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More Cordelia and Sumia usage

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Is it just me or do both fliers have trouble getting EXP unless they're fed kills when the player reaches that ship chapter with the chests? I feel like the ship chapter and following chapters are either too axe heavy or just too many enemies for the fliers to handle at once. As such, they usually just remain support units for other characters.

I usually use Cordelia with Stahl and Sumia with Frederick. Sometimes I switch Sumia with Henry or Chrom but Cordelia is always with Stahl. I want to use them more than just pair ups. Any tips? I mainly play on Hard mode Classic if that helps.

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Not really. On hard I found Cordelia was good to go from when you got her in chapter 7, however I do think Sumia needs a little bit of babying to get good on Hard mode. (On Lunatic though I find Cordelia to be good from chapter 8 and on, and Sumia to be useless without grinding.)

Edited by Kamina
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Hard mode, Sumia can be easilly trained in early levels since she have the best offense. Cordy kinda hates not having support early on, but aside from Pegasus who she did not double, she is easy to train

As for Lunatic mode, you need to be VERY VERY careful and make your plan with Sumia to suceed with her, but if you do, she pretty much laugh at the game after reclass to GK(which is a long time).

...you can say the same for most character though. I rike Luna and Galeforkz

Cordy joined during difficulty drop

Do the math

Edited by JSND
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Sumia and Cordelia are both really good units. Sumia's str is in that spot where it can go either way, but it will go lower more often than not. Cordelia's str and spd are a healthy 60 both. Aside from Sumia's 1 turn of difference and speed for doubling C8 myrms, they're both about equal in HM due to Sumia's availability advantage. Cordelia can spiral out of control and get rather ridiculous in relation to HM enemies. In LM, Cordelia is definetely the more viable of the 2, but Sumia is definetely still trainable and can serve as Fred's partner-in-crime until he retires, making the earlygame a lot easier. Though it is very hard to supply her with actual experience, due to the nature of Lunatic needing Fred.

Edited by PKL
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Sumia and Cordelia are both really good units.


I agree with all of PKL's post. And honestly, if Sumia's STR and DEF are low for you, you can always reclass her to GK for a while, or something. Helps her out quite a bit.

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I agree with all of PKL's post. And honestly, if Sumia's STR and DEF are low for you, you can always reclass her to GK for a while, or something. Helps her out quite a bit.

I've always thought both of them are great. Because they are, and they both can fix their problems, easily.

Sumia fixes her durability issues by supporting Frederick, and Cordelia likes Stahl.

Real men use GK Sumia until end game

GK Sumia is awful, it makes her look silly.

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I've always thought both of them are great. Because they are, and they both can fix their problems, easily.

Sumia fixes her durability issues by supporting Frederick, and Cordelia likes Stahl.

GK Sumia is awful, it makes her look silly.

Honestly everyone looks dumb in armor in awakening, and I love generals.

But not having a helmet is just silly

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Sumia love love loves Frederick as a support. And Frederick loves Sumia as a support. Shes a speed support for him and thats neato, hes a defense/strength support for her. Early game, those two on Pair Up rape face. Sumia is still fragile though (even on Hard) so be careful. But its pretty easy on Hard to get Sumia where she needs to be with proper support partners.

Cordelia is relatively easy to use right out of the box which is nice. She likes Stahl like someone already mentioned. Avatar isnt a bad support for her either.

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Hard mode, Sumia can be easilly trained in early levels since she have the best offense. Cordy kinda hates not having support early on, but aside from Pegasus who she did not double, she is easy to train

I find Sumia easy to train during the early chapters as Fredderick's boosts are really useful. As for Cordelia, I usually train her until Lv.10 in the DLC so she at least has C support with Stahl. Both do well until I reach that ship chapter. It's like that chapter is a magical point in my playthroughs that just makes it hard to use both of them. I don't know if waiting until Lv.20 to promote makes a difference or not but I just don't use the fliers offensively as much as I did in earlier chapters once that chapter rolls around.

Cordelia can spiral out of control and get rather ridiculous in relation to HM enemies.

I hear you on this one. I usually get Cordelia's that don't get as much speed as I like. She would do just fine dishing out and taking hits but she would get Speed screwed in some playthroughs.

I agree with all of PKL's post. And honestly, if Sumia's STR and DEF are low for you, you can always reclass her to GK for a while, or something. Helps her out quite a bit.

To be honest, my most recent playthrough of Awakening, over half of my team were GKs. I think I may go General!Sumia for my next playthrough.

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Sumia is nice to use with either Chrom or Frederick because of Spd and important Res boost which really helps the aforementioned characters against mages (Frederick's only weakness besides Hammer).

Cordelia comes with Steel Lance which really improves her Mt, and has excellent synergy with Stahl. You might not want to train her against the wyverns in Chapter 7 though.

Chapter 12 is a real help to them... One of the knights drops Beast Killer. Valm is cavalry heavy and either Sumia or Cordelia can make excellent use of the weapon.

My preference is, obviously, Cordelia. She's more balanced while only being a little slower, and can function well as Hero which might be even better than her starting class. Sumia has excess Skl and Spd growths and her Str is a bit iffy and untrustworthy.

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Real men use Cleric!Sumia until Apo

I can't tell if you're being serious, but on Lunatic (no DLC) this is actually a viable strategy. By feeding Sumia hard in cht.3/4, you can reclass her to Cleric before clearing cht.4, bait Marth into a corner to get trapped, and use that Parallel Falchion as a source of infinite damage to abuse for infinite exp with heal staves.

About the Axe problems: there are tons of Axes in the first arc, but the Barbarians and Wyverns pretty much disappear once you reach Valm. Instead you get lots of Swords, Lances and Cavalry, making Beastkillers, Superior Lances and Lances in general a great weapon type to have.

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One time I used Sumia (DF->GK) and she got bullshitly strength blessed and Galeforcing Great Knight was fun as fuck

was nice

wasn't difficult to use either

The Fred pair really does work wonders for her

Haven't really used Cordelia yet, will use once I do my next 2 L+ runs

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