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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Imo they can be allowed, specially the shared characters. Why ban them?

Not only they have one more class, but some have combinations that are quite OP.

Scarlet gets access to two breakers, Pavise, Luna, and Lucky Seven.

Shura can have two other breakers, Lucky Seven, Sol, and Venom.

With the two of them, you already covered half of the weapon triangle.

And in Nohr, Shura + Gunther + Flora means you have almost entire breaker coverage with only three good units, leaving you two spots to add other powerful units to wreck the enemy team. (you only need Lancebreaker that you get from Kaze anyway or not, only Kamui can get that since it's from Oni Savage)

While some are just okay (Reina), some others are just way too strong until we supposedly get Buddy Seal and Marriage Seals in. (I'm not sure how they work so right now not realy in the modd to use them)

Edited by Nintales
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Sorry for not understanding but could you guys please go into further detail?

Does this have to do with brokenness or low viability in the meta?

Edit: oh ok, now I get it!

Edited by Quintessence
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Imo they're not worth an insta ban because we have no idea of how it will function in this meta, maybe they can be tried to see how broken or not they are.

I can see generals being a huge threat by dealing tons of damage and not permiting follow up attacks for both sides. Scarlet may be a common choice in this regard. I think we should give them a try and see the shitter first. It might be fun after all ^^

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To clarify on things, I may have been a tad confused on past posts. Because i'm going to theorycraft some team(s)

Max Stats, skills are only from the class the character starts in and their alternate set?

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To clarify on things, I may have been a tad confused on past posts. Because i'm going to theorycraft some team(s)

Max Stats, skills are only from the class the character starts in and their alternate set?

Yeah, apparently. We'll try the DLC/Amiibo stuff later.

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Imo they're not worth an insta ban because we have no idea of how it will function in this meta, maybe they can be tried to see how broken or not they are.

I can see generals being a huge threat by dealing tons of damage and not permiting follow up attacks for both sides. Scarlet may be a common choice in this regard. I think we should give them a try and see the shitter first. It might be fun after all ^^

Yeah but Scarlet and Shura are pretty much guaranteed a spot in my Hoshido team if this is the case. Even in a Nohr team.

Any unit who can get Lucky Seven is dangerous. Any unit who can get two breakers is tough to handle (just remember Gangrel for Lucky Seven, and Cordelia for two breakers). Any unit who can get Pavise is tough to handle.

Now just combine everything. Scarlet is way better than Tharja was in Awakening, and Tharja was a Top Tier unit!

Sure, she doesn't have Bride, but she has Adventurer, that is already a good class due to the high speed cap that makes her impossible to double. (Scarlet has 35 speed in Adventurer)

Is Speed+2 allowed? Because it will be probably boring to give it to all my units. :(

Also, WE'VE GOT TROUBLE gets Tomebreaker, Axebreaker and Shurikenbreaker.



but she actually gets only one offensive skill and it's Sol

but lol three breakers on her seems pretty decent

Actually anyone with the mercenary class is pretty good due to the fact they are offered two breakers and Sol.

EDIT : If I'm correct, we can use 6 weapons, right?

Edited by Nintales
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Jedi, I'd be willing to play a match against you later if you would like. I'd be interested in having one of us use only Norh units and the other use only Hoshido units, but any combination of units if fine with me if you would rather do that.

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Jedi, I'd be willing to play a match against you later if you would like. I'd be interested in having one of us use only Norh units and the other use only Hoshido units, but any combination of units if fine with me if you would rather do that.

Which side would you rather have access to? I'm all for Hoshido vs Nohr

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Sol isn't even a very good skill, I don't see how it's a problem.

Hitting people is a lot easier too. Plus you can do EVIL NINJA POISON DAMAGE even if you miss, and stack it with more evil poison damage to do like -60% HP without even hitting someone. Only matters in kids meta though.

I'm a sucker for link arena even though I said I wouldn't be interested in hosting I can do a game if people wanted. I just uh, don't actually know the calculations for this game. How are aura's like Elise's treated? Does this mean it matters what order your units are in and only adjacent allies get her aura?

Also interested in making a hilariously bad team, if there are any takers.

Edited by General Horace
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They can be treated as Anathema, tile radius and adjacent auras that buff allies can be allowed to function indepent of the way you organize your team.

Auras that debuff adjacent enemies can be treated as Hex: only in direct combat with the aura unit, while debuff auras that work in tile radius can be used permanently while the unit exists.

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I think it should be different. Elise's only affects adjacent allies, and Anathema had a 3 tile radius.

Also how should we treat stuff like WE'VE GOT TROUBLE'S personal skill? Do they do nothing, or do the bonuses exist if Corn is alive for the purpose of link arena? Do allies adjacent to Kaze have a chance of being saved by Miraculous save? I think it would add some more depth to the meta personally but it also complicates things a bit.

also can we capture enemies with orochi and use them against the enemy

Edited by General Horace
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I think it should be different. Elise's only affects adjacent allies, and Anathema had a 3 tile radius.

Also how should we treat stuff like WE'VE GOT TROUBLE'S personal skill? Do they do nothing, or do the bonuses exist if Corn is alive for the purpose of link arena? Do allies adjacent to Kaze have a chance of being saved by Miraculous save? I think it would add some more depth to the meta personally but it also complicates things a bit.

also can we capture enemies with orochi and use them against the enemy

But Elise's flower skill is basically Hex but with beneficial effects. We can assume the team is a cross where Elise is the central unit.

WE'VE GOT TROUBLE, Jakob and Gunther's skill might work regardless of Dual attacks and as long as both Corrin and said support unit lives.

I agree on Kaze's skill. Now that you mention it, Elise just Miracle'd a death due to Kaze's awesome skill. I was like omg you're da bess.

Niles and Orochi's skills would be lulzy that way.

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@ Jedi

I'd prefer to use Nohr units myself, but I'll let you chose which side you want to use first.

I'm all for using Hoshido units, despite the fact I like both sides :P:

So I'll whip something up, dno bout today since I have work soon, but sometime soon?

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Solidarity affected the entire enemy team in Awakening, so I guess Elise's / Camilla's auras should work the same way.

Servant's personal will do nothing because attack/guard stance is disabled, and they don't work outside of it. Kaze's personal should also do nothing because he is never the "support unit". Thank God too; full-party Miracle would be stupid.

And yeah, do we actually fucking know how hit/avo/crt are calculated? There's no hosting a game before we do.

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Elise's skill is not like Hex though. Hex only provided bonuses for the user. I still think it would be cool if ordering your team actually mattered, but meh.

I know crit evade is definately different, 2 points of luck provides 1 point of crit evade.

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