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Which FE do you you think was the most well-written?



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  1. 1. Which one?

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Gen 1 of FE4 is so, so good in the way the plot is set up and executed. Gen 2 just really feels like a bit of a mess, though. They should've done more with Ares, for a start.

Didn't the original director (that Kaza dude) of the game state that they were going to have a part of the game beyond gen 2, where parents are reunited with their children, and something about converting Yurius over to your side? I wouldn't be surprised if the final version of gen 2 was a little hamstringed together when they couldn't pull off their original plan.

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Julius being converted to the hero side wouldn't be good IMO. He was the ultimate victim of the circumstances of FE4 and I like that even if the game never really approaches it that way.

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I love FE8, but in this case, FE11 definitely has the bes writing. It manages to take a very underdeveloped plot and turn it into something grand by making me care just enough to let my imagination run loose. Take the ending scene of Prologue 4. It's one of my favourite conversations in a video game because it accomplishes so much with so little.

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omg what

thats the redemptive moment

thats the point where the story tredges out the mire of its selfcestuous swamp and raises its arms in triumph


I mean I haven't played FE10 since I was like fourteen or something, but I recall Part 4 being absolutely awful. The rest of it I enjoyed (although obviously it could have been much better) but Part 4 was just ugh.

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I don't even have to think about it. It's FE9, which is what made FE10's writing such a disappointment.

Indeed. FE10's writing was so promising up until...


I mean I haven't played FE10 since I was like fourteen or something, but I recall Part 4 being absolutely awful. The rest of it I enjoyed (although obviously it could have been much better) but Part 4 was just ugh.

Yep. This. Part 4 sucks. Its where the writers got lazy. Part 2 in FE10 is where i feel the writing is actually at its strongest. Its invoking FE9's plot and building on it with aftermath and Elincia's character development. Its funny because in the game as a whole, Part 2 is almost a Big Lipped Alligator Moment.

Anyway, my vote goes to FE9. Everything was really solid there. Sure, theres a sequel hook but i didnt mind. We are supposed to keep guessing about the BK. I like how the game handled Ike's time in Daein a lot. Its my favorite part of the game storywise. (Gameplay wise, i enjoy the Begnion parts)

FE7 was pretty good for making a plot that goes in a lot of different directions.

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FE8 isn't doing particularly well either, it's mostly just FE9 which I'm pretty sure has more votes than every other FE game combined.

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I actually don't have a problem with part 4 in itself in RD. The approach to the story is what hurts I believe. There are too many characters to create any sort of strong dialogue, so the Dawn Brigade characters become inherently inferior to the Greil Mercenaries. The Greil Mercenaries already have one game of development, while the Dawn Brigade really gets one fourth, if that, of RD. The too many characters factor also took out the game's ability to have strong supports to develop the story. And when the stories converge, my problem is that it comes off as really mashed together unevenly.

In terms of themes, PoR outclassed RD in its approach towards racism and prejudice, while RD relied on a more simple type of conflict. This was further weakened by the dialogue; in particular, there are some key moments where main characters are written bad. I remember reading some of Ike's dialogue which made the character uneven from his depiction in PoR.

RD is a step above others in the series because of its grand approach. My disappointment with it is more of a statement of how much I enjoyed PoR than RD's quality

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haha what

I had written this post on my xpreia...

Nevermind. But FE5 has really good plot in general. It maybe has some issues (like poor number backstories), but I don't care. Also, best death quotes in series.

Objectively, FE8 plot is much better.

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I had written this post on my xpreia...

Nevermind. But FE5 has really good plot in general. It maybe has some issues (like poor number backstories), but I don't care. Also, best death quotes in series.

Objectively, FE8 plot is much better.

I think the biggest problem with FE5 is simply the whole midquel deal. I love the atmosphere and Iove the characterization that most of the characters do get (heck, even those two no-dialogue lance knights of Selphina's get awesome character endings), and I love the ground-level view we get of a society there instead of just a big sweeping overview. But the "big bad" is so shoehorned in and the game pulls at least one retcon too many from FE4 for me to give it wholehearted props. I'd put it third, personally, behind FE8 and FE11.

The death quotes there are awesome, though.

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FE9's approach toward prejudice and racism and how well it succeeded at it, as well as how well it portrayed certain characters is why I rank it the highest.

FE11, though, definitely is third place in my book, after FE9 and FE8. Some of the dialogue there was amazing.

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I like FE7 as it's one of the few which actually feels like a small group, as opposed to what should be a massive army.

FE6, average translation aside, has a decent story, but could include a few more of the supporting characters.

FE8 has a pretty poor overall story, but the characters are really good as a whole, while FE4 is the opposite.

FE1/11 is just horrible, in my opinion. Basically the Marth show (I really hate Marth).

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As much hate as there is for FE 11, that prologue did an excellent job fixing up the storyline and has earned my number one spot. I know people don't like the complexity of FE 6's, but I found FE 6's storyline to be my second favorite. Some other honorable mentions are FE 8, 9, and 13.

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As much hate as there is for FE 11, that prologue did an excellent job fixing up the storyline and has earned my number one spot. I know people don't like the complexity of FE 6's, but I found FE 6's storyline to be my second favorite. Some other honorable mentions are FE 8, 9, and 13.

people dont dislike FE6 because its too complex

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