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Who makes for a better wife? Olivia or Sumia?

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Olivia gives everything Sumia gives to Lucina but the Knight tree (she'll always have Luna anyway so it isn't a loss) and the Cleric tree, but aside from missing out on Tomefaire (I don't think Lucina cares for it, anyway.), Olivia!Lucina has better options for classes.

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Olivia, because she can be a myrmidon and thus, can have Astra. Astra, Aether, Rightful King, swordfaire, and Galeforce and you've got a great unit. It really helps Inigo too.

Henry!Cynthia is my personal preference there.

Plus, Inigo's father support makes most sense that way.

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I prefer maribelle!Lucina, for postgame.

For maingame, I prefer Sully!Lucina...

So, neither. If I HAD to choose between those two, it'd be Olivia for postgame and Sumia for maingame.

Edited by Nobody
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Sumia. Gimping Chrom for the whole first part of the game just to get him to marry Olivia just ain't worth the hassle, imo. Me not caring for Myrmidon doesn't help, especially when she (Lucina) gets Pegasus Knight from two other options. And it also means moar Aether, because Rightful King is a loser. (That being said, I still marry Chrom to someone else [read: Maribelle or Sully] from time to time.)

Edited by Levant Fortner
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If this is in game, Sumia. For post game, Olivia gives an offensive Lucina with better mods. Sumia!Lucina can be defensive with Pavise, Aegis, Rightful King, and Aether, but is otherwise outclassed by Olivia!Lucina.

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Welcome to me being biased for obvious reasons.

Base stats in no-grind make Lucina and Azure/Inigo's stats absolutely horrendous on recruitment.

Plus, Inigo's father support makes most sense that way.


Holding back my own the fanboy stupidity.

but is otherwise outclassed by Olivia!Lucina.

By "outclassed", you mean physically.

But by "outclassed" in reference to versatility in being a a physical attacker AS WELL as a magical secondary, or being a tank via PavGis and Dual Guard+ combo, then no.

The differences they give in benefits in regards to stats is SO miniscule that they're essentially the same. The difference being skillsets that utilize Vantage and such.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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So what i have gathered is that Olivia!Lucina is better beacuse Swordfaire and astra?

Thanks guys

That's what they say, but honestly, I don't think Swordfaire or Astra's all that great when you have Luna access. Especially Astra, seeing as Lucina gets every proc skill she wants from her old man.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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So what i have gathered is that Olivia!Lucina is better beacuse Swordfaire and astra?

Thanks guys

Something like that. They're close enough that the Lucinas are essentially the same and you should be more focused on the differences in their siblings.

On the one hand, Chrom gives Inigo everything he could hope for: he gets an extra great support class for Apo (Sniper, he already has Berserker and Assassin), a Luna/Galeforce/Aggressor combo, 100% AT without DLC, and RK alongside a huge mound of procs (Lethality, Astra, Sol, Luna, Aegis, Despoil, AT).

On the other hand is Cynthia, who now has Aether to complement her natural Luna and was pretty good in the first place, but has very few possible fathers.

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Chrom/Sumia's niche is that Cynthia gets Paladin, Sniper, and Aether with a +Spd mod, which is good (the only other father to give her Paladin is Fredrick who gives her worse mods). Sumia!Lucina and Olivia!Lucina have few meaningful differences. Sumia!Lucina as a Paladin can double Anna with AS+2 while Olivia!Lucina can't but the latter gets Assassin and Swordfaire if you're into that so whatever.

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Sully must be the waifu. Because its awesome. But between the two I'd have to go with oloivia.

But...but...no galeforce...

Besides that, all she offers is a better route to Myrmidon class tree skills over Olivia. Wyvern Rider would only be usable in postgame, as during the game a Wyvern Rider Lucina would have no Weapon ranks and no useful skills besides Aether and perhaps Luna if you GK!Sully floats your boat.

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if you're playing with anything resembling efficiency or an absence of grind in mind, avoid Olivia like the plague

that said, given i've got a compulsive grinding problem and efficiency is practically a foreign concept to me, i'm honestly very fond of going with Olivia for the Chrom pairing. it's not really something i can particularly justify in terms of hardcore gameplay - although that actual strength mod is nice and i'd argue there's something to be said for Rightful King + Sol/Luna on Inigo - but there you go

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Physical attacks are not very effective to Apo's bosses than magical attacks.

Olivia!Lucina is the only Galeforced one who doesn't have Tomefaire. If LB is banned in a run, her output to the bosses sucks.

Though it's still not bad for any LB enabled runs then.

Edited by MelonGx
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Physical attacks are not very effective to Apo's bosses than magical attacks.

Olivia!Lucina is the only Galeforced one who doesn't have Tomefaire. If LB is banned in a run, her output to the bosses sucks.

Though it's still not bad for any LB enabled runs then.

Reg Mode and the Warrior: No one cares

Sniper: Magic is indeed better.

Sorc: Physical support. Actually. Bows are just better. [Pavise+, Lower DEF than RES]

Zerker: Magic support, otherwise melee weapons ahoy [be wary of Counter]. [Aegis+]

Anna: Perfectly even. (55/55 (+3 if on the throne))

The sniper is trappable (and frankly negligible). The Sorcs are better engaged with physical attacks [particularly bows (Since Physical + Ignores Pavise+)] while Zerkers are better engaged with melee leads [although a magic support > physical one] since 55(+3)/Aegis+ is not conductive to magic (where as 64(+3) DEF just is 64 (+3) DEF).

Anna is well, perfectly even on the defense. No shield and 55/55.

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if you're playing with anything resembling efficiency or an absence of grind in mind, avoid Olivia like the plague

that said, given i've got a compulsive grinding problem and efficiency is practically a foreign concept to me, i'm honestly very fond of going with Olivia for the Chrom pairing. it's not really something i can particularly justify in terms of hardcore gameplay - although that actual strength mod is nice and i'd argue there's something to be said for Rightful King + Sol/Luna on Inigo - but there you go

This guy took my answer. If you want No-Grind, go Sumia. If you Grind like a minmaxer with cheetos like i do, go Olivia.

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TBH, I probably won't ever get ChromxOlivia, because it simply breaks my skill and class availability setup based on MUxCherche and Lon'quxCordelia, and not using Virion and Vaike. Plus, Stahl!Inigo already gives him access to cavalier and archer, making for a close second to Chrom!Inigo,

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