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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Are we adapting SS characters into the PoR meta like we did with the RD exclusive characters?

It doesn't matter much, but I would give Heroes Luna and Rogues Lethality.

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Nah, just replacing FE8 skills with FE9 ones because that's where all the fun seems to be. FE8 units still have the same stats, weapons and support system.

I think instead of all the "nerfs" and whatnot, it's also much more effective to change all (well, most) mastery skills to their FE9 properties (with the same activation rates). Exceptions: Savage (halves enemy skill), Rend and Roar (immobilises, latter no longer a command), Corona (halves accuracy), Bane (RD's is fine I think), Tear (halves enemy speed). It's either one non-royal/dragon Laguz per team, or no Laguz, I'm afraid (no Laguzguards or accessories to protect from those blows).

I'm not quite sure what having RD characters enter the PoR meta achieves, aside from slightly increasing the potential for team building (which is already really vast, especially with cut supports added).

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Well, if adding skills to FE8, I think Rogue's should get bane. I myself was looking for FE8 maxes as it currently is, but I'd be fine with skills added.

Also, we haven't mentioned Great Shield. Anyone want to talk about that?

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Skill% to negate all damage? Sounds fair, when Generals aren't doubling thing in approximately ever

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Great Shield could stay at 20% (=enemy level) in the averages metagame.

Sure Strike is disposable if we're giving Snipers Deadeye (which we are).

Silencer seems to work the same in both games.

Pierce is a superior Luna, and possibly worth the placement on a unit's skill list, reducing defence all the way down to 0 rather than halving it.

Slayer has no monsters to deal triple damage against.

A big question is how to integrate actual FE8 skills with newly added FE9 skills. Can we count them as 'alternative masteries', each costing 20 CP? Make them cheaper? Free even? If Pierce were to do nothing, there'd be no reason to use WKs over the stronger Wyvern Lord class, but besides that it would make both Tana and Vanessa useless.

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Slayer could be unrepresented of deal bonus damage to beasts and dragons. I don't think mastery skills are really necessary if we offer all the other skills, but since there are no default skills:

Pierce would be the mastery of WKs

Great Shield MIGHT be the General mastery, leaving Luna just to Great Knights unless we wanted them to pick between Sol or Great Shield.

If we ditch Luna or make Pierce Luna, then recruits get Pierce.

Colossus will need a buff, so...adds 50% strength?

I still support adding Bane for Rogues

What should we get Heroes, Valkyries and possibly Mage knights? This is assuming they don't get flare, which...would have hat specific effect?

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I don't think buffing skills is a very good idea at all, especially with custom ones being there. What's the point of giving Colossus extra +25% attack when Adept exists and is 2x cheaper? and so on.

Giving Rogue Colm Bane doesn't sound too bad, what with his skl being really crappy.

Foot fighters and casters should get Astra and Flare respectively, both skills likely never to be seen in serious use.

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Eh, I don't really 'feel' giving heroes Astra, and Colossus was super strong in FE10, so maybe some kind of compromise? This is honesty what I was thinking:

[spoiler=Feel free to conpletely ignore these suggestions]Rogue: Bane (reduces HP to one)

General/Great Knight: Great Shield (reduces all damage from an attack to zero)

Paladin/Ranger/Hero: Sol (restores HP equal to damage done)

Wyvern Knight/Recruit: Peirce (reduces enemy defense to zero)

Falcon Knight/Wyvern Knight: Stun (prevents enemy from moving/countering for 5 turns)

SwordMaster: Astra (attacks 5 times for half damage)

Assassin: Lethality (instantly defeats enemy)

Berserker/Warrior/JourneyMan: Colossus (maybe doubles strength?)

Sniper: Deadeye (doubles hit innately, puts enemy to sleep for 5 turns)

Pupil/Druid/Sage/Mage Knight: Flare (halves enemy resistance)

Bishop/Valkyrie: Slayer (weapon becomes innately effective on mounts and dragons, or maybe effective on other mages)

Summoner: Summon (creates a shadow axe fighter and shadow sword fighter, would need to be powered up)

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[spoiler=Feel free to conpletely ignore these suggestions]Rogue: Bane (reduces HP to one)
General/Great Knight: Great Shield (reduces all damage from an attack to zero)
Paladin/Ranger/Hero: Sol (restores HP equal to damage done)
Wyvern Knight/Recruit: Peirce (reduces enemy defense to zero)
Falcon Knight/Wyvern Knight: Stun (prevents enemy from moving/countering for 5 turns)
SwordMaster: Astra (attacks 5 times for half damage)
Assassin: Lethality (instantly defeats enemy)
Berserker/Warrior/JourneyMan: Colossus (doubles strength, so powerful the enemy can't counter)
Sniper: Deadeye (doubles hit innately, puts enemy to sleep for 5 turns)

Pupil/Druid/Sage/Mage Knight: Flare (halves enemy resistance)
Bishop/Valkyrie: Slayer (weapon becomes innately effective on mounts and dragons)
Summoner: Summon (creates a shadow axe fighter and shadow sword fighter, would need to be powered up)

Who'd care to test a match with these mechanics?

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yeah the hero was Greil's class, although it might be really strong to have on Gerik in FE8, so it might be better to give them a different skill

although heroes had aether in fe10 too, and Gerik theoretically shouldn't be any better than Ike.

I'll try a game with your mechanics, if we do averages + boosters and only if we don't use Summon for summones (summons have 1hp anyway), and Colossus doesn't double strength, and retains its normal 1.25 boost. A Garm berserker with max strength would have 80 attack and prevent a counter, and the berserker skill cap is ridiculously high in FE8 too, and the GBA meta already has pretty high offence as well.

Are we just going to use Occult skills or do we get the choice of adding one of each of the custom skills as well?

Edited by General Horace
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I don't like the idea of Bishop's damage tripling against mounts, even though the class is unappealing with its lack of Excalibur access.

Custom skills is always the way to go because there's lots of less luck-reliant ones out there, like Nihil and Resolve.

There's no reason for Recruit3 to get Pierce, which is best kept as a WK-only skill to make that class somewhat unique. GKs should probably have Sol too, like the other mounted guys. And Stun doesn't prevent counterattacks.

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I'm thinking of an average stat+cut supports, one-Nihil-per-team game, with all Top-tier units banned. Anybody up for that? We might have to ban a few High-Tier units for this as well, but I think it'd be an interesting experiment.

Alternatively, Refa, if you want to revive the draft match we were going to have, I'd be glad to fight it now that my exams are over.

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I could host either one if need be, I think I was the original host of the draft one anyway.

Also I don't think bishops having triple effective damage against mounts is that bad, they have a weak mag cap and a bad speed cap too, along with Light tomes weighing as much as they do (MOULDER'S CON OP), since they're easy to kill, and I assume Ivaldi would have a *2 multiplier anyway, making it worse than Aura offensively. Like Moulder with Aura has 61 attack against mounts, while a capped berserker has 60 attack with a Hammer against generals. Sure, they hit res, but without some perk, they're almost useless to use, and its not like 61 attack oneshots things either.

I also have a cut supports FE9 team I'd like to test if there are any takers.

Edited by General Horace
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Just posting to say that I'm still willing to host (or take part in) a TRS metagame match. We've been ready to try that one out for months, I guess, but we've fixed our attention on PoR (and for a good reason I suppose) recently so it'd be cool if we figured out what works and what doesn't work in that one meta.

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