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Unnamed Mafia (anon) - Game Over


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"We should lynch Beethoven!" cried The Grillmaster and Hot Wheels, except when nobody answered them Hot Wheels somehow ended up lynched instead.

Hot Wheels - Town Miller - Lynched Day 5

Game over.

The Grillmaster, the Town Doctor and Beethoven, the Town Jailkeeper are endgamed by Schtolteheim Reinbach III, the Mafia Rolecop and Insane Techniques, the Mafia Goon.

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[spoiler=conversation i had with manix like d1]8:30pm] <Manix>

"what the hell why is someone else a miller tracker when I'm only a vanilla miller? " - bbm

[8:30pm] <Manix>

ah, glorious tears

[8:30pm] <Reinfleche>

you're setup is dum

[8:30pm] <Manix>

it's teaching people a lesson that they sorely need

[8:30pm] <Manix>

i don't regret a thing

[8:30pm] <Reinfleche>

that's a bad way of doing it

[8:31pm] <Manix>

tbf it could have been worse

[8:31pm] <Manix>

originally it was just two vanilla millers

[8:31pm] <Reinfleche>

yeah it could've been 4 maf in a 5 player game like bidoof

[8:31pm] <Manix>


[8:32pm] <Reinfleche>

mafia of the gods could've been worse but it was still a really, really awful setup

[8:32pm] <Reinfleche>

but i seriously have a fundamental problem with this setup

[8:32pm] <Manix>

go on

[8:32pm] <Reinfleche>

and was going to message you earlier about it

[8:33pm] <Reinfleche>

you basically made a setup designed for people to fuck up and are like "hey look, these guys are fucking up"

[8:33pm] <Reinfleche>

when you could've just made a post explaining problems with rolespec and shit

[8:34pm] <Reinfleche>

this setup is like... inherently really antagonistic

[8:34pm] <Reinfleche>

just by design

[8:34pm] <Manix>

it's meant to punish people for trying to play the rolegame too much. instead, they're meant to scumhunt everything instead

[8:35pm] <Manix>

which last i checked, having anti-rolegame measures is a good thing for a setup

[8:35pm] <Reinfleche>

i think there's such thing as too many of those

[8:35pm] <Manix>

potentially, yes

[8:35pm] <Manix>

we'll see.

[8:35pm] <Reinfleche>

and that this setup definitely crosses that line

[8:36pm] <Manix>

i played in a setup with 3 millers + ambiguious wording on the cop that may have implied it wasn't sane

[8:36pm] <Manix>

one of the millers was a compulsive vig

[8:36pm] <Manix>


[8:36pm] <Reinfleche>

there's making a setup where the rolegame is fallible and there's making a setup intentionally designed to fuck with people for doing it, and i think this is the latter

[8:37pm] <Reinfleche>

and i don't think that's good design and will mostly frustrate people

[8:37pm] <Manix>

they get to learn what it's like for hosts/IO's

[8:37pm] <Manix>

give and take.

[8:37pm] <Reinfleche>

that's dumb

[8:38pm] <Reinfleche>

"you guys are playing badly. so i'm going to make a setup where you're expected to play badly and laugh about it."

[8:38pm] <Reinfleche>

is the impression i'm getting

[8:38pm] <Manix>

it's really demoralizing to see people overrely on roles and just forget about the one thing that helps more than anything, scumhunting

[8:39pm] <Manix>

it's been a common occurance in pretty much all of the past games and it's annoying

[8:39pm] <Reinfleche>

if you wanted to make a setup about scumhunting then you like could've made a mountainous setup or something. i think this is a really bad way of doing that.

[8:39pm] <Reinfleche>

this is like 6/3 no mafia kills right

[8:39pm] <Manix>

it was almost a game full of functional vanillas to begin with. be glad i changed that because it was scumsided to begin with

[8:39pm] <Manix>


[8:40pm] <Reinfleche>

what are the roles

[8:40pm] <Reinfleche>


[8:40pm] <Manix>

compulsive tailor/miller/miller tracker/doc/jailkeeper

[8:40pm] <Manix>

and one vanilla

[8:40pm] <Reinfleche>

and mafia is all vanillas

[8:40pm] <Manix>

scum are rolecop/goon/goon

[8:41pm] <Manix>

and have a factional roleblock

[8:41pm] <Reinfleche>

i genuinely think 6/3 mountainous no mafia kill would be better for this point

[8:41pm] <Reinfleche>

that you're trying to make

[8:41pm] <Reinfleche>

instead of presenting it as a normal setup

[8:42pm] <Reinfleche>

and that's just like saying "hey fuck each and every one of you" to whoever's town

[8:42pm] <Manix>

but there's nothing about the rolegame. with no roles people are forced to scumhunt, sure, but it won't stop them in other games from making weird assumptions

[8:42pm] <Manix>


[8:43pm] <Manix>

i don't think we're going to see eye-to-eye on this

[8:43pm] <Reinfleche>

i just think this goes against the spirit of hosting completely

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Even if I got lynched D3, I still won my first scumgame.

also, as for the anon aspect... fuck we're good, we guessed the entire player list by D2.

Refa, Prims, pleasure working with you.

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I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention, but Refa's posts were so much fun to read and I honestly wasn't seeing him as scum from his play at all.

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I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention, but Refa's posts were so much fun to read and I honestly wasn't seeing him as scum from his play at all.

Refa was god in this game; like holy shit. I didn't post much which got people on me, and Prims got a bit reckless later on and was about to get PoE'd.


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If I had not rolled fucking compulsive tailor I might not have been PoE'd down when I was. Thanks for looking over my interactions with Fluffy and not giving an actual case on me. BBM and Grass I am still mad at you.

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If you wanted a strictly scumhunting game, shouldn't it have been

6 vanilla vs 3 goon


B-b-but that wouldn't be able to punish rolespec...

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blah my reads this game sucked :((

and I still blame myself for Fluffy not getting lynched D2; I was so pissed when I saw that vote switch got invalidated because I made it on the wrong account; goddamn

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yeah bbm deserves the unluckiest player award

Sorry. That's me.

Sub in for Rapier.

Roll compulsive tailor.

Add third mislynch to record.

That's what I get for trying to be nice.

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blah my reads this game sucked :((

and I still blame myself for Fluffy not getting lynched D2; I was so pissed when I saw that vote switch got invalidated because I made it on the wrong account; goddamn

<3 you too BBM, saving me like that

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Oh let's not forget both BBM and Poly trying to get me modkilled by using my real name in the game. ONE OF THEM OUTSIDE THE FUCKING GAME. Seriously? I don't care how certain you are it's me. NEVER DO THAT SHIT. EVER.

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referring to you as Boron was a joke because you obviously were; nothing in the rules said that I couldn't guess your identity; just that you couldn't confirm it. >_>

like wtf looking at the mafia QT they made it incredibly obvious who they were and went way over me just saying "sup Boron", it would have been incredibly retarded for you to get modkilled based on that.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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