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does anyone even like zombies anymore? like besides like... middle/high school kids?


the answer is no

and i don't think said middle/high school kids would have any reason to play this over left 4 dead or something

i just don't understand the thought process behind this at all, even from an "all we care about is money" point of view

like, at least slap the metal gear name on something that still sells

this is the fucking bottom of the barrel no one even cares about it anymore

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It was from breast cancer, from what I searched up.

The howling?

In the later OG games, when you use the Rein Weissritter's Howling Launcher, Excellen will howl in her attack.

It's really weird.

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In the later OG games, when you use the Rein Weissritter's Howling Launcher, Excellen will howl in her attack.

It's really weird.

Well, don't worry, I'm sure her succesor will do plenty howling herself.

Since at this point, it's too far to just drop Excellen, so they'll give her (and Alfimi as well I guess) another seiyuu. I think at least.

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i'm so sorry you're playing pokemon uranium

should i say the same for like

the two of people i know that are playing through it?

i'm so happy, i'm so glad to be alive right now


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Alright, time to start with stage 9.

As the group approaches Dakar, reports come in that apparently a dimensional instability is starting to engulf the area. The La Gians think it perhaps has something to do with La Gias itself, and Masaki is quick to blame Shuu on that.

In any case, Quattro informs Dakar has changed since the days of the Balmar War. For one, the Macross now resides in the middle of the city, and is the main fortress of the Titans. The group will split up to flank the city's defenses.

Meanwhile, at the Macross itself, the crew has been preparing it so it can supply energy for the Aegis Project, even if it currently can't even take off or use it's main weaponry. It's clear they're only working with the Titans to save the Earth Sphere, as they have no other choice otherwise.

Speaking of, the Titans have decided to prepare a speech trying to proclaim themselves as humanity's saviors while trying to paint in a bad light the main characters. To gain the support of the people they're cohercing Minmei to agree with them. But she decides, despite the risk, to speak her mind right there and then about what the actual truth of the situation is. Which of course doesn't make the Titans happy.

But before they can do anything, out of nowhere Isamu in his YF-19 shows up, having passed through the defenses undetected. He has a bone to pick due to the Ghost project and save Myung, who is also being held hostage in the Macross. But then Guld shows up in his YF-21, ready to stop him on the Myung part.

And this, is pretty much going over the last events of Macross Plus, and about time as well considering Alpha didn't had that many plot elements from Plus. The last confrontation between Guld and Isamu as the latter tries to fly to the Macross to save Myung. The only difference is that it's the Titans, and not Sharon Apple, who are pulling the strings here. Speaking of Sharon, she won't appear until Alpha 3. So yeah, the Alpha games are using Macross Plus in pieces.

Anyway... stage starts with just Isamu against Guld and some Titans forces, which include AI-controlled Destroid Monsters. Oh come on, if they could pilot Jupiterian MS's, they could put pilots in the Destroids.

Well, time to start...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Alright, another secret to unlock here.

Which is basically to... not defeat Guld. At this point Isamu and Guld repeat their dialogue from Macross Plus. Only that by not having Isamu attack Guld, Guld recovers his memories from 7 years ago by seemingly shooting down the YF-19, instead of being the one shot down otherwise. Happening this way means both clear things up and bury the hatchet, which makes Guld join on the spot.

By the way, this is the same situation as Wufei. Guld will join regardless, but here I have the chance to make him join now instead of later, which is gonna be a big help since...

... the Titans aren't happy Guld has decided to betray them. And so order the launch of the... *drumroll* the Ghost X-9's!

Ugh, the Ghosts...

Now the objective changes to move Isamu to the Macross. However, the skill point of the stage is to rout. Well, why give up on the chance to gain EXP and money? Rout it is...

So... the Ghost X-9's... these things have high Mov, high mobility, a post-movement 1-7 range attack... these things are a pain to fight. Thankfully there's only two.

Though of course, enemy reinforcements, but thankfully they're MS's and MD's. Even the Titans have Mobile Doll Tauruses it seems.

Two turns in and Guld seems to be all ready to die out against the horde to open the way to Isamu. Thankfully this only translates to his morale going to max and nothing more. WHich means... the Limiter Release, hehehe... though right now I have to conserve EN and Ammo. Thankfully, unlike the Macross era Valkyries, the Plus era ones can punch stuff up in Gerwalk and Battloid mode. Having a decent, all-terrain, no EN or Ammo cost weapon with a decent crit modifier is great...

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And destroying the Ghosts trigger three more Tauruses to appear. Ah, not like it matters. Isamu and Guld are pretty much untouchable here. Only the Destroid Monsters are able to have anything above 0 Hit on them... and even then, it's 3 Hit. Pft...

This is a cakewalk. Heck, probably not a bad stage to grind money with the Game Over trick. Then again, it would rely on having the enemies defeat Isamu and Guld... and with their Hit rates? Not a chance. Probably something the Ghosts could've been used for. Oh well...

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why do i get bitter at my country losing at sports when i'm not really patriotic and don't care about sports

im the same way sometimes

the feeling never lasts long tho

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Alright, only the Destroid Monsters are left. Time to finish them off and gain the skill point.

Hm, frustration to one's own country? Eh, it has long stopped mattering to me that kind of thing. Is also helps that my "venting" method is pretty much playing Victoria II.

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