tier 3 but that part is irrelevant. I think it's help give more trade offs between the armies if they each had different weapons too.

Edited by Psych
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Pkl how's your 10INTO9 team coming?

Also, Kyza is a Tiger, so why can't Volug be one too? It makes sense given the weapon types. Though the whole Laguz Transformation Bs that makes me hate working with laguz to begin with is problematic with a switch between game mechanics.

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Someone should build a team to test out the inclusion of FE10 units into the FE9 mechanics world. I've already built one, and hosting it shouldn't be a problem since it's identical to hosting a standard averages FE9 match, only with a few different units potentially on the field.

PKL chickened out again

Edited by Elieson
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Someone should build a team to test out the inclusion of FE10 units into the FE9 mechanics world. I've already built one, and hosting it shouldn't be a problem since it's identical to hosting a standard averages FE9 match, only with a few different units potentially on the field.

PKL chickened out again

Being busy until Monday isnt chickening out! :(

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Someone should build a team to test out the inclusion of FE10 units into the FE9 mechanics world. I've already built one, and hosting it shouldn't be a problem since it's identical to hosting a standard averages FE9 match, only with a few different units potentially on the field.

PKL chickened out again

I'll start building. We can use units in 9 as well? Correct.
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Aw dang it, I wanted to use a Nolan before anyone else...hey, maybe we should do 2 simultaneous test matches

Also, if we're bringing in FE10 characters, are we bringing in FE10 weapons? This mostly refers to the Urvan and Dawn Brigade weapons.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Aw dang it, I wanted to use a Nolan before anyone else...hey, maybe we should do 2 simultaneous test matches

Also, if we're bringing in FE10 characters, are we bringing in FE10 weapons? This mostly refers to the Urvan and Dawn Brigade weapons.

SS weapons in RD are stronger than S weapons in POR so Urvan is kind of no. DB weapons might be ok.

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it has 15 more hit, the res boost and 1 more MT. I don't think it'd be broken by any means but it's definately better.

There's also the fact it makes you choose it over other S weapons. Not much of a competition for warriors, but on other classes might pose a question.

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Then suddenly ike uses axes, Brom gets axes, and transformation stats for ranulf and Mordecai explode with an entirely new stat determination formula. I was under the impression that we were taking fe10 units, adjusting their stats to meet 20/20 or X/20 averages, using Caps decided on in fe9, and working with that.

Are we bringing in dark magic too? Nosferatu got an incredible boost, and suddenly exists as two seperate elements; that be whack.

If we are using fe10 units with fe10 stats and fe10 gear, why don't we just do an fe10 match with the restriction and removal of a third tier and adjustment of overpowered mastery skills?

If we are doing that, I need to adjust the averages of many of the units, notably Edward.

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That actually sounds good.

Valaura poison stall meta incoming

Just use Tier Two units and things, though I'm unsure if Laguz act in tiers since they just have 40 levels. I think we should probably fix Florete so that is uses Magic as intended, rather than it bugged, since Amiti makes Elinicia okay, but Runesword was kind of Mist's only option in FE9.

Another thing is that all items will be available except Lehran's tome I think. I don't remember the name, but Disarm and Stealing allows other items to be taken.

Edited by Psych
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Are we bringing in dark magic too? Nosferatu got an incredible boost, and suddenly exists as two seperate elements; that be whack.

If we are using fe10 units with fe10 stats and fe10 gear, why don't we just do an fe10 match with the restriction and removal of a third tier and adjustment of overpowered mastery skills?

I just suggested bringing in some of the FE10 weapons to fill gaps, but that works as well.

Nosferatu be trollin'. I think I have an idea for masteries, make them work like FE9. They cost a butt load of capacity but can still be used by those who want them.

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