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Ys Game Giveaway

Crimson Red

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Tonight's a busy evening for me, with my other job and Christmas prep for my almost 4 year old. I'll try to get a Steam made late tonight/early tomorrow morning.

As for the game itself, if you suggest Origins, then I'll take your word as the experts' choice recommendation.

I truly appreciate the generosity. Everyone here should, I'm certain.

Gotcha, no problem. You were one of the first to respond so I'll reserve a copy of Origin for you.

I added you back, I think. Would Ys 1&2 and Ys Origin be good? If Origin isn't available though I'll just take 1&2. c:

Gotcha, messaging you now for confirmation

Thanks for the gift, Blazer!!! ^^

Welcome, hope you enjoy it!

Oh, I hope you by no means interpreted that as a slight against your choice of quantity of gifts. That would be nothing but rude, on my part, and I certainly wasn't aiming for anything of the sort. It was more of a cautionary note/fair warning. What with part of the goal of your giveaway being an introduction to the Ys world, for anyone getting the Chronicles bundle, I thought they should be aware that either they should either take Ys I at a lower difficulty than they'd ordinarily consider playing at, or to not assume the rest of the series is going to be so unforgiving, and make sure to give the other games (especially Ys II, being included in the bundle) a second chance if Ys I didn't do it for them.

Oh actually I didn't interpret it that way but the way I responded made it seem like it did... haha, that's kinda funny, but yeah no hard feelings or anything. I'd prefer to give away more of Origin but even on sale it's sorta expensive and I'd rather people at least give SOME Ys game a try rather than no Ys game, especially when they'd never try the series out on their own, you know? In other words, quantity over quality, haha. But yeah, I'm hoping people will definitely look into other Ys games knowing that Ys I and II aren't the most enticing or amazing games of the series--at the very least the fast action and awesome music should convince them to check out the others... and not EVERYONE is getting those slightly "lesser" games, so it's not all bad, either, I don't think.

Part of why I made the lengthy entry post was to make sure that people who are playing it are people who wouldn't play it otherwise though--like I said, better they try then nothing. And at the very least, even if they don't get into the series, XSEED is making plenty of money off of sales from me, haha. I'd definitely be happiest if people ended up liking it, buying more on their own, and telling other people about it, but that's up to them and I can't push them to. XP

Intended reference was intended. :)

I learned about that in high school, it's pretty cool though I think it's hard for most people to approach strangers to pay things forward haha. Easier on a forum, that's for sure.


All that being said I'm actually fresh out of Origin and only have one copy of Oath in Felghana left so I'll have to wait for several days until I can afford more of those. I've got like, 3 copies of Ys I&II/1&2 left though if anyone doesn't mind those.

Is that a RAK "pay it forward" I'm sensing?

Sadly this isn't that selfless haha, I'm doing this not only to give people free games but also to help the series and promote its success. That being said I don't expect to make much of a change in the grand scheme of things (whereas this makes a grand change in my wallet, lol) but at least I can say I tried and hold my head high instead of just pirating all my games and then claiming to be a supportive fan of the series I pirate or only buy used copies of or whatever XD. I've only really emulated Ys V for the record and that's because it's Jap-only and I had little choice

Not that there's anything super wrong with used games--not everyone can afford premium, after all--it's just that XSEED is a small company localizing niche games and I have a lot of respect for them given what they do, most companies are selfish and only care about making money but they're more than that, they even interact with the community and listen to our woes and fanbases can be pretty annoying and tiresome so I think that's respect-worthy... and money-worthy, haha.

Origins was recieved!



Now that I have Ys I & II chronicles I should totally do a stream thing. Totally. >w>

Gimme a link if you do, haha.

For my sake, a quick list for SF people:

Elieson - waiting on Steam ID creation, chose Origin

Popeye/Sharpy - added, waiting on selection Sent (Origin)

Koiji/Spiriter - added, waiting on add back, Ys 1&2 Sent

Kon - added, waiting on add back and selection Sent (Ys 1&2)

Fruity Insanity/nealkim - added, waiting on add back and selection Sent (Oath in Felghana)

Edited by Blazer
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I git a break at work and made an account, (TheElieson, or maybe just Elieson, I can't tell which I actually am), and I'm trying to add you, but BBaller1337 isn't showing as existing?

Oh wait, I figured it out. You can't find ppl though the Community tab apparently.

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This is a mighty kind gesture of you, I didn't come to ask for anything(If I did, it would've been Origin), I just came to say that's pretty thoughtful of you and it also helps that you're spreading the good word of Ys around, keep on keepin' on

Edited by Soledai
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