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Which FE do you you think was the most well-written?



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As a note to the early topic of official localizers having professionalism over fan translators, one should note Square Enix's Final Fantasy IV, which has received a couple bastardizations during its many ports. The PSX version, for example, has numerous chunks of text that were added for seemingly arbitrary and tasteless reasons, including giving Kain and Cecil a little bro talk in the beginning of the game, entirely out of character, as well as creating and adding inconsistent manners of speech.

The GBA version even goes so far as to drop in memetic references to the SomethingAwful forums. Quelle horreur! The charming difference is that the references in the fan translations of FE4 and FE5 were filler text between script updates, either for the sake of fun, or to ensure the game wouldn't crash. It would be replaced with the original text during the next update. This, however, is a legitimate, gone-gold game which carries with it the cheeky reference to pop-culture.

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The charming difference is that the references in the fan translations of FE4 and FE5 were filler text between script updates, either for the sake of fun, or to ensure the game wouldn't crash. It would be replaced with the original text during the next update. This, however, is a legitimate, gone-gold game which carries with it the cheeky reference to pop-culture.

true for FE4, not for Thracia

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Why spread misinformation? Shaya specifically explained why the non-sequitur text was there in his project thread back on FESS, which was for the reasons stated; this post has since been lost to time and vandalism.

It is general practice in much game development and modding, and hardly outside a charitable consideration.

you're specifically ignoring Kempf's IN AMERICA joke and the Ch 23 boss's bizarre exclamations, which aren't there to replace scenes that cannot be easily patched but rather tacked on to the very end of pre-existing translations

shaya knew nothing about these they were done by the patcher as a joke

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you're specifically ignoring Kempf's IN AMERICA joke and the Ch 23 boss's bizarre exclamations, which aren't there to replace scenes that cannot be easily patched but rather tacked on to the very end of pre-existing translations

shaya knew nothing about these they were done by the patcher as a joke

Shaya was the "patcher". I don't recall if RPGuy helped either. I already included those IN AMERICA and everything else you repeatedly bring up, as if they're your only validations, when I explained that these were left in the translation in-between script updates. They would have been rectified the next time around, which Shaya never got to.

It would be kinder for you to not spread misinformation, or your own misunderstanding of circumstances. If you cannot bear this responsibility, I suggest your get with Shaya and learn for yourself what happened.

Edited by Celice
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FF4 Advance's localization was great, it actually makes the game script feel like its own thing instead of a Japanese game with a dub. Maybe the injokes weren't necessay, but you would never notice anything wrong just playing normally.

If you think that's 'bastardization' but find FE5 characters shouting 'IN AMERICA' charming, I don't know what to tell you.

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I guess Shaya, who inserted the scripts, is a liar, then!

Back on ignore you go~

have you even played the thracia patch?

have you?

i honestly think you haven't.

this isn't fe4 where an entire cutscene is replaced by a silly filler convo that lampshades the fact that it's a filler convo

this is THRACIA MOTHERFUCKING 776, where a perfectly fine, already-inserted convo (i.e. Kempf talking about how the portcullis trap has been sprung) is given the addition of an IN AMERICA joke within the convo.

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because, believe it or not, a mythological reference doesn't mean that's gonna be what it will get changed to, as you think would have been obvious when Mars became Marth

I think the difference is because some references are seen as too obvious to a western audience vis a vis a japanese one, or having a different cultural meaning. for instance: ulysses, being a character of greek mythology, would probably be seen as a highly aristocratic, highly formal reference for japanese audiences, not necessarily out of touch with the medieval anglofranco setting of your average FE. but for a western audience, ulysses would seem out of joint, more a name for a rousing action hero than a courtier. hence, the name shift to bastian.

interviews with the localization team actually have a lot to say about bastian; for instance, how they made the decision to write his dialogue entirely in iambic pentameter to mirror his speech patterns in japanese

Well when it comes to Marth I can understand where they were coming from. Having him be named Mars would be rather strange to us seeing as it's the name of one of the planets and such. I'd think that kind of stuff would be more weirder for western audiences than in Japan, but IDK. And Marth isn't that much different from Mars.

However I didn't know that Bastion's name was Ulysses originally and that they altered his dialogue into poetry. That is a good change in my eyes honestly, wooleyism is needed sometimes. Things like Skasasher to Ulster and Soanevalck to Stefan were also understandable. While they may be easy to say for Japanese fluent speakers, those are pretty crazy tongue twisters for Westerners. Heck if asked to read aloud those names, a lot of people would just be like "Skasablublebah, I'm not even gonna try to say that!"

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I guess Shaya, who inserted the scripts, is a liar, then!

Back on ignore you go~

I guess Shaya is, because it still isn't changed.

A placeholder is not something that lasts for the entire time the patch has existed.

Edited by Jedi Ogami
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I don't recall it being in there since the first revision of the patch. It was added later, and was to be removed. If you follow the link I posted, you can see Shaya explain why the patch was ultimately unfinished, and that he had compiled a newer update, as he had continually been since the project began; I don't know if this was also lost with his hardware, or if he just never released it.

We have to remember that the translation patch was in a state of development, and it was never finished. To misconstrue its last state of progress as anything but an in-progress demo is uncharitable, and also aggressive.

Edited by Celice
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FE4 and FE5 for me I could really get into their stories not to mention they are one of the more darker FE games these tow stories were quite dark compared to the others. My next favorite would be FE3 I loved FE3 story I found nothing wrong with it heh from the big escape Marth had to make from Hardin`s army! that chapter on the bridge was epic!! that chapter and the few after you really could get into it and had the feeling of run! haha which you should anyway as after awhile Astram comes for you! on the desert chapter ah FE3. then my other is FE6 though the story does begin pretty slow and drags a bit but as you move on it picks up. And the rest of the games stories were ok to average for me.

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I'm surprised FE8 got as many votes as it did because the whole thing just felt so stale to me. I feel like I focus more on characters than the actual story though (most of the characters in FE8 arelackluster/cliche to me) but shrug. I'm not hating on it though; I can appreciate it and it's my sister's favorite game lol.

I went with FE9 because even if it does fall a bit towards the end I enjoyed that game's story, characters, music, etc. a lot more than the other games (that I have played anyway; still need to play 4) and honestly I think one of the best parts of the game is the main character is NOT a noble/royalty/etc or at least doesn't start off that way. It made the whole thing a lot more relatable and Ike was characterized well too IMO. And it had something that its sequel lacked for me. Idk

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I'm seeing quite a bit of opinions and guesswork masquerading as facts...

I also seem to recall shaya saying the patch wasn't done, just he got as far as he could or wanted to... something like that

Sir Celice, would you happen to have the source of FE 5 translation?

However I didn't know that Bastion's name was Ulysses originally and that they altered his dialogue into poetry. That is a good change in my eyes honestly, wooleyism is needed sometimes. Things like Skasasher to Ulster and Soanevalck to Stefan were also understandable. While they may be easy to say for Japanese fluent speakers, those are pretty crazy tongue twisters for Westerners. Heck if asked to read aloud those names, a lot of people would just be like "Skasablublebah, I'm not even gonna try to say that!"

I might just the only one who thought of Ulysses the novel immediately instead of Grant...

Skasaher and Soanevalck really aren't hard to say, it's hard to not make it sound odd in Skasaher's case

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I should hope the novel is the first thing that comes to mind when someone hears Ulysses. It's certainly the only thing anyone in Ireland is likely going to talk about if they hear the name.

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I'm seeing quite a bit of opinions and guesswork masquerading as facts...

I also seem to recall shaya saying the patch wasn't done, just he got as far as he could or wanted to... something like that

Sir Celice, would you happen to have the source of FE 5 translation?

I might just the only one who thought of Ulysses the novel immediately instead of Grant...

Skasaher and Soanevalck really aren't hard to say, it's hard to not make it sound odd in Skasaher's case

Looking in my backups, the only copy I have is from '08, and the readme seems to mirror the post by Shaya at smashboards. I was able to use the Wayback Machine, though, and the download on that page seems to be active through the Wayback. Keep in mind that this thread was created after much of the work on the patch had already been done; FESS moved through four iterations, and it is likely that most of the progress thread was left behind on the previous board version.

As I said, the best clarification will come from messaging Shaya himself, in the link I provided. It would be the most accurate thing to do. You could also try going further back using the web archive.


EDIT: Older post with supposed links to earlier versions. Keep in mind that the first post was updated to represent the latest progress, and not its initial one. Again, be charitable, not stubborn.


Edited by Celice
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Looking in my backups, the only copy I have is from '08, and the readme seems to mirror the post by Shaya at smashboards. I was able to use the Wayback Machine, though, and the download on that page seems to be active through the Wayback. Keep in mind that this thread was created after much of the work on the patch had already been done; FESS moved through four iterations, and it is likely that most of the progress thread was left behind on the previous board version.

As I said, the best clarification will come from messaging Shaya himself, in the link I provided. It would be the most accurate thing to do. You could also try going further back using the web archive.


EDIT: Older post with supposed links to earlier versions. Keep in mind that the first post was updated to represent the latest progress, and not its initial one. Again, be charitable, not stubborn.


All right thanks, I'll try to find the source code sifting through the old topics

Don't worry, I just want the src code to mess around with it, not for the reasons others have displayed

nothing you're posting is changing the fact that there are stupid jokes injected into the story not as placeholders but snuck into pre-existing conversations

>_< you really hated that didn't you? I never encountered it, but it must've wrecked your entire experience... but you know, to be fair, Awakening has it's multitudinous amount of stupid jokes and memes, and that's a supposedly professional localization, the latter being much more appalling since it caters to the dross half of society

Edited by Soledai
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I'm seeing quite a bit of opinions and guesswork masquerading as facts...

I also seem to recall shaya saying the patch wasn't done, just he got as far as he could or wanted to... something like that

Sir Celice, would you happen to have the source of FE 5 translation?

I might just the only one who thought of Ulysses the novel immediately instead of Grant...

Skasaher and Soanevalck really aren't hard to say, it's hard to not make it sound odd in Skasaher's case

Dude I didn't even think of Ulysses S Grant, totally thought of the myth also. And I agree that Skasasher is not hard to say. But for many dumb average westerners it is. Just think of all those people that dropped out of high school that had trouble pronouncing stuff when reading aloud in class. I'm talking about them. Hence why I think they changed the names. Edited by DomesticHausCat
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Dude I didn't even think of Ulysses S Grant, totally thought of the myth also. And I agree that Skasasher is not hard to say. But for many dumb average westerners it is. Just think of all those people that dropped out of high school that had trouble pronouncing stuff when reading aloud in class. I'm talking about them. Hence why I think they changed the names.

those people dont tend to play FE

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But still, that has to be the reason for the change. Nintendo is all about letting anyone be able to play their games these days after all. What other reason would there be to change Soanevalcke or Skasasher.

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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