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Any Bravely Default players?


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So, I'm almost finishing chapter 6 and I'm surprised, because I actually enjoyed it a lot, as much as the first four chapters!

The story advances a lot in it, the quest isn't quite the same, and the sidequests are amazing, specially Yulyana's. I really liked seeing as the things that happened in the alternative world.

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So, I'm almost finishing chapter 6 and I'm surprised, because I actually enjoyed it a lot, as much as the first four chapters!

I felt the same way. Chapter 5 seems to just be a very unfortunate mistake.

I'm on chapter 8 now...

...and the difficulty has suddenly spiked! Like, insanely so! I tried going against the Bloodrose Legion first... Big mistake. I thought of giving everyone reflect rings but it seems they don't work on Mephilia's summons and run out pretty quickly anyway...

After several failed attempts against them I just flew around checking out a few other groups. They all killed me within a few turns. D: Anyone care to share strategies? ._.

I've been playing on Hard since around chapter 1 or 2 so I guess I could lower the difficulty...but it'd just feel like cheating at this point...

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I'm a European player and I have no problem with uploading data.

I also just finished up chapter 3. Chaugmar was actually easier then I thought. It was still a rather hard boss, but I had more trouble with some of the guys that came before me.

Also is it me or is the salve maker really, really good. healing 2500 hp/250 mp and reviving someone at full health is pretty awesome at this point in the game and both of these only cost some basic items. MP was a bit of a problem before that job since ethers are very expensive and 40 mp is quickly burned through.

(For some reason I can't quote people anymore)

Edited by Sasori
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I'm a European player and I have no problem with uploading data.

I also just finished up chapter 3. Chaugmar was actually easier then I thought. It was still a rather hard boss, but I had more trouble with some of the guys that came before me.

Also is it me or is the salve maker really, really good. healing 2500 hp/250 mp and reviving someone at full health is pretty awesome at this point in the game and both of these only cost some basic items. MP was a bit of a problem before that job since ethers are very expensive and 40 mp is quickly burned through.

(For some reason I can't quote people anymore)

Tney are indeed amazing.

With the Double Handed (or whatever it's actually named) ability from the Knight, they can also fight perfectly well in battle (It's the case with most classes).

The Job System is really my favorite part of the game, because they really tried to makes each job relevant in some ways. And combining themleads to lots of great combos.

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I beat this game yesterday, and I must say that I really enjoyed it, except for chapter 5. It's an awesome game.

[spoiler= endgame spoilers]The sidequests on the last two chapters were awesome and quite challenging. The true ending was so sad, though. Poor Tiz =(

Still, not my favorite RPG on the 3ds, though, because SMT IV is almost perfect.

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I'm currently in chapter 5 and so far I don't see much problems with it. I don't mind revisiting some places and doing some stuff. I have only done some of the side quest so far though.

I'm a little disappointed with some of the classes you get in chapter 4 though. Rampart is a great skill, but other then that the Templar class has been lacking a little, especially when it comes to dealing damage. I know its supposed to be a tank, but a little more power wouldn't hurt.

I heard a lot of good things about the vampire class, but I'm a little disappointed. The draining skills don't do much damage and the genome skills are consistently outdamaged by Ringabel's magic. The status effect most of the genome skills give don't seem to be very effective on bosses either. White wind is rather nice, but thats all at the moment.

My black magic got a lot better in this chapter though. Death combined with group cast all basically means that random encounters are over in no time.

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Vampire: Wait until you get some of the post-Chapter 5 skills!

Templar: Magic Critical is a great skill on mages. I am constantly amused at the amount I heal on a "critical hit".

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Firestorm from Flame Moths in second half of Underflow.

White Wind from Aero Lanterns in Temple of Wind (pre-Chapter 5) or Dimension's Hasp.

For completion's sake, Aqua Regia, Deep Freeze and Hellfire from two of the crystal bosses.

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If you want the Templar to do some good damage then put the Knight's dual shield skill on that character. Equip him/her with two bloody shields. Now just spam Desperation.

Also for Vampire genome abilities, Energy Burst from Chaugmar or DeRosso is pretty good. But one way to cheese with the Drain ability is to have a Monk with Natural Talent and Drain Up skills. You will drain a crap ton of HP.

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so i beat chapter 6 (i also cleared the ending while i was at it)


airy was a huge pushover; i honestly didn't bother putting any kind of thought into my class/itme builds against her (literally all i did was "ok everyone's special needs to have insect slayer and fire on it" and then i ended up not needing them). acedia was annoying but she didn't spam it enough that greater spirit ward couldn't keep up.

i wouldn't be exaggerating to say that i had more trouble with the boss rushes in c7 (and now c8 - they're all kicking my ass pretty hard) than with the entire "final" chapter combined.

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So, I finally beat the game.

[spoiler=About the true ending...]It's tragic.

It's SAD, damn!

I expected it to be a classic happy ending with some Agnès x Tiz and Ringabel x Edea scenes, but NO!

Agnès stayed in her eternal celibacy and Tiz DIED while the others were preparing a feast? Good Lord.

I'm just butthurt because I wanted some Tiz x Agnès and now I know it won't ever happen

Oh well, overall it was totally unpredictable and good. So Tiz was... already dead from the beginning but he was kept alive by a... human soul? (one of the Celestials, who are the people in our world, meaning the player?)

And after his second death he was kept alive in some artificial way for years, until Magnolia came to set him free?

... Man, this is confusing.

And what about Ringabel?

You get a scene where Edea returns to the Central Command with her father AND ALTERNIS and then you see Ringabel in another world against Airy? Whaaat?

So, overall, I have some mixed feelings about this.

It was good and all, but it's also sad and confusing.

I just hope the plot of the series doesn't turn into some very fucked up Kingdom Hearts style.

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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So, I finally beat the game.

[spoiler=About the true ending...]It's tragic.

It's SAD, damn!

I expected it to be a classic happy ending with some Agnès x Tiz and Ringabel x Edea scenes, but NO!

Agnès stayed in her eternal celibacy and Tiz DIED while the others were preparing a feast? Good Lord.

I'm just butthurt because I wanted some Tiz x Agnès and now I know it won't ever happen

Oh well, overall it was totally unpredictable and good. So Tiz was... already dead from the beginning but he was kept alive by a... human soul? (one of the Celestials, who are the people in our world, meaning the player?)

And after his second death he was kept alive in some artificial way for years, until Magnolia came to set him free?

... Man, this is confusing.

And what about Ringabel?

You get a scene where Edea returns to the Central Command with her father AND ALTERNIS and then you see Ringabel in another world against Airy? Whaaat?

So, overall, I have some mixed feelings about this.

It was good and all, but it's also sad and confusing.

I just hope the plot of the series doesn't turn into some very fucked up Kingdom Hearts style.

Yeah, I agree with you [spoiler=true ending]I was expecting a happy ending, like the false one, but It's really sad. What happened to Tiz was terrible =(

About Ringabel, I think he went back to his world, before Airy killing Edea.

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I'm surprised by the lack of mentions of the various Nemesis bosses.

I'll mention the latest one pushed to North American systems.

From 3/15-3/17, another Four Heroes of Light boss will appear. Leviathan, Lv. 80. Don't recall the stats offhand though.

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Yeah, I agree with you [spoiler=true ending]I was expecting a happy ending, like the false one, but It's really sad. What happened to Tiz was terrible =(

About Ringabel, I think he went back to his world, before Airy killing Edea.

[spoiler=True ending]Yeah man, it sucks right? =(

About Ringabel, you can see Edea returning to her world with her father and Alternis... but Alternis in that world died, right? (unless he survived falling from the airship) So I assumed that he was the Ringabel who travelled with you but... that one actually returned to his own time to fight Airy, so... wut?

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I'm surprised by the lack of mentions of the various Nemesis bosses.

I'll mention the latest one pushed to North American systems.

From 3/15-3/17, another Four Heroes of Light boss will appear. Leviathan, Lv. 80. Don't recall the stats offhand though.

I think it's 'cause they're a niche in an already niche game X D

Plus Japanese and European players are much further ahead in the schedule : P

Anyway, I still need to get around to beating Lucifer+ and finding the Early Spring Nemeses... Plus whatever was released after those two.

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I think it's 'cause they're a niche in an already niche game X D

Plus Japanese and European players are much further ahead in the schedule : P

Anyway, I still need to get around to beating Lucifer+ and finding the Early Spring Nemeses... Plus whatever was released after those two.


Early Spring; Teddy? Not much to say about that one. The fight itself is three very buffed up Automatons that are fast and powerful. No magic usage though. Thing that stands out is the chance of up 3 unearthly buns dropping.

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anyone have any advice for the chapter 8 boss rushes? i couldn't even beat all of the chapter 7 ones (i think i couldn't beat the girl power one, the templar one and the summoner one)

(being as vague as possible to try and avoid spoilers)

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anyone have any advice for the chapter 8 boss rushes? i couldn't even beat all of the chapter 7 ones (i think i couldn't beat the girl power one, the templar one and the summoner one)

(being as vague as possible to try and avoid spoilers)

Have a salvemaker that isn't your healer.

Fairy ward and stillness really help with some of those bosses

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any specific strategies? i've been trying the stillness+hasten world cheese but that usually falls apart if my healer dies (it usually happens with a random outspeed)

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