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20 hours ago, Nobody said:

just put lots of sugar on coffee and it's not bitter anymore :)

this is actually a good idea

18 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

Decided to change theme even though it's not October yet. But 29th of September is close enough for me and I had the last theme for 2 months at this point.

ooh nice

what is it?

On 9/28/2017 at 11:34 AM, Renne said:

naw my sleep has been terribad for a loooooooong time

: (
my condolences

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22 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

ooh nice

what is it?

It seems to be an original character drawn by an artist named Swd3e2. Found them while looking for Elsword art since they've drawn plenty of characters from that game. I used some of their drawing when I did my Elemental Master theme back at the start of the year.

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i'm so happy dancer inigo is canon

though thanks to the artist, kumiko made him look really uke....

2 minutes ago, Renne said:

though warm milk + sleeping pills help somewhat!

the good ol warm milk trick
works like a chamr
at least its helping somewhat \;w;/

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1 minute ago, Trisitei said:

the good ol warm milk trick
works like a chamr
at least its helping somewhat \;w;/

yeah! apparently so~ i never really gave it a try until the nurse practitioner was like try that
that's true!
also also sen iii is great

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low quality meme thanks to @Ebony

5 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

It seems to be an original character drawn by an artist named Swd3e2. Found them while looking for Elsword art since they've drawn plenty of characters from that game. I used some of their drawing when I did my Elemental Master theme back at the start of the year.

it looks real nice
might need to check them out

2 minutes ago, Renne said:

yeah! apparently so~ i never really gave it a try until the nurse practitioner was like try that
that's true!
also also sen iii is great

it looks great

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On 9/28/2017 at 10:37 PM, Koneko said:

/not sylv

ajikko and kanade are close with rairu so it would be a good idea to check them too. kanade's known to do everyone's piano instrumental and started singing recently. idr kanade's voice but I like ajikko a lot. not a lot of people know about this one guy I like anymore (he's old gen I think) but kakerine has one of the most pleasant voices (to me, at least for a lot of ballad-type songs) and has been in the scene forever but he's not as known. he arranges his own versions of covers a lot, so it's really nice to see his renditions of stuff like pierrot and karakuri pierrot

o shit i just realized i forgot to mention the very critical word "male" i am looking for MALE ballad utaite but u got me anyway so thx whew

i would actually prefer old gen utaite because im old so double thx u kno me exactly, i will check them out

On 9/29/2017 at 2:20 AM, sylveonzoroark said:

Oh man I love Guriri I don't think I know an utaite better with emotion than her

i dunno many ballad utaites since i mostly listen to mafumafu and the like

SPEAKING OF MAFUMAFU did u hear the disease called love i stg neru has a talent for making ear worms 

me neither

o darn thx anyway also im listenin rn it's really good wtf, i honestly don't really like neru's songs usually (except the lost one's weeping, that one is so good) but wowwowowow im absolutely stunned, mafumafu sang this amazingly too omg the scream at the end scared me tho

also also im laughin rly hard because mafumafu's name in korean is apparently mahumahu when ive been spelling it as mapumapu this entire time MAHUMAHU IS SO SIMULTANEOUSLY CUTE AND STUPID

On 9/29/2017 at 2:29 AM, sylveonzoroark said:

wow kanade is good

also i didn't know kim was an utaite (and a boy)

me neither also wow ur right

On 9/29/2017 at 2:36 AM, sylveonzoroark said:

you know mafumafu onc uploaded a video of him wrapping amatsuki in cotton candy and the background music was cotton candy by back number and for a few months i just listened to the 40 second part that was available on youtube and today i finally found the full version i feel dumb

it's ok the other day i got so desperate to find this one song by a french youtaite that i wrote up a message in french and asked lux to check it for me bc even tho im socially anxious i was v desperate and then he was like, "u kno the song is on soundcloud rite" and then i died

On 9/29/2017 at 3:00 AM, sylveonzoroark said:

also sry for disappearing i am physically repulsed by new sf

same but i miss u

On 9/29/2017 at 3:32 AM, Claudius I said:

i just searched for mandos art and ew why do people make him look like a demon or some grumpy evil king

this is like me trying to find good vy2v3 songs except it's absolutely nothing like that at all

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my friend and i have been joking about her friend (im gonna call him ᐛ) looking like a kpop idol for a couple years and it was just haha funny but the other day i was catching up on all the kpop i missed and there was is this new "visual group" debuting soon ok people are swooning over one guy's unique visuals so i look at the teaser photos and then i die bc he looks literally exactly like ᐛ, like ive been kinda haunted over the past few days because o my god they look like doppelgangers (+ since this is kpop i know that this idol's hair is gonna change at some point but right now it is styled exactly like ᐛ's)






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man sylv im gonna be rly honest ive been mostly avoiding mafumafu since i slipped back into utaite bc i heard his lost one's weeping and the world's lifespan and its last day covers which i used to like and he sounded really nasal (kpop has made me return to utaite super picky about technique it sux bc i pick up on everything now) BUT his a disease called love cover is actually amazing he improved a whole lot

Edited by Hitori
stan hitori
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26 minutes ago, Hitori said:

also also im laughin rly hard because mafumafu's name in korean is apparently mahumahu when ive been spelling it as mapumapu this entire time MAHUMAHU IS SO SIMULTANEOUSLY CUTE AND STUPID




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26 minutes ago, Hitori said:




it shows up as english to me

is your default language set to korean or something lol

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20 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:

it shows up as english to me

is your default language set to korean or something lol


18 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:

you know ever since you talked about vy2v3's breathing whenever i listen to vocaloids all i can pay attention to is if they're breathing or not

thx idk if thats a good thing or not but thx


sylv how have u been

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man kpop really made me forget how much i love singing, i read my sf interview a few months ago and i was like "wow why did i like singing so much" but now that i am utaite-ing again i remember

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