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What is the wisest saying from your parents?


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I've found a lot of good advice in doing the opposite of what my parents say.

Seriously, I can't think of anything they've said that was even advice. It was all just rude, baseless judgmental crap with no real suggestions or attempt at empathy.

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"Do your homework."

yes this is a big one

"It's late, go to bed."

i've been told this many times, and i always wish i'd followed the advice

No matter how bad it gets, at least you have the mental capacity to figure out a way to make it better.

<Grandfather, 1921-2007>

that is wise

I dunno, pretty much everything my parents say is wise.

yeah, it feels that way in retrospect

When I was trying to decided between two things, my dad would always tell me "Flip a coin. If you want to flip again, you probably actually want the other one."

He's said more profound things, but I really like that one.

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Oh god my grandmother said this one all the time whenever I said I wanted something. Ughhhhhhh D:<

Omg so...i wasnt the only one! I figured this was just a family exclusive saying! Color me impressed.

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