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noobiest thing you did on this site when you first got here


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I tried to defend the validity of Ike/Soren as a pairing even though a) I barely ship anything and b) I knew that since this is the internet someone would be annoying and heteronormative about it

I just didn't know how unhinged Ike/Elincia fans could be but I've learned my lesson

You are officially my hero. :3

How brave!

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You are officially my hero. :3

How brave!

thanks! it's always hard to explain the issues we have with portraying possibly non-straight characters, but Ike/Elincia fans were absurd to deal with even in a most basic level; they are up there with Harry/Hermione in the top tier of insane shippers

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thanks! it's always hard to explain the issues we have with portraying possibly non-straight characters, but Ike/Elincia fans were absurd to deal with even in a most basic level; they are up there with Harry/Hermione in the top tier of insane shippers

Ike x Elincia shippers are not even close.

If you think this you have not met the darker parts of the HP fandom

Edited by JSND Has A Dragon Boner
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oh, nothing will ever be half as terrifying as Harry/Hermione shippers; I watched their metldowns become more deranged and more out of touch with any sort of reality with the release of every Harry Potter book and it changed me

by the release of Deathly Hallows they had become a ginger-hating sub-group of Fox News

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Getting in to debates with people before "establishing" myself as a member. Probably should've let people warm to me before throwing my opinion around.

Now I shall spam the forums until everyone loves me.

Edited by Dieselpunk
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mine is trying to friend someone the first 2 minutes i got here

That's adorable, watchootalkingbout

I declared my undying love for Ninian and indirectly my own title as the king of waifus.

uhh yeah no

The first part is true and nobody actually bugged you for it. The latter, though...

Anyway, for me, my mistake was trying to "debate" against FE debaters. :e

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