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idk really anything about Celica besides some stuff but Mai sounds awful yes, Noel is ok in my book though and Pride said the same thing about the plot ye

oh no, does everything sound like shit now

what gets me about celica is

well in general i'm never really into a pacifist in fighting games, it doesn't help that she has an annoying voice and prevents ragna from doing anything until the very end of the plot simply by existing

edit: and shes heavily pushed as ragna's love interest even among characters like noel and rachel

Edited by Ebony
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I just got another writing idea... well, one more to the "may never end up being written" bin... or perhaps the "perhaps may never end up being written"...

Definitely not the "may perhaps quite definitely most likely never to be possibly written"...

I should probably stop getting so many ideas if they'll mostly end up unused. But I can't help it. Once my mind gets an idea it develops and...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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what gets me about celica is

well in general i'm never really into a pacifist in fighting games, it doesn't help that she has an annoying voice and prevents ragna from doing anything until the very end of the plot simply by existing

edit: and shes heavily pushed as ragna's love interest even among characters like noel and rachel

sounds LAME

Wait what love interest

idk if I'm remembering right but didn't she look after Ragna and the other two as kids before shit went down??? just seems odd to have someone like that for a love interest or whatever like what

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sounds LAME

Wait what love interest

idk if I'm remembering right but didn't she look after Ragna and the other two as kids before shit went down??? just seems odd to have someone like that for a love interest or whatever like what

she did

this is a time displaced/clone (i can't remember, i think its clone) of her that's in love with ragna

Is Rachel in love too?

I hope not.

rachel's implied to be in love with ragna

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what gets me about celica is

well in general i'm never really into a pacifist in fighting games, it doesn't help that she has an annoying voice and prevents ragna from doing anything until the very end of the plot simply by existing

edit: and shes heavily pushed as ragna's love interest even among characters like noel and rachel

I hear Celica and the first thing I think is: "Wow, actual FE2 discussion, what a rare sight."

Was disappointed.

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