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Name: Angus Brant

Race: Human

Age: 22

Appearance: Angus is slightly below average height, and has slightly tanned skin and short brown hair. He wears light brown armour.

Personality: Angus is fairly easygoing with people, and rarely holds grudges. He takes pride in his archery, after spending years hunting animals, sometimes to the point of overconfidence. He can also be stubborn to a point, preferring to keep fighting rather than fleeing when things go wrong. He can be reasoned with, he'll just be unhappy about it. A good man to call a friend.

Backstory: Angus spent his childhood growing up with mother, father and older brother, Kyle, a fair distance away from the nearest town. His father was a skilled hunter and taught both Angus and Kyle how to use a bow, and they worked alongside their father. Their life was quiet and peaceful, and the family were all very close, but on the occasion that they did travel to Velkehln, Angus always felt like he could be doing something more, rather than sticking arrows in a few wild animals. Kyle had the same thought that he did, and they left home around two years ago. For seven months they traveled the continent, doing odd jobs wherever they were needed in order to pay for food and shelter.

Eventually, the duo returned home, but Angus' was still in the mood for adventure. He set off again a year later (this time on his own) with the intent of travelling the continent, and perhaps even beyond to the likes of Turm Rock and Nebil. But that was a long ways off at any rate, and he had to worry about the present, so he decided to look into mercenary work again at the earliest opportunity in order to get by.

Class: Archer


Level 1

Hp: 24 (70%)

Str: 7 (50%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 5 (40%)

Spd: 4 (50%)

Lck: 4 (35%)

Def: 5 (45%)

Res: 0 (10%)

Con: 7 (4%)

Aid: 6

Move: 5

Affinity: Fire

Weapons: Bows (D), Lances (E)

Inventory: Iron Bow, vulnerary

Skill: Pierce

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Name: Kendeall Soderberg

Race: Human
Age: 24
Appearance: Short, spiky red hair with silver eyes and a v-shaped scar under the right eye. A bandana is tied around his neck, and he wears a short, plain top with a single pauldron on his left shoulder, and tempered leather pants to act as his leg armour.

Personality: While ferocious and unyielding on the field of battle, Kendeall is fairly mild-mannered out of it, choosing instead to keep to himself for the most part. His ability to bond quickly with those he feels would make good companions is extraordinary.

Backstory: Kendeall Soderberg was a man born into poor circumstances and no wealth, and took up arms to make ends meet for his family. After spending much of his life as a bandit raiding whatever towns he could, Kendeall's sense of right and wrong intervened and forced his hand mentally, making it clear that he needed a new line of work. Eventually, he settled in with a group of mercenaries who took on... rather unique jobs. Anything for the money, after all...

Class: Raider (custom class, obv.)


Level: 1

Hp: 18 (55%)

Str: 6 (45%)

Mag: 3 (35%)

Skl: 4 (40%)

Spd: 4 (50%)
Lck: 2 (30%)

Def: 4 (35%)

Res: 0 (10%)

Con: 7 (1%)

Aid: 6

Move: 5

Affinity: Wind

Weapon Ranks: Axes D, Anima Magic E

Inventory: Iron Axe, Vulnerary

Skill(s): Vantage

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Sonia Blanchard
Race: Human
Age: 21

Long, worn brown cloak over green clothing. Lightly curled brown hair, slightly longer than shoulder length. Light brown eyes. Tanned from traveling and slightly shorter than average.

At heart, a storyteller. Enjoys collecting the stories of anyone who has an interesting one, and hopes to be the one to spread the kind of tale of adventure that people would still talk about in a hundred years. Likes to think she can talk her way out of trouble, though results may vary. Something of a trickster when she can get away with it, though is more or less harmless. Finally, she's more moral than her skillset would suggest.

Born in Felsen, though only her earliest memories are of the city, Sonia is the adoptive daughter of a traveling bard named Martin Blanchard. She became involved with the trade from an early age, first as an assistant, then an apprentice, until her instruction took a different turn at age 13. Her father was a self-styled gentleman thief, and began to include her in that field as well. Magic used for light shows became ways to distract patrols or rivals, the quick and precise movements that would have once been used to hide a prop worked just as well for removing valuables from an oblivious victim's person, and if any of it failed they knew how to become someone else.

The next five years were a string of successes in both legal and illegal pursuits, until one almost routine burglary of a warehouse in Velkehln - something she says they could have done with their eyes closed - ended with Martin captured and Sonia on the run. She's been on the road ever since, moving from city to city on the talents she developed during her apprenticeship and taking care to avoid anyone who might find her freedom suspicious.

Sonia is, for the most part, untrained in melee combat ("Prop weapons don't count, do they...?"), but would like to use swords because they're light and quick. Axes are too heavy ("No subtlety at all! You just hack away until one of you dies"), Lances have reach and versatility, but weight is an issue ("Someone would notice if I tried to conceal one"), bows require too much investment ("They say that if you want to find a great longbowman you start with their grandparents... Mine weren't"). She was pleasantly surprised to learn that the light magic she used for simple entertainment works much better as a weapon.

Class: Trickster (Custom)
Hp: 15+3 (50%) (human bonus)
Str: 2 (30%)
Mag: 4 (45%)
Skl: 4 (40%)
Spd: 8 (60%)
Lck: 6 (35%)
Def: 1 (15%)
Res: 2 (25%)
Con: 6 (1%)
Aid: 5
Move: 5

Affinity: Dark
Weapon Ranks: Light (D) Swords (E - Human bonus)
Inventory: Lightning, Vulnerary, 200 gold
Skill(s): Thievery

This took longer than expected.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Uh... Can I join?

Name: Quisto Selisimo

Race: Human

Appearance: Short and stocky build, but not fat. Spiked black hair with very short, brown bangs. Dark olive piercing eyes. Dark purple armour over the same color shirt, and white trousers. Burnt patches of skin on face and hands, usually concealed by black gloves and dark purple helmet.

Back-story: As a child, it was obvious something was wrong with him. Whenever someone was doing wrong, instead of trying to tell on them, he would attack them. He was found to be under the control of a malicious ghost. Believing if they killed him, they would also be rid of it, they left him near a wyverns nest on the island of Einad desert to die. He managed to survive long enough, however, for a certain group of Naga to find him. After some convincing, they came to an agreement. He would be taken care of, but he would have to take care of all of their invalids and protect the young, and old every night.. Eventually, when the agreement was over, he wrote a note in the sand and disappeared. He then returned to human civilization.

Stats n' stuff:

Class: Knight (added growths. Bases in(double brackets)

HP 27( +racial bonus(3) 80%)

Str: 6 (50% (+15% base +2)

Mag: 3(35%(+3 base, + 35 %)

Spd 1 (10%)

Skl: 4 (35% (+1 base, + 10%)

Def: 6(60%(+10)

Res: 3 (40%(+10% +1 base.)

Affinity: light

Weapon ranks: Axe D, Light E(human bonus.)

Inventory: Iron axe, vulenrary

Skill: Armoured.

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As a child, it was obvious something was wrong with him. Whenever someone was doing wrong, instead of trying to tell on them, he would attack them. He was found to be under the control of a malicious ghost.

Ghosts aren't malicious in this world nor do they have the power to even consider possessing someone for any purpose. Even a child would be able to fight off a ghost's possession because ghosts have little to no power on anyone unless they've spent time building up a relationship with that person, and even then they would only be able to lend their powers to that person, not control them for evil.

Demons don't exist (yet), so it wouldn't be that either.

Believing if they killed him, they would also be rid of it, they left him near a wyverns nest on the island of Einad desert to die.

There are nay wyverns in the desert m8. They live deep in the mountains on the main continent.

He managed to survive long enough, however, for a certain group of Naga to find him. After some convincing, they came to an agreement. He would be taken care of, but he would have to take care of all of their invalids and protect the young, and old every night.

The snakes in the desert wouldn't care to take in some random human, nor would they need one to protect their people. They live in the terrible conditions that the desert gives them; their sick die off and they're hard as fuck. This scenario seems highly unlikely.

Eventually, when the agreement was over, he wrote a note in the sand and disappeared. He then returned to human civilization.

what a jerk he didn't even say bye

Your stats are also off, adding up to 31 and not having a luck stat at all.

I'm gonna have to say no to this one, but feel free to try again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Amanda Mendel

Race: Human

Age: 20

Apperance: of average height with a slim build. Has copper red hair of medium length that reaches past her shoulder blades, with emerald green eyes. Wears a black cloak over a dark olive green minidress. Has some small scars on her back, hidden by her cloak.

Personality: She is the type of woman who can be quite serious and somewhat quiet, tending to keep to herself for the most part. Tends to be somewhat nervous when meeting new people for the first time. Though she does open up after getting to know someone better and can be quite friendly, with a professional type personality from working in the family business. She can also be quite hard on herself at times.

Backstory: Born into a family of fisherman and traders in Angern, Amanda picked up the study of magic at a young age upon learning she had no talent with physical weapons and discovered she could use Dark and Anima magic, though she honed her talent with Dark magic more than Anima. She then entered the family business at 15 and was quite the successful trader, though her Father began putting her under intense pressure to be successful as he would take a big chunk of whatever money Amanda earned just to line his own pockets. Amanda then began to suffer from depression, identity loss and feelings of worthlessness and thus began devoting all of her free time to her magic studies to feel some sense of accomplishment while still working in the family business under intense pressure from her Father. One night, one year ago, Amanda decided to run away from home to become a mercenary, rationalizing she could use her magical talents. Deciding that going out to see the world would help her discover what she really wanted to do with her life, Amanda left Angern in the dead of night, with no set destination in mind. Just anywhere AWAY from Angern, away from her greedy Father, with her most recent jobs taking her to the other side of the continent....somewhere.

Class: Sorceress


HP: 18(70%)

Str: 1(10%)

Mag: 6(50%)

Skl: 4(45%)

Spd: 4(45%)

Lck: 4(20%)

Def: 3(20%)

Res: 5(40%)

Con: 5(2%)

Aid: 4

Move: 5

Affinity: Anima

Skill: Rend

Weapon ranks: Dark:D Anima:E

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there M'ers! (man that's bad.)

I've updated the OP to include Promotions, monster upgrades, and some lore for the races of the world. Also changed up some of the information for Karstell, as it will become relevant fairly soon.

Welcome to M version 1.2 ~'3'~

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Are you still even taking signups? Well, had fun making this anyways, so it was worth it. Apparently after I stopped playing Mafia, a large gap of free time has mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. Also I guess tell me if anything's wrong, because I have the sneaking suspicion that something might be. Especially concerning the backstory.

Name: Quincy Belmondo

Race: Half Elf (+3HP +1Skl)

Age: 34

Appearance: Above average height (6'4") and a largish, muscular build (220 pounds). Has long, unkempt orange hair that reaches till slightly above his shoulders (great bangs, too) and vivid green eyes. Wears the apparel of his clan (just imagine whatever FE nomads wear, basically).

Personality: Doesn't hesitate to speak his mind, especially about matters concerning life or death. Enjoys traveling in general. Has little empathy for other people in general, although he will willingly risk his life for those he deems to be comrades in arms. Tends not to engage in idle banter, although when he does he generally takes on a more sardonic tone. Has a darwinistic view of things in general, and believes that might makes right. Wow I said general a lot, must be repressed desires.

Backstory: Born in the Wards Woods, with his parents being mercenaries who worked at the local guild (although they're retired by now). Quincy picked up the axe at a young age (around 8 or so) and trained with it ever since. However, he didn't agree with the idealogy of the guild which was a bit more well, idealistic than he would've liked. He saw it as silly and a waste of their talent. He left the guild (and subsequently, the forest) at the age of 24 and began taking all sorts of odd jobs (not all of them legal) to make ends meet ever since. The common factor in all of them was his axe.

Class: Fighter (if I can make my own class name, then Iconoclast)

Level: 1

Hp: 24 (70%)

Str: 5 (40%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 7 (40%)

Spd: 4 (70%)

Lck: 6 (50%)

Def: 3 (20%)

Res: 0 (10%)

Con: 9 (3%)

Aid: 8

Move: 5

Affinity: Ice

Weapon Ranks: Axes (D)

Inventory: Iron Axe, Vulnerary

Skill: Vantage

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  • 3 months later...

Alright, either spoiler your positions that you wish to start in the green box here (so trent doofus can't see them), or send them to me over skype or PM on Serenes.

[spoiler=Map Deployment]NvtgO9C.png

The objective is the blue rectangle in the upper right.

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