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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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He is pretty tough, but you can have someone like Giffca/Tibarn 3HKO (! Naesala actually 2RKOes him) him early on if you don't want the trouble. Or have a lot of +AVO supports, those really wreck him. Like he has like 48% hit on Ike with Ike x Oscar A oh right that's banned. Welp! At least the first one still works...

Take him down at the beginning of the match duh. I still can't get over Naesala 2RKOing him, that's like a HARD COUNTER to Nasir.

EDIT It wouldn't work with Provoke, so if those mechanics stay in he'd still be ridiculous. Welp!

You kind of implied it Refa

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I guess? I still think Nasir is overpowered...

they have horrible hit though

thunder magic would hit kinda hard though

I think Calill would OHKO with Rexbolt and a Geoffrey support lol. Well, I guess not if he's transformed, but it would kind of make him really lame.

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I'm having a hell of a time building a feature in Excel that applies damage from Brave Strikes (counting as second hits and all). I don't think I'll be able to automate that; but re-rolling the RNs to determine if a strike hits should be ok for the time being.

[spoiler=Eli's Arena Sim Spreadsheet Notes]

Has yet to automate:

  • Resolve Bonuses
  • Support Bonuses
  • Automatic Stat-Booster into Stat Value calculation (with caps)
  • Weapon Triangle Bonuses
  • A system that allows a Weaponry menu to be selectable based on a Unit chosen in a previous stat-generating cell

Hawkeye mentioned that he had some experience with Excel; if you're lurking (or anyone really), do you think there's a way to easily automate things like this?

Edited by Elieson
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Actually, I can probably just set Resolve Bonuses to be constantly applied, and just selected instead of the base stat values.

**Edit** The biggest problem is telling Excel to round down the formula instead of up

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Lol I don't know that much about Qbasic tbh. I know more about access, but don't want to make something that convoluted if I can help it.

I THINK I figured out a round about solution to rounddowns; do a =Product(cell*1.5), and set that off somewhere else, then get another cell to call that cell and ROUNDDOWN IT.

Quintessential, you can make me a macro y/y?

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Lol I don't know that much about Qbasic tbh. I know more about access, but don't want to make something that convoluted if I can help it.

I THINK I figured out a round about solution to rounddowns; do a =Product(cell*1.5), and set that off somewhere else, then get another cell to call that cell and ROUNDDOWN IT.

Quintessential, you can make me a macro y/y?

Well, I'm now learning programming in excel with VBA/Macros, and it's quite fun and easy to use. But sure I can make you one. For example, I'd like to make a program in macros that returns dmg/hit/crt taking into account support (affinity per unit, support levels and support bonuses as well as bond/buddy, etc.), determines if x unit gets doubled, gets effective dmg in order to just introduce unit stats, supports and the attack command (unit (wpn) vs unit (wpn)). Oh and as well show the RNs.

Also Monocle, can't you adjust said cell to show only integers, by not taking into account decimals?

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If I do that, default Excel rounds up from .5. you need to issue the =(ROUNDDOWN) formula, and stacking formulas in excel is frustrating

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It sounds like you aren't going to need my LA spreadsheet any more? To be honest I kind of stopped working on it a while ago. I've been meaning to get back to it but never really got around to it. It's still sitting semi-complete at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19lTX4quV7UbHDe7Iqw-COhBv1lX8ygSaTjwV_VECQF0/edit?pli=1#gid=1320787478 if you're interesting in pilfering any sections of calculation.

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I'm actually goign to use that, because it's got some formatting that I like visually (I had everything horizontally set, I think it looks better Vertica set).

I can't make any sense of your Support sheet though, but I've got something I'm working on setting up.

To my surprise, you approached things differently than I expected (I was implementing drop-down menus dependant on previous cell selection), but I may end up combining that with some of the raw data that you've got for weapon calculation. Supports are just madness.

(Still not sure how to implement Wrath, but that should be a breeze once simple Bros crit calc and Negate crit calc inclusion is figured out)

Edited by Elieson
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I was probably going to eventually add drop down lists, although they wouldn't quite be context limited (the spreadsheet wouldn't be smart enough to know something was wrong if you e.g. tried to give Mia a Silver Axe+, but it would stop you trying to give her a Sliver Sword+ [misspelling]).

For supports, it's uhh kinda complex but the idea is simple. It looks up the affinity of the person you're supporting, checks they're alive, and if so it adds on the support. If they're dead, supports are removed. Bond supports looks stuff up on this big-ass table, which might not be the most efficient way of doing things but it works so whatever.

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Tables and I are skyping now, to reduce clutter talk in here for the majority of users that don't understand/care about it.

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It was already stated you dont really need an impartial judge for your game, just someone to roll for who moves first


there ya go!

then on your turn you just post your actions.

Edited by General Horace
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Upon further thought:

one Parity cancels out Everything. A second parity wouldn't have anything left to cancel.

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does anybody want to try a game where 15 units are randomly selected and the two entrants select their teams from them like a draft? I'd host or play in it.

This sounds pretty cool, I'd be down for playing in this if Elieson still is. Also he could have a chance to take revenge???

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