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My Wishlist for Super Smash Bros. 4


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My list is short. Ghirahim from Zelda, Keldeo from Pokemon (though Mewtwo is unfortunately more likely), and Ephraim for FE (though Chrom is unfortunately more likely). I also want Ike to stay in the roster. :P

I was also hoping for Daisy or Rosalina if there was a Mario newcomer, and we got the latter. :D

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, two of mine were confirmed (Animal Crossing Villager and Rosalina), and one is out (Skull Kid), so my other hopefuls let are Little Mac, Roy and the very unlikely Pauline.

Yeah, that Pauline.

And for some strange reason I want to develop a moveset for Elise. ... Yes, THAT ELISE.

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I want Chrom to NOT be in the game because I hate how that would represent Fire Emblem, plus he's such a boring character. I know Lucina would be tough to differentiate from Marth, but her or Robin, please.

I also do not want Ghirahim because he's a generically evil one-off villain.

As for who I specifically WANT, that would be Lucina more than anyone (but almost any non-Chrom FE rep will make me happy), Skull Kid (who has more or less been confirmed as a no), Bomberman, and Dixie Kong.

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I want Chrom to NOT be in the game because I hate how that would represent Fire Emblem, plus he's such a boring character. I know Lucina would be tough to differentiate from Marth, but her or Robin, please.

Lol so much this, although I don't want Avatar, yet Lucina would be wonderful.

My wishlist includes (from FE) Sigurd, Micaiah and Lucina. And I'd like Xenoblade to make presence with Shulk and Fiora, as well as The Last Story with Zael and Calista. No Pandora chars because didn't play Pandora's Tower


Le sigh...

Edited by Quintessence
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I just wanted Sonic's moveset to be more rounded from all his games. Instead we got a very boring Sonic 2/Sonic The Fighters mix with a homing attack from Adveture and a spin kick from Sonic 06. In brawl. But it looks like we got no changes here

Where is a shield from 3&K? Where is the Sonic Battle moves? (Project M did that). Where are my skills from the adventure games like the light speed dash, where is my slide kick, where are my wind based attacks? (From Heroes and Rush) where is my boost? (Rush and onward) heck you could have in this smash thrown in the Wisps despite my mild dislike of Colours, even 06's shoe powers would have been acceptable or maybe some minor fire moves from Secret Rings would even change it up

Instead I got a move set of samey moves and Sakurai actually took Megamans moves from all his games just about and then some like Marvel Vs Capcom. I can't help feel a bit gipped

I like Sonic in smash somewhat but its nowhere near what I expected. If you are gonna base Sonics design on his more modern design, show that in the damn moveset we don't need crap like 2 spindashes down b alone is fine

/Rant end

I'd like Isaac from Golden Sun for newcomer

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I'd like:

King K. Rool (unfortunately unlikely, despite how popular he is)

Dixie Kong (probably the most likely Donkey Kong Newcomer)

Geno (completely and utterly not going to happen, not even a 0.0000000001% chance)

Shulk (Luckily, NoA is the only part of Nintendo that vehemently despises RPGs, so he has a chance. Unfortunately, it's more likely that he'll be an assist trophy like Isaac was in Brawl. And Reggie might delay the U.S. release of the game out of spite if Shulk gets in)

Reyn (0% chance that Xenoblade will get two reps, but I'd like to be able to say "Now it's Reyn time!" and "Man, what a bunch of jokers!" when I'm fighting my friends)

Isaac (Dark Dawn's poor reception (not to mention being a mediocre game as opposed to the first two, which were great) basically killed the Golden Sun series dead, so unfortunately not going to happen)

Lucina (Chrom is much more likely, and I wouldn't mind him, but Lucina is a more interesting character in my opinion)

Groose (The best thing to come out of Skyward Sword, still probably too minor to get in, unfortunately)

Ridley (Evidence suggests that he's just a stage hazard, though)

Anthony Higgs (I'm torn on this one. On one hand, he's awesome, and THE ONLY good thing to come out of Other M, on the other hand, I'd like Nintendo to just throw that crapheap of a game into the closed-off basement where they threw the Virtual Boy and the CD-I Zelda and Mario games, completely deny that it ever existed, and demote Yoshio Sakamoto to cleaning the toilets in the company HQ)

Mewtwo (I'm holding out hope on this one, though being the most-requested "newcomer" doesn't count for as much in Smash games as it does in other series)

Magikarp (Too overpowered)

Greninja (Definitely a "Flavor-of-the-Month" Pokemon, like Zoroark, Lucario, and Blaziken before it. Fortunately for Greninja, much like Lucario in Brawl, it is the right "month")

Palutena (The second most important Kid Icarus character)

Magnus (He is awesome. And Kid Icarus getting two new reps for a total of three isn't actually that unlikely since Sakurai made Uprising)

Duck Hunt Dog (Because every Smash game needs a completely random character from the distant past who no one thought could possibly have a moveset (See: ROB and Mr. Game and Watch), and lots of Nintendo fans would love to either finally get revenge on this laughing a-hole or to troll their friends by beating them up as this laughing a-hole)

So, basically, only around three or four of the characters I want have any shot whatsoever.

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I know Lucina would be tough to differentiate from Marth, but her or Robin, please.

Someone explain this to, I'm not a big fan of Lucina, but how come people say that it's hard to make her different or not make her a clone of Marth?

They fight in different styles, Marth was thaught by the Altean knight (and wasn't he also trained by Ogma?) while Lucina fights in the Ylissean royal style.

Astethicaly, All three are very similar (Marth, Chrom and Lucina), differences beeing such that Lucina has longer hair and different pose and Marth uses a lighter blue color.

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Lucina and Marth would both be fast and light and they look a lot alike. This is why it's better for Lucina to be a costume swap and/or assist trophy. Chrom would definitely be middle to heavyweight instead and still use a different fighting style. Avatar would be completely different all together.

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Lucina has her differences from Marth though. Just look at her fight with Chrom in the Ferox scene or her animations.

There is also the fact that Marths smash move set is inspired by Jugdral swordmasters look at the Dolphin Slash! A swordmaster crit. Forward B may as well be Astra not to even mention his forward tilt

So there is plenty of room for a Lucina style considering Marths was made from both his stabs in fe3 and fe4/5 swordmasters

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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Lucina and Marth would both be fast and light and they look a lot alike. This is why it's better for Lucina to be a costume swap and/or assist trophy. Chrom would definitely be middle to heavyweight instead and still use a different fighting style. Avatar would be completely different all together.

Marth and Chrom also look very similar, and Marth uses a lighter blue than either of them, they all three look very simmilar but has their differences since Marth has his fe12 look.

...They make a quite big deal that Chrom and Lucina fight the same (they use the same style... while Marth has been trained by knights and not into a specific style (like the Ylissean royal style)) like in the cutscene in arena Ferox and their supports.

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Lucina and Marth would both be fast and light and they look a lot alike.

And? Marth's a Lightning Bruiser, so Lucina could be a Fragile Speedster or Glass Cannon. And looking a lot alike doesn't mean anything, Wolf and Fox coexist in Brawl and they look similar. Plus since Marth isn't using his Awakening DLC design, they don't look that much alike.

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