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If Fe5 were remade.. Now including fe4 discussion


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Meh, in my opinion Leif is basically the middle line beetwen Lord who is absolutely broken and Lord that is mediocre. He did not dominate the game, but he is fairly useful and have broken Waifu powa and Thracia has a million Special Swords

Also he kick ass in LA

Granted almost every Lord is at least good in one way or another. I only recalled 4 Lord that is actually bad

Edited by JSND
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I can't help but take an interest at the topic since I am actually playing Thracia...

For sure, as everyone said, the animations aren't Oliver beautiful but cool nonetheless, and please, if a remake should really be done, let us place our units. Please.

About the controversial areas...

The fatigue system is unique to Thracia and kind of explained in-game after chapter 18 and yet it feels so real and so... Thracia-ey that it should be kept.

Capture, for my part, is one of the biggest selling point of this opus, so no Camus-like BS (but i don't want to kill you, you're a good guy) and yet they should, maybe for the sort of canon bosses you aren't supposed to kill like Largo reward you (random villager gives you something, or one of his loldier gives you a javelin, or even a nameless sprite thanking you at the end of the Chapter) unless the reward is seeing alternate lines of dialogue but hey, that sucks.

FoW should turn into GBA Style ones instead of having a black screen...

And please keep status staves' infinite range and their infinite duration, I mean you got hit by a magical sleep, you're not going to wake up in three turns, it's not a nap.

About supports... We already got the "bond" feature even if it was somehow lacking (lolRalph supports with no one and Leif doesn't support Marita but supports Hicks) but maybe to have character development they could implement a base conversation, like the thing they had in PoR and RD? Because if you add support bonuses and bonds, Leif staying near Nanna would get something like +60% hit and evasion. So I would prefer no support, keep the "bond" and conversations could give something like stat bonuses for the upcoming map (+3 mag) while giving some character development.

Oh, and I forgot, if Thracia is remade, to pretend there is a meaning to recruit him over the alternative, let Cyas keep his 5 LS after chapter 23.

It probably won't change a thing though.

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I can't agree on fatigue staying in the game. It's literally a mechanic that the game is immensely better without. Fire Emblem has always been a game where you benefit from focusing your training on a specific group of units. This is hardly possible in FE5 based on the fatigue mechanic. This would be fine, but the game itself doesn't balance out that difficulty. Instead, you just end up full of a bunch of units that are leveled to about half of what they should be.

It's an overly frustrating mechanic that detracts from the game as a whole.

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I can't agree on fatigue staying in the game. It's literally a mechanic that the game is immensely better without. Fire Emblem has always been a game where you benefit from focusing your training on a specific group of units. This is hardly possible in FE5 based on the fatigue mechanic. This would be fine, but the game itself doesn't balance out that difficulty. Instead, you just end up full of a bunch of units that are leveled to about half of what they should be.

It's an overly frustrating mechanic that detracts from the game as a whole.

I personally have to disagree with you there. Being forced to use units outside of your usual team is really refreshing, given that most FE games can be solo'ed reliably (LOLSeth, LOLTitania, LOLHaar, etc.) The game becomes much more interesting when you have to branch out and use units you don't usually use. I'd actually say that Thracia is the best game to do this in, given the scroll system; the chances of RNG screwage are drastically reduced. Besides, if experience is the issue, there's always Elite Mode.

On the topic of FE5 remakes as a whole, aside from a few interface updates, I think most of the systems should stay. If need be, add an easier difficulty for new players, or maybe a Lunatic mode for masochists. But for the love of god, PLEASE give healing staves 100% accuracy! Who in their right mind would dodge a healing staff!?

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They don't dodge it, but the healer isn't skillful enough to use it perfectly well.

As odd and frustrating this mechanic can be, it does have some merit to exist, since rookies do tend to make more mistakes than veterans.

Edited by Woodshooter
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I found Fatigue to be quite a pleasant mechanic. It was quite rewarding to find ways to get the most out of the team.

And just knowing that the characters was exhausted made it feel good when I could give them an opportunity to recover. Besides, it provides a nice opportunity to mix up the team a bit.

Edited by BrightBow
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They don't dodge it, but the healer isn't skillful enough to use it.

As odd and frustrating this mechanic can be, it does have some merit to exist, since rookies do tend to make more mistakes than veterans.

I can definitely accept that reasoning... from a storyline perspective. From a gameplay perspective, it also makes a bit of sense; staff rank suddenly becomes more important than just "How long until you can use Warp?", which is also an incentive. However, I can't help but think of Ch. 5, where Eyvel has to pray that Nanna's heals connect consistently, especially against Marita. Eyvel is face-tanking for quite a while, and given the fact that Marita already has a chance to ORKO, or even OHKO, having Nanna with E staff rank as the only available healer adds another RNG element to the mix.

Admittedly, I've played very little of the game (in fact, I'm stuck on Ch. 5 right now), but in my view healing staff accuracy is too much. I understand it on other staves, but healing is an essential resource, especially in FE5.

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I can definitely accept that reasoning... from a storyline perspective. From a gameplay perspective, it also makes a bit of sense; staff rank suddenly becomes more important than just "How long until you can use Warp?", which is also an incentive. However, I can't help but think of Ch. 5, where Eyvel has to pray that Nanna's heals connect consistently, especially against Marita. Eyvel is face-tanking for quite a while, and given the fact that Marita already has a chance to ORKO, or even OHKO, having Nanna with E staff rank as the only available healer adds another RNG element to the mix.

Admittedly, I've played very little of the game (in fact, I'm stuck on Ch. 5 right now), but in my view healing staff accuracy is too much. I understand it on other staves, but healing is an essential resource, especially in FE5.

Marita literally can't kill Eyvel, let alone ORKO. At this point, Eyvel can only be captured and Marita can't do that because her con is too low.

Personally I never have Nanna heal Eyvel anyway because all the enemies can kill Nanna with one strike. Unless I move them both to the door.

But then it is a non-issue because Marita will be the only one who will have the room to attack Eyvel, so she is effectively invincible.

Edited by BrightBow
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Fatique is one of the reasons I love fe5. Plus the stat caps are 80 HP and 20 everything else, does it really detriment your team considering everyone is perfectly usable in fe5 plus some of the promotion bonuses are insane look at the ones for Sages and Zerkers

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Marita literally can't kill Eyvel, let alone ORKO. At this point, Eyvel can only be captured and Marita can't do that because her con is too low.

Personally I never have Nanna heal Eyvel anyway because all the enemies can kill Nanna with one strike. Unless I move them both to the door.

But then it is a non-issue because Marita will be the only one who will have the room to attack Eyvel, so she is effectively invincible.

Isn't Evyel immortal? Like it's literally impossible for her to get killed until plot happens?

Well, I feel silly. Time to boot up Snes9X again and see if I can finally escape Manster. Thanks for the advice!

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Fatique is one of the reasons I love fe5. Plus the stat caps are 80 HP and 20 everything else, does it really detriment your team considering everyone is perfectly usable in fe5 plus some of the promotion bonuses are insane look at the ones for Sages and Zerkers

I think it is just Sages (dat 5 - 6 mgc), because Berserkers are an enemy-exclusive class. The Brigands become Warriors for some reason, honestly I don't understand the promotion of classes in Thracia 776.

With that said, fatigue is an interesting concept because it forces player to be more versatile with characters, and when you play a game multiple times, you are always aware of what characters to bring.

And if Thracia 776 is going to be remade, I think several characters will have their classes changed or given different promotions, like Trude and Machua being Mercenaries while Shiva and Mareeta remain Myrmidon and having Marty becoming an actual Berserkers rather than Warrior.

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Fire Emblem has always been a game where you benefit from focusing your training on a specific group of units.

You say that as though it is a good thing.

This is hardly possible in FE5 based on the fatigue mechanic. This would be fine, but the game itself doesn't balance out that difficulty. Instead, you just end up full of a bunch of units that are leveled to about half of what they should be.

What Ice Sage said. Even if it is an issue, Elite Mode is an option.

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I think it is just Sages (dat 5 - 6 mgc), because Berserkers are an enemy-exclusive class. The Brigands become Warriors for some reason, honestly I don't understand the promotion of classes in Thracia 776.

With that said, fatigue is an interesting concept because it forces player to be more versatile with characters, and when you play a game multiple times, you are always aware of what characters to bring.

And if Thracia 776 is going to be remade, I think several characters will have their classes changed or given different promotions, like Trude and Machua being Mercenaries while Shiva and Mareeta remain Myrmidon and having Marty becoming an actual Berserkers rather than Warrior.

Promotions are based on the character rather than the classes themselves. Marty's fine with promoting as a Warrior and besides Dagda also happens to be a bandit and he's a Warrior too. Trewd's a unique take as a bulky Swordmaster.

Edited by Woodshooter
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I personally have to disagree with you there. Being forced to use units outside of your usual team is really refreshing, given that most FE games can be solo'ed reliably (LOLSeth, LOLTitania, LOLHaar, etc.) The game becomes much more interesting when you have to branch out and use units you don't usually use. I'd actually say that Thracia is the best game to do this in, given the scroll system; the chances of RNG screwage are drastically reduced. Besides, if experience is the issue, there's always Elite Mode.

On the topic of FE5 remakes as a whole, aside from a few interface updates, I think most of the systems should stay. If need be, add an easier difficulty for new players, or maybe a Lunatic mode for masochists. But for the love of god, PLEASE give healing staves 100% accuracy! Who in their right mind would dodge a healing staff!?

Othin and/or Halvan would solo the game without it. This would makes a less interresting experience.

The main reason why I want Fatigue to stay isn't really gameplay related, though. It's because, in this game, it makes sense. It contributes to makes FE5's unique ambiance.

What makes FE5 so unique, and so great, is that you are not trying to save the world (the events of FE5 are insignificant on the great scale of thing. You don't even have to defeat the final boss).

You're trying to survive against all odds. Fatigue isn't just a gameplay element, it's justified and adds an element of pressure to the whole story.

Capture is also in the same boat. You have limited money and limited options to buy weapons and items, so you have to takes them on the ennemy.

They may not works in another game (Though, in FE12, that could actually fits...), but without them, FE5 isn't FE5 anymore.

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Yeah, FE5 isn't hard because of stats nor do those do an appreciable job of trivializing the game, especially when they come from 2 dismounted units with 6 move...

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Yeah, FE5 isn't hard because of stats nor do those do an appreciable job of trivializing the game, especially when they come from 2 dismounted units with 6 move...

Being mounted is far less important in this game than in the others, though... ANd you'd need some staff user's help too in this scenario.

Fatigue FE12 would literally be a hell considering how much the existance of one character affect the overall gameplay in that hellpit of a game

Also Othin and Halvan solo won't work in late game

Didn't said it would be a good idea, but FE12 have the same sense of urgency in its story and gameplay.

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I kinda wonder how Thracia would have looked on the N64, to go off on a tangent, although the SNES sprite work is beautiful. (I love sprite art and such especially that of Fire Emblem and Castlevania)

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