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So this random guy came up to me earlier at the park....


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I was playing basketball with my cousins,then this guy came up to me,he had hair similar to Jesus,and he goes and proceeds to tell me:

"You know Obamacare? They're going to mail you something telling you to go to the doctor and get this microchip implanted into your arm.You can buy things if you have the microchip and they'll know where you are,so they can find and kill you at any time." While he was telling us this I couldn't help to notice,he had those things they put around your arm when you go to the hospital. He proceeded to say "DON'T GET THE CHIP,Obama is the anti-christ" I was like 'wha the hail' is he saying in my mind,he continues to say "People will start disappearing,because in the last book of the bible,the people who are pure,who denies sin and are washed in Jesus' blood will leave. Read the book,all the events leading up to this are ominously similar to what's happening. Don't worship Obama." At this point I was wondering wheter he was bullshitting or was serious,because I am a Catholic myself....continuing on "I've been bothered by demons for the last 2 months,in the next 10 years,the government will start getting rid of people and blame it as an alien abduction,I want to tell this to you because we are the last 10 years of life on earth before judgement day,I dropped out of Santa Monica College to tell people all of this." I was thinking in my head....are you high dude?or are you just a dumbass... "You know those aliens?The little gray people who abduct guys in spaceships,they are demons,and they torture you inside their spaceships,that's where the chip comes in,the government can track you so that you can be abducted.Now please read the last book the Revealations and praise the Lord,thank you for hearing me out." The guy then bows and I say "Amen" back. He walks away solemnly.

I just wanted to tell this story because the entire time I wanted to go yell "Stranger Danger" as if he's trying to deceive me.

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Ummmm there are many other threads like this, why is it suddenly now that a bunch of people start thinking these threads should only go to facebook?? x3

Also, I kinda feel like maybe that was a prank~ What if they were recording it and you'll get to go viral on youtube?? =O

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Ummmm there are many other threads like this, why is it suddenly now that a bunch of people start thinking these threads should only go to facebook?? x3

Also, I kinda feel like maybe that was a prank~ What if they were recording it and you'll get to go viral on youtube?? =O

It's Probably only jiac.

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You can tell because we have an edit feature that allows people to fix punctuation and add line breaks.

It's not a true FB ripoff until we get a like button

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pretty accurate argument 10/10

also people who quoted "this isnt fb/twitter" are obama worshipping aliens

Aptly put. In addition, TC should have added this truth-telling stranger as a facebook friend.

You can tell because we have an edit feature that allows people to fix punctuation and add line breaks.

Dude, facebook has that too.

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