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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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Kat, you mind removing the quotes from most of your posts? I'm getting nothing from yours.

also, this site's formatting sucks balls.

Sure, I'll get to it. Also, do I need to post the Silva and Kat thing here too?

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Meh, I'll just post it here too.

[spoiler=Silvia and Kat]Silvia: OH KAT! Where ARE you?

Kat: Um… in my room? Changing?

Silvia: Oh... I'll wait out here then.

Kat: No, you can come in. We're both girls, after all.

Silvia: This sounds extremely familiar now that I think about it... [/walks in] Need any help?

Kat: Yeah, can you get these back ties? Normally I get Dusk to help me, but he ran to check some explosion sound I heard.

Silvia: Sure thing, dear. [/ties the knots] Explosion, huh... that sounds troubling. Hope it isn't anything serious, or... Ugh, I kind of do. I think I'm stir-crazy.

Kat: Well, we'll be meeting with the others soon. Then you'll be dreaming of the calm. *thinking* It almost sounded like a fire spell went wrong. That explosion, I mean.

Silvia: [/drops the strings for a moment] Ohhhh. Huh. Don't know what would cause that... So... Kat... besides the fact that your skin is extremely soft and I'm kind of jealous, I have a bone to pick with you.

Kat: Huh? Oh, it's a lotion. I… er… well, I got self-conscious a few months ago when Dusk and I were… *flushes* A-Anyway, I got self-conscious and started doing a 'beauty routine' my mother taught me. I can show you. It's actually really easy. You just have to be willing to devote about ten or fifteen minutes to it.

Silvia: No need to get so embarrassed! [/laughs] And yeah, I can spare ten to fifteen minutes from reading and being flung off my pegasus, Kat.

Kat: Hmm… should show Ace too. And maybe Klotho. …And see if I can get her to change that nickname of yours. Sorry about that, by the way. I swear; I didn't mention it all at the same time. She has a wicked memory for an amnesiac. Oh, maybe should just show all the girls when we all get back.

Silvia: Harem. Where the actual hell did she get THAT from? I don't understand it. But no. I do have a legitimate concern, and THAT has to do with the fact you lied to me.

Kat: I… did? When?

Silvia: [/giggles and hugs Kat from behind] You said I wasn't getting a godchild!

Kat: …Oh. Well, it wasn't exactly expected, stupid 1% failure rate, and… wait, how do you know? *starts panicking* Oh, Mila, am I showing? I didn't think I'd show so soon! Okay, um… looser clothing maybe? Or… uh…?

Silvia: Relax, dear. The only loose thing around here is Dusk's tongue. And apparently myself... but let's not go there.

Kat: Dusk…? *sighs in aggravation* You mean the one who insisted on keeping quiet? Really? Argh, I should tell Sorin just to spite him. Not only was he the first to tell, but he told YOU and I wanted to do that!

Silvia: [/laughs] I'm sure it was a mistake! He DID try to cover his tracks, but I got it out of him anyway... what can I say, I'm just good like that.

Kat: *grumble* Probably via flirting. You're good at that AND gorgeous and Dusk's VERY susceptible to teasing.

Silvia: I didn't flirt with him this time, honest! That one time you stumbled across was - wait. [/blinks] You... called me gorgeous?

Kat: Huh? Yeah, you're gorgeous. Especially in that outfit. No offense, but the fluffy dress? Not very good for your figure. And I don't MIND, per se. I'm old enough to share. I just, you know, get first dibs.

Silvia: [/shrugs, blushing] I-If you say so. I mean - wait, dibs? [/blushes even more] S-Since when are we calling dibs on me?

Kat: *teasing* Well, you ARE pretty, I met you first, and I'm not going to be able to do much 'dancing' with Dusk...

Silvia: ... So because you met me fist you have a claim to me? [/smirks] Oh I can already HEAR the objections flowing forth...

Kat: Eh, I'd share with your husband. *leans down so that she's only an inch from her face and smiles* Just, you know, when he's not here.

Silvia: [/giggles] That's not EXACTLY sharing, Kat, now is it? [/taps her nose] You bad girl...

Kat: Hey, I can't share with someone who's not here. *gets a little closer* So…?

Silvia: I guess not. How logical of you to notice something like that! [/looks up at Kat through her eyelashes before fluttering them] So... what are we to do now?

Kat: Well… the bed is comfy, you know.

Silvia: Excellent point. And you DO owe me some quality time... I miss your company, Kat...

Kat: Yes, indeed, I do! *thinking* Hmm… better keep it… somewhat tame, though. Want to ask permission from your husband first. Only fair, after all. And I suppose Dusk too. He might get pouty.

Silvia: Right! Although asking Henry at this point would be... a bit of a challenge?

Kat: Then I guess we just have to keep it tame until we can get you home and I can ask directly. Until then… well, there IS that beauty treatment I need to show you. Should we grab Ace?

Silvia: Right! And yeah, we should. I know where she is, I'll go grab her if you'd like.

Kat: Ooo, what FUN~ I'll get the hot water ready. Hmm… should I let Ace in on the 'secret'? I think I get a free tell, seeing as Dusk blurted it out. …And she actually might have some suggestions, now that I think about it.

Silvia: I suppose so, if that's what you want! [/giggles] I can't wait for her reaction to this. Ah, right! She has children herself, doesn't she? She'd probably be more help than I am since my son is actually only three years younger than I am. [/shakes head and sighs] Time travel, I swear.

Kat: It's a bitch, isn't it? *giggles* Oh, totally will, and then tell him it's his fault. Besides, Ace'll keep it away from Poly, and HE'S the big one we want to keep it from. Well, him and Anon, but I think Anon seriously might try to kill me. FAR too tense, that one. Needs a massage. Oh! Massage, yes! I've got some nice smelling oils we can use on each other!

Silvia: Oh for the love of Naga. If Poly hears about this, it will NEVER end. EVER. I already can imagine it. [/giggles] A massage huh? That does sound lovely! This'll be a blast.

Kat: *giggles* I'll set up then! You grab Ace! Oh, and don't worry. I'll trap the room so that no one can sneak in without permission. *pauses* Non-lethal traps, I swear. Though it MIGHT remove some clothing.

Silvia: Will do, Captain! Wait... a trap that removes clothing...? Are you putting that up before I grab Ace or - no. No. No. Mind, stop GOING there. [/swiftly flees the room]

Kat: What was she…? Oh, my~ haha! Ah, she's so much fun to play with! …Though, I'm not sure how much of that was playing. Oh well. I can figure out later. Now… do I set that trap up now or… ah, better go later. Don't want to cause her to faint. Yet.

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[spoiler=Change in Pace]
In Purgatorial Abysm, Altean Sorin’s Domain, Sorin trains at fighting multiple Lance Users at once. The Massacre of Port Ferox was one week ago and the Dreamers have temporarily split to consolidate their respective countries.
Sorin: Ha! *clash* Argh!
Altean Sorin: C’mon! You are slowing down. You would never have survived on King Marth’s Royal Guard at this rate. Jagen would have made sure of that.
Sorin: It would help…*Clash* if I had a crutch in case my reaction is off.*Stab*
Altean Sorin: Really? This is the speed of my legacy? *sigh* Good thing Purigon had something prepared in case of that. Give me your Abysm.
Sorin: W-wait, *dodge* You want me to give away my weapon in the middle of a battle?
A.Sorin: Guess you don’t want that gift.
Sorin: N-no I just ca-
A.Sorin: Here I am. I’ll just be leaving now.
Sorin: …Fine. Take it. *Throws Abysm and dodges a thrust*
A.Sorin: Bout time. *Catches* Give me a minute and don’t get skewered.
*Walks away. A bright light shines from his direction and lasts for about 5 minutes. He then walks back.*
Alright, this should do. Try not to kill yourself with it. *Throws… Abysm? into the ground near Sorin*
Sorin: Took you long enough. Wait… Why are there two blades? And the blades are blue. What is th-
A.Sorin: DUCK!
Sorin: Huh?! *A lance is inches away from Sorin until he grabs the blade and with slight difficulty, decapitates his enemy in one swift move.*W-wow.
A.Sorin: *sigh* Gonna need to work on that. You almost dislocated your arm. Better than being stabbed though right?
Sorin: …Another Abysm upgrade? So soon?
A.Sorin: First off, I don’t think the name Purgatorial Abysm fits anymore. You have gone through a lot and truthfully I thought your battles would have ended after
Grima. But looking ahead, I believe you will need it. Try taking the blades apart.
Sorin: How? *Tries taking them apart*
A.Sorin: I… actually don’t know. Probably for the best though. You would strain your body learning how to fight with both styles.
Sorin: Hmm… Ok. And I’ve thought of a name. It will be called…

[spoiler=What the blade looks like.]4Kpppxg.jpg

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It's what you've all been waiting for...

Poly: Good... you've been working pretty hard today, Nathaniel. Let's take a break. *tosses his wooden practice axe onto the ground in front of him*

Nathaniel: Heh... That was pretty exhausting, I will admit... But I have to work hard to qualify for this Dread Scroll. *taps scroll at his belt* I've been practicing the sword with Glaedyr, too... It's quite difficult to remember all of this.

Poly: Well, I don't know if there's any better trainers than me & her... speaking of which, you've spent a lot of time "training" with her lately, haven't you?

Nathaniel: Why yes I- *cuts himself off* ...You had to, didn't you? But yes, I have been training with her a lot lately... *smiles faintly*

Poly: I couldn't help it. But... oh man, I can see you now... 'Ooh, teach me more, Glaedyr~'

Nathaniel: ...Really, buddy? *sighs* Whilst I admit to having feelings for her, I don't really see how I can act upon them, given my previous circumstances...*trails off* Anyway, I 'hear' you are loving every moment of your time with Alicia. *snicker* I swear, man, when ever I walk past your quarters at night to get a sandwich or a drink, I hear things...

Poly: *laughs* More than your teacher'd give you, I bet.

Nathaniel: Yes, Khan Poly, I doubt you'd do those sorts of things to me.

Poly: *deadpan* Your OTHER teacher, twit.

Nathaniel: *laughs* I know, Poly, I know... Is this all you think about?

Poly: Outside of battle... not gonna lie, it's pretty common for that to cross my mind. Keeps me from flipping out about the fact that we essentially live in hell.

Nathaniel: Ha... It's only crossed my mind twice since I joined up... Once when Sammy asked me what hooking-up was, and again when I- Actually, I won't mention that one to you.

Poly: Oooooooooooh, sounds like somebody's got a cruuuuuuuuuuuuuush~

Nathaniel: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Actually, I told you about twenty seconds ago that I do... *blushes* Lets return to training.

Poly: Sit your ass down, Nathaniel. You're a bit farther ahead than I thought, so we can relax a bit longer. Now... *gets his signature wolfish grin* Spill. And don't leave out any details.

Nathaniel: Well, y-y-you see... I, uh... *looks down and blushes* ...It's hard for me to move on after what has happened to me before when it comes to the arts of romance, so, uh...

Poly: Flowers are always nice. Or save her from dying. That usually works too.

Nathaniel: (He's giving me actual advice? Holy crap.) Chivalry? Flowers? Huh...

Poly: Or go up to her, grab her hard, drop her to her knees - without hitting her, mind - and, with all your might, you thrust your...

Nathaniel: WHAT THE FUUUUUU- (I knew he was crazy... I must warn Alicia!)

Poly: *laughing* Calm down, I'm joking. Mostly. I mean, depending on the girl, it might just be easier to go all in right away, but...

Nathaniel: *sweatdrop* Thank Naga...!

Poly: You know... all this talk of how to get the girl, and you haven't even told me which girl you're going for. Was I right earlier in thinking it's Glaedyr?

Nathaniel: Naturally, buddy. And I'm not 'going' for her...

Poly: Word it how you like. Point is... I'm not sure I can help you. After all, I barely know her myself.

Nathaniel: I've been engaged before, you know. I know this sort of thing.

Poly: Yeah, but... we're weirder. So you need more... specialized advice. Y'know what I mean?

Nathaniel: ...I guess so.

Poly: Of course, if all else fails, you could just thrust yourself right into her...

Nathaniel: I- What? ...I regret volunteering to join the Ferox group.

Poly: And yet you did it knowing I was going to do this to you. For shame, Natty. *looks around to see if anybody - particuarly, Alicia - is nearby* Besides, I've got some female-related news myself.

Nathaniel: If you're going to tell me about your bedroom antics, I swear to Naga, I will-

Poly: Shut up for a minute! ... I'm going to propose to Alicia before we get back. It'll make for some good news for the others when we get back.

Nathaniel: Do you want advice from me?

Poly: No, not really. I've been married before too, y'know.

Nathaniel: Oh, uh, right. Do you want me two cross-breed roses specifically for the occasion?

Poly: Maybe for the wedding. No... I'm just going to keep it simple. My last proposal kinda... flamed out. Let's just say that I had to do a LOT of remodeling in my castle afterwards and leave it at that.

Nathaniel: Okeydokey, buddy. Do you have a ring?

Poly: *pulls out a small box from his coat* Right here.

Nathaniel: Huh... Crap. I still have my old ring- Well, rings. *taps the rings on his pendant* I never gave her the ring... My life is pretty gloomy, huh?

Poly: Well, at least when you get with Glaedyr, you don't need to go hunting for a ring.

Nathaniel: I'm not gonna- *sigh*

Poly: You will, cause you llllllllllllllllllllllike her.

Nathaniel: Ugh...

Poly: Your denial only makes it truer~

Nathaniel: I never denied anything.

Poly: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

Nathaniel: Can we go back to practicing? Or are you going to give me more advice?

Poly: Depends. You feel like working the axe still? Because if not, then I'll send you to Glaedyr and she can keep training your sword skills.

Nathaniel: You know, I DO feel like practicing the sword today... See ya, Poly. If you blab a single word, remember: LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS!

Poly: *thinking* Heh. I think this is one ship that you can't sink...

Teehee. You guys better be crying with joy. :Pent:

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It's what you've all been waiting for...

Poly: Good... you've been working pretty hard today, Nathaniel. Let's take a break. *tosses his wooden practice axe onto the ground in front of him*

Nathaniel: Heh... That was pretty exhausting, I will admit... But I have to work hard to qualify for this Dread Scroll. *taps scroll at his belt* I've been practicing the sword with Glaedyr, too... It's quite difficult to remember all of this.

Poly: Well, I don't know if there's any better trainers than me & her... speaking of which, you've spent a lot of time "training" with her lately, haven't you?

Nathaniel: Why yes I- *cuts himself off* ...You had to, didn't you? But yes, I have been training with her a lot lately... *smiles faintly*

Poly: I couldn't help it. But... oh man, I can see you now... 'Ooh, teach me more, Glaedyr~'

Nathaniel: ...Really, buddy? *sighs* Whilst I admit to having feelings for her, I don't really see how I can act upon them, given my previous circumstances...*trails off* Anyway, I 'hear' you are loving every moment of your time with Alicia. *snicker* I swear, man, when ever I walk past your quarters at night to get a sandwich or a drink, I hear things...

Poly: *laughs* More than your teacher'd give you, I bet.

Nathaniel: Yes, Khan Poly, I doubt you'd do those sorts of things to me.

Poly: *deadpan* Your OTHER teacher, twit.

Nathaniel: *laughs* I know, Poly, I know... Is this all you think about?

Poly: Outside of battle... not gonna lie, it's pretty common for that to cross my mind. Keeps me from flipping out about the fact that we essentially live in hell.

Nathaniel: Ha... It's only crossed my mind twice since I joined up... Once when Sammy asked me what hooking-up was, and again when I- Actually, I won't mention that one to you.

Poly: Oooooooooooh, sounds like somebody's got a cruuuuuuuuuuuuuush~

Nathaniel: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Actually, I told you about twenty seconds ago that I do... *blushes* Lets return to training.

Poly: Sit your ass down, Nathaniel. You're a bit farther ahead than I thought, so we can relax a bit longer. Now... *gets his signature wolfish grin* Spill. And don't leave out any details.

Nathaniel: Well, y-y-you see... I, uh... *looks down and blushes* ...It's hard for me to move on after what has happened to me before when it comes to the arts of romance, so, uh...

Poly: Flowers are always nice. Or save her from dying. That usually works too.

Nathaniel: (He's giving me actual advice? Holy crap.) Chivalry? Flowers? Huh...

Poly: Or go up to her, grab her hard, drop her to her knees - without hitting her, mind - and, with all your might, you thrust your...

Nathaniel: WHAT THE FUUUUUU- (I knew he was crazy... I must warn Alicia!)

Poly: *laughing* Calm down, I'm joking. Mostly. I mean, depending on the girl, it might just be easier to go all in right away, but...

Nathaniel: *sweatdrop* Thank Naga...!

Poly: You know... all this talk of how to get the girl, and you haven't even told me which girl you're going for. Was I right earlier in thinking it's Glaedyr?

Nathaniel: Naturally, buddy. And I'm not 'going' for her...

Poly: Word it how you like. Point is... I'm not sure I can help you. After all, I barely know her myself.

Nathaniel: I've been engaged before, you know. I know this sort of thing.

Poly: Yeah, but... we're weirder. So you need more... specialized advice. Y'know what I mean?

Nathaniel: ...I guess so.

Poly: Of course, if all else fails, you could just thrust yourself right into her...

Nathaniel: I- What? ...I regret volunteering to join the Ferox group.

Poly: And yet you did it knowing I was going to do this to you. For shame, Natty. *looks around to see if anybody - particuarly, Alicia - is nearby* Besides, I've got some female-related news myself.

Nathaniel: If you're going to tell me about your bedroom antics, I swear to Naga, I will-

Poly: Shut up for a minute! ... I'm going to propose to Alicia before we get back. It'll make for some good news for the others when we get back.

Nathaniel: Do you want advice from me?

Poly: No, not really. I've been married before too, y'know.

Nathaniel: Oh, uh, right. Do you want me two cross-breed roses specifically for the occasion?

Poly: Maybe for the wedding. No... I'm just going to keep it simple. My last proposal kinda... flamed out. Let's just say that I had to do a LOT of remodeling in my castle afterwards and leave it at that.

Nathaniel: Okeydokey, buddy. Do you have a ring?

Poly: *pulls out a small box from his coat* Right here.

Nathaniel: Huh... Crap. I still have my old ring- Well, rings. *taps the rings on his pendant* I never gave her the ring... My life is pretty gloomy, huh?

Poly: Well, at least when you get with Glaedyr, you don't need to go hunting for a ring.

Nathaniel: I'm not gonna- *sigh*

Poly: You will, cause you llllllllllllllllllllllike her.

Nathaniel: Ugh...

Poly: Your denial only makes it truer~

Nathaniel: I never denied anything.

Poly: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

Nathaniel: Can we go back to practicing? Or are you going to give me more advice?

Poly: Depends. You feel like working the axe still? Because if not, then I'll send you to Glaedyr and she can keep training your sword skills.

Nathaniel: You know, I DO feel like practicing the sword today... See ya, Poly. If you blab a single word, remember: LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS!

Poly: *thinking* Heh. I think this is one ship that you can't sink...

Teehee. You guys better be crying with joy. :Pent:

LOL. just... LOL

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It's what you've all been waiting for...

Poly: Good... you've been working pretty hard today, Nathaniel. Let's take a break. *tosses his wooden practice axe onto the ground in front of him*

Nathaniel: Heh... That was pretty exhausting, I will admit... But I have to work hard to qualify for this Dread Scroll. *taps scroll at his belt* I've been practicing the sword with Glaedyr, too... It's quite difficult to remember all of this.

Poly: Well, I don't know if there's any better trainers than me & her... speaking of which, you've spent a lot of time "training" with her lately, haven't you?

Nathaniel: Why yes I- *cuts himself off* ...You had to, didn't you? But yes, I have been training with her a lot lately... *smiles faintly*

Poly: I couldn't help it. But... oh man, I can see you now... 'Ooh, teach me more, Glaedyr~'

Nathaniel: ...Really, buddy? *sighs* Whilst I admit to having feelings for her, I don't really see how I can act upon them, given my previous circumstances...*trails off* Anyway, I 'hear' you are loving every moment of your time with Alicia. *snicker* I swear, man, when ever I walk past your quarters at night to get a sandwich or a drink, I hear things...

Poly: *laughs* More than your teacher'd give you, I bet.

Nathaniel: Yes, Khan Poly, I doubt you'd do those sorts of things to me.

Poly: *deadpan* Your OTHER teacher, twit.

Nathaniel: *laughs* I know, Poly, I know... Is this all you think about?

Poly: Outside of battle... not gonna lie, it's pretty common for that to cross my mind. Keeps me from flipping out about the fact that we essentially live in hell.

Nathaniel: Ha... It's only crossed my mind twice since I joined up... Once when Sammy asked me what hooking-up was, and again when I- Actually, I won't mention that one to you.

Poly: Oooooooooooh, sounds like somebody's got a cruuuuuuuuuuuuuush~

Nathaniel: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Actually, I told you about twenty seconds ago that I do... *blushes* Lets return to training.

Poly: Sit your ass down, Nathaniel. You're a bit farther ahead than I thought, so we can relax a bit longer. Now... *gets his signature wolfish grin* Spill. And don't leave out any details.

Nathaniel: Well, y-y-you see... I, uh... *looks down and blushes* ...It's hard for me to move on after what has happened to me before when it comes to the arts of romance, so, uh...

Poly: Flowers are always nice. Or save her from dying. That usually works too.

Nathaniel: (He's giving me actual advice? Holy crap.) Chivalry? Flowers? Huh...

Poly: Or go up to her, grab her hard, drop her to her knees - without hitting her, mind - and, with all your might, you thrust your...

Nathaniel: WHAT THE FUUUUUU- (I knew he was crazy... I must warn Alicia!)

Poly: *laughing* Calm down, I'm joking. Mostly. I mean, depending on the girl, it might just be easier to go all in right away, but...

Nathaniel: *sweatdrop* Thank Naga...!

Poly: You know... all this talk of how to get the girl, and you haven't even told me which girl you're going for. Was I right earlier in thinking it's Glaedyr?

Nathaniel: Naturally, buddy. And I'm not 'going' for her...

Poly: Word it how you like. Point is... I'm not sure I can help you. After all, I barely know her myself.

Nathaniel: I've been engaged before, you know. I know this sort of thing.

Poly: Yeah, but... we're weirder. So you need more... specialized advice. Y'know what I mean?

Nathaniel: ...I guess so.

Poly: Of course, if all else fails, you could just thrust yourself right into her...

Nathaniel: I- What? ...I regret volunteering to join the Ferox group.

Poly: And yet you did it knowing I was going to do this to you. For shame, Natty. *looks around to see if anybody - particuarly, Alicia - is nearby* Besides, I've got some female-related news myself.

Nathaniel: If you're going to tell me about your bedroom antics, I swear to Naga, I will-

Poly: Shut up for a minute! ... I'm going to propose to Alicia before we get back. It'll make for some good news for the others when we get back.

Nathaniel: Do you want advice from me?

Poly: No, not really. I've been married before too, y'know.

Nathaniel: Oh, uh, right. Do you want me two cross-breed roses specifically for the occasion?

Poly: Maybe for the wedding. No... I'm just going to keep it simple. My last proposal kinda... flamed out. Let's just say that I had to do a LOT of remodeling in my castle afterwards and leave it at that.

Nathaniel: Okeydokey, buddy. Do you have a ring?

Poly: *pulls out a small box from his coat* Right here.

Nathaniel: Huh... Crap. I still have my old ring- Well, rings. *taps the rings on his pendant* I never gave her the ring... My life is pretty gloomy, huh?

Poly: Well, at least when you get with Glaedyr, you don't need to go hunting for a ring.

Nathaniel: I'm not gonna- *sigh*

Poly: You will, cause you llllllllllllllllllllllike her.

Nathaniel: Ugh...

Poly: Your denial only makes it truer~

Nathaniel: I never denied anything.

Poly: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

Nathaniel: Can we go back to practicing? Or are you going to give me more advice?

Poly: Depends. You feel like working the axe still? Because if not, then I'll send you to Glaedyr and she can keep training your sword skills.

Nathaniel: You know, I DO feel like practicing the sword today... See ya, Poly. If you blab a single word, remember: LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS!

Poly: *thinking* Heh. I think this is one ship that you can't sink...

Teehee. You guys better be crying with joy. :Pent:

Here lies the body of Glaedyr

1996 ~ 2013


Died after falling off a chair and choking to death from laughing too hard

Seriously, that was brilliant xD though my character would be mortified xD

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So, I think at this point, it's been decided that everyone is just going to tease the daylights out of Nathaniel and Glaedyr?

Eh, my character probably won't

If anything, he'll probably help the latter, considering the two share a student/mentor-like relationship

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So, I think at this point, it's been decided that everyone is just going to tease the daylights out of Nathaniel and Glaedyr?

Probably just Nathaniel for a start, as my character is COMPLETELY oblivious to it at the moment, and will be for a bit longer xD

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