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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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[spoiler=Prisoner - Klotho] She doesn't know who in all the hells these people are.

They grabbed her outside the inn and dragged her… someplace. She's bound and gagged. Whenever she tries to make a noise, they kick her until she can't breath. When she tries to mark the trail somehow, they stomp on her legs and arms until they throb.

They've thrown her in the middle of some field and surround her. Men and woman, thin and twisted by hard times, who speak with strange words that are achingly familiar and dress in styles that are both familiar and not. They hate her. Loathe her. She doesn't know them at all.

But they seem to know her.

Slowly, their words begin to make more sense. "Devil child", "cursed one". "She slaughtered my family!" "My daughter… the screams still haunt me!" "All that was left of my son was a hand!"

​What are they talking about? Yes, she knows she's killed before, but… but surely she hadn't done anything to be like...

They're all surrounding her. Her eyes widen as she sees them palm weapons. Spears, axes, swords, arrows… even tomes. What were they… what was going...

She tries to scream as she sees the first sword go straight for her, but the gag just turns it to a whimper.

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[spoiler=Memories of Them]

It almost seems like a curse. All my friends are dead, yet I'm here with people who claim to be my friends. But what is it in me that prevents me from seeing them as friends, and only as comrades? We've fought together for who knows how long. They all seem to care about me. Yet, I feel so alone here. Maybe I'm trying not to hurt them. Or maybe I'm just hurting myself through this. Is this really the way I'm living the rest of my life? Alone in the midst of a crowd? A mere shadow in plain sight of others like me? No, that's not true. No one here is like me. No two snowflakes are exactly the same. We all may be fighting for the same reason, but we don't understand each other at all. We all went through our own crap to get here. And we all came here for a reason, all the same yet all very different. I came here to forget, yet all I do is remember. Why I remember my friends here is beyond me. It'll end when it does for me, and maybe I can finally forget.

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[spoiler=Memories of Them]

It almost seems like a curse. All my friends are dead, yet I'm here with people who claim to be my friends. But what is it in me that prevents me from seeing them as friends, and only as comrades? We've fought together for who knows how long. They all seem to care about me. Yet, I feel so alone here. Maybe I'm trying not to hurt them. Or maybe I'm just hurting myself through this. Is this really the way I'm living the rest of my life? Alone in the midst of a crowd? A mere shadow in plain sight of others like me? No, that's not true. No one here is like me. No two snowflakes are exactly the same. We all may be fighting for the same reason, but we don't understand each other at all. We all went through our own crap to get here. And we all came here for a reason, all the same yet all very different. I came here to forget, yet all I do is remember. Why I remember my friends here is beyond me. It'll end when it does for me, and maybe I can finally forget.

Nice one, Breezy!

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[spoiler="Demon - Klotho]They were all dead.

One hand limply holds a green tome. Well, it was green, at least. Once. Now it was crimson, splattered with gore.

The other hand barely holds onto a sword, weeping crimson. Normal grip now, though it had been reversed just a few seconds ago.

She looks over the field. She couldn't see the grass through all the blood and flesh and… organs… She'd ripped them apart.

When did she learn swords? When had she learned magic? She'd just dodged the first blow, used that sword to cut through her bindings, and then...


She's afraid to move, because there's no place to walk, really. Unless she wants to step on bodies, that is. She remembers every punch she threw, every kick that snapped. She could still feel bones cracking under her palms. Flesh clinging to her fingertips as she ripped it apart.

Then she'd gotten her bloody hands on the tome and swords.

She shifts her weight slightly. Instinct. Her feet and legs were throbbing. Her legs nudge a severed head and sends it rolling into another corpse. Except this corpse groaned. He… was alive?

"Excuse me," she whispers as the man stirs back into consciousness. "But… who are you?"

​"Who are…?" His voice shakes as his eyes open and he twists to face her. "You… you're asking…!"

"Who you are. I don't… remember you at all."

He stares a moment. It's a moment that makes her breath freeze. And then he laughs. It's loud, dissonant, and horribly, horribly broken.

"What's so funny?" He continues to laugh. "Excuse me, but-"

"Duke Virion left us." She doesn't know the name he spits out through the raucous laughter. "Walhart subjugated us." Or that one either. "These Annas tried to kill us." Finally, a name she recognizes. She finds no joy in it. "But we bear… no hatred for them." His eyes are wild as he pushes himself up with his shattered sword. "None… at all… because we had nothing… to give. Nothing to lose. YOU stole EVERYTHING from us before then. And now look at you. You slaughtered us. You shattered us. And then you had the GALL to forget!" He's standing, and all she can do is stare. "You… you DEMON! Not even Grima could be so blackhearted!" He roars and charges at her. His sword pierces her shoulder and falls all the way to her hip.

But the cut is shallow, and she knows why. That roar had been the man's last breath. The fall… had been because he'd died half a second after hitting her.

His body hits the ground with a soft thump. The sword and tome in her hands follow soon after, as she crashes to her knees, just staring into nothing.

What… all had she done in the past? What all did she forget? Who had she been?

​'Demon'. Was that… who she really was?

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[spoiler=Prisoner - Klotho] She doesn't know who in all the hells these people are.

They grabbed her outside the inn and dragged her… someplace. She's bound and gagged. Whenever she tries to make a noise, they kick her until she can't breath. When she tries to mark the trail somehow, they stomp on her legs and arms until they throb.

They've thrown her in the middle of some field and surround her. Men and woman, thin and twisted by hard times, who speak with strange words that are achingly familiar and dress in styles that are both familiar and not. They hate her. Loathe her. She doesn't know them at all.

But they seem to know her.

Slowly, their words begin to make more sense. "Devil child", "cursed one". "She slaughtered my family!" "My daughter… the screams still haunt me!" "All that was left of my son was a hand!"

​What are they talking about? Yes, she knows she's killed before, but… but surely she hadn't done anything to be like...

They're all surrounding her. Her eyes widen as she sees them palm weapons. Spears, axes, swords, arrows… even tomes. What were they… what was going...

She tries to scream as she sees the first sword go straight for her, but the gag just turns it to a whimper.

this is the wierdest bondage session i've ever seen

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[spoiler=Prisoner - Klotho] She doesn't know who in all the hells these people are.

They grabbed her outside the inn and dragged her… someplace. She's bound and gagged. Whenever she tries to make a noise, they kick her until she can't breath. When she tries to mark the trail somehow, they stomp on her legs and arms until they throb.

They've thrown her in the middle of some field and surround her. Men and woman, thin and twisted by hard times, who speak with strange words that are achingly familiar and dress in styles that are both familiar and not. They hate her. Loathe her. She doesn't know them at all.

But they seem to know her.

Slowly, their words begin to make more sense. "Devil child", "cursed one". "She slaughtered my family!" "My daughter… the screams still haunt me!" "All that was left of my son was a hand!"

​What are they talking about? Yes, she knows she's killed before, but… but surely she hadn't done anything to be like...

They're all surrounding her. Her eyes widen as she sees them palm weapons. Spears, axes, swords, arrows… even tomes. What were they… what was going...

She tries to scream as she sees the first sword go straight for her, but the gag just turns it to a whimper.

...That was so sad. D:

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[spoiler=Threat - Klotho]What should she do? What should she do?

She wants to stay. She longs to. She loves the Dreamers. They're her family, her friends. Well, except Dan because he's untrustworthy still, but the others… oh, she loves them so much. She'd do anything for them.

Even hurt herself and them, if it meant they'd be SAFE.

There is a threat and the threat is her. She's certain of this. What happened there… wasn't something that should've happened. You could defend yourself without killing. You could defend yourself without ripping people apart. She could claim 'insanity caused by fear', but she wouldn't fall onto excuses. No, the actions were hers, and hers alone. Besides, according to those… those CIVILIANS… she'd apparently done something like that before. She could believe it. Why else would she have had that INSTINCT? That memory of fighting that remained even after her memories were shattered and scattered?

Then there was the fact that these people had actually taken the time to kidnap her. Bound and gagged her. They'd been WATCHING her, waiting for a perfect time to strike. What if they tried something against the others?

No, she is a threat to the Dreamers. Thus, the threat must be removed for the safety of the Dreamers. But she knows, from the experience with Dan, that they will not get rid of her voluntarily. They would continue to give her their trust and affection.

It hurts. Everything hurts, really. But threats MUST be dealt with, and, thus, she will deal with it herself.

This is the perfect opportunity. They've left her alone. So she folds the blanket Leader kindly wrapped around her, sets it to the side, and pens a short little note: "I caught sight of a threat and went to deal with it. Klotho." It's perfectly true, but she still feels pain and guilt anyway.

Then she steps out of the inn and just… walks. She doesn't go to the pier to jump. The sound might wake someone up, or maybe someone was watching the ocean. Or someone would remember that she'd jumped in before, to see if going NEAR death could awaken some memories. But she doesn't want to go near. The threat MUST disappear, after all. And she'd once overheard Meanie mention that hypothermia was… relatively painless.

​So, she walks. And walks. And walks. Out into the cold, out into the snow. She'll get as far away as possible, traveling where there is even more snow: north and east. Her feet ache, then throb, and then turn numb. She still keeps walking. She's surprised by how long she can move. Everything is slowly freezing over. Finally, she trips over something she cannot see and falls, facedown in the snow. She doesn't really feel it and just waits for the cold to take her, the threat, away to where she can't bring harm to the Dreamers.

She swears she sees Sister as she lays there, but just laughs at her foolishness of thinking her bedridden Sister was near. The laugh is weak, rusty, and disappears into sobs as she starts to curl into herself and cry. The tears burn down her face, freezing to the ground. Thoughts race through her head. 'I don't want to die. I don't. I want to live. I want to live with the Dreamers! But I can't stay! I'll just be a danger! Please... This was… someone, anyone… help… I don't… want to...'

"What are you doing here?" With those words ringing far too loudly in her ears, she blacks out and awaits her fate.

Edited by Kat
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Poor Klotho ;_;

[spoiler=Alicia: Reunion]

Last night had been a full, blue moon in which Mila allowed the spirits of the dead to visit their loved ones. Alicia as the Judge of Souls would open the gates to Heaven to allow the deceased to return till the Dawn’s first light. But this particular time, instead of her usual speech that she gave to the dead before opening the gates, Alicia said this:

“Tonight is a full, blue moon. The barrier is weak enough to allow me to open the gates to allow you to visit your loved ones. But this night…I can’t help but fear for the lives of those I call family and friend. So I ask you, not as the Judge of Souls but as Alicia Taylor to watch over and protect those dear to me. Look out for them, defend them from all who wish to harm them, and most importantly never ignore a cry for help on this night.” Those were the words Alicia spoke before opening the gates to Heaven so the deceased could come out.

After the dawn’s light came up and the dead flocked back to the Neutral Ground to reenter the Heaven Plane, Alicia was tasking with clearing them for return. The next soul to clear after Anri was her own mother, Mira of the Dawn. Alicia stared, “Mother…”

Mira smiled at her, “Alicia, I’m sorry we had to meet again like this.”

Alicia: “No…it’s fine.” Breaking in a run, Alicia embraced her mother once again, like how she did seven years ago. “Mother! If you’re here to be cleared then that means…”

Mira: “Yes, I wasn’t about to refuse a request to defend Ace.”

Alicia’s eyes grew wide, “Ace, Poly, Kat….how are they?”

Mira: “Ace appeared to be fine, though she does tend to hide pain. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was hiding some wounds under her clothes. I do recall seeing Poly being carried to the infirmary.”

Alicia’s eyes widened again, “No! How…how hurt is he?”

Mira: “Other than a torn up leg, he lives.”

Alicia sighed in relief, “He’s okay…Poly’s okay…”

Mira frowned, “Dear, aren’t you a little too clingy to him? It’s healthy to show concern for the one you’ve vowed to spend your life with. But you still have to be yourself, the woman he originally fell in love with.”

Alicia knew her mother was right, “I know Mother but… I wake so much earlier than he does…”

Mira: “Is that why you stay in your shared room for so long? You don’t have to stay that long you know.”

Alicia: “I…don’t? But…”

Mira: “He doesn’t seem to be too fond of you waking up so early.”

Alicia: “Yes. How did you know?”

Mira: “The look on your face said it all.”

Alicia: “Hehehe, my expression was rather obvious. He may be rather relaxed when it comes to life, though he is quite the sweetheart. He can be rather silly at times, but I love him neverless.”

Mira: “My advice is to try something simple, like a simple shoulder massage before you leave to socialize with your sister and friends. Try to strike a balance between how much time you linger in your room with being around your friends. I know it was hard for most of your life given how your empathy powers were used for such ulterior purposes. But I just want you to know, that I’m proud of how far you’ve come with the Azure Dreamers in not being afraid to show how you feel. I’m also happy for you in finding someone to love and call your sweetheart. I may not be able to see your wedding in person, but you have my blessing, Alicia.”

Alicia: “You...*sniff* You approve of Poly then mother?”

Mira: “I didn’t get to see much of him, but from what Ace told me about him. *smiles* He sounds a real sweetheart. I think I’ve taken up enough of your time already, there’s a lot of people behind me waiting to be cleared.”

Alicia: “Ah, of course Mother. You’re cleared to return.” Alicia then watched her mother walk through the gates to the Heaven plane before resuming her task of clearing the rest of the deceased who had aided the Dreamers to reenter.

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Day after day, they came to his clinic. Day after day, the same routine. Day after day, he'd ask how they were, and what was wrong. Day after day, he'd heal them, and day after day, they left with nary a thank you.

He didn't know why he bothered. He used to heal for his love of the craft. He used to heal because of the elation he felt when saving the life of another. But now? He just felt... nothing.

No, that wasn't right. He felt resentment. He felt unappreciated. Back with the Shepards, things were better. Back there, he was recognised. People would stop and talk to him because they cared. Not like with the Dreamers.

When was the last time someone spoke to him solely for his sake? He couldn't actually remember. Was it when he was cooking with Ace? Gods only know how long ago that was. With everyone else, he either hunted them down, or they came to him looking for herbs. Hell, even his conversation with Kat about his depression wouldn't have happened had he not decided to introduce himself to Klotho.

'I don't know why I'm even here. It's not like I matter anyway. They could just as easily replace me with Samson, or Angie. People who they care about. People who they liked. People who matter.'

With a heavy sigh, he shook himself from these thoughts. They were a waste of time too.

Day after day, the same thoughts. Day after day, the same routine.

Why even bother?

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[spoiler=In the flames, lie secrets best left hidden]She wakes up to fire. It cracks and pops as a woman carefully feeds some sort of paper into it. "Who… are you?" she whispers. Her voice is creaky and her throat is dry.

"Oh, you're awake." The woman turns to smile at her as she drops the last of the paper into the fire. Beautiful brown hair cascading all the way to the floor with soft green eyes the color of leaves, the woman looks almost like an earth spirt given body. "You are very lucky I found you. Too much later, and you would've just been a pretty icicle."

​"I… I know…"

"Well, it's silly to walk out in the cold like that. You really damaged your legs." She sits on the bed and Klotho notes that she must be very, very light. The bed barely dipped under her weight. "What brought you out so far?"

"I was removing a threat to the Dreamers."



"You?" She smiles softly. "Is this related to why you were covered in blood? I gave you a bath, by the way, and changed your clothes."

"Huh?" She looks down and notices that she is wearing new clothes. Her arm guard, however, is still there, cleaned spotless. "Oh, thank you."

"You are welcome. But I am quite stubborn when it comes to questions."

​"…" She looks away. "I killed a lot of people."

"Just because?"

"No, they attacked me."

"Then it's self defense."

"There is self defense, and then there was WHAT I DID!" She tries to push herself up, push herself away, but she's too tired and just curls into a ball instead. "I SLAUGHTERED THEM! I MADE THEIR DEATHS AS PAINFUL AS POSSIBLE! I CAN STILL FEEL IT! THE BONES CRACKING! THE FLESH RENDING! I TORE OUT THEIR THROATS AND GUTS! WHY?! WHY DID I HAVE THAT INSTINCT?!"

The woman just sits still as Klotho begins bawling and wailing. She doesn't twitch as Klotho begins clawing into her shoulders, leaving long bloody lines. She doesn't even wince as Klotho begins screaming in fury and raw pain. She just sits there and watches and waits.

Eventually, it all disappears. The tears, the fury… leaving only the pain. Blood drips into her mouth as she hacks and spits up blood from tearing her throat with the screams. Blood seeps into the bedding from the crimson gouges on her arms and shoulders. Tears puddle under her head from the sobbing.

"Are you feeling better?"

The only answer comes in hacks of blood and silent wailing.

"I didn't think so." The woman gets up and moves to the fire, to poke it back into life. "Killing yourself to atone isn't the way to do things, you know."

​"There… isn't…" Her voice is raw and it hurts even more to speak.

​"There isn't…?"

​"A way…" She spits out more blood.

"No way to atone?"

"None." Despite the brokenness, the voice holds conviction and vehemence.

"Then why did you walk out into the snow until your feet bled?"

​"I… am a… threat…" She pushes herself up at last. Her face is an absolute mess as she twists to look at the strange woman through her limp, sickly hair. "I… am a danger… so… I tried… to eliminate… the danger…"

"But you don't want to die."

​"…No…" She finally sits up. Bloody and battered, yet she holds herself up with all the dignity of a shattered statue. "I… want... to live. I want… to live…"

"Yet you went out to die."


"That makes no sense!"

​"I… am a threat… to the Dreamers…" The tears start to flow again, drawn from some unknown source, but she holds herself still this time. For all she knows, or cares, they could be blood. "My family… their… safety takes… priority… to my own… desires."

"Won't they be sad?"

​"I… would rather they… be ALIVE… to be sad." The words are soft and heavy as they fall to the ground. "That's… much better than…"

"Than bringing death on them?"


"Do you think them so weak?"


"Do you think them so weak that they'd fall to a young woman who screams and cries like a child and doesn't even know who she is?" The woman steps close and leans so that she is looking straight into Klotho's eyes. As she rests her hands on either side of her, she continues speaking softly. "Do you think that, somehow, a young archer who only moves on instinct can defeat those who move based on knowledge?"


​"Or was it… pursuers? Did you think that you were somehow, someway, being chased by someone that powerful? That intelligent? That determined? My, how arrogant you are."

​"Those… civilians…"

"You think they'd stand a chance against your family? A pack of desperate, poorly trained civilians? Wow, you're really not having faith in their strength."


"You. It's just 'you', isn't it? Your way is best. You know exactly what to do, don't you? You're the best, after all."

​"I'm… I'm not!"

"Look at you being humble, calling attention to it so that you can get reassurance from the others. What an attention whore you are. You revel in it, don't you?"

"No! No, I-!"

"And look at your reaction. Yelling and screaming and crying. You're no warrior, bearing the weight of those she's killed. You're a child throwing a TANTRUM."

"Shut up! You don't know-!"

"You think your family weak, that you're important enough to be pursued by someone strong and intelligent and determined, that you're the only one who knows what to do. You're so wanting of attention that you even ran away, not wanting to die. Just make everyone come look for you and make you feel loved and important."

"No! No, that's not-!"

"Then why are you getting upset?"


"Because you know it's true, some place, deep in your heart."


"Because what you ultimately are is human. Not a tool, not a weapon. Human. With instincts that others don't, perhaps, but is that not the nature of the outside wolf? You're learning to fit in, but it's so hard anyway and then you find out that your instincts are more murderous than theirs. Then you freak out because they just accept it… and you love it, because now you feel like you can do anything and be forgiven. Quite the turn on, isn't it?"

"No." For the first time that night, there is a light in Klotho's dull eyes. "Not at all."

"Well, maybe I'm wrong on that." The woman finally leans back and goes to tend to the dying fire again. "Well, little miss attention whore. What are you going to do?"

"…Prove you wrong." Klotho sits taller on the bed and there is a fire in her eyes again. "I'll… prove you wrong."

"Good luck. You're going to need it."

"No, I won't." She stands, defiant. Her voice takes an angry, almost mocking, croon. "I thank you for the clothes and warmth. I wish you well. Please, do not bother yourself further on my account. I'll see myself out." She goes to the door and walks out into the cold, heading towards the setting sun in the west. Towards the port… and her family that she loves and trusts above all else.

The girl sits again as she watches Klotho stumble away, looking like she's about to burst into tears. "So, she doesn't remember me at all…" she whispers brokenly. "Even though… she's using my... my name…"

"When she was forced to forget, she tried to cling to everything." A man emerges from the shadows. Tall and terrifying, he clads himself in the blackest of armor. "Ultimately, however, only one thing wasn't ripped from her broken hands. A single name. The name of the person most precious to her."


"You've lingered too long. How long do you intend to avoid?"

"However long you let me get away with it, Lord Doma." She turns to smile at the god, though she looks like she's about to fall apart. "You know; when I was alive, I was always teased for being a crybaby. Matilda would beat them up for me. But now, when I really want to cry, I can't. Because I don't have tears anymore. All the pain I'm feeling right now… it's just mental, vague clingings to emotion so that I don't become something I'm not."

"That's a price."

Her smile wobbles. "Thank you for indulging my wish to stay until I see her smile like… like she used to."

The god sighs. "Come. This illusionary place will not hold much longer."

"Thank you for creating it."

​"…I did it for my warrior and his twin. Fond as I am of you and sympathetic as I am to your plight, I would not bend the rules that much for anyone but them. It is what I owe, for all the hardships Mila and I put them through."

"That doesn't mean I can't thank you."

"You may thank me by answering a question."

"And that is?"

"Why did you burn the pictures? You'd been so diligent in taking care of them."

​"I… couldn't put that burden on her. Not for my own satisfaction." She covers her mouth, as if to hold back tears. "Ha… why does it still hurt so much?"

​"Because that is the nature of loving another. Bitter pain and sweet soothing."

"Yes…" Her smile turns nostalgic. "Lord Doma, why do you not ask about…?"

"Sometimes, one must push the nestling out of the nest in order to fly." He closes his eyes and sighs. "Come, Klotho. We must move. It is dangerous for me to stay out of slumber long."

​"Yes… thank you…"

Edited by Kat
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[spoiler=Angie and Jxemas 1]

"Hey Angie."


"Can I come in?"

"Mghm. No."

"Too late."

"Go away..*Throws pillow*"

"*Grabs* Why are we all mopey all of a sudden?"

"At Dragon's Table..When I fought Yahn."


"He told me that my entire life is fake. I'm not who I am."


"My real name is Angel. That's what he told me. And I have Dragon Blood."


"Please tell me that's not true."

"I don't know. I can't answer that."


"What I do know is that whatever he told you is lies."

"How does he know so much?"

"Time will tell. I'm going to sleep on it."*Leaves*

"*Sigh* Who am I..?"

"Xert....What are you planning?.. Are you going to ruin our lives again? Telling them the truth would kill them. Is that what you want...?"

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[spoiler=Healer and Spy - Anna Aimee and Phoibus]Phoibus: *bleeding still and wearing a very make-shift eyepatch that actually looks more like a ribbon* Love, I'm home. Did you miss me?

Aimee: Phoibus! I wasn't expect...ing... [/stares at him, horrified] ... ... [/reaches over and grabs her staff and her Thoron tome] Tell me who did this... and I will kill them. KILL THEM. With my... STICK... of... uh, JUSTICE.

Phoibus: Stick of justice? I'd rather a stick of healing. And don't worry. It's already taken care of. …Still might be a bit before the eye heals enough to see, of course. *thinking* Actually, I'd ADORE some kisses to make it better, if you don't mind.

Aimee: Well, fortunately for you, it's a multiple purpose stick. I can heal people and I can whack them into submission! [/sighs and sits on the sofa, patting the spot next to her] I'll heal you any way you'd like, Phoiby. Now c'mere.

Phoibus: Oh, my~ Sounds like another 'stick' I know of. *sits next to her and immediately leans against her* Ah… safety.

Aimee: [/blushes] Phoibus...! [/huffs and glances over at him] Now, seriously. Who - who did this to you?

Phoibus: No one you know, love. Just got ambushed by a temperamental child while doing that job for Michel. *kisses her neck in hopes to distract her* Relax. Show me a smile?

Aimee: Oh, that's okay! I'll GET to know them beforehand. See, I'll walk up to them, like "Ohai," and they'd reply, and then I'd tell them my name, and they would tell me theirs, and then I would say, "It's so nice to meet you! But you beat up my lover. So I KIND of have to kill you now." And I'd zap them. POW! And hit them with my magical stick friend here and claim their body for the name of VENGEFUL JUSTICE! ... A-And that's really distracting, I - I can't display my dramatic plan when you're kissing my neck, Phoiby! [/pokes him]

Phoibus: Mmm, but you have a lovely neck. *kisses her behind her eat* I told you. It's been taken care of. I would, however, feel a lot better if someone would give me a welcome back kiss.

Aimee: [/pouts] Fiiiiine. I can never beat your stubbornness anyway, e-especially when you start doing that! [/carefully pulls him in for a kiss] Better?

Phoibus: Much… *grins charmingly and kisses her forehead* Okay, time for serious stuff. Before I forget and then get Michel all hot and bothered.

Aimee: How serious are we talking, Phoibus? And Michel is always kind of hot and bothered about SOMETHING so it's not hard to rile her. Really. But no, what's going on?

Phoibus: I've new orders from you. Straight from the top.

Aimee: Michel? But... usually she tells ME if it's something so important... What's going on?

Phoibus: It's more like it was originally my job, but I can't do it, and the others jobs she needs from me, without arousing suspicion. I recommended you. Will you?

Aimee: Michel works you too much. [/pouts] I'mma talk to her about that. But. Okay. So what do I have to do?

Phoibus: She's, by far, not the worse employer to work for, but I digress. It's… well, it's spying on the Dreamers.

Aimee: Oh! But I'm not exactly... er... sneaky. Or subtle. I'll probably blow it completely, Phoibus. Unlessunlessunless... you have some sort of plan...?

Phoibus: The best plan is, actually, being yourself. You're so beautiful and kind that they won't suspect you at all. ….Okay, one might suspect you, but that's my sister, and she'll keep quiet so long as you don't do anything overtly. And that's the second part. You just have to watch. You don't have to ferret out any special information. I'll check in on you regularly, of course, and at the first sign of danger, I'll whisk you away, on a horse if you want. But all you have to do is be yourself, and keep an eye on them. Promise. Oh, and report to me when I show up.

Aimee: Oh! So I just have to... tag along with them? ... Um. Don't they kind of, I don't know, hate all of us? And will probably kill me on sight? I mean, I'm not trying to poke holes in everything but... that's a problem, don't you think?

Phoibus: My sister will protect you. Agro… oh, wait, she goes by Kat now. I'll drop you off with her. Trust me. You do NOT want to be on the wrong end of one of HER righteous lectures and BOY will she give one. Just… make sure you call her 'Kat', okay. I know you'll like her.

Aimee: Okay. So I just... tag along with them and play nice? And report back to you on anything important? And try NOT to get lectured by Kat? That... doesn't sound so bad. Okay! Should be simple enough! [/claps her hands together]

Phoibus: Yes, that's it. When they… FINALLY… get to Valm, I'll drop you off with my twin and then you just keep an eye on them. I'll be your messenger to Michel, and the one who gets you out of the situation if it turns bad. I'll give you a talisman to break if that happens, okay?

Aimee: A... talisman? Okay then. You are kind of amazing at that sort of stuff, so~ I trust you, Phoibus. You KIND of already know this, but... I do. I'll be careful, I promise. And YOU need to be careful too. [/places her heads gently on his shoulders] I - I hate seeing you like this...

Phoibus: As I said, it'll heal, and I'll just scar. My eye will probably be better in a day or two. …It looks a lot worse than is, though. I know how to tend to it. Besides, don't I look dashing with the eyepatch? I MIGHT, however, like a… doctor's touch on the rest.

Aimee: That's still NOT acceptable. You're mine and I won't let anyone else touch you! [/giggles] And okay, y-yeah, you do. And um... sure. That's actually a really good idea, I'm sure there's a doctor around here... oh. You mean me don't you? Duh. But seriously, I will look you over. And then, I'll... really look you over.

Phoibus: I look forward to K… Aimee. I look FORWARD to it.

Aimee: [/pauses for a moment, before grabbing his hand and gently pulling him up] Of course! It's something you do for someone when you really love them so, I'm doing it just for you. [/leans up and kisses the tip of his nose] Now, come on, let me TRY to make this better! Still need to whack a few people with my vengeance stick of justice but THAT can wait...~

Phoibus: … *smiles at her softly* Vengeance Stick of Justice? Isn't that an oxymoron, my lady beautiful?

Aimee: [/thinks it over, tapping her foot against the ground] Um. Okay, so I have to work out the kinks with the name. Which I'll do! AFTER I make you better, of course.

Phoibus: Of course. Give me your orders, Oh Lady Healer of Beauty and Grace. The Healer's orders shall, of course, always be obeyed.

Aimee: [/giggles] My order, then, is for you to go get on my bed so I can heal you properly! I wasn't joking about that, Phoiby! [/pouts]

Phoibus: *laughs* Okay, okay, I'm moving! Anything but the pouty face!

Aimee: And Michel says pouty faces aren't effective~ Just don't you dare use one on me, then I'd NEVER be able to resist anything.

Phoibus: Oh? WEEEEEEELL….

Aimee: Oh noooooooo, I've said too much again, haven't I! Shoot!

Phoibus: *laughs* Oh, I promise not to abuse it. Much. Now… *puts on a wounded, pouting look* Heal me?

Aimee: A-And the first thing you do is abuse it! I knew iiiiit. [/laughs and takes his hand again] Okay, the faster I heal you, the faster I can get to... really healing you, so let's go!

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[spoiler=Flashback Part 1: Just go away please.]

*Two days before the massacre of Breezy's troops*

Cedric: So very boring around here without the captain here, wouldn't you say Rose?

Rose: What are you even doing here Cedric? Shouldn't you be planning your next attack on Breezy anyway?

Cedric: Oh, was my hatred so painfully obvious to you? Hope I'm not offending you or anything, not my intention.

Rose: Shut up. Y-you know he's on a break for a reason, and I'm damn sure that reason is you.

Cedric: Such harsh words, they hurt me right where it hurts Rose. Could is be because he, I don't know, needed a break from the army, or something?

Rose: That would be the case... If he didn't tell me straight up it was because of you.

Cedric: He could be lying to you. For all we know, you could have driven him away..

Rose: H-he wouldn't do that....

Cedric: Oh but what if he did? Sick and tired of all the praise he's gotten, he just decides to get up and leave.

Rose: If this is supposed to be a subtle way of saying that you need more appreciation in the army, it sure isn't subtle at all..

Cedric: Who said I needed more praise? He just gets too much.

Rose: Or maybe he gets just enough to keep him here...

Cedric: And what makes you think that? Just because he's the captain doesn't mean he deserves it all, especially when we have MUCH better fighters.

Rose: You clearly are oblivious to all the shit he goes through, being the captain and all. You couldn't last a few days there, all the pressure of us dying on him...

Cedric: *chuckles* Are you sure about that Rose...? Would he really care?

Rose: What kind of idiotic question is that? Of course he cares. About everyone except you probably. Now just go away..

Cedric: My work here was done anyway... I'm leaving right now *exits the tent*

Rose: H-he'll be back I know it... Just will I be here to see him with Cedric around...?

Fun fact: This was supposed to be one giant one, but time constraints my ideas made it more than 1.

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[spoiler=Strange Feeling]

She hadn’t noticed it at first, but it was definitely there. A feeling. A strange feeling. A warm, fuzzy, strange feeling deep inside her. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. What was it? She didn’t know. What was really strange was that she only felt it when she was talking to Nathaniel. Was it some sort of illness? Was he ill, and whatever ailment he had was contagious and was slowly infecting her too? She would sometimes feel her face go warm when he spoke to her, and she sometimes felt her throat clam up when she was mid-sentence, making her stutter over whatever she was going to say next. He did it too, though it seemed worse for him. So that must be it! She was getting ill, that’s what it was! Perhaps it would be best to avoid him, to stop her from getting any worse? But she didn’t want to avoid her best friend… What a pickle!

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[spoiler=Empty Feeling]Dan lay in his bed as he went over his actions.
He had done it.
He had finally fought against the man who had destroyed his village. ...Right?
Did he actually fight him? Did he actually triumph over an obstacle in his path for vengeance?
Then what was this feeling? Emptiness?
...No...no he won no fight. There was no fight. He sat there and took it. Took it like it was nothing!
And he held back! Just so he didn't have to come back to Kat and bring the news to her. What he did to him, he could regenerate back like it was nothing! And she still cries over him losing an eye that he can get back easily!
He wanted to tear him, limb from limb, for what he did. For what he's done. And yet even if he did, he wouldn't even care.
He didn't fight back...He made a mockery of me...He acted like he was a nuisance!
And no one else even payed attention. No one even stopped him. Was he so inconsequential? Did nothing he do have any impact?! Was he such an insignificant part?!
Anger and hate swelled up in his mind.
No one cared. Not even Klotho, whom she had feelings for Phoibus! She saw him as a stupid child! At least he had his memories...At least he didn't slaughter villagers...But did anyone cry for those villagers?! No...because Klotho is so SPECIAL!
Even more hate flowed into his thoughts.
And that Phoibus...so 'righteous'...so 'almighty'. He can come in and rip apart a Pegasus, chain up everyone, put a knife to someone's neck and act like it was NOTHING! EVERYTHING was under control until HE came along!
He hated him...he hated him so much...and he harbored hate for others, too. His hate had not dissipated...
It had either clouded his mind so much, that he thought not of how he was acting like a spoiled brat, how he was thinking selfishly, how he did not understand everything around him...or he didn't care.

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Chapter xx: Glaedyr.

Ever since I stayed at Ferox with Poly, Glaedyr and the others, I felt a... Strange, quite familiar feeling.

I recognised this as a 'crush', of course. An infatuation... Though even six months after this sudden interest in the friendly and attractive sword-fighter, I still haven't made a move.

Poly finds it funny, naturally. He found my copy of 'Fifty Shades of Ylisse' hilarious. What wasn't hilarious was the smudge marks he left on the cover.

Anyway, now that I find myself getting ready to go to Valm, and the war might even end within a few months, I get the feeling it might be getting too late for me to confess to her... She knows who Elise was. If I confess to her, will she think that I'll always be comparing her to Elise?

Elise was different. She was... Boring? Is that the word?

No, not boring... 'Tame.' That's it, tame. Aside from becoming engaged to me, she had followed everything her father said.

I'm a different person now. I have people who care about me, who wouldn't betray me for anything... I hope. In Nenlast, the villagers couldn't care less if I was dead or alive. I was a 'Wizard', as they said...

Glaedyr is oblivious, of course. Maybe she only thinks of me as a friend... She did say I was her 'best friend'... That can't be good... Maybe I should just give up entirely.

I'll confess at Valm. I hope she doesn't faint from embarrassment, and I hope Poly doesn't end up dying from laughter afterwards.

Yes, a crappy character development.

A W.I.P~! I couldn't even title the spoiler because I'm on a phone. ;_;

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[spoiler=Nightmares - Phoibus]He has this dream often.

It's the day he completely lost it and slipped into a berserker fury. The day Tabitha killed her husband, almost killed her child, and killed herself. There she is, right there. Standing at the top of the church, hair down and whipping in the wind, beautiful pale blue dress that matched her eyes… and then she steps off. Down and down she falls and then...


Nothing but a mess of blood and hair and that beautiful pale blue dress that's being eaten by crimson blood. Just like back then, he's just standing there, wondering what just happened. What had he missed? Why didn't anyone protect her? And then there's the red haze, the berserker fury caused by subconsciously tapping into the strength and power he had as Doma's Warrior… without any idea of how to control it.

Next it's just the same as always. He goes through the town, ripping people apart. Some deep part of him is panicking, shrieking, begging someone, anyone to stop him, kill him! He's out of control, even from himself. Someone… anyone… stop him from killing them. Stop him from coldly, efficiently tearing them apart. Before he loses it complete, loses all control, and goes after children too.

Someone does eventually stops him. In the real world, in the real past, it had been Elspeth (Agrona), and she'd just lost an eye for it, though that had been more than enough to shake him, break him even. In the dream, though, whoever is the person to stop him is his last victim. Sometimes, it's Agrona. Sometimes, it's Alexandra, even though she'd been long dead by that point. Lately, it's been Aimee, even though Aimee didn't EXIST way back then.

This night's victim, though, startles him. White hair tipped and splattered crimson. Silver eyes dull, without the spark and fire that made them fascinating. Cheerful smile frozen into unnatural peacefulness. Klotho.

He starts awake afterwards. He's absolutely frozen. He can barely breath. Finally, though, the paralysis wears off and he's able to sit up and just BREATHE. It still takes him a bit to calm down though, as he starts shaking from cold and… fear.

​Why did he… dream of her right then? And why… did it affect him this much?

What was the nightmare trying to tell him?

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Phoibus is in looooooooooooooooooooooooove~

[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Bonds]Kat: *flipping through Silvia's notes again* Yes, this should be everything. Perfect. When she wakes up, everything will be fine.

Dusk: *stirs awake* Hmm... Oh? *turns around and sees Kat awake, so he kisses her* Hey, dear

Kat: What are you doing up? Look, it's not even dawn.

Dusk: No idea. Guess my thoughts finally caught up with me I guess

Kat: Hmm? What thoughts?

Dusk: *raises head to see if anybody else was awake* Umm... Remember the speech I made a couple of days ago?

Kat: Yes?

Dusk: It was based around the friendships that everyone had built here. I put my heart into that speech. I didn't want it any other way... *sighs* As of late though, it seems that maybe I was wrong. All everyone seems to do these days is fight with each other... Hell, I'm guilty of that as well. It just seems that the dream the Dreamers want to make a reality isn't possible any more...

Kat: Really? Because, from my experience, the best of friends… also have the worst of fights.

Dusk: Maybe so, but it feels like a new hatred is brewing up every day. Not to mention Klotho ran away, Silvia tried to commit suicide, Dan went yandere... It feels like the whole army is going to collapse on itself. I'm trying to make it so that doesn't happen... but as I said, I'm guilty to some of these crimes too

Kat: It's an army filled with people with.. problems. That's how we all managed to survive this trauma, Dusk. However, the coping methods most people had before weren't good ones and, as a result, they're show just WHY they weren't the best method. Sorin secludes himself, Yuffie keeps everything bottled in, Silvia buries herself in studies… I could go on and on and on. *shrugs* What everyone needs, simply, is a smile and a person telling them 'It's going to be okay'. If people will allow it, I have no troubles being that person. I am, after all, the eldest here and, perhaps more importantly, the one who has gone through all of this, tried all the coping methods, and determined through trial and error just what really works, and what doesn't. *smiles* Sometimes, in order for something to become stronger, one must first break and then pick up the pieces again.

Dusk: Is it really that cut and dry though? Some people won't listen to such advice, and some may outright antagonise you for saying so

Kat: That's why I simply have faith. I have faith that, eventually, they will listen, and I trust them to go to someone. It doesn't have to be me, of course, but if it is, I am here. Until then, I give my advice, wait to see what they do with it, and be ready with a smile when they fall down, tending to their skinned knees and keening spirits.

Dusk: I wish I could have the same faith in everybody as you do. I mean, I try, but I think my patience is wearing thin ever so shortly. I'm not even sure how I'd react if infighting continues. So many disagreements... I'm not sure if I can cope if it much longer

Kat: Well, I'm older. I have experience and patience. I'd like to note, though, that I CAN'T leave. …Not if you want both me and the baby to live. So, that's playing a part.

Dusk: Me? Leave? Hell no. My dream is the Dreamer's dream. I'll kill every last Anna with my bare hands if I have to!.. I couldn't leave you or the little one alone anyway, that would be inhumane of me *pauses* I just don't know how to handle all these negative situations that doesn't involve a fist to the face, yet, as a leader, I must deal with it

Kat: Oh, I don't know. I've slapped at least three people. It sorta works.

Dusk: Physically hurting people really isn't a way to keep them in the army, let alone happy... I might just let you and Sorin deal with this; I do a lot of other duties anyway

Kat: Sometimes, though, a person needs a target to realize just how much of a problem they have. But, you do what you wish. You always do.

Dusk: I guess *slowly grins* And hey, I love being stubborn, it's great

Kat: Yes, yes. You being stubborn is why we're even IN this situation.

Dusk: *raises eyebrow* What situation?

Kat: *sighs* Well, if I recall correctly, someone was VERY impatient and somehow convinced me through stubbornness to let you get away with the impatience… or we could go about you being stubborn about liking me. That also led to it.

Dusk: Well... *shrugs, then grins* I don't see you complaining about it. In fact, I think you enjoy my stubbornness a bit too much~

Kat: Well, it is HARD to resist.

Dusk: Yes well, for some odd reason, I don't feel like getting up to our usual shenanigans, but... *gets out of bed and carefully scoops up Kat in his arms, before walking to a nearby window* I think it's good idea to look at our family, friends, and loved ones in the sky... Look, I think little Tabitha is shining brightest

Kat: Hmm… yeah, she is. Probably laughing. She laughed a lot.

Dusk: Oh? What do you think she's laughing at? Our conversation wasn't exactly the most humorous one

Kat: Probably the fact you haven't noticed that I put your hair in pigtails.

Dusk: What? *tilts his head forward and sees the two pigtails* I... There are beads as well, aren't there?

Kat: Of course they are.

Dusk: Alright, you deserve to be punished~ *walks back to the beds and lays down, with Kat on top of him* What do you deserve?

Kat: Thought you weren't going into our usual antics.

Dusk: I change my mind a lot

Kat: …But not about me, right?

Dusk: *passionately kisses her* I could never change what my heart or mind says about you

Kat: Okay. *smiles* Okay.

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Phoibus is in looooooooooooooooooooooooove~

[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Bonds]Kat: *flipping through Silvia's notes again* Yes, this should be everything. Perfect. When she wakes up, everything will be fine.

Dusk: *stirs awake* Hmm... Oh? *turns around and sees Kat awake, so he kisses her* Hey, dear

Kat: What are you doing up? Look, it's not even dawn.

Dusk: No idea. Guess my thoughts finally caught up with me I guess

Kat: Hmm? What thoughts?

Dusk: *raises head to see if anybody else was awake* Umm... Remember the speech I made a couple of days ago?

Kat: Yes?

Dusk: It was based around the friendships that everyone had built here. I put my heart into that speech. I didn't want it any other way... *sighs* As of late though, it seems that maybe I was wrong. All everyone seems to do these days is fight with each other... Hell, I'm guilty of that as well. It just seems that the dream the Dreamers want to make a reality isn't possible any more...

Kat: Really? Because, from my experience, the best of friends… also have the worst of fights.

Dusk: Maybe so, but it feels like a new hatred is brewing up every day. Not to mention Klotho ran away, Silvia tried to commit suicide, Dan went yandere... It feels like the whole army is going to collapse on itself. I'm trying to make it so that doesn't happen... but as I said, I'm guilty to some of these crimes too

Kat: It's an army filled with people with.. problems. That's how we all managed to survive this trauma, Dusk. However, the coping methods most people had before weren't good ones and, as a result, they're show just WHY they weren't the best method. Sorin secludes himself, Yuffie keeps everything bottled in, Silvia buries herself in studies… I could go on and on and on. *shrugs* What everyone needs, simply, is a smile and a person telling them 'It's going to be okay'. If people will allow it, I have no troubles being that person. I am, after all, the eldest here and, perhaps more importantly, the one who has gone through all of this, tried all the coping methods, and determined through trial and error just what really works, and what doesn't. *smiles* Sometimes, in order for something to become stronger, one must first break and then pick up the pieces again.

Dusk: Is it really that cut and dry though? Some people won't listen to such advice, and some may outright antagonise you for saying so

Kat: That's why I simply have faith. I have faith that, eventually, they will listen, and I trust them to go to someone. It doesn't have to be me, of course, but if it is, I am here. Until then, I give my advice, wait to see what they do with it, and be ready with a smile when they fall down, tending to their skinned knees and keening spirits.

Dusk: I wish I could have the same faith in everybody as you do. I mean, I try, but I think my patience is wearing thin ever so shortly. I'm not even sure how I'd react if infighting continues. So many disagreements... I'm not sure if I can cope if it much longer

Kat: Well, I'm older. I have experience and patience. I'd like to note, though, that I CAN'T leave. …Not if you want both me and the baby to live. So, that's playing a part.

Dusk: Me? Leave? Hell no. My dream is the Dreamer's dream. I'll kill every last Anna with my bare hands if I have to!.. I couldn't leave you or the little one alone anyway, that would be inhumane of me *pauses* I just don't know how to handle all these negative situations that doesn't involve a fist to the face, yet, as a leader, I must deal with it

Kat: Oh, I don't know. I've slapped at least three people. It sorta works.

Dusk: Physically hurting people really isn't a way to keep them in the army, let alone happy... I might just let you and Sorin deal with this; I do a lot of other duties anyway

Kat: Sometimes, though, a person needs a target to realize just how much of a problem they have. But, you do what you wish. You always do.

Dusk: I guess *slowly grins* And hey, I love being stubborn, it's great

Kat: Yes, yes. You being stubborn is why we're even IN this situation.

Dusk: *raises eyebrow* What situation?

Kat: *sighs* Well, if I recall correctly, someone was VERY impatient and somehow convinced me through stubbornness to let you get away with the impatience… or we could go about you being stubborn about liking me. That also led to it.

Dusk: Well... *shrugs, then grins* I don't see you complaining about it. In fact, I think you enjoy my stubbornness a bit too much~

Kat: Well, it is HARD to resist.

Dusk: Yes well, for some odd reason, I don't feel like getting up to our usual shenanigans, but... *gets out of bed and carefully scoops up Kat in his arms, before walking to a nearby window* I think it's good idea to look at our family, friends, and loved ones in the sky... Look, I think little Tabitha is shining brightest

Kat: Hmm… yeah, she is. Probably laughing. She laughed a lot.

Dusk: Oh? What do you think she's laughing at? Our conversation wasn't exactly the most humorous one

Kat: Probably the fact you haven't noticed that I put your hair in pigtails.

Dusk: What? *tilts his head forward and sees the two pigtails* I... There are beads as well, aren't there?

Kat: Of course they are.

Dusk: Alright, you deserve to be punished~ *walks back to the beds and lays down, with Kat on top of him* What do you deserve?

Kat: Thought you weren't going into our usual antics.

Dusk: I change my mind a lot

Kat: …But not about me, right?

Dusk: *passionately kisses her* I could never change what my heart or mind says about you

Kat: Okay. *smiles* Okay.



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[spoiler=Flashback Part 2: It's Just a Letter]

*One day before the massacre*

Rose: Yeah, if I leave it here he's bound to check for it when he gets back. So just leave it here and he'll read it...

Cedric: Is this classified information, or can the public know about it?

Rose: ...You'd ask no matter what I'd say

Cedric: Oh come on, I'm not THAT big of a jerk to you, only to Breezy

Rose: Why do you do that anyway? He is the captain.

Cedric: Oh how interesting, she wants to hear about my life. It must be love.

Rose: Shut up Cedric.

Cedric: Oh fine, suppose I can let it go for one day.. *under his breath* Not like you're living to see another after tomorrow

Rose: If you're just gonna talk to yourself, then get out of my tent thank you very much.

Cedric: You do know it's impolite to be rude to people with no reason Rose? How would Breezy feel?

Rose: He's be damn proud if he saw this. You've been rude to him ever since he came here and became captain. I have all the reason to be rude to you.

Cedric: Do you now? Have I done anything to directly hurt you? Only to Breezy, with good reason.

Rose: And what reason could that be, aside from your natural talent at being an asshole.

Cedric: You flatter me Rose, being an asshole like you say is an acquired talent, you're not born with it.

Rose: Yet you are standing right here talking to me.

Cedric: Hurtful. Oh so hurtful.

Rose: Seems you can do all this without breaking a sweat, yet if you come under fire you're too scared to do a damn thing.

Cedric: So, is that mysterious paper anything important?

Rose: Why yes, it is.

Cedric: What for?

Rose: It's just a letter.

Cedric: Oh of course, to the captain. My bad. Though surprising how he didn't put you in command now.

Rose: He knows better than to let his emotions cloud his decisions. But clearly you do not.

Cedric: If words could kill people, you's be the scariest lady alive.

Rose: Why the hell are you interested in what I'm doing anyway?

Cedric: Oh, aren't comrades in arms supposed to be, how do you put it, in touch with each other?

Rose: That's what we've been saying to you for the past year. And now suddenly you're trying to make up for it. I'm on to you Cedric, just to let you know of course, gotta stay in touch after all.

Cedric: Well, I know when I'm losing the battle, goodbye!*leaves*

Rose: Soon, he'll be back, and hopefully Cedric will stop.


Cedric: If I am to destroy him, killing off them is the easy step. But that's not enough. That "just a letter" is the key to this. When he gets back and sees it, he'll be dead on the inside before I know it, or see it for that matter. But, the problem is keeping it safe. Guess this is why I took up magic after all.

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[spoiler=Of gods and their warriors.]

Gods had a different way of viewing things that humans.

They saw the larger picture that humans just couldn't conceive of.

They made plans that spanned centuries, millennia even.

Let a tragedy occur to let the only one capable of killing the enemy have a motive.

Let a miracle occur for the enemies so that the heroes could look into the one way to truly end things.

So, of course, their contracted Warriors were forced to look at things differently too.

He seduces and charms others to their deaths, so that the real heroes can step up.

She lets the enemies get away so that the hero can grow stronger.

He slaughters innocents to get close to the enemy and learn their secrets.

She doesn't save the hero's family so that he remembers why he fights.

He destroys innocents if that is what it takes to pass his judgment.

She saves enemies until the heroes are strong enough to hold against future threats.

The gods allow this for them, because it is their plan.

Everyone is born as a piece and the gods carefully plot their moves.

For, you see, they see the largest picture and make their plans based on that.

Not on the limited scope of humans.

For there are times that they don't know what will happen, just as all living things do.

And they want the absolute maximum chance… that the world and humans they love so much will survive.

Edited by Kat
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