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I HATE RUSSIA (the thread)


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Once I got drunken in a friend's party and started yelling "I HATE RUSSIA" repeatedly, because they made vodka.

But yeah the way they threat homosexuals there is abominable

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Instantly knew this was about homophobia. Dem olympics related news. I feel like if Sochi wasn't the place they were being held the issues wouldn't get a bit of notice.

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An interesting thing about Russian-brand homophobia is that its got little to do with religion, the Soviets (and Marx) having been hostile at best to (organized) religion for a long time, and holding relatively secular, even liberal views on a lot of things themselves. One potential explanation I heard for it is that the extent of the academic isolation the Soviets had from western academia resulted in them thinking of it as a mental illness for decades longer than we did, all the way up until 1993. Further, in men it was a crime to be punished, and in women in was a deficiency to be "corrected."

(yes, it's at least as bad as it sounds)

One disappointing thing I've heard is that a significant share, even a majority Russian people may indeed have views I/we'd consider homophobic, and that they're a bit baffled any international players are speaking about it. I do think it's likely that Putin just put that damn bill forward as mostly a political gesture, but it may be kind of a populist one at that, which might imply that the number of people in Russia to whom that gesture (and the lack of legal protection + abuse towards gay people in general) is pandering is a disturbingly large one.

Edited by Rehab
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best part is their space program is now better than ours

presumably because of our current president that was supposed to stop propagating the issues we had with recent previous presidents instead of causing new ones

you know, the space program that everyone in my family worked for

and has thus been laid off from

anyone want to let me live in their house for free?

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The Neo Nazi responsible for the bullying of gay teens (a former convinct) should be returning to prison very soon from what I've read. I can't stick to purely negative interpretations of his activities though, as he has indeed caught plenty of actual child molesters, including ones you exactly need a fascist psychopath to get out of the way (there was an article about a governmental official molesting kids, whom "Hatchet" lured in and recorded the "conversation" on camera).

Really, Russia's problem is that such crimes go unpunished in so many instances, but it goes both ways (e.g. gay officials can molest boys until the end of the world and get away it).

As for the law against gay propaganda among children, it is a very good law and the local gays do support it, as they want the difference between gay people and paedophiles to be vividly spelled out for those who still associate the two.

WRT organised religion and anti-gay activism in Russia, the situation is rather complicated. Same-sex intercourse is no longer a crime, but the law was hardly ever utilised back in the Soviet times. Instead, they'd look for homosexuals who could be framed and help them ascend in different hierarchical contexts where they could be easily manipulated because of their homosexuality and spy on those who were seen as being dangerous to the regime. This caused a very difficult state of things within the Russian Orthodox Church where a very large portion of bishops are currently practising homosexuals and help young blokes ready to stretch out their anuses to quickly climb up the career ladder. This is accompanied by very insincere preaching for procreation, abstinence and the like, all from the same homobishops. The church hierarchy lets it happen and ensures the punishment of those who dare complain or strive to change the situation. The beastly Stalinist mug of the official church is not a joke and it's certain things will get ugly as no effort is invested into resolving the issue (the church only seems to care about its corporative image, which it should lose very soon).

Edited by Espinosa
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fuck them. they drew the line when they inflicted violence on someone because they are different. no respect for anyone who does that

edit: i don't hate every single russian. i just strongly disagree with how some things are dealt in that country. and also fuck vladimir putin. fucking fascist

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Being rich and gay in Russia is actually one of the best things one could possibly be. They pretty much run the state.

how is it even possible that gays run the nation when those laws exist and gays are tortured

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how is it even possible that gays run the nation when those laws exist and gays are tortured

It's one of the reasons Putin is as diplomatic about gays as he is; the gay lobby (which can easily force you out of your job in Russia should you say something the LGBT community may find disagreeable) has an influence on him and restricts some of the things he would've said or done if he were free.

Some teenagers are unfortunately bullied for their homosexuality, but this takes place the world over too, and their bullies are just plain thugs (you'd be surprised how big the gay thug culture is too, so it compensates). Hardly applies to most of the population whether they find same-sex love/sexual activities disgusting, different from intersex ones or whatever. The news articles I've read on it seem to indicate the population helps out the bullied teens when the state is reluctant to provide protection or punish the criminals appropriately, even when there's a threat of harm being done unto them for this support.

The culture, television, mass media, criminal culture and even the church are all run by homosexuals, both directly and indirectly. How does this work with the bullied gay teens? I don't know (as in I can't empathise with this sort of cynical manipulation), but I guess there's the same irony in it as with Jews sponsoring Neo-Nazi organisations - political technology goes first, actual people's lives and well-being are neglected.

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These are some interesting angles on it that I haven't heard anywhere else before, do you happen to have any links to analyses which come to conclusions like these onhand to share? I've never heard anything but the total opposite from any news media, though none of them seem to have been as close to Russia as you imply your info is.

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It's one of the reasons Putin is as diplomatic about gays as he is; the gay lobby (which can easily force you out of your job in Russia should you say something the LGBT community may find disagreeable) has an influence on him and restricts some of the things he would've said or done if he were free.

Some teenagers are unfortunately bullied for their homosexuality, but this takes place the world over too, and their bullies are just plain thugs (you'd be surprised how big the gay thug culture is too, so it compensates). Hardly applies to most of the population whether they find same-sex love/sexual activities disgusting, different from intersex ones or whatever. The news articles I've read on it seem to indicate the population helps out the bullied teens when the state is reluctant to provide protection or punish the criminals appropriately, even when there's a threat of harm being done unto them for this support.

The culture, television, mass media, criminal culture and even the church are all run by homosexuals, both directly and indirectly. How does this work with the bullied gay teens? I don't know (as in I can't empathise with this sort of cynical manipulation), but I guess there's the same irony in it as with Jews sponsoring Neo-Nazi organisations - political technology goes first, actual people's lives and well-being are neglected.

and where exactly have u got this information from?

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I lived in Russia for 8 years and remain a fluent speaker of the language, which is very handy for accessing large portions of otherwise unavailable information within the range that is topical to my interests. That's one reason I cannot adequately satisfy Rehab's query - there is barely any motivation to export any of this information outside of real people's struggles and concerns as that context is lacking abroad, from what I understand. You have the liberal press which appears to generally keep an open mind concerning foreign affairs but is mostly indifferent aside from specific minority groups, namely the LGBT, whose volition to support members of the same community in other countries eclipses their interest in processing any information besides what is handed to them on a plate, usually with a specific goal in mind. And then you have the conservative folk who appear to be looking for evidence that Russians are violent Neanderthals; two-legged beasts of sorts, which is a comforting thought and one that strengthens support for less reasonable Western and whatnot. tl;dr nobody cares to translate any of the relevant articles, let alone analyse things they couldn't care less about.

I'll include links to the parts in my previous posts referring specifically to me reading something, which you will want to translate if you want to understand what is written. You can read about the better aspects of Hatchet's anti-paedophile activity here (also features a video depicting the humiliation and the court process) and here. This article provides some interesting information about the bullies of gay teens, their background and a surprisingly heroic story of a citizen not in any way sympathetic with any LGBT cause risking his life to protect a gay teen, and a description of how the environment was protective of the bullied student by sustaining a friendly, supportive atmosphere where the teenager wouldn't be compelled to commit suicide (the anti-paedophiles aim to "break lives and provoke the killing" as they claim).

The church bit might seem like the most contradictory statement here, but it should surprise nobody on the inside who is informed about anything at all beyond the official, spelled out superficial level. The insight about the homobishops and the environment they have created have been met with resentment since the 90s at least; what has changed is that the opposition is braver than before. Finally, me referring to gay public figures, artists, criminal authorities etc. shouldn't be questionable to anybody with minimal knowledge of Russian life, folklore, pop culture. People belonging to sexual minorities constantly receive awards from Putin and other government officials, so if you see a video of a gay teen being sprayed with urine and a video title of "THIS IS WHAT PUTIN DOES IN HIS SPARE TIME" you might want to stop and question whether a large country's president is really linked to angry nazi thugs.

Overall, there's a complex puzzle with pieces scattered all over, but it isn't difficult to put together with any ontological connection to the culture.

Some of the conclusions I've made obviously go beyond raw facts, such as whether LGBT activists have any impact on Putin's team. I'm sure some of them wish they could have more influence on him for example, or force him to change some of the existing laws. It's quite clear they want martyrs for their cause, and the unfortunate gay teens who got urinated all over happen to be the chosen martyrs, since nothing is as convincing as suffering of helpless children, and it is an information war that's going on there right now.

Edited by Espinosa
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