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Which characters did you dislike in the game?

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I'm positive or at the very least neutral against most characters, but I disliked:

Vaike: I think his personality is grating.

Kjelle: Too much of a jerk most of the time.

I'm actually fairly alright with Excellus. He was designed to be a hateable jerk who's far less intelligent then he think he is and he succeeds in that role rather well. There where worse smug villains in Fire Emblem history, like Valtome.

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Now I haven't played too much of Awakening to really much say here, but I gotta say Gangrel seemed like wasted potential for a villian and I hated the fact that he tried to justify himself in Chapter 11... Now, if he more pragmatic and ambitious, what he says when you encounter him wouldn't have sounded like a desperate plea from a trapped rat

Also, I liked Valtome, it was a like to hate this guy kind of thing

After I finish Awakening, then I'll state who I like and dislike... although, it's not looking good for anybody at the moment

Edited by Soledai
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Hmm. Out of the playable characters, I can't say I adamantly dislike any of them. I mean, sure, they're quite undeveloped and bland but y'know, a little imagination here and some headcanon there and you can pretty much like anyone. There's a few that I had to warm up to however:

  • Gerome: Gerome's a... alright. While loner characters can be done well and be plenty likable, Gerome just... falls a bit short. First impressions do matter, and Gerome's initial impression comes off as him just being a bit of an asshole. That father C-support... Over time, yes, it gets better, and he DOES have some nice supports (Laurent, for one. That support actually changed my opinion of him... almost entirely. There are some other gems like his one with Cynthia, both female and male Avatar [when the Avatar's not his father], Kjelle, female Morgan and Noire.), it's just I was so initially put off I almost didn't make the effort to BOTHER liking him.
  • Severa: Take that entire rant about Gerome, multiply the lack of a decent impression and divide the amount of decent supports. ... That's it in a nutshell. But REALLY, the first two supports you unlock for the girl are her two parent C-supports and they both made me cringe. Just... no. No. No.
  • Nah: ... Actually, if there is any sort of playable character I dislike, it's this one. I actually liked her MORE before I read her supports... gods above. Her supports are really bad, and she comes off as extremely hypocritical and pushy in practically... all of them. ... Just... [/sigh]
  • Say'ri/Cordelia: Both of these two had the same problem for me. They were both... horrifically... dull. Say'ri redeemed herself in a lovely fashion thanks to her support with Tiki, while the Scramble pack helped me like Cordelia. That doesn't save her from being a pretty mediocre unit... I think I just have terrible Cordelias.
  • Kjelle: ... If I ever have to hear the words "Face me" again... No, but her obsession with her training makes her sound like a broken record... and like Kellam's gimmick, it really does NOT go away. Just... if they laid up a LITTLE BIT more, I'd be happy.

As for unplayable characters?

  • Validar: You are the worst, more obviously evil, most cliche, predictable, useless behind-the-scenes villain ever. Ever. I apologize for the viciousness of this particular segment, but I have a very personal author beef with him. [/glares]
  • Phila: ... Worst. Bodyguard. Ever. Emmeryn, you should have hired Frederick.
  • Excellus: ... Just... go, and stay gone, please. I hate how we have freaking CERVANTES, and then next to him is THAT.
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Well, among the cast there is definitely a special place in my heart for Robin.

You know a character is a extraordinary kind of Mary Sue when he gets to burn 100.000s of people alive...

...not to make a statement about the responsibilities of leadership... not to illustrate the cruel realities of war...

...but just to have yet another reason to have everyone praise how awesome he is... and to have them crack puns about cooking while they are at it.
The rest of the writing is crap too but... wow, to have a player avatar who gets illustrated as sooo inhuman.

I mean, he has no real personality beyond being loyal to Chrom. So there are no signs that show that he has any empathy towards people he doesn't personally know.

Nothing that suggest he was even the slightest bit affected by the decision to end so many lives in such a cruel way.

And there is of course my second favorite Robin scene. The one where she has the gall to claim towards Vallidar that she changed the world for the better... right after finding out that her and Chrom's indifference lead to the population being feed to Grima... and shorty after leaving the country of Valm in the hands of a bunch of feuding dynasties, who only care about their own benefit.
Maybe she changed the world for the better on a technical level ...but man, does this arrogance not suit her. At least she could stop the evil dragon god cultists before praising herself to the heavens.

The "Everything is about Robin" ending has her also drag everyone else down.

People would have vastly varied opinions on the topic of "the needs of the many vs those of the few"... but everyone just praises him no matter what he does because apparently no one objects to a future where their children have to live in fear of the return of the dark dragon. They don't matter. It's all just about Robin, the center of the personal universe of every single character.

But what ultimately makes her my least favorite character in the franchise for me, is that it equally disgusts and scares me to think that I am supposed to identify with this uncaring, self-righteous psychopath.

Edited by BrightBow
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You know, I don't like being the white-knight... but here goes.

You never had a Str screwed Sumia, did you?

Grinding considered, they're about equal, but on maingame chances are Cordelia will be superior.

And that's completely fine... but someone else here needs to realize that resource allocating vs. payoff discussions has no place for unfounded freaking OTP hate being justified by her from other people's own thoughts on gameplay.

She IS absolute crap. Weak strength, weak defenses, weak everything except speed. But can we not drag this up again?

Why thank you for piggybacking off other people's gameplay justifications for yourself.

She is arguably equal due to one factor alone, even if it is your Freddy-bear because support bonuses tip the scales sometimes moreso than a difference in 3 stat points.


For goodness sake, they're two sides of the same coin when it comes to their skillsets.

She IS absolute crap.

People can have their preferences and say who's better but *damn* you make it sound like Sumia is just completely inferior to Tiamo/Cordelia in every single way.

And again, arguably you can say Cordelia is better than Sumia in maingame, but the gap between them isn't so much that your blatant statement of obvious hate over there can be justified.

You can dislike who you dislike, but freaking hell, you're acting like how you were in that one infamous thread when you were showing your hate for Geoffrey.

Not only did you not finish the game before going into gameplay threads saying "Oh man that's my OTP!" when it came to efficiency pairs, but any and all justifications from all gameplay related stuff from you is completely from your own personal experience as well as using other people's justifications for your favorite characters ala copy paste.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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They were all pretty bad except for Walhart, Yen'Fay, and, uh... Okay, they weren't bad, but I didn't really like anybody. Oh, and somebody I REALLY hate is Frederick. You're worried Chrom's going to trip because of some damn gravel? You have better things to be doing with your time.

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Only character i disliked was Gangrel. And their "justification" for his actions in the later spot pass map.

Honestly people give Awakenings characters too much flak. They must forget the games where characters in a fair few had absolutely no character to speak of which is fixable by head canon. Sure them all having character gimmicks to an extent can be a little annoying but quite a few people in real life have odd attitudes or ways of acting per any situation

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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I'm going by personality here because I'm too lazy to go by usefulness though its more like "really don't care for" rather than dislike since i don't really have any strong opinions about most of the characters.

Sumia: -- I had actually heard about her being disliked before playing the game and I assumed it was solely for shipping reasons which seem unfair(also I don't care about Chrom anyway) so I wanted to give her a chance. But nope, her personality turned out to be extremely grating and all of her supports were just zzzzzzz. I'm glad she stops appearing in the actual story for the most part during the second half.

Kellam: Boring gimmick

Chrom!Cynthia: As mentioned before, if Chrom is her father she looks like a total imbecile considering the fact she mistaked a random brigand for him and just making her character nonsensical. Plus his haircolor looks horrible on her.

A villager NPC whenever they head directly toward an enemy unit: self-explanatory

Gregor: His manner of speech is annoying plus his supports with Sully pissed me off because it seemed like he wanted to humiliate her whenever he won a match and its just.. ugh..

Vaike: Typical meathead zzzzzzz

Excellus: Typical overly smug schemeing villain

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To be honest, there really isn't anyone in the cast that I particularly *HATE* . Though I do see some of the flaws that would explain why they are hated, followed by my own impressions from a few characters. I may have my bias for and against some characters and haven't gone through everyone's supports, but it is what it is pretty much. However, there are some things that I've noticed through game play that are a pet peeve to bear with.

Miriel: A first impression case, where I just plain don't care about her enough to use her.

Kellam: That knight class, i particularly just cant stand in terms of design, which only he seems to pull off well. He, alone is the reason that I can't bring myself to use the Knight class. Followed by his overdone gimmick, which he states that he doesn't mind being ignored and/or forgotten , yet HAS to bring it up all the time. Granted, Cordelia's Love gimmick is sort of similar in frequency, but Kellam's gimmick is all he has going for him.

These two are probably the only characters that I can say that I don't like, merely because they just lack.

Maribelle: She gave me the impression that she's a high class bitch, which are the kind of people that I hate IRL, but she redeems herself afterwards with her interactions, supports, and ending. She's harder to keep alive than Lissa, which is pretty much the only reason that I don't use her as much as I should. Of course, its not her fault for it, since the Troubadour line lacks defense to begin with, but have good resistance.Other than that one instance of bias, she's good in my book, but

Sully & Stahl: Don't get me wrong, I could never hate on Stahl, since he's pretty much the only person that's normal. Sully's has her tough, tomboy attitude but that doesn't bother me much either. What REALLY bothers me with these two units is the fact that they get RNG screwed so much that I can NEVER get myself to use them past CH9. Its pretty much bad luck with these two and I have to bench them. The Bull & Panther combo has become tame with these ones

Cordelia: Even though the whole unrequited love thing can get annoying, she'd still fine for me in the long run. This may surprise you, but for some reason, Sumia has ALWAYS came out with the better growths in all of my play throughs which confuses me to no end and am forced to use an All Stats +2 on her, just to keep up. Then again, I always promote her to Dark Flier instead of Falcon Knight, unlike Sumia to add diversity between them, so that might be a factor to why that happens, but postgame grinding fixes all of that. Other than that, I actually like her.

Panne: With the how many mounted units there are in the Valm Arc, she's most definitely a boon to have with her Beastbane skill. I only wish that the Taguel class was stronger in terms of the beaststone. In comparison to the boosts that a manakete gains from a dragonstone, they are inferior, which hurts Panne for me.

EDIT: Except for maybe Cervantes and Excellus. They REALLY needed to die

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And that's completely fine... but someone else here needs to realize that resource allocating vs. payoff discussions has no place for unfounded freaking OTP hate being justified by her from other people's own thoughts on gameplay.

Um, pardon me, but what do pairings/OTPs have to do with anything?

Why thank you for piggybacking off other people's gameplay justifications for yourself.

Uh, it wasn't hard for me to notice Sumia gaining speed a bit faster than Cordelia myself.

She is arguably equal due to one factor alone, even if it is your Freddy-bear because support bonuses tip the scales sometimes moreso than a difference in 3 stat points.


Irrelevant when you're talking about a game that gives you access to endless enemy spawns and replayable DLC maps.

For goodness sake, they're two sides of the same coin when it comes to their skillsets.

Not really. Cordelia has completely different reclass options from Sumia . Sumia has Knight and Cleric while Cordelia has Mercenary and Dark Mage.

People can have their preferences and say who's better but *damn* you make it sound like Sumia is just completely inferior to Tiamo/Cordelia in every single way.

Nice to know that you completely ignored the part where I said Cordelia beats her in everything except speed.

And again, arguably you can say Cordelia is better than Sumia in maingame, but the gap between them isn't so much that your blatant statement of obvious hate over there can be justified.

Uh, you do realize that this is a thread about characters you dislike, right? And besides, it's not like this is the ONLY reason I dislike her.

Not only did you not finish the game before going into gameplay threads saying "Oh man that's my OTP!" when it came to efficiency pairs, but any and all justifications from all gameplay related stuff from you is completely from your own personal experience as well as using other people's justifications for your favorite characters ala copy paste.

Nice to see you also forgot that I didn't fucking know that the OP was talking about efficiency at first.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh yeah I forgot about Panne, which is weird since she's my least favourite character by far. I know she has her reasons to be distrustful of humans, but next time actually show us something like that, because now its just her constantly insulting her own allies and calling them manspawn in her earlier supports, while the people in the army are nothing, but nice to her. I don't recall seeing even one character make an insulting comment about her race, not even enemies.

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Nice to know that you completely ignored the part where I said Cordelia beats her in everything except speed.

Wrong actually. If you compare both of their max stats, Sumia has higher Luck, Resistance AND magic, Rey's point is, those differences are so slight, that it doesn't really make much difference between them. They're both pretty good actually

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Irrelevant when you're talking about a game that gives you access to endless enemy spawns and replayable DLC maps.

Aren't the stats/growths themselves irrelevant when outside of Lunatic mode, anyone can be decent in FE13?

Edited by Tryhard
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Donnel- Bad unit, terrible supports.

Panne- I'd give her a pass on being a good unit, but no. Go away Lethe(+). You awful subhuman.

Say'ri- Boring.

Excellus - Do I need to explain? He's a villain who is like Veld in that he's pointless and irritating. [Not to mention he's the "Gheb" of this game]

Vasto - The Glass of the game. I hate every last one of those "Memetic" villains. They ALL suck, no exceptions.


Phila - Complains about failing then dies.

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Irrelevant when you're talking about a game that gives you access to endless enemy spawns and replayable DLC maps.

Nice to know that you completely ignored the part where I said Cordelia beats her in everything except speed.

Thank you for contradicting yourself. I rest my case that you just simply hate Sumia and look for others' justifications to use as ammo.

Lovely that you use that to justify Cordelia and bash Sumia when the premise of having endless enemy spawns and replayable DLC maps.

If you were talking about Maximum stat caps, on Falcoknight, Cordelia only beats Sumia in STR and DEF.

Not really. Cordelia has completely different reclass options from Sumia . Sumia has Knight and Cleric while Cordelia has Mercenary and Dark Mage.

Both pegasus knights.


Luna vs. Sol

Renewal vs. Lifetaker

Tomefaire vs. Tomebreaker


Delicate Flower Submissive vs. Genius and Confidence besides Chrom and her... chest.

Class sets:

Knight vs. Mercenary (Defensive vs. Offensive)

Cleric vs. Dark Mage (Healing vs. Offensive Magic)

...Come on, now.

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Thank you for contradicting yourself. I rest my case that you just simply hate Sumia and look for others' justifications to use as ammo.

Lovely that you use that to justify Cordelia and bash Sumia when the premise of having endless enemy spawns and replayable DLC maps.

If you were talking about Maximum stat caps, on Falcoknight, Cordelia only beats Sumia in STR and DEF.

Both pegasus knights.


Luna vs. Sol

Renewal vs. Lifetaker

Tomefaire vs. Tomebreaker


Delicate Flower Submissive vs. Genius and Confidence besides Chrom and her... chest.

Class sets:

Knight vs. Mercenary (Defensive vs. Offensive)

Cleric vs. Dark Mage (Healing vs. Offensive Magic)

...Come on, now.

More like

Luna vs. Vengeance

Renewal vs. Sol/Lifetaker

Pavise vs. Breakers

[Frankly Corde is the more defensive of the two.]

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Thank you for contradicting yourself. I rest my case that you just simply hate Sumia and look for others' justifications to use as ammo.

Lovely that you use that to justify Cordelia and bash Sumia when the premise of having endless enemy spawns and replayable DLC maps.

If you were talking about Maximum stat caps, on Falcoknight, Cordelia only beats Sumia in STR and DEF.

Then you rest your case with a false assumption.

I was moreso talking about growths in combination with stats. It's true that when maxed out, Cordelia doesn't beat Sumia by that much. Anyone that's maxed out is a good unit. But Sumia takes longer and more babying to get there. I found it really hard to train her, whereas Cordelia was easy to make a powerful unit.

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Nice to see you also forgot that I didn't fucking know that the OP was talking about efficiency at first.

That's never an excuse.
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Then you rest your case with a false assumption.

I was moreso talking about growths in combination with stats. It's true that when maxed out, Cordelia doesn't beat Sumia by that much. Anyone that's maxed out is a good unit. But Sumia takes longer and more babying to get there. I found it really hard to train her, whereas Cordelia was easy to make a powerful unit.

Right off the bat Sumia can ORKO some of chapter three's enemies with a Frederick pair up.

Plus she has a really good lead and the option to support Chrom for DS+

But both are great units, and I use both anyway

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Then you rest your case with a false assumption.

I was moreso talking about growths in combination with stats. It's true that when maxed out, Cordelia doesn't beat Sumia by that much. Anyone that's maxed out is a good unit. But Sumia takes longer and more babying to get there. I found it really hard to train her, whereas Cordelia was easy to make a powerful unit.

This is honestly why I think you don't belong in discussing gameplay element threads that you do happen to post in.

You don't even see what I'm getting at. You only see the fact that I was wrong that I said "if" you were talking about maximum stats.

My point was: "Why are you saying Sumia's better at only speed, when you use INFINITE EXP AND SUPPORT POINTS" for a different way to bash Sumia.

When you are using that premise, there is NO POINT besides maximum stats. GROWTHS DON'T MATTER.

You just care about justifying your blatant statements of why you hate a character and why you like a different one.

For goodness sake that thread you started about Cordelia long ago makes me go "why!?".

You just want to be more associated with a character you like.

For goodness sake, you devalue Sumia with your ONE statement.

She IS absolute crap.

I may be acting like a child right now... but so are you.

[/white knight]

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For playable characters:

MU- bland as all hell but not too much on this one because what can you do with a self insert.

Say'ri- just boring and bland

Kjelle- all she talks about is fighting and training and supports are pretty bad too. Where Sully's motivation to train and become strong is to prove that women are as capable as men, Kjelle seems to not have one.

YARNE!!-I hate this guy out of any character in Awakening! He has no redeeming qualities worth mentioning! While Yarnes friends fight for their lives, Yarne just says " Screw them! I'll just hide and watch my friends fight for their lives because my life matters more than a couple because I'm the last taguel." Panne doesn't have this problem and I know Yarne is brought up in a apocalyptic world but he so were his friends so he should grow a backbone and help them.

As for non playable units basically all of them except for Mustafa and especially Yen'fay I mean c'mon dev team! You made me feel sad when we killed Mustafa with Yen'fay he dies and we are supposed to feel bad for him! Also for a top ranking general he is so easy to kill. He just isn't a memorable character at all.

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Vasto - The Glass of the game. I hate every last one of those "Memetic" villains. They ALL suck, no exceptions.

Which one/level was Vasto? As for thread I can't think of that many I found annoying.

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Vasto? I'm pretty sure he was the boss of Cht.7, the Wyvern who was going on about spattering people across the canyon floor and having statues of himself in the capitol.

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Vasto? I'm pretty sure he was the boss of Cht.7, the Wyvern who was going on about spattering people across the canyon floor and having statues of himself in the capitol.

Oh that guy, didn't know at first because the only non-recurring bosses I can remember are Mustapha and Eyrios

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