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see i knew i was right in hating bunnies

oh yeah weird story

i had a dream once where i was tearing a bunny apart by hand

i don't know what it means!

So violent.

Then again, I can probably not say anything, as I'm sure I've had dreams involving stuff like that as well.

Not that I remember, but I'm still sure I've had.

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maybe my dream is telling me to throw away my womanhood? haha

a what!

unreliable narrator, really unreliable narrator! basically

I don't know why, but that song gives me Golden Sun vibes.

the video's colors are very "golden" and "sun"

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Quoting just to get you attention about how much I do like Cecil's alt but how much I absolutely adore them giving Terra's green hair'd sprite a proper alt finally :P:

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the video's colors are very "golden" and "sun"

Moreso the music sounds like that game's soundtrack. It makes me sad that the series is probably dead.

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Moreso the music sounds like that game's soundtrack. It makes me sad that the series is probably dead.

That is quite sad, indeed.

I still remember the first time I played Golden Sun. First RPG I ever played...

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that sounds amazing

the best part is the entire bunny scene

a bunny eating people off of its finger spears

a bunny ripping a person in half

a bunny eating twins

it was hilarious

I bet Tumblr is throwing a fit about no female party members in the new FF game

i went on tumblr just a minute ago and saw happy fanart of noctis with a chocobo so

not so far?

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Actually each playable TotA character is hot except for Anise of course.

Anise is my most hated character in the Tales universe. I hate her even more than Sanaki.

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Moreso the music sounds like that game's soundtrack. It makes me sad that the series is probably dead.

Dead game series make me sad,

I think I had it being played during my trip in China

but never finished it

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there's a scene in blood-c where demon bunnies ravage a town

there's a part where they have a bag filled with people while one bunny turns his hand into a blender and sticks it in, cause blood to splash all over

its hilarious

I remember doing a quick and dirty edit of that scene. I set it to the yakity sax theme. Shit was hilarious.
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Careful, he's

7 years old.

Idc for age.

Jade all the way.

Ha, most hilarious scene in TotA. Dist is still my favorite of the six-god-generals.

Anise is my most hated character in the Tales universe. I hate her even more than Sanaki.

Why? :C

If Soul read that...

I usually ship Jade x Anise... as father x daughter combo.

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I remember doing a quick and dirty edit of that scene. I set it to the yakity sax theme. Shit was hilarious.

oh my god

just add the rabbits doing some really goober laugh and its perfect

honestly i thought the rabbits were cute looking but that entire scene was just... so hilarious

it goes beyond being gory or scary into hilarity... i mean its literally just rabbits blending people up and mass murdering villagers

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there's a scene in blood-c where demon bunnies ravage a town

there's a part where they have a bag filled with people while one bunny turns his hand into a blender and sticks it in, cause blood to splash all over

its hilarious

oh you meant the over the top violent anime

there ya go

it gets just odd and brutal at moments

like the guy that almost escaped the school only for a glass shard to impale him

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