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Who's your favorite lord?

Ema Skye


105 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite lord? (You only get one vote)

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Lyn
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Elincia (Counting her because she meets all of the lord criteria in FE9)
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina
    • Avatar/My Unit/Chris/Robin/Potato

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That's easy. Ike! He's one of my favorite video game characters ever. <3

I just love every single thing about him, pretty much! He's got a cool design in both his games, his character is awesome and entertaining, he gets great development, he's got awesome sword skills, his Aether is badass, and he's freaking sexy hot. :3 Ike is also freaking hilarious around a girl that makes it obvious she has a crush on him. Those convos with Aimee, OMG LOL. XD

Second would be Ephraim, no contest. Again with the badassness and awesome skills. I love his lancing and this guy can take an entire CASTLE with just a few men! Ephraim is just epic.

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Very tough tie between Chrom and Lucina (total bias at work here), but had to go with Lucina overall. I will switch my vote to Chrom though if he doesn't get any; I love em both!

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Hector, definitely. Hes just so badass and amazing. I love me some Hector.

Eirika is a nice girl who learns to kick a lot of ass so shes number 2.

Ike comes in at third. His permascowl is something i can get behind.

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At begining of the game you meet him as young boy, who think he can beat world alone. In ch3 and ch2 his reaction was really childish. But after that he get captured, he saw and get that life is not a game, but in life some people is dying, some get wounded and only some of them survive.

Later he grow up and starting to act as true man and leader.

No one of other lords who I know is such well-written.

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I love pretty much everything about Elincia, and for once she's an option in the poll, so I went with her. Even if she has way less time as a playable character across two games than every other lord has in one, I love her anyway.

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1. Micaiah. I adore her. I like how she isn't as completely 'good' as most lords, being totally willing to perform 'evil' actions against her morals for the sake of her country.

2. Roy! Part Dragons FTW! Very cool design too. And the Binding Blade is awesome. If only it had unlimited uses...

3. Eirika. I love her full trust in Lyon, even when she knows it isn't him.

4. Ephraim! He's very unique amongst lords, being more of a blood knight and being eternally spear-locked.

5. Eliwood. I feel kind of bad for him. Plus, I like his design and Magyars is in love with him.

6. Elincia, Hector, Lyn, Lucina. Meh, I don't like them, don't dislike them either.

7. Chrom. About as boring as a wall and one of the worst units in Awakening, IMO.

8. Robin. Mostly because of bad fanfics. I don't like avatar characters very much...

9. Ike. How I loathe him. Boring personality, gods awful design in all four incarnations, and my Ike is defense screwed in FE9. he's Resistance blessed too, but that's not helpful against the Black Knight, now is it?

EDIT: How could I forget the Star and Savior? I'll slide him between Roy and Eirika, as no.3. I like him best in the FE11 prologue. I just noticed I forgot Alm and Celica too. Alm will join Elincia and co. in the meh group, and I will slide Celica below Eliwood because her redesign is that good.

And Sigard, Seliph, and Lief are not there since I have yet to play 4 and 5.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Sigurd is the only one who can solo his game in 0% growths, and makes the normal game easier by doinh so. Pp

1 Sigurd 0 Chumps

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Marth. If FE11 hadn't done such a damn good job with him, Ephraim or Leif would have displaced him, but FE11 still stands as genuinely good piece of characterization for Marth. Just because he's the chosen hero and he accepts his responsibilities doesn't mean he has to like it, and there are solid indications that he doesn't. It was pleasing to see FE's most iconic hero shown as a plausible human being who doesn't just forgive and forget with a saintly smile. (I don't know what the heck was going on with him in FE12, though).

2nd place goes to Leif for having an extensive (if imperfect) character arc complete with mistakes that he actually pays for.

3rd goes to Ephraim, who starts off his game in a place of devil-may-care recklessness and (again) learns the hard way that fool's luck and confidence and dreams of running away only get you so far. Also, his character design is perfect.

Last place goes to Chrom for being a selfish, shallow tool. He was actually pretty impressive in Chapters 1-11 but after the timeskip everything went to hell.

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Sigurd because besides owning the game, he's a true hero, faces tragedy in so many ways. Also, he is the only lord with a HORSE at base, so that's an extra.

My other favorite lord is Micaiah... wait, only 1 vote :(:

(I originally voted Micaiah... but then I switched to Roy. I've got a thing for less liked lords...)

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