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I like it when it's sad because the mouse is hiding more than when it's happy.

Me too ;u;

But I especially like the transition because when it spins and becomes happy it makes it look super excited~ And when it spins when it's sad it's like it's doing a double-take and confuzzled x3

And I like to move the mouse back and forth in and out of sight to make it spinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspin =D

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Is it Christmas is fantastic for the reason it seems to follow where you are (For the record it says Ni hea for me (It'd be easier to show it's as gaelige if the site allowed fadas))

This site is very nice too.


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Is it Christmas is fantastic for the reason it seems to follow where you are (For the record it says Ni hea for me (It'd be easier to show it's as gaelige if the site allowed fadas))

This site is very nice too.



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