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How do you stop the people in SF.net that they're calling both FE12's and FE13's Avatar from overlapping with MU? (I kinda wanted to make it serious)

King Marth 64


2 members have voted

  1. 1. Suggestions for shortning something better other than MU?

    • I think "TA" (as in "The Avatar" is sounds alot better)
    • I can't make a good suggestion about it.
    • I'll come up a new one instead to stop with the MU.

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Well, I am not trying to force on to other people, I just have to figure out a way to help out.

It isn't a matter that requires any help.

Everything understands what it means - and those newcomers who don't certainly will after a simple one-liner - "The Avatar is called My Unit (MU) in Japan" - if they don't already get it from context.

Besides, as others have said, MU is a far less confusing term, as Avatar means other things too and "TA" or whatever would be a fabrication.

I can call MU Steve if I wanted to in a thread, and if everyone knew what I was talking about without me having to explain it to them, it would be PERFECTLY OKAY.

It does happen to be a self-insert, after all Edited by TheEnd
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It doesn't need to change.

Also, I still call :Tate: Tito. It's not hurting anybody, why should you care.

A rose by any other name, etc. etc. (You should know this reference.)

How can you call yourself a Fire Emblem fan if you don't fight over names

Next you'll tell me you don't fight over pairings either

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Why is this an issue, seriously? Why are you trying to tell people what to do about something so trivial as a name? You can't stop people on this site from calling the customizable characters in both FE12 and FE13 MU. You just can't, nor should you try to. You are not the name police, nor are you the authority of what should be "right" in FE13 naming conventions. Just stop.

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I had to read the title five times to figure out what you were trying to communicate here. Now that I get what you're saying, I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill (or more closer to reality, an ant hill).

If it's confusing you as who who MU / Avatar refers to, read more of the post. If it mentions, for example, Avatar and Catria, you're most likely dealing with FE12. If says something like, MU and Cordelia, you're dealing with a FE13 post. Nine times out of ten, context solves this problem.

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a while back, i devised a bit of a theory as to why so many people on this site (with dear old King Marth being the biggest example) spend so much time gravitating toward names and endlessly debating and complaining about them rather than anything more productive. the short version: it's the attractive cosmetic tip of the iceberg that is any given fictional work, it's much easier than analysing the game's script or something, and to some it still feels like it's getting something done without requiring much in the way of effort or knowledge of what they're talking about

look no further than how in the FE12 patch thread basically nobody talked about anything other than "Vergil" and "Malicia"

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Mu is perfectly ok because it makes sense universally. Even if it was called that in Japan, it makes perfect sense everywhere else. I could understand if a person was called Serra in the english version and Syrene in the japanese version (just picking random names, not using factual examples), that would cause confusion. But like i said, mu makes sense.

edit: you need to add "fine as is" to the poll.

Edited by n00srac
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a while back, i devised a bit of a theory as to why so many people on this site (with dear old King Marth being the biggest example) spend so much time gravitating toward names and endlessly debating and complaining about them rather than anything more productive. the short version: it's the attractive cosmetic tip of the iceberg that is any given fictional work, it's much easier than analysing the game's script or something, and to some it still feels like it's getting something done without requiring much in the way of effort or knowledge of what they're talking about

look no further than how in the FE12 patch thread basically nobody talked about anything other than "Vergil" and "Malicia"

This is particularly true for translation threads - you need a couple years of Japanese to discuss the plot, but the katakana needed to talk names can be learned in a week.
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This really is kind of pointless, but I'm not really providing anything at this point

I can call MU Steve if I wanted to in a thread, and if everyone knew what I was talking about without me having to explain it to them, it would be PERFECTLY OKAY.

Whoa, hold on! how the hell'd you get my name in one guess, that's just a coincidence right?

Edited by Soledai
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It doesn't need to change.

Also, I still call :Tate: Tito. It's not hurting anybody, why should you care.

A rose by any other name, etc. etc. (You should know this reference.)

Technically, she wasn't appeared outside of Japan yet, but I trying to find a way to get a perfect sense for SF.net. (And also, I did kinda stop with those speaking with NOJs names a long time ago and kinda waited until what the other Japanese-only characters appear in the next localized game appeared in the future?)

Why is this an issue, seriously? Why are you trying to tell people what to do about something so trivial as a name? You can't stop people on this site from calling the customizable characters in both FE12 and FE13 MU. You just can't, nor should you try to. You are not the name police, nor are you the authority of what should be "right" in FE13 naming conventions. Just stop.

Please calm down. I was trying to figure out a strategy to low those MUs and go with the new shorten type name and help out to a few people, its just a hard decision.

Mu is perfectly ok because it makes sense universally. Even if it was called that in Japan, it makes perfect sense everywhere else. I could understand if a person was called Serra in the english version and Syrene in the japanese version (just picking random names, not using factual examples), that would cause confusion. But like i said, mu makes sense.

Yeah, but technically, its a name, and Avatar is a real name for a computer program.


Edited by King Marth 64
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Please calm down. I was trying to figure out a strategy to lower those MUs and help out to a few people, its just a hard decision.

The issue is that no one on SF seems to want or appreciate your help ;/

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Suggestions for shortning something better other than MU?

I think "TA" (as in "The Avatar" is sounds alot better)

I can't make a good suggestion about it.

I'll come up a new one instead to stop with the MU.

Such biased options
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People using MU as the name for the Awakening avatar is really annoying. It's like, nobody still calls other characters by their Japanese names unless they're playing the Japanese game, so why do we still call Avatar/Robin 'MU'.

It's annoying, but it's not something I think will ever change. Most people probably don't even think about it when they're doing it.

We get used to it when we get into contact with the fandom, so I don't see how it confuses people.

I understand why most users use japanese names instead of english names (for the same reason that I use MU and Celice sometimes), as we have been doing this for a long time already. It is hard to give up on old habits.

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You can, like, not call Avatar "MU" yourself and just, i dunno...ignore it when people use "MU". The only time i get irritated with people saying "MU" is because if someone is talking in general (like say the FE4 Thread or something) and they go "MU totally has blessed strength this run." This is irritating because they mean Awakening and im thinking they are talking about FE12 (which ive never played.) But if someone says "MU got totally blessed this run and the resulting Morgan was so ridiculous." then i know what the hell they are talking about. So its really about context. I dont use "MU" because im not weeb enough Avatar suits me just fine.

So like, you could just...ignore it. Or is that asking too much?

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The issue is that no one on SF seems to want or appreciate your help ;/

That's a little harsh but.

Ok, I think I suggested and please lock this topic, I just think that I'll might ask one of the mods for a better opinion and figure out a better way to help out the community, I will find a way by asking them first instead.

Edited by King Marth 64
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There's an amazing thing called "tolerance", King Marth 64, you should really learn about it. Because it's one thing to not like people using "MU", I can understand that, but it's a completely different thing to actually try to FORCE people to call MU something different because YOU don't like it for whatever reason as if your word is law and you are objectively right.

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This is particularly true for translation threads - you need a couple years of Japanese to discuss the plot, but the katakana needed to talk names can be learned in a week.

the current FE6 project surprisingly hasn't fallen afoul of this just yet despite nearing completion; the closest we got was some chucklefuck declaring himself the founder of THE ANTI-GRINGE ALLIANCE for daring to call the game "binding blade", but even that was months ago :(

this is an imbalance in reality and i should look into fixing it :oooo

(that said, i'm convinced that in some form or another it's an immutable fact of reality you'll encounter wherever you go. hell even loonier political fringes dabble into it with awful shit like "but is it REALLY rape when it was just (x)?")

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*sigh* This is getting out of hand and sorry, its just a hard decision and I just wanted to find a way, not forcing into people. I kinda don't want to get this to the wrong way. I feeling like I'm getting a head ache.

Good god, this is a MASTER TROLL! It's had more responese in the past hour than the whole Fire Emblem forum has had all day!

All hail Marth!

Technically, it's suppose to be friendly topic, not taking on the wrong way.

And speaking of which, who was the first user to spread around with calling MU by the way, I don't recall seeing this around before Awakening was localized?

Edited by King Marth 64
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It's not very reasonable to have people change the way they address a character without any use of force, shamefully. The best you can do for now is to petition the database and sections outside the forum to be consistent about it, if anything. I think this is a matter better not being stressed to people themselves, though.

And speaking of which, who was the first user to spread around with calling MU by the way, I don't recall seeing this around before Awakening was localized?

FE12 had a character that fit the same role and was called "My Unit", abbreviated MU by popular speech. When Awakening was only released in Japan, the character was also called "My Unit", and was changed to "Avatar" during localization.

Edited by Xinnidy
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That's a little harsh but.

-but it's true.

*sigh* This is getting out of hand and sorry, its just a hard decision and I just wanted to find a way, not forcing into people. I kinda don't want to get this to the wrong way. I feeling like I'm getting a head ache.

This isn't a problem that needs resolving. There isn't a hard decision to be taken, or a way to be found.
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The hero is looking for a reason to be a hero, it seems.

Dude, step away from the keyboard and computer, sit down and think about your life. First, the complaining about a colon. Now, the terminology people use. Does this really matter in the grand scheme of life and the cosmos?

No, it doesn't. Just stop making much ado about nothing.

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