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donkeys are some of the cutest tbh, there's a woman down the road from us who has two and they're just darling

Yeah, but they make some ungodly noises. Yeesh. I live in this little gulch and sound carries....Ive had new move-ins ask about where the "horrendous noises of HELL" are coming from. I just point in the direction of that lady's farm. They be cute tho.

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...uhuh. Yeah, I don't know what those mean.

It's the different stances for Religion. Pluralism tolerates them all, Moralism actively and only supports the country's main one, Atheism doesn't take them into account, and Secularism is... uh, not exactly on this last one. Well, more or less what I think each are about.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I'm not saying that there aren't fine fellows without a religious inclination, but my religious inclination is what one might call 'evangelical', which I honestly suck at being.

Gonna be honest, its cool to be religious. Religion is wiggy. Evangelicalism is...kinda...not.

<3 my dude.

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oh hey integ while you're here

is this gif too big for a sig



Loki should turn into a beekeeper and make mead with the harvested honey.

beekeeping owns. source: have beekept

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Leedle leedle lee...

can i ride the boat to go on an adventure??? :D

there's a feller works with my dad breeds em

that's pretty convenient place

so he just gave you guys goats?

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It's the different stances for Religion. Pluralism tolerates them all, Moralism actively and only supports the country's main one, Atheism doesn't take them into account, and Secularism is... uh, not exactly on this last one. Well, more or less what I think each are about.

I see. Secularism, by definition, means separating church and state, if I recall. The connotations are different though.

Gonna be honest, its cool to be religious. Religion is wiggy. Evangelicalism is...kinda...not.

Well...I still need to start, honestly. I mean, if I don't at least try, it's certainly selfish, I'm just...not good at trying, and I need to be better at that. So I shall pray.

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My dude, if i could and wasnt afraid of stingers, id do this thing.

the beekeeping moon suit is basically impervious, i was only stung twice in 3 years of beekeeping and both were my fault

i even carried one of my girls out of the house after she rode in on my head once

that's pretty convenient place

so he just gave you guys goats?

well i mean we bought them with cash money

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yo, comet, hows it going

you play p4?

i never knew

i bought it and a used playstation 2, but the PS2 wouldn't run p4

i'm doing okay. not much has happened, but that's better than nothing. socal is cool too.

Edited by PichuMaster3000
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because shit is finally happening

not in a good way with people just shooting sticks about w/e, but its something

Speaking of, I have run many tests of science, and through science have concluded that the objective best weapon in Awakening...

Is unforged Stick.

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Bee talk huh. That reminds me, and I know it will sound silly, but there is a barely but still present amount of honey still dripping out of the wall... like seriously...

Then again, last I saw it was almost two weeks ago. I'm pretty sure by now there should be no more.

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well i mean we bought them with cash money

oh i see

goats are cool

i bought it and a used playstation 2, but the PS2 wouldn't run p4


that sucks

thinking about getting that p4 thats goin up for ps3?

p4 platinum i think its called?

its like p4 golden but for consoles

original, i know

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