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Fantasy books!!!!!


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I love reading books (especially fantasy) and was wondering if everyone could share their favourite books, films based on books, etc.

I'm currently reading the discworld series (which is completely messing with my head) and my favourite is the inheritance cycle.

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The Lord of the Rings series is my absolute favorite. Followed closely by Narnia, Harry Potter, The inheritance cycle, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel etc etc.

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No. Nicholas Flamel was a real person. His exploits are obviously exaggerated in HP, and even in real life. He was a fairly wealthy philantropist and scribe/manuscript seller while he was alive. Then after his death a number of alchemical manuscripts that got found were attributed to him and he gained legendary status as an alchemist, though there's no real proof that he ever dabbled in alchemy, wrote those papers, or actually created the Philosopher's Stone. However what really perpetuated the myth was that sometime after his death, someone tried robbing the grave of him and his wife, and it was empty. So the legend goes that they faked their deaths and remained immortal with the Stone.

My own favourite fantasy series... so many. Anything by Brent Weeks (Night Angel, Lightbringer). Cassandra Clare's series are somewhat geared towards girls but I give zero fucks; they're cool. The Dresden Files is amazing, and Jim Butcher's other series, Codex Alera, is almost as good (and completed). I like Guy Gavriel Kay's books a lot, particularly Tigana and A Song for Arbonne. Rick Riordan's are great too, though the quality of his writing can be somewhat inconsistent at times. The First Law trilogy is very good, although the ending is somewhat anti-climactic. The Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson is awesome. The Wheel of Time deserves mention because at the end of the day I did enjoy it and some of the books were great, even if it really dragged on in the middle. Kingkiller Chronicles is good, though the second book wasn't quite as good as the first. Hopefully the third one is back to where the first was. The Night Watch series is also great but unfortunately doesn't get much recognition, on account of being originally Russian. I'm currently in the middle of reading the Felix Castor series, which is also cool and very reminiscent of the Dresden Files.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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Been a long time fan of the fantasy genre; and its what I want to write in if I can ever get my stories written and published someday.

I loved and have read:

Inheritance Cycle,

Harry Potter,

Artemis Fowl,

Percy Jackson,

Guardians of Ga'Hoole (not nearly as kid friendly as the movie would have you believe),

Warriors (again, proves that dark animal fantasy is not always for kids; I enjoyed the first series, but I dropped off the wagon after the second series when the writing sort of stagnated with far too many characters to keep track of and too many romantic sublots that I didn't care for),


The Great Tree of Avalon Trilogy,

Heir Apparent (extremely funny and heavily sarcastic parody of the common 'getting stuck in the virtual reality video game' trope),

Tamora Pierce's Immortals Quartet (Wild Magic, Wolf-Speaker, Emperor Mage, and The Realms of the Gods; I kinda want to get into her Song of the Lioness or Trickster series, but I'm finding it difficult since I love my shapeshifting main duo in the Immortals series too much to switch narrators.) XD

I semi-recently read and immensely enjoyed the book Seraphina back in the summer of 2012......and have been waiting since then for the announced sequel, Shadow Scale, for one year....then two when they pushed the date back into 2014......and now when I check up on the final date, its March 2015.....fucking 2015, three years after the first book!!!!! Thankfully I still remember the events of the first book (after re-reading it in the summer of 2013), but it looks like this book is going to have to be an annual re-read until this sequel finally comes out. Good thing it's a damn good read.



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A lot of the series I like have already been listed, so I won't bother repeating them.

The one I want to mention though is a french 6 book fantasy story that's divided into 2 trilogies: La quête d'Ewilan et Les mondes d'Ewilan. If you can read french, I highly recommend giving this series a try.

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It's funny nobody mentioned ASOIAF, I really enjoyed the first (despite reading it in Dutch) and TV series. The top 5 of my favourites goes like this:

1. Inheritance cycle

2. LoTR and the Hobbit

3. Most Discworld novels I've read so far, Thief of Time being my favourite of them

4. The trilogy Phillip Pullman, I've forgotten the name now :/


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Hmm for books I love LoTR, though I didn't read quite a lot of books, so far I only read Sherlock Holmes series, Christmas Carol, and Alice in Wonderland

Plan to buy The Hobbit this year ::D:

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Aside from the ones already said some of my favorites are:

The ranger's apprentice

The brother band Chronicles

Faeire wars

The Wednesday chronicles

The song of ice and fire(game of thrones for those who only watch the show)

The beyonders

Riyria revelations

Eon/Eona(a pair of books rather than a series)

Incarceron and sapphique

The seer and the sword

The prophecy written by Shane Simon(personal recommendation to everybody.)

SeaReach(if you can find a copy)

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A good sword and sorcery novel is The Wheel of Time series.

A good Scifi is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It chronicles the misadventures of a poor Englishman and how he gets lost in time and space.

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The Riyria Revelations was good but... kind of predictable and nothing really amazing. It was a decent read but I don't think it'll stick with me. Also forgot to mention Robin Hobb's books earlier. Her first and third trilogies, Farseer and Tawny Man, are very good. I wasn't really a fan of most of the characters in the second one, Liveship Traders, but unfortunately you can't really properly appreciate the third trilogy without knowing the events of the second.

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i second the recommendation of artemis fowl, especially if you're a pre-pubescent or just pubescent teen who might be a closet nerd.

i really identified with that series growing up among others: dune and ender's game (skip the movie(s))

edit: and oh, not fantasy, but mario puzo's non related novels concerning the italian mafia are also must reads at any age (godfather, omerta, the last don)

dont skip the movies on those

Edited by black op: skyfang
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Whoops, I think I forgot to mention a couple more. The Children of The Red King series is a childhood family favorite up there with Harry Potter (we were sad that it never got a movie series, although I suppose that's a good thing nowadays?) and Isabel Allende's Las memorias del aguila y el jaguar (The Memories of Eagle and Jaguar) trilogy was my favorite in middle and high school; I also had a bilingual bonus in that I had both the original Spanish and the English translation of all three books, and could read in both languages. Highly recommended to anyone who likes adventures to discover the mysterious places of the world, with a little fantasy mixed in here and there.

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I love Terry Pratchet's Discworld, espicially the books featuring Rincewind.

Also, have anybody else read Abarat? I think it is the best protagonist-gets-thrown-into-another-world-book I have ever read, and I just love Clive Barkers whimsical paintings and worldbuilding.

Also, Games of Thrones are nice, but I keep getting stuck in the fifth book.

Lene Kaaberbøl's The Shamer's Chronicles and Shadowgate and Phillip Pullman's The Northen Lights were my ultimate favourites when I were younger.

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4. The trilogy Phillip Pullman, I've forgotten the name now :/

His Dark Materials. Such a sexy name.

Also, have anybody else read Abarat? I think it is the best protagonist-gets-thrown-into-another-world-book I have ever read, and I just love Clive Barkers whimsical paintings and worldbuilding.

I only read the first one, but I thought it was pretty awesome.

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I only read the first one, but I thought it was pretty awesome.

You should read the second if you get the chance, it only gets better from there. Sadly, I haven't had the chance to pick up the third, so I can't say anything about that...

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